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My Hero parody: Phone Fic


Magnetic Deku

Izuku's quirk is a different form of his mother's. She was able to attract small objects to her like a magnet. Izuku's quirk seems to focus on magnetism as a whole. He can move metal, he can even temporarily magnetize objects, he even learns to float by creating his own field. 

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/34336036 

Chapter 2 New Feelings

Tetsutetsu was losing it. He was in love with his best friend! The thing was he couldn't do anything about it, which wasn't his style. He was always a hot-blooded young man, quick to act without thinking things through. He got it in his head he needed to strengthen his quirk, so that led to him banging himself against hard surfaces. It was how he met Izuku, but that's not the point. 

People thought he was crazy, not Izuku. The boy was smart, sweet, and caring. He gave Tetsutetsu insight he hadn't thought of before, about his quirk, and about himself. He didn't know when he fell for Izuku, but he fell hard. It was hard not to, to think the boy's personality was also magnetic.

Tetsutetsu wasn't the type to care about little details, so the fact Izuku was a guy didn't even play a factor in his concerns about having feelings for him. Believe it or not some partners weren't even chosen by their gender or personality, but by their quirk. He knew he didn't want to be like that if he found someone that made him feel those special feelings he was gonna love them!

He fell for the boy's manliness, his determination, his kindness. Izuku helped him study and bring his grades up, helping him get closer into getting into U.A. He saw how hard Izuku worked to strengthen his vessel, and what a vessel. Izuku's clothing did a great job hiding it but he was ripped! Having shared a gym shower with him he knew. He knew a lot of things, that haunted his dreams and made them wet. 

Tetsutetsu wanted to tell Izuku how he felt, there were so many days he woke up saying today was the day. He was gonna tell him! Then he saw Izuku's cute freckled face and his iron will crumbled. It was hard! Why did it have to be so hard to tell someone how you feel! They had grown so close over the years, how could he throw it all away just because his dick gets hard, or that just seeing Izuku brightens his day, or seeing him smile makes his heart skip a beat. Yeah, he had it bad.

He tried to ignore it, but the more he tried to ignore it the more it presented itself. He tried to focus on Izuku's flaws, hoping that would snap him out of it, nope. He found the boy's muttering to be cute, his fanboy nature of heroes was adorable and infectious, and anything else one might call a flaw fit Izuku so perfectly he wouldn't want to change it for the world. He was possibly too forgiving, with the stories he heard about Katsuki it made his blood boil, but Izuku seemed to forgive him. Even the fact Izuku had a bigger cock than him didn't upset him, it turned him on more. 

Tetsutetsu didn't peek, he proudly showed off and even complimented Izuku in the showers. "You got a nice piece!" He said, giving the greenette a thumbs up, and making him blush. Of course, he could boldly praise Izuku's body, quirk, and manliness, but he couldn't tell him how he felt. He got a shy thank you in response, and Izuku praised him too. 

With his feelings growing, he felt so guilty, he had enough will not to jerk off thinking of his friend, but that didn't stop his dreams. He didn't think he could look Izuku in the eye otherwise, but he was still getting off thinking about him. Top, bottom, his dreams didn't care, apparently neither did he. 

It wasn't just lust either, he almost wished it was, lust wasn't as complicated as love. His time away from Izuku left him with longing, he was who Tetsutetsu thought about, worried about, more than himself. He wanted to be close to him, and phone calls and texts didn't compare to seeing him face to face. They could have spent time together at the gym most of the day; it wasn't enough. He wanted Izuku to be happy and didn't want to hurt him. Tetsutetsu was willing to give the boy a harem if that was what he wanted. 

He had a dream once of catching Izuku having sex with Katsuki, he hadn't met the blonde but Izuku described him so accurately he could picture the punk perfectly. In the dream, he was caught staring as Izuku rammed the blonde with his impressive member. He felt a bubble of jealousy and he charged in ready to get all jealous boyfriend on Katsuki's ass. Then Izuku turned, looking flushed and sexy. "You are late!" He reached back and spread his cheeks exposing his tight hole, and being a dream Tetsutetsu's cock ripped right through his boxers and pants. 

The bubble of jealousy popped and a sea of lust sprang forth, washing over him in pleasurable baptism. His clothing was discarded, vanishing into the ether of his dream and he was soon sliding into Izuku's well-prepared hole. 

