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Danny Phantom parody: patreon reward

Snake Ghost Possession

Danny fights a powerful snake ghost, that calls himself a god. It possesses Danny, changing him from the inside out, his dick splits in two, his sex drive doubles, and he gains hypnotic eyes. The snake ghost has his fun corrupting Danny and leaves him to rule the world he’s shaped. Two Dicks Hypnosis Mind Control Brain Break  

Chapter 1  

Danny Fenton had gained ghost powers due to an accident in his parents lab. Since then he’s used his powers to help fight against the ghosts that came through the portal or were just lurking around causing trouble. In a year, he’s had many battles, and his powers had grown more and more.  

He’s faced several powerful ghosts, some considered kings in the ghost zone, by their power alone. Danny didn’t think there was any higher tier ghosts he’d have to face. Little did he know, there were ancient ghosts, some considered the level of a god. Most of the younger ghosts Danny had faced wouldn’t know of these ghosts, only the likes of the Ghost King and Clockwork had even heard of these.  


Danny was going to a museum with his class to see a new exhibit. The items were donated by Vlad, so Danny was on high alert. Vlad was his biggest rival as, he too was a halfa, half human half ghost. Not much was known about these items, only that they were discovered in a dig in Egypt. The writings found didn’t match Egyptian or any other language, from the findings it appears to be a lost civilization that worshiped snakes.  

It was a certainly historical find, but Danny didn’t like it. Vlad never did anything without some form of underhanded or evil plan in place. So he was on edge the whole time. Sam was interested in the discovery, and wasn’t paying his concern any mind. Tucker was searching the net for any mention of this lost civilization, and was finding a lot of myths and legends about snakes. “Did you know some people believe snakes had the power to hypnotize people, some with their eyes others by the way they move?” It was a long standing myth that a snake could hypnotize or charm their prey, but there was little scientific merit to prove it.

Danny wasn’t listening, keeping his eyes out for Vlad or one of his flunkies. “Did you know snakes actually have two penises, called hemipenes?” Tucker pointed out another random snake fact.  

“That means a snake is more of a man than you two dorks.” Dash Baxter, jock, and blonde bully grabbed the two and began to mess with them.  

“Dash quit it!” Danny gasped.  

“Whatever loser, this place is boring who cares about some dumb ancient civilization?” Dash shoves them down and walks off. It wasn’t long before he was causing trouble again once again.  

“Dash what are you doing?!” Danny gasped.  

While Mr. Lancer was taking a nap, Dash and Kwan had taken a strange idol off one of the displays. You’d think this would set off some alarms, but Vlad actually planned for this. As the two jocks tossed around the idol like a football, he knew it was only a matter of time.  

Danny tried to stop the duo, but this only cause the idol to hit the ground, breaking. His ghost sense activated, as a large amount of white mist escaped the idol. Lancer woke up just in time as a giant snake-like ghost appeared in the room. “I am free!” he bellowed.  

Lancer freaked. “Run students, run!” he got most of his class out, Dash and Kwan running away from the creature they had  a hand in freeing. Vlad smirked, it was time he made his move, he went ghost.  

Danny got the Fenton Thermos from Tucker, before he got swept out with the crowd. Danny used his powers to create a double of himself, to leave with the other students, while his original body went ghost to confront the spirit. Once Lancer took roll, his double would go poof.  

“It has been so long, how long have I been resting?” he spoke in a strange language that Danny couldn’t understand. “Do you not understand me boy?”  

“Look I don’t know who you are, or what you are saying, but you need to go back into your idol...or go back to the ghost zone.”  

The snake ghost’s eyes glowed and spoke. “Can you understand me now, child?” he spoke English.  

“I can understand you!?” Danny gasped.  

 “Pff, Language is a trivial matter for one such as I!” the snake ghost said proudly. “Now bow mortal, show your respect.”  


“I am Lord Manda, I have returned to this world after my long slumber.”  

“Listen, I don’t care who you are, if you cause trouble I’ll bring you down.” His hands charged with ecto energy.  

“You have some balls boy, speaking to a god!” he hissed. His aura changed and Danny felt a chill run down his spine.  

Before the fight could start, Danny got blasted in the backm he got knocked out dropping the thermos. Vlad flew in. “Hail Lord Manda, I am happy to welcome you and praise your return.” he bowed again and again.  

“You know of me?”  

“I have heard a rumor of you from the Ghost King.”  

“That runt, so he’s still alive.” Manda smoke. Vlad began to sweat as the Ghost King was far stronger than him, if he didn’t play his cards right, this ghost would truly end him.  

“You smell of human and ghost, so you are like the young boy?”  

“Only more experienced and powerful.” Vlad began to spin a yarn about teaming up and taking over the world, ruling over both the living world and the ghost realm. As he worked his silver tongue Manda listened and eyed him. “Join me, and together no one can stop us!”  

The giant snake ghost hissed. “You lie!” While Vlad was laying on the charm, Manda was reading his very soul, through it he learned what kind of person Vlad was, the year he was in, all the history, and knowledge he’d need. His eyes glowed and he zapped Vlad, he tried to raise an ecto energy shield, but it shattered instantly, banishing him into the ghost zone. “I’m a bit rusty I tried to turn him to stone, oh well.”  

