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Miraculus parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/monster-chapter-31953343 

Chapter 4 Meow

Hawkmoth wasn’t worried, with his creation unleashed building an army, once Stoneheart was restored, he would be too much for Mister Bug to handle. He just had to wait for the negative feelings to build up again. “You are all alone little hero, you won’t be able to stop me.”


Tikki was miserable as the new kwami went about the room, making a mess. “Ugh squash me!”

“Tikki who is this?” Marin was chasing after him, picking up papers and clothes, as he searched the room for food. “Why is he making a mess!?” Tikki groaned.

“Apologies,” the little guy turned around and gave a bow. “I was just so excited, I haven’t been out of the pan’ku box in ages. Plus I’m hungry.”

“Just introduce yourself, and settle down!”

“Anything for you sugar cube.” he winked. He bowed again. “The name is Nekojin, but one of my previous owners named me Plagg, the werecat monster kwami.”

“Nice to meet you Plagg,” Marin said, and Plagg kissed the back of his hand.

“If you ever need my help doesn’t hesitate to call on me.”

“You can transform me to?” Marin thought it was a kwami per person.

“Sugar cube hasn’t given you the rundown. You can have more than one, and even combine powers.”

“Is there a power that can reverse...this?” He looked down and eyed his massive bulge. He was so big his underwear didn’t fit properly anymore, he planned to let out the crotch using his sewing skills, but for now, he was going commando. His soft 14-inch cock was bulging the crotch of his pants. Plagg saw the mighty bulge and swooped down.

“Why reverse it, you are glorious!” he kissed his crotch and hugged the bulge.

“Plagg!” Tikki chided.

“Sorry sugar cube, you know how I am.” She gave him a look, yeah she knew.

“You’ve been blessed by monster power Marin, your body has been changed a bit but you are still you,” Tikki explained some things, how his body had changed, evolved. When a human becomes a monster it leaves something behind. It makes a human superhuman, such things were lost to time

“And there is always room for improvement,” Plagg said and nuzzled Marin’s cock.

“Plagg!” She groaned and muttered something about him being a size queen.

“Sorry!” he flew away from the crotch but took one last long whiff. “Anyway, you can use my power, or loan me out to someone else.”

“You could use the help.” Tikki pointed out.

“Who do I ask?” His first thought was Alya, as she wanted to be a hero.

“How about the boy who helped you today?”

“Him? I don’t even know him.”

“He was brave, no powers, rushing into danger.”

“True, but that could be seen as reckless.” he looked to the television and saw the poor stone people.

“You are the master of the box now, it's up to you to decide if you want to make more heroes.” Whoever created Stoneheart was using the butterfly’s power. So he had to use his best judgment.

“Well, I should figure out how your powers work.”

“Can it wait till after we eat.” he rubbed his belly.

“Sure, I’ll be back!” the door opened and the fresh bakery smells flooded the room.

“Woohoo!” he did some flips in the air.

Marin came back with some sweets. It may not bee stinky cheese, but Plagg really enjoyed what he got. His family’s bakery was one of the best in Paris. He fed them, the two kwami blushing with each tasty bite.

Plagg conjured his miraculous a ring. Marin slipped it on. Plagg filled him in on the powers, down to his Cataclysm.

“Alright, Plagg, transform me!”


Adrien got home, with no one the wiser. He put his hoodie up and got in the shower. His heart was pounding in his chest, he was feeling things. He had helped Mister Bug, been in his arms, felt his manliness. The boy still felt hot all over.

He looked down at his tiny tool, his cock only reached 2 inches. ‘He was so large, and in charge.’ Adrien was smitten, as one hand washed himself, the other drifted low to find his aching erection. Being a young man he had touched himself before, and being a lonely boy he chased pleasure to feel some love, even if he was gonna love himself.

Adrien palmed himself and let his fingers caress his smooth balls. After he washed, his now free hand came back and spread those perfect cheeks, exposing his tight pink hole. He had read in an advanced health book that stimulating one’s prostate can feel good. He tried and boy….they weren’t kidding.

While in the shower he didn’t have to hold back his moans, he slipped in two fingers and began to work his hole, sliding the digits back and forth. He never thought of anything bigger than his fingers up there before, but he sure as hell was now. He rocked his fingers back and forth as he tugged on his cock. It didn’t take long for the virgin to cum, the shower washing away the evidence.

One benefit to having a tiny dick was he could go on, and on, and on! He sometimes went through three orgasms before getting soft. Adrien was so horny, he went for four, going as far as to slip a third finger in his ass. He didn’t think of anyone normally when he jerked himself off, he was just wanting to feel good, feel something other than boredom and loneliness.

Now he was thinking of Mister Bug, thinking about his arms around him, touching him, holding him, loving him. He hit his sheets fresh and spent. He was ready to fall asleep, and dream of his hero, but then his phone rang. “Hey Chloe...” he sat up. “Yeah, things have been crazy. Sorry, I didn’t make it today.”

“I got caught, and Natalie told my dad what happened.”

“Yeah, I’ll try again tomorrow. Thanks talk to you later.” Tomorrow was another day, he just had to be brave and chase after what he wanted.


Plagg was sucked into the ring, and Marin was transformed, his clothing was ripped apart into black energy. His braid grew longer with a golden bell appearing at the end of it. His nails grew sharp and his muscles swelled. Black fur appeared around his ankles and wrists and it spread up to his elbows and knees.

