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Ben 10 parody: patreon reward

Other Ben 10 Ideas :  https://www.patreon.com/posts/ben-10-ideas-22771413 

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dark-light-1-31953755 

Chapter 2 Forever Knights, Argit, and DNAliens

Even if it was for one job, Ben liked to make sure he had his bases covered. It was why his jobs were often pulled off so well. If the Highbreed were planning to invade Earth, Ben wanted an insurance plan.

“A Forever Knight’s castle, you know they hate all aliens right? Remember they tried to kill you and me when we were little?” Gwen hissed.

“Are you gonna be like this the whole trip? It feels like we are back in the Rustbucket again.”

“I got an ejector seat, say the word and she’s gone.” Kevin pointed out.

“I’m right here you know, I can hear everything you're saying!”

“Yeah and I don’t care.”

“The only reason the plumbers aren’t arresting you is because of me, you should show some form of gratitude.” she crossed her arms but was surprised as the crew of criminals laughed.

“Hate to break it to you Gwen, but the plumbers aren’t arresting us because of Ben. They fully intend to try and betray us as soon as the mission is over.”

“That’s not...look I talked it over with Labrid if you assist the plumbers with this situation they’ll let you walk and if we find Grandpa Max and stop the Highbreed you guys may walk away with a clean record.” Deefus waved her off.

“Hate to break it to ya, but we don’t trust the plumbers and they don’t trust us. They can be even nastier than the “bad guys” they claim to fight.” Deefus said. “They won’t be catching us. We trust Ben, not you.”

“He’s always got a plan, even if he has to use himself as bait,” Cooper said.

“Ben...Ben Tennyson always has a plan?” Gwen didn’t believe it.

“Oh yeah he does, I remember after this one job we were celebrating and the plumbers tracked us down.”

Flashback Kevin’s Pov

The loot was split and we were celebrating a job well done. Our clothes were scattered across the hotel suite. I was on top this time, and we’d been making out and rubbing our dicks together. Ben was looking sexy, as always, and he was ready for me.

Our frot had gotten my dick all nice and slick with pre-cum. I lined up and pushed in, and fuck me he was so tight and perfect. We were both moaning as things got hotter between us. Just as I sank balls deep inside Ben’s ass, the doors were blown open and some plumbers charged in and pointed guns at us. “Shit!”

“Don’t move!”

Ben wrapped his legs around me. “Don’t stop,” I thought he was kidding, but the look in his eye told me otherwise. “Fuck me!” he wrapped his arms around my neck. “Hurry Kev, or it’s your ass that’s gonna be pounded!”

I looked at the plumbers with guns, and then felt Ben’s ass squeeze my dick and I made my decision. I began to move, fucking Ben’s ass with gusto. I’m sure the plumbers were shocked.

“Stop this at once and put your hands in the air you are under arrest!” We paid them no mind and kept fucking, Ben’s moans were so sexy, and I’ll admit it was kinda hot. The bed was creaking as I picked up the pace. “Last warning, stop now or we’ll open fire.”

Ben earned a better response clawing at my back, leaving red marks but his nails didn’t break the skin. He pulled me down in for a searing kiss. The men were stunned at the wanton sex before them, the captain was seething. “Fire!” he shouted.

Benji broke the kiss to whisper a single word, and a barrier surrounded us and stopped their attack. “I fucking love you!” I could tell I was smiling.

“Hmm, Plan H,” he ran his hands over my abs to my pecs, he toyed with my nips. “Now where were we?”

End pov/Flashback

“We had sex for two hours while the plumbers could do nothing but watch and try to get through his barrier.”

“And they never did,” Ben smiled and the two fist-bumped. “Transported us and the loot off-world, leaving the plumbers with their thumbs up their ass and sporting some hard-ons.”

Gwen couldn’t believe what she just heard. Ben was very different, but she was sure she didn’t want to know her cousin’s sex life. For Cooper and Deefus they just chuckled like this was completely natural. “You two don’t find that odd?”

“Nah, Ben is a switcher, he tops, bottoms, whatever he wants, he’s basically the king of the pleasure district. Even a professional like me can barely hold a candle to his skill.”

“Don’t be modest Deefus. You can give your partners whatever or whoever they want.” Ben said.

“Yeah, but you’re the only one that wants me for me,” he said with a blush.

Gwen couldn’t believe this, she looked at Cooper. “Ben is amazing that way.”

“So Ben has been with each of you?”

“Yes!” they said in unison, but Cooper’s yes was softer and he was blushing.

“We are here,” Ben said, putting an end to any more questions Gwen had about his love life.

“How are we sneaking in?” Gwen asked starring at the castle.

“Sneak in?” Ben smirked. Kevin put the car in park and Ben got out and walked towards the front door.


“Ben!” Gwen rushed out of the car. Knights came charging out and Ben began taking them out, blasting them with mana, deflecting their laser gunfire, using the charm of Telekinesis to toss them around. The guys watched the show.

“He’s in top form,” Kevin said and the other boys nodded.

“Is this what you do now, steal, fight, and sleep with random guys?” Gwen asked as Ben wrecked the Forever Knights. She turned into Chromastone and taking energy shots and firing them back.

