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My Hero Academia parody: Tier 1: Redux

Angel Quirk

Izuku’s father had the Angel quirk, a very odd type of quirk, granting him angel wings, a halo, and a very strong healing power. Izuku shares this quirk, with some differences. Izuku wants to be a hero, even after his father passes on.  

Chapter 1 Angel’s Fall

Izuku’s father Hisashi was a pro hero, Angel Plus. His quirk Angel was considered one of the most powerful in society. He had a halo and angel wings. So long as his halo was intact, he was able to do a unique kind of warp called orbing. His healing power was considered greater than even the famous Recovery Girl’s power. The difference being Recovery Girl used the person’s energy to recover, while Hisashi used his own energy to heal.  

He was quite famous among hero agencies and he bounced around from one to the next. He was quite the handy support hero and rescue hero. So it was no surprise villains wanted him dead, when he assisted a hero agency the heroes were untouchable.  

This did make it hard for him, he kept his real name off the registry, and made sure the money he made went to his family anonymously.  

Hisashi had a beautiful wife and an adorable son, and the boy took after him, at age 5 he sprouted angel wings and a halo appeared above his head. He was so proud, if he could he’d carry a picture of the little guy with him, and show it off. It was too dangerous though.  

Izuku loved heroes, All Might being his favorite, but his dad couldn’t blame him. All Might was the symbol of peace, people young and old loved the guy, it was no surprise he held the Number 1 Hero spot. It did sting a little bit, but his son was so cute it was easy to forgive.  

So imagine Hisashi’s shock when All Might asked for his help. Angel Plus couldn’t help but nerd out, and let slip about his son being a huge All Might fan. All Might laughed and gave him a thumbs up. “He’s about 10 now, I miss him. I keep thinking about him every day.” Even with his warp ability, work kept him very busy. There were days he was so exhausted even his wings hurt. “I’ve been away from him for so long, he probably hates me. After this mission, I think I’m gonna take a break and spend some time with my wife and son.”

“Not to worry, this adventure should be smooth and easy.” Little did All Might know, this mission wasn’t gonna be as smooth as he intended. All For One had set a trap, an ambush, trying to destroy him and those around him.  

The fight between All Might and All For One was brutal, terrifying, and destructive. Angel Plus saw him badly injured. “All Might! Wait there I’ll heal you!” he was nursing his own injury, and his right wing was burned.  

With his power he should be able to help All Might, despite the grizzly wound he’d been inflicted. He had enough strength to orb everyone out and get them to safety. “I don’t think so!” A black scythe came down and broke his halo!  

“Gah!” Hisashi coughed up blood.  

“Who are…?” Black feathers danced along the breeze.  

“All For One, knew you’d be here angel boy. He paid me big money to end you.” the cloaked figure had black wings. His scythe turned into a cross bow. “The symbol of peace will die, and the angel will fall.”  


“AHH!” Hisashi cried out as he was pierced with an arrow.  

“Angel Plus!” All Might struggled from his injury.  

“This world has no need for angels, no point in having hope!” Shoot Shoot Shoot! He shot Hisashi three more times, in his legs and one in the arm.  

“Stop it!” All Might shouted only to cough up blood.  

“All Might...” Hisashi continued to walk towards the man. “I can’t let you die, he would never forgive me.” he had a weak smile on his face.  

“Stop acting tough, your halo is broken, you can’t warp. Not that you’ll live long enough to reach him.”  

“You shouldn’t underestimate a hero!” Hisashi’s halo lit up, the place where the chunk was missing crackling. “Go beyond, Plus Ultra!”  

“What are you doing?” the light blinded the cloaked figure.  

“Heaven’s Charm!” the light forced him back, and Hisashi rushed over to All Might, Gran Torino jetted over and Hisashi grabbed both of them. ‘Izuku...I’m sorry...’ he cried, as he used the last of his strength to warp.  

The trio became blue sparkles and light before getting zipped off. The black winged villain tried to fire a shot at him, but the arrow passed right through the light. “Damn, to think he managed to orb in that state, no matter the poison of my arrows will seal his fate. No more angels hahahaha!” he laughed.  

Then Hisashi’s words crossed his mind. ‘He...who is he...no! Don’t tell me Angel Plus had a kid!’ he growled and was about to pursue, but he had to help All for One. ‘Damn it!’  


Hisashi got All Might and Gran Torino to the hospital, but orbing without a complete halo was a huge risk. It took a lot of faith and a lot of luck to get them where he intended, and their landing wasn’t soft. Hisashi coughed up blood, his body looking physically pale. “Help...All Might...” he managed to say.  

Medical staff came out and took All Might to be treated. Though the symbol of peace could be saved, sadly there was nothing to be done to save Angel Plus, though his wounds didn’t appear serious, no healing quirk was able to repair the damage that was done.  

Two funerals were held for Angel Plus, one was as a hero, and hundreds of heroes who he helped gathered to say goodbye. All Might didn’t attend because he was too busy recovering. While he was kicking himself, he knew there was something he had to do. Then there was a funeral for the man, All Might pulled some strings and was able to attend in his civilian clothes.  

