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some bad stuff happened today, and sadly physically and emotionally i ended up down. I managed to cheer myself up thanks to friends and family but yeah left little time to write properly. 

I already vented about it and don't want to get into it again, but if you read this pray that the events of today 3/6/20 don't lead to future complications. Cause guys it was bad, had to call the police bad 

tomorrow is another day, I just want the days going forward to be calm and simple


ZooFan 123

Well I’m glad to hear your recovering and I wish the best of luck that things will improve for you in the future!


I am sorry you had a bad experience. I am glad you are felling better. Take some time off and relax. I wish you the best of luck and hope you are in a better mood in the future.


Sorry to hear. Take as much time as you need.