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My Hero Academia parody: Tier 1: Born on the phone


Incubus Quirk

Izuku wanted a quirk more than anything, so imagine his shock when he inherits a quirk from his mother, though of a different variant. She had a succubus quirk but Izuku is an incubus. Monster quirks are often looked down upon and seen as villainous.

Chapter 1

Inko Midoriya was a dazzling woman, her beauty often couldn’t be matched by even the sexiest of female heroes. Her quirk was a monster class quirk, giving her the power of a monster. Her quirk succubus granted her wings, small horns, a thin flexible tail, and she could extend her nails into sharp claws. Along with the physical mutation, she had supernatural abilities, her charm eyes and pleasure shock attacks to name a few.

Sadly Inko’s dreams of being a hero were quickly squashed, as her quirk was a double dose of troublesome. Those with monster quirks had it rough, back in the day when quirks were new, monster quirks were the most common, and since one became monstrous fear became the norm. Many monster quirk users were either forced to become villains for one reason or another or wanted to bring havoc after being wronged unjustly.

This spread the bad name of monster quirks for many generations. Even though laws were put into place as to not discriminate against someone based on their quirk it didn’t mean the system was perfect.

The other issue was her monster power, she was quite distracting...on friends and foes alike. Distractions were dangerous in the heat of battle, so in the end, she gave up on her dream and settled down to start a family. 

She married a man who had a fire breathing quirk and had a son. She hoped every day her son wouldn't inherit her quirk, she thought having a boy would help, but that wasn't a guarantee. Then low and behold on Izuku's fifth birthday he sprouted wings and a tail. 

Inko didn't want her baby to go through what she went through, if not for her friend Mitsuki she wasn't sure she'd make it through High School. What made it worse was Izuku was so happy to finally have a quirk. She didn't have the heart to tell him this was gonna make being a hero a lot harder. 

In grade school, no one batted an eye, too young to know what Izuku was. They just thought it was cool he had wings and a tail. In middle school he was also safe, the boys too young to know or understand the feelings Izuku conjured inside them. High school was the time Inko feared, her son had grown into a fine young man, and an even sexier Incubus.

Now he was surrounded by hormone-fueled youths, she didn't want anything bad happening to him. Yes, Izuku had grown and trained to become a hero. He was built with lean muscle, incubi rarely got too bulky but they had unique muscle mass that made them deceptively strong. Inko could pick up a car fairly easily but would struggle to lift a bus for example. 

Izuku could fly, trained his tail to use as a whip, had monster strength, plus he had his Incubus powers! Succubus and Incubus had an instinct for sex, the stuff came to them as naturally as breathing. The true power of the incubus came from the mystical nature, harnessing the power of lust. 

Inko never thought such powers would make a good hero but Izuku proved her wrong. Izuku could harness his sexy energy and concentrate it into a beam of pure sexiness. Lust monsters could produce a small shock from their bodies kinda like eels, but this charge is regulated to stimulate pleasure. Izuku figured out how to ramp up the voltage, not to hurt someone but his Sexy Shock could make someone have such an intense orgasm it could knock someone out. It could also short out a machine or device. 

She shouldn’t have doubted him, Izuku loved heroes ever since he was little, and he’s been studying quirks for ages. He could analyze quirks and think about the possibilities and applications, so it wasn’t a stretch when he started experimenting with what he could do. 

Izuku could defend himself, but that didn't mean she didn't worry. Succubi were seen as sluts that would spread their legs for anyone, and incubi were just big dick sluts, and some guys got it in their head they could prove their manhood by dominating one. It was no surprise those with a lust monster quirk banded together to work the red light district. Succubi and Incubi came in all shapes and sizes, with different gifts and talents. 

He was doing well in High School, with plans for applying to U.A. the number 1 Hero School in Japan. Many hero agencies scouted heroes who graduated from there, and work studies turned to U.A. first. He wanted to be a hero so bad, Inko wanted to be supportive but she knew how hard it was. Plus he was her baby boy, she was always gonna worry. 

"You worry too much!" Inko anime fell, as Mitsuki gave her some harsh truth. They were having tea together, a staple in their relationship. 


"No buts, Izuku is a fine boy, and a badass Incubus, he takes after you, ya know." Inko blushed. 

"I can't help it," she looked down at her tea. Things have only gotten harder since Hisashi left. He sends them money, but still. "He's my little boy…"

"He's not so little, and besides my brat of a son is with him. Katsuki would never let anything happen to him." That did set Inko a little at ease.


