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Seven Deadly sins parody: Tier 1

Other Seven Deadly Sin Ideas:   https://www.patreon.com/posts/seven-deadly-25064394 

Spider Demon Meliodas

Meliodas is the son of the demon king, he holds the power of a spider demon, he’s got six arms, unique skills, and is the leader of the Ten Commandments. So it was a shock to see him betray the demon king after falling in love with a Goddess.

Chapter 1

During the Holy War 3000 years ago a terrifying legend was forged, of the Demon King’s Son, a powerful demon with six arms. He was known for his ruthlessness, he was so powerful he often fought with two arms bound, using a sealing spell to hide the arms inside him. Even with the limitations, he was still very powerful. He took on some of the most powerful races the world had to offer.

With him leading the Ten Commandments, it looked like the demon race was gonna win the Holy War. That is...until Meliodas defected and turned his back on the Demon King. He joined up with a Goddess and began working towards bringing peace among the races. They had almost succeeded but there were members of the Goddess clan that didn’t want peace, they wanted to kill all the demons.

They broke the pact and killed many demons to enrage the 10 Commandments to justify killing them in cold blood. Meliodas and his Goddess lover managed to stop the massacre, just before the Coffin of Darkness was activated. The Goddess Clan and The Demon Clan had their powers drained and were banished back to their individual realms, with only two exceptions. Their fates were far worse…

Punished by the Demon King and the Supreme Deity, they faced punishments far worse than death. Over the last 3000 years, his legend faded into mere whispers, and it was better that way. He didn’t want to be remembered as a monster, he had his own goals, his own dreams. He was changed by the different races the world had to offer.

The world had changed a lot in the last 3000 years, but the threat of the demon clan had never fully passed. Remnants of the holy war, demon stragglers, and some foes seeking to revive the Commandments and the demon clan. What’s moreover the many years the human and non-human races have become divided.


In the Kingdom of Liones, some dark dealings were occurring. The Kingdom's greatest knights made from seven sinners were believed to have killed the Holy Knight Grand Master Zaratras. Some thought they were dead, others believed they were scattered to the winds by the Holy Knights. The first theory didn’t hold much water as the wanted posters for the sins were updated each year. Still...if the sins weren’t dead, where were they?

Such topics were often discussed in pubs and bars. One such bar, the Boar Hat was no exception. As the drunks downed the tasty drinks, they murmured about all the various rumors and stories. The latest tale was that of a knight in old rusted armor wandering around. People were thinking it was one of the Sins.

“One of the Sins huh?” The men turned towards a strange blonde male with four arms. “Sounds scary.” He brought them drinks and food.

The men ate the food only to spit it out. While the food looked delicious it was disgusting. “What the hell?!” The men got angry with the young blonde, but one look at his sheathed sword made them think twice about the four-armed male.

“I’m not just some server, I’m the owner.” He said with a grin. The dumped food was cleaned up by a talking pig named Hawk. They didn’t know what he was, but he wasn’t seen as human because of the extra arms. He’s had a few guests try to take his booze and run, but he made sure that didn’t happen.

The Boar Hat was famous for good booze, but their food was terrible. It was also famous for the non-human in charge of the place. He often catered to all types, but thugs often frequented his pub to cause trouble and he handled them easily. They even had a challenge, beat him in a single arm; arm wrestling challenge get food and drink free, lose and you pay double.

His pub could be a bit rowdy, but it wasn’t boring. The door suddenly burst open. “He’s coming the Rust Knight!” the guy screamed in terror. That had the pub clearing out, no one wanted to deal with such a terror, especially if he was one of the sins.

“Someone call the guards!” he heard as the patrons ran for it. It wasn’t a feint either as heavy footsteps were approaching.

“Is it really one of the Seven Deadly Sins?” Hawk cried in terror.

The tall man entered the bar, and he really was a knight wearing rusted armor. It was old but familiar to the blonde. “Sins...” the knight said before collapsing on the ground.

“What are we gonna do Meliodas?” Hawk asked.

“Take him up to my room.” He said and lifted the mysterious knight up. The rusted armor was removed to reveal a fine man, with long silver hair, he was broad-shouldered, had toned pecs, a fine six-pack, sturdy arms and legs, a full package, and a plump ass.

The mystery man was wearing a skin-tight suit, the type most knights had to wear under their armor, it was finely made material to protect against magic attacks. Meliodas was all hands, feeling up the mystery man, massaging his arms, legs, feet, pecs, shoulders, ass and crotch!

His hands three and four were groping the plump ass, while hand one was fondling the man’s dick, hand two was fondling his balls. “Mmm!” the silver-haired male moaned and slowly came to. Meliodas continued groping him making the male blush.

“Hiya!” he said with a grin.

The mystery guy blushed. “Uhh hi!” Meliodas kept groping him making his manhood stiffen. “Could you...uhh...”

Hawk came in and kicked Meliodas and knocked him away. “I apologize for this pervert!”

“No its fine, just surprised me...” he sits up. “...where am I?”