“Pretty much yes,” He conjured some stone creatures and sicked them on the knights. The stone creatures were fierce smashing weapons and tossing knights around. When his creatures tossed a knight into the air it was like someone shouting pull, and Ben zapped them with some lightning. “I had a lot of fun in my old body. I can’t wait to break in this one.”

“You...” She was cut off by a roar. The knights had their own pet, a mechanical dragon of all things. It tried to roast them with fire but with Ben’s charm, he deflected the flames and roasted the robot. His creatures jumped on the dragon and ripped it apart.

“Ben Tennyson!” The leader of this faction made himself known. “A vile witch such as yourself has no place here.”

“Yeah yeah, listen Forever Loser, this isn’t a social call.”

“The Forever Knights are against all you alien filth, but you Ben Tennyson are not only alien trash, but a sinful witch as well.” Ben rolled his eyes.

“Listen there are a very dangerous alien species invading Earth, they are infiltrating and taking over people with xenocites.”

“All you alien filth is dangerous!”

“Look, we may hate each other, but these guys are worse than bad, they’ve destroyed worlds. As a knight aren’t you honor-bound to defend it.”

“Very well, we will take this news under advisement. Now leave this castle at once! We have business you are interrupting.”

“Business? What business?” Ben said with a smirk. After some interrogating, he had a plan.


Argit was arranging the deal with the Forever Knights, brokering it to be exact. They needed alien tech Laser Lancers, class 5 tech. Labrid was furious as Earth was a class 2 tech world.

Ben, however, had put his own plan into action. Argit was a weasel, figuratively and literally. His species was like all the rodents on earth rolled into one. A rat, a weasel, a possum, with a porcupine-like defense mechanism. He was a player in the underground, a class B criminal wanted for illegal gambling, counterfeiting, racketeering, weapons trading, drug dealing, trafficking, loan sharking, and an assortment of other crimes.

He couldn’t trust Argit which is why he wasn’t called in for the team. He was a traitorous rat, he often worked for one side, only to betray them to get a better deal. He borrowed from big names, stole from them too, he never had a plan but serving his own self-interest.

So it was no surprise when it was revealed he was in bed with DNAliens. He knew he was providing them with money and funds to expand their hold on but he didn’t care, he wanted the score, and the Knights had no idea who they were dealing with. Ben had a suspicion after he learned Argit was involved.

The Forever Knights rolled up and three got out, the DNAliens showed up wearing ID Masks, so they appeared human. Ben could see through it since he could see mana.

Argit tested out the Laser Lancer and blew up an armored car. “This is just setting one, you should see the power when it's really cranked up.”

“We’ll take it.” the knights handed over a briefcase. When the DNAliens checked it they found it empty.

“What is this?!”

“This is a trap.” One of the knights melted and turned into a lenopan. Deefus sludged the DNAliens knocking their masks off and revealing their form.

“What the hell?” Argit gasped.

“Sorry about this Argit.” Kevin raised the helmet revealing he was behind the armor.

“Kevin!” Argit gasped. He got hit hard and Kevin snatched the laser lance. Things turned into a firefight. The third knight was Cooper, and he went for the stash of weapons.

There were more DNAliens in the truck and they came out with blasters and spitting slime. Argit screamed and ducked for cover. “You are ruining my deal!” he screamed in terror.

Kevin fended off the aliens with blasters, while Deefus fended off the ones slinging goo. “Guess you didn’t know, never get into a sludge war with a lenopan!” he was pushing them back.

“Anytime Cooper?” Kevin was laying on some heavy fire.

“Almost!” A DNAlien got the jump on Cooper, knocking him to the ground and covering him with goo.

“Cooper!” Kevin gasped. His weapon was shot out of his hands. “Damn!”

The DNAliens made terrifying gurgling noises as the ones with guns approached the fake knights, while the others retrieved the weapons and put them back in their truck.

Before they had a chance to attack, Ben came flying in. “Reject!” Ben had been building up a spell and unleashed it, all the DNAliens with guns were returned to human form, the parasites trapped in green cubes. The ones in the truck did not get healed and drove off. “You guys okay?”

“I’m good!” Deefus said, returning to humanoid form.

“I’m fine!” Cooper said, Ben, removed the goo with his mana and helped Cooper up.

“Nice job Benji!” Kevin said.

“Nice job?!” Labrid stomped over. “Not only did you not capture any viable DNAlien but you allowed a group to escape with Class 5 technology!” he was seething mad. “The lot of you are useless, reckless, no good, loose canon, untrustworthy...”

“Magister stop!” Gwen snapped.

“Let him talk Gwen, this is gonna be good,” Ben said and looked to Cooper. “You finish the job?”

“What job?” Labrid growled.

“We were the distraction aquarium head.” Kevin pointed out.

“I was able to neutralize all of the laser lancers and managed to convert half of them into tracking devices. I would have converted all of them but I ran out of time.” he pulled out a device a tracker of some sort.

“You see, that’s why I called in these guys if it were you, you’d have charged in guns blazing and the DNAliens would have escaped with active weapons, but now they are carrying trackers which we will use to locate their base.” he crossed his arms. “We know how to get a job done.”

“Benny!” Argit came out of his hiding spot.

“Hello, Argit.” He glared at the quilled alien. “You have some explaining to do.”

To be continued


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