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Yugioh Gx parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 20  https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-duelist-20-31534174 

Chapter 21 Chazz Changes

Chazz Princeton was going places, or he was until he left Duel Academy/expelled. Now his life was sinking, along with the ship he was on. Not that he was taking any responsibility for anything that happened to him, he was too busy blaming everyone else around him. “Lousy scrubs!” he was blaming Crowler, Bastion, Jaden, even though he brought all his misfortune on himself.

“Jaden...” he growled. “You lucky punk, that’s the only way you could have beaten me.”

“Are you so sure about that?” Chazz could see Jaden in the mist. “If you're so sure, why don’t you get your game on?!”

“Quiet, I’ll wipe that smug look right off your face.” he put his duel disk on. “Just one more duel, just one, that’s all I want.”

“Really? I’d want not to be stranded.” Imaginary Jaden said and drank some water. Yes, Chazz was hallucinating, though Jaden had magic powers he didn’t know where Chazz was or would simply toy with him like this. Chazz swung at his hallucination before laughing like a mad man.

“Stranded, I’m not stranded, I’m perfectly fine.” he rummaged through his supplies and he was out of food and down to his last bottle of water. “A little thirsty maybe.”

“You know what I’m thirsty for, another duel where I beat you. I’m starving for it.” Chazz growled and tossed his bottle at the hallucination.

“Oh no!” Chazz went to grab only to fall off his ship. He fell into the water, sinking deeper and deeper. He didn’t have the strength to swim. ‘I’ll get you for this slacker...I’ll get you...’


Chazz was floating in a dark void. ‘Am I dead?’ he thought. ‘Damn that slacker, this is all his fault!’


Chazz’s eyes opened and gasped as snakes appeared and attacked him. They didn’t bite him or anything, just began ripping off his clothes. His clothes were removed bit by bit, the snakes held him tight and spread eagle, leaving him completely exposed. “Damn slacker, this is somehow your fault isn’t it?”

“Jeez Chazz, what else are you gonna blame me for?” Chazz looked and there was Jaden, dressed in a red robe. “I’m starting to think you have a hard-on for me.”

Chazz blushed. “I do not!”

“Oh? Then what is this?” Jaden brought his barefoot down onto Chazz’s crotch. Much to Chazz’s shock and horror he was hard, and only got harder as Jaden stepped on his dick. “Are you a little pervert Chazz?” he rubbed his foot back and forth, even teasing the tip with his toes.

“No!” Chazz moaned.

“Really?” he rubbed him a bit faster. “Yet, here you are naked and tied up, and you're hard as a rock.” Chazz’s blush grew as pleasure swept through him.

“I uh...I’m...not...” he was cut off with a groan, hips bucking. He started to leak pre-cum, which spilled between his toes.

“Just admit it, you like me, you want me...” he said and began to undo his robe. Chazz gulped, his face going as red as the Slifer Red jacket. Jaden had a very nice body, Chazz’s body heated up as his eyes roamed over Jaden’s naked form, only for his blood to run cold as he spotted the python between his legs.

An actual python, the snake that was jutting out of Jaden’s crotch hissed and lunged at Chazz.

“Waaahhh!” Chazz bolted upright, he was flushed and had a stiffy in his trousers.

“Hey Boss looks like you are okay!” a little glow ball of light began floating around.

“Who said that?” Chazz looked around, but the glowing ball seemed to be just out of sight.

“You seem to be having a party in your pants boss, were you having a naughty dream?” Chazz potted the glowing orb, his face burning in a blush. What he didn’t know was this was a Duel Spirit. He swatted it like a fly and it vanished...for now…

“Good Morning young duelist.” Chazz turned to see a man covered in heavy clothes and seaweed.

“Huh?” he gasped. “Who or...what are you?” the man chuckled.

“I’m the person who saved your life, and for now that is all you need to know.” he was looking at some cards.

Chazz checked his duel disk. “Hey, those are my cards!” he stood up. “Hand them over!”

“These were your cards, but they became my payment for saving you. If you want, I can give these back and you can go back into the ocean. How’s that sound?!” Chazz twitched and backed down from the threat.

“Relax, I’ll give you this card.” he tosses Chazz the Ojama Yellow card.

“What the heck is this?” he went to toss it but was stopped by the man.

“That card will change your life.”

“Whatever, I don’t believe in this stuff!”

“You’ll learn, how about I offer you a chance to beat Jaden?” Chazz’s eyes widen.

“How do you know about Jaden?” he glared.

“You talk in your sleep.” Chazz blushed. “You seem to desperately want to defeat this young man, prove yourself?”

“Tch, he’s just lucky that’s all.” he crossed his arms.

“Luck? Do you often run away from luck?”

‘He’s got you there Chazz!’ Hallucination Jaden spoke, annoying Chazz.

“That’s it, I’m no coward!”

“Talk is cheap, young duelist.”

“That maybe, but I’m rich!” Chazz pointed at the man. “And I’ll spend whatever it takes to be the best out there.”

“That’s just your problem, no amount of money can buy you that. Let’s see if you have what it takes.” His goggles flashed. “Good luck, young duelist!” the room began to fill with water. Chazz gasped and managed to hold his breath as he was shot out of the submarine and onto a frozen tundra.

“That guy is insane!” he was soaked. He ditched his obelisk blue jacket and was left in his black undershirt and blue pants. He spotted a structure in the distance. “Forget this, one call and I’m out of here!” he made it to a giant fortress. “Not bad, but my place is bigger. Anybody home?” he banged on the door.

“Oh they are home, but you’ll need forty cards for them to let you in.” Chazz turned to see an older man sitting by the fire. Chazz joined him to warm up. “No one gets in unless you have that many cards, that’s just how things work here at North Academy.”

