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Dragon Ball Z parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/saiyan-witch-1-33941038 

Chapter 2 Kakarot Meets Bandits

Kakarot traveled around a bit, but with no clear destination in mind he ended up in the dessert. He didn’t really care where he was, he simply marveled at things he found. Baba’s palace was grand, but the world was vast. Even the dessert heat really didn’t bother him, but he did get hungry so he stopped at some rock formations to have a bite to eat.  

“There’s one master!” came a high pitched voice.  

“Just one?” came a deeper manlier voice.  

“Yes, he’s a tall male and appears to be traveling alone.”  

“Tch, just some fool lost in the dessert again, I’m sure he’ll be dead in a few days.” the man waved it off as if it were nothing.  

“His clothes don’t look normal master, I think he might be rich, or some kind of martial artist maybe.”  

“A martial artist ehh?” that had the man’s interest. He stretched a bit, giving his neck a few cracks. “It has been a while since I had anyone who could test my skills against.” he pulled a strange capsule and gave it a toss, in a load POOF the capsule was gone and there in its place was a car. “Let’s go rob him blind!”  

“Right!” the blue furry cat-like rabbit creature floated after him and the two drove off heading in Kakarot’s location. The saiyan witch was sitting down having some cooked meat, nothing too fancy.  

“Mmm, Baba’s cooking is better than this, maybe I should study a cooking book, or maybe I can hire someone to cook for me.” He cleaned the meat from the bone when someone arrived.  

Thanks to Baba, Kakarot knew this vehicle wasn’t some monster but a car. He licked his fingers as the two stopped and got out, he eyed them wearily. The small furry one didn’t have a strong ki, but he could sense a form of magic from him. The taller male was different, he was well built, his body honed through training and battle, he had long dark hair with a scar on his cheek. He had some power to him which piqued Kakarot’s interest.  

“That attire you are wearing, are you a student of the martial artist Gohan?”  

“You know him?”  

“Of him yes, some would call him a hero, but I heard time became the man’s enemy and he passed on.” This was indeed true, Gohan had extended his time in this world to be Earth’s hero and champion.  

“He taught me how to fight. I wear this weighted gi in his honor.” Kakarot explained. “My name is Kakarot, who are you?”  

“The name is Yamcha, and my furry friend here is Puar.” Yamcha introduced.  

“We are bandits!” Puar exclaimed. “So hand over your valuables, and you won’t get hurt.”

“Bandits huh? Gohan told me about them, but I’ve never seen them before. You guys are bad guys.”  

“Good and bad are relative terms, this is my territory, I steal and fight to survive. Since you are a fellow martial artist, I’ll challenge you to a proper fight. If you lose you will forfeit your life along with your valuables to me.”  

“I don’t fully understand, but I do wanna see how strong you are. Go ahead and attack me let’s see what you got.” Yamcha drew his sword.  

“Don’t you dare mock me, hi-yahh!” he swung his sword down and Kakarot blocked him with the bone. “What?” Yamcha let loose a barrage of sword strikes, Kakarot deflecting them with the bone.  

“You got some power and speed at least.” he noted.  

“Are you toying with me?” he hissed, glaring at the saiyan.  

“You could say that, I’m just seeing what you got, so far you haven’t gained my interest.” Yamcha growled at the saiyan’s words, truthfully Kakarot wasn’t trying to be rude.  

“Oh is that so, I hope you don’t come to regret those words.” Yamcha charged some ki into his blade, this time when he swung he was able to cut, clean through the bone.  

“Yeah get him master!” Puar cheered.  

A bit premature, as Kakarot suddenly teleport behind Yamcha, and with a quick booty bump sent the bandit tumbling forward. “How did he…?” he rubbed the back of his head.  

“Be careful master, that was magic!”  

“A magician huh?” Yamcha got up and pointed his sword at Kakarot. “What kind of martial artist uses magic to fight his battles?”  

“Well I was trained by a witch, and I’m actually a saiyan a warrior race. While I do have some combat spells, right now I’m simply playing, I’ll tell you when I fight seriously.”  

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” He’s never heard of a saiyan before, even as Kakarot unfurled his tail, which in this world wasn’t super odd.  

“I guess to simplify it, I’m what you might call an alien.”  

“An alien, who knows magic and martial arts?”  

“That’s me!” he said happily.  

Yamcha couldn’t help but laugh. “You are a weird guy, it’s a shame I’ll have to kill you.”  

“You can try.”  

Yamcha spent the next three hours chasing Kakarot around, not able to land a single blow on him. Kakarot used his magic to knock the bandit around, using wind spells to blow him away, earth spells to make him lose his footing, even hitting him with a water spell to make him all wet. “Quit fooling around this isn’t a joke!” he shook himself off, in the heat his clothing would be dry in no time. Kakarot stopped his attack and used a fire spell to heat Yamcha’s sword, forcing him to drop it with a hiss. “Y’oww!”  

“I admit I’m having fun, this is my first time meeting bandits, and you guys are trying to rob me after all.”

“You can beat him Yamcha, you are the strongest guy around!” Puar cheered for him.  

“I’ll show you, Wolf Fang Fist!” he charged at Kakarot at surprising speed, and caught him off guard. He landed a few blows and sent the young man skidding back.  

The saiyan recovered quickly, dusting himself off as he got right back up. “What will it take for you to fight me for real?”  

“Hmm? Are you sure that’s what you want, so far I’ve been playing with you, if I get serious it’ll be intense.”  