His wife Inko couldn’t stop crying, what surprised All Might was the boy, he was wearing a hat and black jacket on, hiding his halo and wings. He had a waterfall of tears flowing down his cheeks. ‘Young Midoriya...’ He didn’t know what to say to him, to say to Inko. He was there, and his fight with All for One was so intense, so brutal, so devastating, there would have been so many deaths had it not been for Hisashi. He looked into the man’s record and there was so many heroes who owed their lives to him, to say nothing of the civilians he helped.    

Angel Plus was right in front of him and he wasn’t able to help him, he cursed his own weakness. He thought, beating All for One was enough, but the whole fight was a damn trap. All Might couldn’t help but blame himself. He felt responsible, and wished he could do something.  

“Mommy, can I take off some of this stuff, my wings need to breathe.” he shifted.  

“Izuku, you can’t let anyone know of this quirk.”

“But mom…” she gripped his shoulders tightly.

“Listen to me Izuku your quirk is very recognizable, your father did what he did to keep you safe. If you are discovered you will be hunted.” All Might overheard. He’d seen this before, the meaning behind her words. If he had to hide his quirk, he couldn’t be a hero.

“Okay mom, I’ll keep it secret.” She wiped his eyes.  

All Might moved to town, to keep an eye on the Midoriya family. He was still acting symbol of peace, and worked hard to give people hope, but he was stumped on how to give Midoriya hope. He had a fight with Nighteye, his sidekick, now former. He didn’t know about Midoriya so he was outside of the man’s foresight.  

His body was deteriorating, the countless surgeries that saved his life, had put a massive strain on his body. His hero form became limited and if his time ran out he’d be reduced into his smaller civilian form. There was nothing that could be done, the only person who possibly could have fixed him was Angel Plus.  

All for One was gone, and the person who murdered Angel Plus was in the wind. No name, no face, no leads...All Might tried to find him for three years in hopes if he did, it’d give Izuku hope for the future.  


Izuku was having his own difficulties, he missed his father, he didn’t want his mother to worry. He stopped playing with the other kids even though he had a quirk. He tried to tell people his quirk was gone, that it was for the best. People called him stupid, and if he wanted to be quirkless then that’s how they’d treat him.

Midoriya lost most of his friends, and after he got into High School, most people believed he was quirkless. It did bother him, he opted out of gym classes, and focused on his studies. Although...he didn’t have a goal for his future.  

Katsuki Bakugou was one of the few people who remembered he had a quirk. His mother told him, that Izuku had to pretend to be quirkless, and not to pry. Katsuki didn’t like it, he was there at the funeral. Izuku was always a crybaby but this was different. After, all he saw was a fake smile, Izuku hiding himself, and he stopped talking about becoming a hero. The blonde was possibly one of the smartest kids in school but he didn’t know how to help him.  

He still studied heroes, because he loved them. Though he had to hide his wings and halo, that didn’t mean he didn’t practice his quirk behind closed doors. His mother’s quirk was the ability to draw small objects to her, a useful quirk, but not one that someone could use for hero work, but she liked it. It seemed to have joined with his father’s quirk. “Book!” the book turned to light and sparkles and floated to Izuku’s hand, before returning to form.  

It was his father’s orb ability, but he could use it on objects. He didn’t know how to orb himself, but he was able to float. He did have a healing factor, with that Izuku was able to convince his mother to give him a chance. No one need know he had his father’s quirk, there were plenty of healing quirks out there. He told her with a big smile he could be a doctor, deep down he was crying, even as his mother smiled and hugged him.  

He wanted to be a hero!


Izuku was walking home from school, students who had after school quirk practice pointed and mocked him as he passed by. Bakugou growled and glared at the extras that dared mock him. ‘Stupid Deku, why is he hiding his quirk? Did losing his old man effect him that bad?’ He heard Izuku’s dad was a hero, but didn’t know what one. Katsuki tried to do some digging, but his mom got mad at him, telling him to mind his business.   

He continued to fill notebook after notebook with hero data. Izuku was following one of All Might’s beliefs, facing adversary with a smile. He just kept smiling no matter how low or sad he felt. It was like a piece of him was missing. The boy was just minding his own business when some kind of sludge villain popped out of the sewer.  

Izuku didn’t know it, but this villain was on the run after a store cash grab. He wasn’t expecting for that man...that hero...to find him. So sludgy tried to escape him using the sewers.  Izuku was grabbed before he could orb. “Here I thought I was in real trouble with that guy in town, but now I got a nice meat suit. You are my hero kid.”

The sewage villain, cut off Izuku’s air supply. His arms and legs were snared, and he tried to invade his mouth. His lungs burned for air. ‘No I can’t die…not like this…Dad...Mom...please...someone...anyone help me!’  

“I am here!” All Might burst from the sewer, and with one punch scatted the disgusting bastard. Izuku fainted, and All Might collected the villain. In all the excitement, he didn’t know who he just saved. “Young Midoriya?”  

Fate had brought these two together, now he just needed to know what to do next.  

To be continued



Yay, the return of Mercy-zuku! \o/