Two boys were sneaking up towards the roof. "Is that Incubus slut really up here?" One of them said.

"I'm sure of it, he always eats lunch up here. The two of us together we can take him." The two boys smirked as they imagined all the wicked things they could get Izuku to do. 

Before they could even get to the door, a burning grip landed on each of their shoulders. "What are you two extras up to?” The two began to sweat, fear welling up in their very souls. 


“Wrong answer!” In a flash, the two were blasted and left unconscious, as Katsuki continued up to the roof. “Oi Deku, two lame-ass extras were planning a sneak attack on ya, took care of them.” he shut the door and locked it. 

“Kacchan you are so sweet.” Izuku praised, making the blonde blush. 

“Shut up, I ain’t sweet!” he growled. He started to undo his tie and removed his jacket, as he approached Izuku. The garments were dropped as he went, a growing need building in the blonde. 

“Yes, you are, deep down. It’s one of the things I love about you.” Katsuki blushed and fiddled with the buttons on his shirt. The “annoying” thing with “fucking too many buttons” was removed exposing Katsuki Bakugou’s muscled upper body, tan, hard, and with heart-shaped nipple pasties over his buds. The contrast was shocking at first glance, Katsuki Bakugou quirk Explosion, one of the badasses in high school wearing nipple pasties, and heart-shaped at that. 

Shocking to anyone except Izuku, who created said pasties. Incubus Arts: Lust Sticker: An Incubus or Succubus will place the sticker on their or their partner’s erogenous zones to amplify or stimulate pleasure. It can be used to stimulate erogenous zones making them more sensitive. Hero Application: Since an Incubus or Succubus can sense or track anyone wearing a Lust Sticker and the only one who can remove the sticker is the Incubus who created it, Izuku believes it would be a great tracker for any villain who tries to escape. 

Izuku snapped his fingers and Bakugou moaned as his nipples were treated to magical vibrations from the stickers. He grunted and moaned. His already hard cock, getting painfully hard, pushing heavily against the confines of his pants. Katsuki nearly broke his zipper getting his pants off. Katsuki’s hairless crotch was exposed along with a strange heart-shaped tattoo that marked his groin. He wasn’t wearing underwear so once he got his pants down and stepped out he was practically naked. His hard 8-inch dick snapped up, leaking pre-cum like crazy. Over his sexy ass was a similar heart-shaped mark only this heart had wings a tail that formed a ring around the base of the heart and little demon horns. This mark sat perfectly as a tramp stamp of sorts. Katsuki bent over to remove his socks, giving the world a view of his well-stretched hole, the tight ring of muscle parting as if begging to be filled. 

Both marks were made by Izuku. Incubus just loved to mark their prey, as a sign to other incubus and succubus to say they were taken. The mark over Katsuki’s crotch was Izuku’s Love Stamp, a mark that would never fade so long as Izuku loved. An Incubus made erogenous zone, Izuku just had to brush his fingers over the mark and he could make Katsuki hard again and again, till his brain fried from lack of blood and over stimulus. If he kept rubbing the spot he could make Katsuki cum, draining his balls, and if he was a normal man he wouldn’t have been able to get it up again for 10 days at the least. 

Bakugou wasn’t a normal man, and no that’s not his ego talking either. It has to do with the second mark Izuku placed on him, a mating mark. That symbol over Katsuki’s ass was more than just pretty art, it evolved Katsuki’s body making him superhuman. All food he ate would be broken down and converted into energy, this was good for both his quirk, his endurance, and stamina. Now his ass existed only for mating purposes, and if Izuku rubbed that mark Katsuki’s body would produce slick for swifter penetration. Also as a final element to the mark, should anyone try to fuck Katsuki against his will, it would create a magical seal over his ass denying such a thing, and if the seal was pushed the person would face divine punishment.

“Lunch has started, I’ve been waiting.” Izuku snapped his fingers and his jacket, shirt, and tie vanished leaving his toned upper body exposed. He watched Katsuki stomp towards him, his breath coming out in heated pants, his hard cock bouncing as he walked dripping pre-cum all over the ground. “You must be hungry, come here Kacchan!” 

The blonde moaned and launched himself at him.


“Katsuki is a good boy, but are you sure you are okay with those to being mates?” Inko asked. 