“What a nasty man, but he did give me a delicious idea.”

Danny groaned and got up. Since Vlad was gone, he got the wrong idea fast, thinking Manda was responsible for this. “You are going down scalie!”  

“Give it your best shot small fry.” he could use a bit of exercise. Danny tried some ecto energy blasts but they didn’t seem to phase the ghost at all. He tried his ice powers to freeze the snake solid, he did freeze, but not for long.  

The ice melted revealing a burning snake fresh out of hell. “Whoa!” Danny flew back, the heat was intense, so intense it caused his ghostly outfit to disintegrate. He gasped as he was now naked, he blushed and covered his crotch.  

“Aww, is play time over. Too bad, guess I’ll have some fun elsewhere.” He stopped his flames and turned to slither off.  

“No you don’t!” Danny let out a ghostly wail, and this attack seemed to stop the giant snake, cracking his skin, but as it turned out all he did was cause him to shed his skin.  

“Ahh much better, not bad mortal. I haven’t shed my skin in ages, this feels much better.” he wiggled.  

Danny had one last hope, he spotted the thermos, and throwing modesty to the wind flew naked towards the device. “I don’t know who you are but I can’t risk what you’ll do to the town, to the world.” he charged the thermos, and unleashed the capturing energy.  

This did take Manda by surprise, and some of his energy started to get drawn in. “What are you doing?” he hissed. “Are you trying to seal me?” His eyes turned red and his skin unfurled revealing a cobra-like hood. “Bah!”  

A sudden force ripped through the air, and the Fenton Thermos was destroyed. Danny couldn’t move, he was all out of tricks, he was naked and exposed and before a ghost he was no match against. “I’ll forgive your transgression mortal since you managed to entertain me. The last time I ruled the world I was so bored I ended up in hibernation for centuries. This time I’ll take a more interesting approach.” His eyes returned to their golden color. “You will help me.”

“I’ll never help you!” Danny growled, shaking his head.  

Manda chuckled. “Oh but you will, and you will enjoy it, Danny Fenton!” Danny gasped, his eyes opening, and he turned to look at Manda, a question hanging on his lips only to die as he gazed into those golden eyes.   

He couldn’t look away, he stared and stared, and the longer he stared the deeper he fell under Manda’s control. “We are gonna have fun you and I.”  

“Yes master!” A dopey look appeared on his face, all tension melting away as his body relaxed.  

“So many years asleep, my powers are a little rusty, I’m gonna need a host body, until I get control again. I think you’ll do perfectly. I want to keep a close eye on you and make sure my power flows naturally.” Danny listened, even though he felt he was a million miles away. He’s never felt control like this, even Freakshow’s hypnotic powers paled in comparison, his power he could resist. Manda’s power...he didn’t want to resist, he gave in. “Not to worry, I’m not gonna hijack your body without payment, I always reward my servants.”  

Danny shivered, in excitement, his master was gonna use him, his master was gonna reward him, he was so happy! “Open wide and say ahh.”  

“Ahh,” he obeyed and Manda turned into mist and rushed down Danny’s throat. He let out a muffled moan as his body convulsed in pleasure. Once Manda was inside him his powers surged.  

Danny’s body was evolved and made to be super human, he would need less sleep as his body would break down all food for energy. His 10 inch cock stood erect, his body would remain in a permanently erect and aroused state. Danny let out a sigh, a white mist leaving his mouth. “Hehehehe, oh this is good, this is wonderful. This...is gonna be fun!”  

The ghost zone was a savage place in Manda’s time so he took to ruling the Earth. He’d have his fun and play with this world and bring it under his rule, just enough to regain his powers, and then he’d leave letting Danny rule in his stead and he’d rule the Ghost Zone. Vlad was a petty soul, but Danny his soul was quite pure. Manda was gonna enjoy helping Danny grow. Just as he had read Vlad’s soul he also read Danny’s seeing the pain and struggles he’s had in the past. ‘Worry not little mortal you’ll be given special protection now.’  

He couldn’t go out naked, so with a quick chant, his shadow turned into snakes and coiled around his body, recreating his costume only having a bit more edge to it, and he gained a silver scarf around his neck. His permanently erect dick bulged the suit looking quite enticing.  

Manda had to set the scene, with a wave of his hands his snakes put everything back to the way it was, even restoring his old idol. The Fenton Thermos was restored, Manda created a small snake double and allowed it to be captured inside the Thermos. With everything in place he returned to human form and gave control back over to Danny.  

Danny blinked, not remembering anything that happened the last few minutes. Since the Thermos was occupied he thought he managed to capture Manda. “I wonder who that ghost was, oh well!” he shrugged and went to get back to the others.  Poor Danny unaware of the power that had taken him. 

To be continued....Double Trouble



Ooh, very nice! And Danny's going to be unaware of his passenger until he wants to reveal himself, not understanding the changes he's going through… This is going to be a fun ride! 😆