He had such a mess when he woke up later. It was weird, when some jerks at the gym hit on Izuku, and made him uncomfortable he got pissed and defended him, and then he goes and has a dream of having a threesome with Izuku. Harems weren't uncommon, there were a couple of R rated heroes who took care of quite a few partners. 

If Izuku had a harem Tetsutetsu wanted to be a part of it. The boy wasn't the type to want one for lustful or prideful reasons, it would be out of love. He could see Izuku being the linchpin that brought people together. 

The big problem with all this, he didn't know if Izuku was straight or gay, or anything really. Even if he was gay that didn't mean he'd return Tetsutetsu's feelings. That would suck, but he swore to himself if Izuku didn't love him that way they'd still be friends. His worst nightmare was that Izuku would be disgusted by him, and never want to see him again. 

Izuku didn't have many friends, and he didn't want to be the reason he lost one. A part of him felt guilty because as a friend he wasn't being honest with Izuku, keeping things from him. He was torn.


Tetsutetsu thought today was like any other. He woke up, cleaned the mess his wet dream, showered, dressed, had his breakfast and iron for the day, went to school, had lunch and more iron, and finished classes for the day. 

{Hey, Izuku, how was your day?} He texted.

{Okay I guess, I saw the debut of Mt. Lady, and Kamui Woods almost took down a villain. I got a lot of notes.}

{How was your day?} Tetsutetsu wanted to say. "Boring without you." Instead…

{The usual} Not a lie, as this is how he usually felt. 

{Want to hit the gym later?}

{Sure, I'll meet you there} Tetsutetsu couldn't stop the grin that formed on his face. Today was gonna be a good day. 

He got to the gym and didn't see Izuku. He waited, and waited, and waited. 'Where is he?' His knee was nervously bouncing until he punched it to make it stop. He tried texting Izuku but got no response. 'Calm down Tetsutetsu, I'm sure he's fine, his phone probably fell in a puddle or something.' 

Another hour passed, and the guy was seriously worried. After dropping some more texts and getting no response he decided to sit in the lounge area. That's when he saw it, a live news scene of a villain attack. 'That's Midoriya's neighborhood!' 

The last thing he saw before everything went white, was a green-haired boy charging through the crowd going after a villain. 'That's Izuku!' He recognized that mop of green hair anywhere. 

His body moved on its own, one second he was at the gym, the next he was speeding on his bike to the incident site. Was it crazy yes, was he thinking no, was he peddling so hard he nearly broke his bike oh yeah. It was all for Izuku though.

By the time he got there, it was over, and it was raining. Izuku and the blonde were safe and being looked over by medical staff, as the police collected the sludge villain. All Might had saved them, talk about a story to tell the grandkids one day, getting saved by the Symbol of Peace!

Tetsutetsu didn't have time to be starstruck as he rushed through the crowd. "Izuku!" Izuku!" He shouted loudly. 

The greenette was shocked to hear a familiar voice. "Tetsutetsu...Tetsutetsu!" His eyes brightened seeing his friend. "I'm sorry I stood you up. I got attacked by a villain and...wait a minute, what are you doing way out here?"

Can you believe that, got attacked by a villain and was apologizing? Tetsutetsu was just so happy Izuku was safe, so happy! "I saw the incident on the news, I saw you charge in and now I'm here." He had broken the chain on his bike getting here. He didn't care, he hugged Izuku tightly. "I got so scared...I thought...I thought…"

"I'm okay and so is…" Tetsutetsu couldn't stop the flow of emotion. The valve was turned, and his emotions were spilling out. He kissed Izuku, kissed him right on the lips. They were wet from the rain, and the kiss was a bit rough, but the two felt a spark between them. 

Izuku's eyes were wide when the boy pulled back. Tetsutetsu had a serious look on his face. "Izuku Midoriya I'm in love with you!" He confessed, he kissed Izuku, in front of heroes, police, medical staff, reporters, civilians, All Might and Bakugou Katsuki!

To be continued



Love the update. Please take care if yourself. Health is a top priority.

Damion Andrew

Sucks about your cold. Drink plenty of water and take care of yourself. The chapter was great. I love Tetsutetsu already.


Yeah this is probably the best bnha fanfic so far