“Haa, in my opinion, Izuku is too good for him, but he’s a good influence on him I’ll give him that. Katsuki wouldn’t submit to anyone easily, the fact he has my brat of a son’s heart. I’m happy.” Mitsuki sipped her tea. “Katsuki was born with a stupid awesome quirk, and he got a swelled head. I tried my best to keep him grounded but he don’t listen to me, the little shit. Izuku is someone he respects and loves, so he lets his walls come down. He needs that to grow.” (AN: I know the grammatically correct thing to say is doesn’t but this is two people talking and as people, we aren’t always grammatically correct especially when emotions get involved.) 

“But Izuku is gonna need a...a...a…” she blushed. 

“A harem?” Mitsuki laughed as Inko nodded. “I say bring it on, it’ll be good for Katsuki too. He sucks at dealing with people. He wants to be a great hero, but kicking bad-guy butt isn’t all there is to be one. As far as I’m concerned if Izuku wants the brat he can have him, but I think he can do a lot better.” She laughed.  


Katsuki was in Izuku’s lap, his face buried in Izuku’s pecs, mouth latched onto a pert nipple. Izuku cradled his head as he sucked, drawing out some all-natural 100% nutritious incubus milk. Katsuki went after it like a man lost in the desert that finally found water. In this position he almost liked vulnerable, his face was softer, his red eyes showing his want. 

It was rare for an incubus to produce milk, but Katsuki sure as hell wasn’t complaining. It wasn’t something that occurred on a whim, more of a technique some incubi and mostly succubi used in long rounds of sex, taking a milk break. The stuff could recharge a man’s batteries so to speak. This skinship did wonders for their relationship. 

After Katsuki had drunk his fill, it was time for Izuku’s dinner. He took hold of Katsuki’s cock and gave it a few quick strokes, and the blonde blew his load. He wasn’t a quick shot...anymore...but after having his nipples being stimulated, drinking Midoriya’s milk, and being cradled in his arms, all while the boy’s tail was teasing his length, oh yeah he was ready to blow a while ago. Izuku caught all of his seed, and happily savored it. “Mmm!” he licked his lips. “Thank you for the meal!” He said before descending upon Katsuki like a vampire after his prey. 

“Oh Ohh OHH!” his toes curled as Izuku sucked him down to the root, one hand fondling his balls, the other rubbing his thumb over the Love Stamp. If those losers thought they could take Izuku they were dead wrong. Katsuki’s eyes rolled up, a grin growing on his face as he drooled, orgasm after orgasm rocked his body like a ship in a storm. His lifeline was Izuku, who sucked away all common sense, doubt, ego, pride, rage, fuck it everything out of him with each powerful slurp and curl of the tongue. Not a drop was wasted, everything went to feed the hungry incubus. 

It wasn’t long before Katsuki lost feeling in his arms and legs. His body jerking from the mighty and repeated orgasms now was reduced to long trembles. Izuku pulled off his spent dick. “Amazing!” he moaned. Katsuki’s semen had a spicy kick to it, which complemented the perfect combination of sweet and salty his jizz held. Izuku didn’t know if all semen tasted like this, or if it was because humans were mutated to have quirks, but he didn’t care...it was GOOD! 

They had an hour for lunch, Katsuki spent 20 minutes nursing, 20 minutes orgasming for feeding Izuku, and their last 20 minutes were spent cuddling. If Katsuki was still hungry, they’d break up the last bit with 10 minutes of nursing. “So do you wanna go on a date today?” 

“Hn,” Katsuki grunted. 

“Nothing fancy, we could probably hit the movie theater I hear they have a new All Might documentary.” 

“Hn,” he grunted again. 

“I think it’ll be faster if we meet there. I got a few things to finish up at school.” 

“Hn,” Izuku smiled and kissed him. 

“I love you Kacchan!” 

“I love you too, damn nerd!” he made Izuku laugh. Izuku dressed Katsuki, giving a kiss to the love stamp to make the blonde hard. He growled as his hard-on was tucked into his pants making the bulge. The two were dressed and back to class with no one the wiser. The two punks tried to get Bakugou in trouble but Izuku took care of that, making them confess every little thing they planned to do to Izuku and made the case Bakugou had protected him.

Bakugou didn’t care about some of the finer details of things, but Izuku did. The incubus had his back and the blonde firecracker had his. Sadly the two would not be going to the movies together, Izuku was running a bit late, so he decided to take a shortcut to get to the movies only to stumble across a villain trying to avoid a hero!

To be continued


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