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Ben 10 parody: patreon reward

Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/backlash-chapter-31641242 

Chapter 4 Summer Ends

Summer doesn’t last forever; Ben, Kevin, and Gwen have grown a lot, they’ve learned a lot, and have grown closer. When Ben and Gwen first started this summer trip they barely talked to each other, they didn’t think they shared anything in common. The few times they met up around holidays and shared birthdays was more of a chore.

Their summer began dreading spending any time together now they were dreading it coming to an end. Gwen had come into her own as a hero, with her own foils, Hex and Charmcaster. Each time she encountered them she always came away with a new trinket, trick, or treasure to increase her arsenal.

She obtained the Key Stone of Bezel that amplified not only her own skills by ten but amplified the power of the charms as well. She got Charmcaster’s spellbook, and even learned how to make a magic bag of her own, hers was a cat design with button eyes, a tail, a strap, and the mouth was the entrance of the bag. If someone tried to take something out of her bag without permission it would sprout fangs and bite. She also learned to conjure her own rock creatures.

Kevin had made a lot of progress, with a supportive circle he was able to deal with his issues. He had friends, a mentor, he learned a lot working on the Rustbucket, Max did all his repairs, and he was able to teach Kevin. He learned about engines, machines, alien tech it was a dream. To say nothing of his combat drills Max had the plumber training memorized so he was able to put them through their paces.

He had fine sharpshooting skills, growing mechanic skills, even his control over his powers was growing in leaps and bounds. What hadn’t advanced was his relationship with Ben, they were friends yes, but Kevin’s feelings were still going and getting stronger by the day. Even with Gwen’s support, Kevin found it hard telling Ben how he felt.

What didn’t help, was that he kept having bad dreams of Ben rejecting him and tossing him away. Those dreams were bad, but his good dreams with Ben were possibly worse as he kept waking up to a stiffy and he still shared a bed with Ben. Gwen’s collection of yaoi and BL manga only seemed to give him more ideas, more questions, and fewer answers.

Through all the battles, video games, fun, Kevin didn’t want it to end, even if Ben didn’t feel the same way, they were friends. Not something he had a lot of, and he wanted to keep what he had safe. They had each other’s backs, Ben could be reckless, but said he trusted Kevin to have his back. The feeling was mutual.

Ben unlocked new aliens and with Kevin’s help figured out their powers. Over the summer he either figured out the code for new aliens or when they scratched the Omnitrix it collected their DNA. It was the best summer Ben ever had, he connected with his cousin, made a friend who actually understood him. It was sad that summer came to an end, but it didn’t mean he was going back to a normal life.

“Come on Kevin, tell him!” Gwen nudged him. Ben was sitting up front with Max.

“I can’t, I just can’t...” Kevin frowned.

“Come on, you’ve fought circus freaks, a creepy bug man, alien mercenaries, forever knights, and even kicked Vilgax in the face.” Gwen named just a few accomplishments.

“That stuff is easy!” He’d rather go five rounds with Vilgax than face rejection from Ben. It didn’t help that they met Kai, Kevin thought Ben had a thing for her. Gwen wasn’t sure, Ben was acting strange that day, didn’t help that Ben was turned into an alien werewolf. Kai did ask Ben out, but only if he turned into a werewolf again. Gwen could see a mile away that a relationship with Kai would be toxic, she only wanted him if he changed for her. She wanted to train him and tame him.

Ben rejected her, but it still had Kevin a tad nervous. Ben the whole time kept helping her. “If it's about Kai, I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.”

“Can you be sure?” Gwen couldn’t, she just had a feeling and a lot of hope. Kevin wasn’t the jerk she thought he was, he really cared about her cousin.

“No, but Summer is over, you aren’t gonna have a lot more chances.” He’s had chances before but he either chickened out or got interrupted.

“That’s what I’m worried about, Summer is over, what’s gonna happen with Ben?”

“Oh...yeah...” she had gotten so used to it, she had forgotten Ben wasn’t normal anymore. How was he gonna go to school? Grandpa Max had also been quiet on the way back to town.

They reached Ben’s house, and Ben’s parents were outside waiting for him. They...did not look happy. “I’m gonna have to talk to Ben’s parents, you kids wait here, and I’ll drop you off in a bit. Let’s go, Ben.”

“Okay, Grandpa.” Ben got up and followed him. “See ya guys, I wish our summer could have lasted longer.” Gwen hugged him.

“See you doofus.” she pulled back and Ben and Kevin looked at each other.

“Kevin...this isn’t goodbye,” the raven-haired teen tensed. “We’ll see each other again, right?”

“Heh, you kidding Benji, we’ll work things out. We are friends till the end right?” Ben chuckled.

“Yeah...” he grinned. He went to hug Kevin only for Kevin to go for a handshake. They blushed and chuckled before doing the opposite.