“I’m not backing down!” he felt his warrior’s blood and pride surging. He wasn’t always a bandit, he had trained to be a warrior to, he had sought to train under some master to get stronger. Master’s usually cost large sums of money, which Yamcha didn’t have. He tried to make some quick cash, and built up a bad reputation. One thing led to another and he ended up here. “What will it take for you to fight me seriously, name your price!?”  

“Well, earlier you said if I lost I’d have to forfeit my life and my valuables to you. So how about a wager, we’ll both fight seriously. If I lose I’ll give you all my stuff, I’ll even devote my life to you and become your subordinate, I’ll even call you boss.”  

Yamcha crossed his arms. “And if you win?”  

“Then, you give up being a bandit.”  

“Is that all?” Yamcha laughed.  

“No, if I beat you you give me your body!”  



“Body!” Puar and Yamcha exclaimed in unison. Puar blushing while Yamcha covered himself. “You can’t be serious.”  

“Oh I am, if I beat you, you give up being a bandit and come and serve me as one of my fighters. I have a rather unique spell I’d like to try out, and you’ll be my precious little guinea pig.”  

“Don’t do it master.” Puar said.  

“Puar do you really think I’ll lose?” Puar wasn’t sure, he could sense this guy’s power was immense magic wise. “In a head to head fight with no magic I’m sure I can win.” Yamcha’s pride wasn’t gonna let him back down, he agreed to the wager in a duel of martial arts, not magic.  

Kakarot nodded. “But first, Aport!” in a flash his clothing changed and he was in his saiyan armor. “Ah much better, okay I’m ready.” the two shook on it, forming a binding magical contract.  

They each took a fighting stance, and Yamcha made the first move launching an all out Wolf Fang Fist, hoping to beat Kakarot without his magic. To his shock Kakarot began to move faster than before, dodging all of his blows even at the sudden burst of speed. ‘Is it possible he really trained with Gohan?’ Then it clicked, Kakarot had said he was wearing a weighted gi, now without said gi, he was far faster and stronger.  

There was no going back now, so he had no choice but to win. He controlled his ki, charging at Kakarot even faster. To his shock, instead of dodging he took to blocking his barrage of blows. Kakarot smirked at him and with a quick flick of the tail he sent Yamcha flying back.  

Kakarot showed Yamcha a strength he wasn’t aware existed, he was overwhelmed as he got smacked around. There was no denying Kakarot’s skill, power, or stamina. Even when Yamcha found an opening to attack, he was blocked and pounded hard. Yamcha lay beaten, his body bruised and damaged. His upper clothing had been shredded just from the force of their battle. “Please stop!” Puar flew in crying. “Anymore and he’s gonna die!”  

The saiyan shook his head. “Don’t think so low of me, I wouldn’t let that happen.” Kakarot chanted a spell and in a flash Yamcha was healed. This was far different than healing by using ki, his spell not only healed Yamcha, but made him stronger.  

Yamcha, the human had received a Zenkai Boost. A strange phenomenon for saiyans after being beaten or nearly killed, their bodies would recover and they’d gain strength. Kakarot harnessed this phenomenon and used it to create his own healing spell, now if he healed a fighter, not only would they recover they’d be stronger, and thus more fun to fight again. Baba’s fighters had received some benefit from this in the past.  

The human was amazed, he could feel a surge in his strength. “Are you alright Yamcha?”  

“I’m better than alright Puar.” He looked to Kakarot. “A deal is a deal. I lost so I’ll become one of your fighters.”  

“Yamcha you mean it?” Puar was shocked.  

“I’m a man of my word Puar, we are giving up the bandit life.”  

“If that’s what you decide I’m with you.” he looked to Kakarot. “If that’s okay?”

“Sure the more the merrier, I’ll admit traveling by myself has been kinda lonely.” he rubbed the back of his head.  

“So what kind of spell do you intend to use on me?” Yamcha asked, to which Kakarot chuckled.  

“I’m gonna release your ultimate potential, you’ll transcend beyond being human. I’m actually a bit excited.”  

“Have you used this spell before?” he asked nervously.  

“Nope, you’ll be the first, I can’t wait to see how you turn out.” Yamcha gulped.  

A deal was a deal, he may have been a bandit but Yamcha lived by his own code of honor. “Hit me!” he said. Puar said he was very brave. Kakarot began to chant, and as he did a storm swirled above.  

“Oh source of my power, I call upon thee, grant my fighter strength beyond his body. By the nature of his soul free the power meant to be his!” Thunder clapped as the wind kicked up. “Change!” Kakarot cast his spell, the energy striking Yamcha, the spell blew his remaining clothing apart, leaving him naked as the magic took hold.  

His muscles swelled, his hair grew wilder as his canines sharpened. He growled as black fur appeared around his ankles before rising up to his elbows, similar fur grew around his ankle up to his knee. His nails grew sharper and his bones lengthened getting a touch taller, his six pack turning into an 8 pack. His pubes turned into an erotic treasure trail up to his navel, while forming a belt of fur that curved over his hips to his lower spine, there a tail sprang out. He growled as his ears turned wolf like and furry, he let out a monstrous howl as the last of the changes took hold. Yamcha’s 4 inch cock grew larger, doubling in size to 8 inches, before gaining an additional 3 inches thanks to a monstrous knot of flesh. His balls grew larger and he got a little trail of fur along the seam of his sack. His ass grew plumper, and as the last of the changes took hold he let out a howl.  

Yes Baba’s fighters were all once human, having been altered by magic in one form or another. Kakarot had gained his first fighter, Yamcha the human was now Yamcha the werewolf!

To be continued  


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