Marin was wearing a black leather top, so skin tight and perfect you could see his nipples through it. His pecs were swollen and his abs bulged. A tail sprang out just above his ass, the tail swished around his waist creating black shorts, that hugged him like a glove. His ass grew plumper, and his 14-inch grower cock grew even more, reaching 16 inches. That wasn’t the only thing growing his impressive balls were growing swelling with delicious milk. The crotch of the tight pants looked ready to burst. His big feet were graced with a pair of black boots, the last garment was a black mask that changed his eyes turning green and cat-like, and his ears transformed into furry cat ears.

“Did I get bigger!?” Marin gasped. He groaned and rubbed his temples. “Tikki, I’m gonna try to find the original Akuma, watch the box.”

“Marin wait...” Too late, the new hero was out the window out trying to find the Akuma. He was able to destroy some of the Akuma doubles with his cataclysm and keep other people from turning into more stone soldiers, but unless he got the original this wouldn’t end. He went all over Paris but eventually came home to get some rest. “Welcome back!”

He looked down and saw his cock was now 16 inches soft, and now his balls were huge too. “I don’t believe this!” he facepalmed.

“See, room for improvement!” Tikki smacked Plagg.

“It’s weird I don’t even feel tired.” Marin stretched.

“It’s because your body has been evolved, you’ll only need four hours of sleep if you eat properly.” Plagg got some macaroons to eat.

“Good, I’ll need some time to let out all my pants and underwear.”

“You humans and your clothes, you should just roam naked.”

“Well, some people like to express themselves, using the clothes they wear. I’d like to design clothes that are both fashionable and comfortable. I don’t think beauty and pain should go hand and hand.”

“That’s cool I guess,” he said and stuffed another macaroon in his mouth.

“Forgive Plagg, the only thing he enjoys about creation is food.” Plagg took mild offense to that, there were so many things humans created he enjoyed beyond food, sex positions had to be one of them.

“It’s okay Tikki. If I do find you a partner you better behave yourself.”

“Scout’s honor!” he saluted.


The next day at school was stressful, everyone was picking on Ivan because he got akumatized. Marin was trying to keep him in check, telling him he should try to let out his feelings in a song. It was working, for now, his negative emotions weren’t strong enough, for the Akuma to infect.

Adrien tried once again to attend school. This time he got to pass the doors and made it to class. His bodyguard and Natalie were gonna get chewed out for it later, but there were a fire and determination in his eyes. He wanted to have some form of normal life, with friends, and connections.

His only friend was Chloe, poor boy. She was nice to Adrien because he was cute. Their families were rich, and when their parents were together the kids were off and playing. He had blinders on with Chloe, he liked to think she was nicer than she was. Chloe was a lot like her mother, she didn’t show kindness for nothing. She was a sweeter girl once, but she changed, from her mother’s neglect and her father’s spoiling she got warped into someone who used others, trying to always have what she wanted.

Chloe tried to get Adrien to sit with her, but she was making such a fuss. When he pulled back he ended up falling back and getting caught by Marin. “Hey, you okay?” the blonde blushed.

“Yeah, I’m fine!” he felt Marin’s arms around him and felt a familiar sense of safety and warmth wash over him.

“Marin! Get away from Adrien!” Chloe came in and pushed them apart. “Don’t get close to him Adrien, he’s not right! Not right at all!”

“Why?” he was so confused.

“Sorry about this, I happen to like men and Chloe takes offense to that because it means I won’t date her.”

“I don’t need to date you, I have sweet Adrien!” she tried to hug him but he stopped her.

“Chloe we are just friends,” he told her.

“For now.” She winked and blew a kiss at him. Adrien felt weird, and not the good kind of weird.

The teacher came in, and put any dispute over seating to rest, sitting Adrien with Nino, with Marin and Alya behind them.

Nino and Adrien became friends. “Does Marin, really like guys?”

“Sure does, does that bother you?”

“No, I’ve just never met someone say it so boldly before.” he blushed.

“Marin is cool like that. If you falling for him, you wouldn’t be the first.” Adrien blushed harder.

“I what...me...I don’t...what?” Nino chuckled and patted his back.

“It’s cool bro.”

The class fell to trouble, as Chloe was pushing Ivan’s buttons about being akumatized. Alya changed the subject, talking about the hero that had saved them. Adrien knew Alya was gonna keep him out of it. Marin was trying to keep things cool and calm for Ivan but when he tried to tell his crush how he felt in song, it didn’t go over well.

The Akuma found him and Stoneheart were back, now with the mission of taking his love and protecting her. His army began to march. “This isn’t good.”

“You need to make a choice Marin,” Tikki said.

“I can’t stop them by myself, okay Tikki transform me!”


Adrien didn’t know what to do, he wanted to help but didn’t want to be a burden. “Adrien Agreste,” the blonde turned.

“Mister Bug!” The boy gasped.

“You tried to fight that monster on your own before, you have a strong and noble spirit.” He showed Adrien the ring and Plagg. “This is Plagg, the spirit of the werecat, he will grant you the powers of a monster. I need your help to battle Stoneheart and his army, after this battle you can return them to me.”

“You need me?” he felt touched. “If I take up this power I’ll become a hero like you?”

“You’ll become a monster, it may have an effect on you.”

“I’m fine with that, I want to help!”

“Seems like a good guy to me.” he took the ring.

“You just have to call on Plagg to transform you, and you’ll gain the power of the werecat.”

“Plagg, transform me!” he called.

To be continued


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