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Reincarnated As Slime parody: patreon reward

Chapter 15  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-15-3-34072201 

Rimuru Tempest 11 inches soft 16 inches hard 19 inches with a knot, Dragon Size 25 inches

Passive Skills: Magic Sense, Molecule Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Pack Bond Skill, Body Double, Ultra Speed Regeneration, Summon Rain, Summon Snow, Sauna Zone Skill,

Multi-Layer Barrier: Thermal Fluctuation Nullification, Storm Attack Resistance, Rot Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Poison Resistance,

Offensive Skills: Rain Slash, Frost Blade, Black Flame Blade, Gust Force, Icicle Lance, Flare Circle, Black Blaze, Black Thunder, Dragon Breath, Fire Dragon Breath, Frost Dragon Breath, Storm Dragon Breath, Lightning Roar, Blizzard Roar, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Pheromone Breath, Paralysis Breath, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Thermal Touch, Thunder Touch, Menace, Knock Back, Flame Bombardment, Frozen Wind,

Magic: Wind Fire Water Lightning Ice

Unique Skills: Predator, Great Sage, Degenerate

Slime Skills: Mimicry, Fluid Body, Slime Tentacle, Camouflage, Dissolve Touch

Human Form: Bat Wing Mimicry, Dragon Wing Mimicry, Steel Strength, Strengthen Body, Keen Smell, Sense Heat Source, Auditory Perception, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill, Body Armor, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Stamina Boost Skill, Endurance Boost Skill,

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, Ranga, Kaijin

Riguru: 12 inches

Offensive Skills: Boro Breath, Firebolt

Ranga: 12 inches + 3-inch knot 15 inches total

Passive Skill: Size Manipulation; allows him to shrink down from his actual size making it easier to move around. Werewolf Transformation.

Offensive Skills: Fang Over Fang, Menace,

Rigurd: 13 + Thick

Kaijin: 11 inches + Thick

Kabal: ?


Gido: ?

Benimaru: ??

Souei: ??

Kurobee: ??

Hakurou: ??

Chapter 16 Shadow of Danger

Rimuru Tempest was not aware of the great imbalance the Forest of Jura was in. The Orc tribe was driven out and forced to live in a near barren land. The Orcs lacked the knowledge to farm and develop resources, and their land was dry and produced very few crops. Starvation was a sickness that the Orcs didn’t know how to cure. Their king was doing all he could to keep the newborns alive, but the results were not bearing fruit.

In a last act of desperation, he sought help from the Forest of Jura, but he was succumbing to his own hunger. His strength was fading by the day, and it always looked that the forest was further and further away the longer he marched. Tired, hungry, weak, he continued walking, for the sake of his people he had to keep going, for their sake...he would not fail…


“Ahh Lord Rimuru!” Riguru moaned and got a chuckle in response. The goblin prince was bound by sticky thread, his arms held above his head, his sexy naked body stretched and arched tight.

“Having a human body is so great!” Rimuru’s hands roamed over Riguru’s body, feeling his muscles flex and his skin tremble. “Mmm,” he took a whiff of his manly scent and it only aroused the slime further.

“Lord Rimuru!” the hobgoblin moaned, arching his back and grinding his ass into Rimuru’s pelvis. “Please, I want...I want you inside me!”

“I know, just relax, I’m enjoying myself.” he kissed his neck and earned a shiver. “It feels so good to really FEEL you!” he groped his pecs while hotdogging his ass, he leaned up to nibble on his ear.

“Ahh!” His touch was so warm, it was making his body hotter by the minute. Rimuru didn’t seem to mind, licking his exposed pit.

“Mmm, you taste good Rigur.” The hobgoblin shivered, a wave of delight washing over him. His praise, Rimuru’s praise felt amazing. His heart fluttered and his body surged, his pre-cum spilling in his excitement. His hands drifted lower, feeling his abs, and inching ever so closer to the area Rigur wanted him to touch.

When his hot touch landed on his cock. “Oh Lord!” he moaned, just a few strokes had him cumming. His toes curling in delight. Rimuru didn’t stop, one hand fondling his big hobgoblin nuts, the other pumping his shaft. “Oh ohh ohhh!”