“North Academy?” Chazz couldn’t believe it. “So this is one of Duel Academy’s rivals.”

“Archrivals you could say, the two chancellors compete every year.” Chazz was glad for some heat, his clothes were finally able to dry. “How it works here, is there are cards scattered across the island, you can find them anywhere, the harder the places to get to the stronger the cards you’ll find.” The man had managed to find thirty-nine cards but spent all the energy he had getting them.

Chazz tried to buy them off the older man, but he refused, clinging to the deck like he would the warmth of the fire and the clothes on his back. “Fine, I’ll find my own!” he set off into the frozen wasteland alone, well not exactly alone. The Ojama Yellow spirit was keeping watch over him.

He climbed ice cliffs, searched frozen crevices, dug through the snow, swam through chilled waters, all to get his cards so North Academy would open its doors. He was scuffed up and tired by the time he made it back to the gate, but he did it. He got all 40 cards he needed to get in.

The old guy was still by the fire, and Chazz felt bad for the old guy. So he lied and said he had found 41 cards and tried to give him Ojama Yellow, but some unknown force prevented him from doing so. “I can’t...I can’t let go!”


Out came the Ojama Yellow spirit. “You can’t give me away!” Chazz gasped at the sight of the spirit.

“What the hell?!” he gasped.

“We are friends, we gotta stick together!”

“We are not friends, what even are you?” Chazz glared at the spirit.

“I’m a Duel Spirit!” Ojama Yellow said with a bow.

“Umm, who are you talking to?” the man asked.

“Can’t you see it?” Chazz pointed at the little pest. Ojama Yellow chuckled.

“Aw, Boss, you’re the only one who can see me,” he said while shaking his ass in front of Chazz’s face.

“Go away!” Chazz snapped.

“Look if we are gonna be partners, you need to not be so uptight. Come on, put on some speedos and shake it with me!” he started dancing.

“You’re not real! Get lost!” he swatted at him.

“Lost? Speaking of I have two brothers who are lost, we really should find them for our deck.” Chazz put his card away making him vanish.

“Here take this card instead.” He gave the guy a different card. “Go ahead and go in. The Chazz likes to make his own entrance.” he went and sat by the fire.

“Oh yes, thank you!” the man headed in and Chazz sighed.

“Thanks for nothing, I really only found forty cards, now I’m one short.” he looked at his deck.

Hallucination Jaden appeared. “Haha!” he laughed. “I always knew you were a nice guy,” Chazz growled at him.

“Shut it!” he went to punch him only for the illusion to fade and Chazz found a spell card hidden in the snow near him.

“And when you do nice things, nice things happen to you,” he added the card to his deck and went to the massive gate.

“I got your forty cards, now open up!” rays of light came down and scanned his duel disk, charging it up and recognizing he had the cards. The doors opened and revealed a western-like setting, Chazz met the other North Academy students.

He soon found himself in North Academy’s Duel Gauntlet, where he had to take on 50 students to determine where your rank in the school is. “I’m Chazz Princeton, and soon your Czar will fall, and the Princeton will rise!” Chazz loved the challenge and he took on every student North Academy had, using his cards to crush them one by one.

Chazz used to stuff his deck with power type monsters, to crush his opponent with raw power. Monsters he deemed as weak, puny, or useless never made it into his deck. As he crushed duelist after duelist, he was able to learn to make do with the hand he’s been dealt with. Now he was using strategy, building on combos to crush his opponents. He went as far as to crush four of the top students at once, with a combo of a Giant Rat, a panda, Ring of Destruction and Ring of Defense. Now, all that was left was the Top Student who called himself the Card Czar.

The Czar thought he had Chazz beat since, he watched all his duels and had seen 99% of his cards, while Chazz was dueling blind. The czar crushed monster after monster, as Chazz built up his play, he was soon facing down two monsters with over 2500 ATK points. He wasn’t scared and thanks to combo with last Spell card he found outside he brought the czar to his knees. Banishing all the monsters in his Graveyard, using another spell to destroy his monsters, then bringing them all back using the return from a different dimension. His monsters charged and beat the Czar into the dirt. He was now the top duelist in North Academy.

“Congratulations, young duelist.” Chazz gasped as the creepy man from the sub appeared, and revealed to be the old man he met outside.

“You’re that freak!” Chazz glared.

“Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Chancellor Foster.” he gave a slight bow. “Since you’ve defeated everyone here, you are now my top student. This means you get to duel Jaden Yuki, in the upcoming school duel.”

“Jaden is Duel Academy’s rep?” Foster nodded.

The other students bowed to Chazz. “This is your chance for revenge. Not only will you get to crush the school that discarded you, but also bring down Jaden Yuki!”

“Revenge, I like the sound of that!” He punched his palm. “I can’t wait!” he chuckled. “I’m gonna wipe the smile off his dumb handsome face!”

“Uhh what was that?” Chazz blushed.

“I’m gonna beat him so bad, he’s never gonna wanna duel again!” the students cheered.


Chazz was set up in the top student’s private room. Ojama Yellow came out. “Nice digs Boss.”

“You again?!” he glared and tried to crush the spirit.

“Now Boss, don’t be that way. I’m gonna help you out.”

“Help, how could a little snot like you help me?”

“You like that Jaden guy right, you wanna huu huu.” he did some pelvic thrusts. Chazz blushed.

“No!” he snapped.

“Oh, you like it up the ass then, whatever floats your boat I don’t judge.” Chazz tried to plug his ears.

“I don’t need advice from you!!!” he cried out. 

To be continued...


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