“In my bar, the Boar Hat,” Meliodas said, after knocking Hawk out. The guy’s stomach growled. “I can cook for you, though my cooking is terrible.”

They went downstairs and Meliodas made some food. It looked delicious but one bite and the guy was in tears. “Terrible isn’t it?”

“No its good, thank you for your kindness,” he said.

“What’s your name anyway?” Hawk asked.

“Oh, my name...it’s Estarossa.”

“Estarossa Liones!?” Hawk gasped. “You’re a prince!”

Estarossa blushed. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

“What’s a prince doing all the way out here?” Meliodas asked and poured him a drink.

“I’m looking for the Seven Deadly Sins.”

“The wanted criminals? Aren’t they being hunted by the Holy Knights?” he asked nonchalantly.

“No, you are wrong!” Estarossa said and hit the counter. “It’s the Holy Knights that are corrupt. They’ve put terrible pressure on the people, and they have even quarantined the royal family. I escaped, but my big sister and my father, I don’t know what’s happened to them.”

“What about your other sister, Veronica?”

“She doesn’t know what’s happening, but I believe she’s safe with her personal guard. Father gave me his old armor and I did my best to escape.” his hands balled into fists.

“So you ran away like a coward,” Hawk said, and got smacked by Meliodas.

“I tried to fight, but even with all of my training, I couldn’t do anything.” he teared up. “There were so many of them!” He had exhausted his magic just trying to escape.

“You did the right thing.” Meliodas patted his shoulder. “Sometimes a strategic withdrawal is what’s needed to win a greater battle down the road.”

“That’s what my father said, so I thought if I found the seven deadly sins and brought them back, we could stop the corrupt Holy Knights.”

“A brave ambition.” Meliodas patted his head, and the action made Estarossa’s heart flutter.

“Wait...could you be...”

Bang Bang Bang

Some guards pounded on the door. “Open up in the name of the Knights of Liones,” Allioni shouted, and banged on the door again. “We are here to arrest the rusted knight!”

“Do you really think this guy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins?” One of the guards asked he was clearly toasted from the light blush on his cheeks.

“Even if he is, we have Sir Twigo on our side.”

“Don’t joke about that!” Allioni snapped. He had seen their destructive power in his youth the sins were no joke. “The sins are monsters!”

“Enough!” Twigo pushed them aside. “We are coming in!” He uses his sword to cut through the door and reduced it to pieces. He entered the bar and found no one. “Report...there is no one here?” the guards poured in but upon searching they found the armor, but no one inside.

Meliodas was on the ceiling, holding Estarossa with his four arms.

“No signs of anyone sir,” Alioni said.

“Come to think of it, I don’t remember there ever being a bar here before.”

“Suspicious!” Twigo said. “I’ll erase this whole place just to be sure.”

“But Sir Twigo, the owner may have run when they heard the rust Knight was coming,” Alioni said, and Sir Twigo punched him.

“Don’t talk back to me, you are just a lowly guard, you aren’t even an apprentice Holy Knight!”

“Stop it!” Estarossa shouted. Meliodas had let him down to sneak out the back.

“You...the lost prince of Liones. It is truly my lucky day!” he readies his sword to attack.

“Red Flame Cannon!” he charged a fireball between his hands before letting it fly.

Sit Twigo slashed the air and caused the fireball to explode. “Seize him!”

Estarossa got away from the bar. “Flare Circle!” he created a circle of flames around him, keeping the guards away from him. He got one of their swords and charged it with fire. “Phoenix Drive!” he charged at Sir Twigo.

The red armored knight grabbed Alioni and used him as a human shield. Estarossa froze and stopped his attack. “Too weak!” he went to attack only for Meliodas to appear. He kicked Twigo and saved Alioni. “Three casualties, a shame but you three shall die!”

He unleashed his magic, and Meliodas tossed the guard to Estarossa. He took the brunt of his attack. “It doesn’t matter what sort of monster you are you can’t...” his cheek got cut.

Meliodas unsheathed his broken sword, the handle was a strange and detailed design, almost like a key, with a Dragon head and a ruby eye. “Please stop!” He didn’t want the guy hurt because of him.

“It’s okay!” Meliodas said and the smoke cleared, half his shirt was ripped open exposing his Dragon Tattoo.

“That tattoo it can’t be!” Twigo began to sweat.

“It is you!” Estarossa smiled.

Alioni gasped. “Dragon Sin of Wrath, Meliodas!”

“Impossible...you couldn’t still look this way. You devil!” he went to attack again.

“Full Counter!” he reflected Twigo’s magic right back at him blasting him into the air, his armor in pieces. Meliodas jumped and gave him a four-armed pummeling, before decking him into the distance.

Seeing Twigo get blasted away sent the other guards running for their life. “Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, at your service.” he bowed. “Let’s go!”

“Go?” Meliodas whistled.

“Go and get the other sins of course. You want our help right?” Estarossa smiled and hugged the blonde to him.

Alioni couldn’t process what was going on, but when Hawk’s mom showed up, a giant green pig he promptly passed out.

To be continued


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