‘Let’s see how this goes!’ He switched from Thermal Touch to Thunder Touch and gave a small jolt to his penis and balls.

“OH LORD RIMURU!” He came again, shooting his semen even farther than before. “You are amazing!”

“I think you are the amazing one.” He kissed his bound lover, kissing was great! Their kiss deepened and tongues met. ‘Oh yeah, baby!’ Their tongues battled, and Rigur pulsed in his hand. If he wasn’t bound, his legs would have given out on him, they felt like jelly.

Another jolt and Rigur was cumming, and Rimuru was devouring his moans. Rigur’s cock softened into a semi-hard state, and he was in a daze of back to back orgasms. “Wanna try something new?” A useless question, as Rigur volunteered to experiment with Rimuru, to see if some of these skills could be used in the bedroom. Rimuru still liked to keep Rigur on the same page.

“Yes!” Rigur moaned.

“I haven’t tried this cock yet, but I think you can handle it.” His 16 incher shifted, growing thicker and even longer, the tip of his cock growing redder. The heat that radiated off it was so intense.

“Ohh!” The pre-cum that dripped was so warm, as it made contact with his skin it gave off the sensations of hot wax play, only a hundred times safer.

“This is the cock I gained from Ifrit,” he slapped the 19 inch meat stick over his ass. “Do you think you can handle it?”

Rigur gulped. It wasn’t as big as his dragon dick, so he thought it’d be easy. He nodded, and Rimuru spread his cheeks. The fat head was so hot, it nudged his entrance and made him whimper. It breached his hole, but no further, Rimuru pumped his shaft, causing his pre-cum to pour inside him.

“Ohhhhh!” it was like warm oil, his insides tingled. With Ifrit’s cock, he was able to warm up the aphrodisiac body fluid, which was increasing its effectiveness. “Lord please, need you!” he tried to push back but Rimuru kept his hips in a firm grasp.

“Here we go!” he pushed forward. Rigur arched his back, biting his lip, and his eyes going wide.

‘So hot...too hot...I can’t I’m cumming!’ It felt like the air left his body. His inner walls convulsed and tightened around the hot dick. It was intense, the heat seeping through his inner walls, tickling his prostate, and spreading out through his entire form. His cock lay spent still weeping cum.

“Shall I move?” Rigur gulped, trying to form words, but they wouldn’t come, so he just nodded. Rimuru smiled and began to move, and holy fire spirit dick was that amazing.

Back and forth, the friction was insane, it felt like his insides were melting. His monster stamina was put to the test, even though his cock couldn’t get up again, that didn’t stop the orgasm that wracked over him. “So hot and tight inside, so good!” Rimuru moaned.

It was hard to catch his breath, and Rimuru’s thrusts were growing faster. Ifrit’s dick was making the friction hotter, he couldn’t regain control, it was overwhelming all he could do was melt. His following orgasms came like a blur.

When Rimuru finally came, the thick hot cum poured deep inside him. Rigur was in a blissful, horny state, he blacked out for a bit. When he came back to reality he was freed from the sticky thread, and he was laying with Rimuru. “Welcome back, you had me worried.”

“Forgive me Lord Rimuru...I...”

“Not that kind of worried, I’m glad you are okay.” he blushed. His ass felt a little sore. “Do you want a healing potion?”

“No, I’ll be fine.” he smiled. “Can I get some water though.”

“Of course,” he kissed Riguru and got up.

Riguru brought two fingers to his head. Message: ‘Lord Rimuru just rocked my world!’

‘Lucky!’ Ranga sent back.

‘So that’s why he turned off the link.’ It was a necessity if he was gonna fool around during working hours. The link was already back on.

‘He used the Ifrit dick in bed!’

‘Hot damn!’ was the shared response.

‘I’m sure he’s preparing to make up his latest lapse in time with us.’ Rigur sent.

‘Turning the ogres into oni was impressive.’ Kaijin sent.

‘Lord Rimuru is certainly enjoying his new human form.’ Ranga sent.

‘He’s gotten more creative in bed.’ Rigur sighed. He didn’t know where these ideas came from but he was enjoying it.

‘Well don’t tease us, it’ll be our turn soon enough.’ Ranga sent.

‘Do you think Lord Rimuru will take more mates soon?’ Rigur thought. His stamina was overwhelming.

‘What makes you say that?’ Ranga asked.

‘Well the new oni are a possibility, I happen to suspect there are a few who have an interest in him.’

‘Really?!’ Ranga gasped.

‘Benimaru has been trying to get close to Lord Rimuru.’ In a way, they were both princes, and their back and forth was almost cute. ‘He’s been having a lot of perverted thoughts.’

‘You know Lord Rimuru would never replace us, he loves each of us.’ Kaijin told him. ‘If he takes any of the oni or anyone in the future we’d share in that love.’ Kaijin had taken in Kurobee under his wing, the new oni was quite the forger himself and had some impressive skills and insights he hadn’t thought of before.

‘New harem brothers will make the pack stronger!’ Ranga thought.

The discussion ended as Rimuru returned with water and a platter of food. “I figured you could use a bite as well.” He sat behind Rigur and supported him, and the two shared a meal together. He began to drink some water. “Did you have a good talk with Ranga and Kaijin?” Rigur spat the water out in shock. “I didn’t peek, I just felt it.” He detected the use of magic coming from Riguru, the spell Message was similar to Thought Transmission.

“You really are impressive.” he blushed and shifted.

“I’m not mad, I think it’s cute, but if you have worries or troubles about the future or anything, I hope you’ll confide in me too.”

“Of course!” he snuggled into the slime’s human body. The two ate together, and the scene was adorable. He was worried for nothing.

“How has your training with Shuna been going?”

“Excellent, she’s taught me some things and I’ve gained some skills,” he said happily.

‘I wonder how strong Riguru has gotten?’ he thought.

Answer: Riguru’s magicule levels have greatly increased. He has Fire Magic Affinity; Multi Firebolt, Fire Wall, Blue Flare, Fire Ball, Multi Fire Ball. He learned the Sleep and Entice Spells. He’s gained the Goblin Skills: Burning Hands, Shadow Stealth: At night or in dark places makes it easier to avoid attacks. Parry: A skill that allows a hobgoblin to parry a melee attack. Thought Detection: It can be used to peer into the thoughts of others.

That last one had Rimuru nervous, but Great Sage claimed that his thoughts were shielded and that Rigur hasn’t ever tried to use this skill against him. Rigur had used it on the oni, just to make sure they weren’t planning on betraying them. They didn’t, so he opened up to them a bit.

“The oni have been a big help already, since joining up their skills have helped everyone grow.” Rigur was getting training from both Shuna, Hakuro, and Shion; the overachiever. Shuna was teaching him magic and control, Hakuro was teaching him martial arts and weapon skills, and Shion was his sparring partner, fighting her was HARD but it helped raise his level a bit.

Ranga was training with Benimaru and Souei, he had no use for weapons but needed to learn to fight against more skilled opponents and ones with armor.

Kaijin and Kurobee have been upgrading their equipment, Shuna has been making magic cloth and silk, and Shion and Hakuro have upped their training. Even Rimuru was learning swordsmanship from Hakuro...he’s scary… Souei has taken over village security, giving Riguru more time to train and be with Rimuru.

Rimuru was enjoying the quiet moments, having the sinking feeling it wasn’t gonna last for long.


The orc collapsed, feeling his strength fading. ‘It can’t end like this...my people...’ before he could pass out a strange man appeared before him. “Who are you?”

“Gelmud, but you can consider me your father.”

“What?” he offered him some food.

“I’ll give you some food and a name, and you’ll grow to take over the Great Forest of Jura!” the orc began to eat. “Geld!” the name became written on his soul and his body glowed. “Eat, and keep eating and your people will never go hungry again!”

To be continued March of the Orcs


Damion Andrew

Forget Winter is coming. The orcs are coming!