‘These dorks how are they not a couple yet!?’ the two shook hands.

“Ben, no matter what happens, your parents love you. Your dad, might not be happy with me though.” he gulped.


They left the Rustbucket and Gwen and Kevin peeked out the window. His parents were shocked at Ben’s extra appendages. Sandra started crying and hugging her son. Carl started arguing with Max. “I wish we could hear what’s going on?”

“Leave it to me.” Gwen conjured a little stone bat. “Go fly my little spy, reveal and sight and sound for your master.” the bat glowed and off it flew, and just in time as they went inside the house. Gwen’s little spy bat slipped in before the door shut.

Gwen brought out a crystal ball. A little chant later and now they could see and hear what the bat did.

“I can’t believe this dad!” Carl shouted. “I thought you retired from the plumbers and all that alien stuff.”

“I did, things kinda just happened.”

“My son has four arms!” he yelled again. Kevin was hit by guilt.

“Not that we don’t love you Ben, more to love!” Sandra hugged him.

“Right, but how is he gonna live a normal life now? You promised you’d figure something out.”

“There isn’t a way to reverse Ben’s transformation, I’ve checked and reached out to my various contacts with the plumbers.”

“Great, all that time you spent away from us, sure came in handy.” Carl was mad.

“I was just trying to protect you kids.”

“Dad, you knew about Grandpa?” Ben gasped.

“I knew, and I hated all that plumber stuff, the secrets, the lies. I only agreed to let Ben go with you because you promised you were out of the game. You always put the job before the family.”

“That’s not fair, Grandpa was protecting the universe!”

“Ben, it’s okay...” Max sighed. “I can’t say I don’t have regrets. I made my mistakes, but I loved you kids.”

“Is that all you have to say? My son has been mutated, I never should have let him go with you.”

“Carl!” “Dad!” was exclaimed in unison.

“It’s fine, I get it. I do have a way to fix this. If you’d let me.”

“What?” Carl crossed his arms.

“There is a plumber academy, it offers training and education to youth across the galaxy. I pulled some strings and I offered to teach at the academy if they’d accept Ben into the program.”

“Really?!” Ben gasped getting excited.

“So you want Ben to be just like you!?” Carl hissed. “Leave his family, go off star running or whatever you call it.”

“Carl!” Sandra warned. “This might be a great opportunity for Ben.”

“It's his only opportunity now, how could we explain what happened to our son?”

“Dad, I want to go!” Ben said. “Extra arms or not, I’ve always been seen as a freak at school. I want to do this!”

Carl sighed. “If this is what you want Ben, we’ll discuss it.”

“Thank you, Max, I know you retired to spend more time with your family, going back even as a teacher is very nice of you.” Sandra hugged the man.

“Yeah...thanks, dad...” Carl said but still wasn’t happy.

“I gotta tell Kevin and Gwen!” Ben raced out of the house, but the news was already shared. Kevin was white as a ghost.

‘Ben’s leaving, he’s going off-planet...I...I may never see him again.’ Kevin was sweating bullets. Ben was so excited Kevin put on a brave face but Gwen could tell he was freaking out. Ben went back inside.

“He’s leaving, he’s really leaving and he’s so happy, how can I stop him?”

“Kevin relax, he’s just going to space for school he’s not going for 70 years or anything.” Kevin groaned because he was only going because he needed an education, and he couldn’t because of him. “Why don’t you just find out if you can go to the plumber school too?”

“I can’t!” Kevin snapped. “I ran away from home before, if I go home only to ask if I should leave again, it’d be a slap in the face.” He had a point. “I need to tell him before he leaves.”

“That’s perfect, it can be a beautiful airport moment, with a twist.” Gwen was dropped off and Max and Kevin went to Levin’s place. His mother was so happy to see him.

“Hi mom...” he was nervous.

“Oh Kevin!” she ran over and hugged him. “My baby, your back, I was so worried about you!”

“I’m sorry mom, I’m sorry!” he hugged her and they cried. Kevin told her about his summer, about Ben and how he was leaving to go to plumber school. She was worried he wanted to go too, but he said he just wanted to see him off.

The plumber transport was arranged a few days later, and Kevin did get to see Ben off. “Ben...there is something I need to tell you.” He was so damn nervous.

“What is it Kevin?” the raven-haired youth paused. “You know you can tell me anything.” Kevin blushed but still couldn’t form the words.

'You can do this Kevin, have confidence!' Gwen thought. The two looked so cute together. 

“I um...I uh...I’m gonna miss you...a lot...” Gwen facepalmed.

“I’m gonna miss you too!” Ben smiled, and he pushed forward and kissed Kevin on the cheek. “And I’m not nearly as dense as Gwen thinks I am.” Kevin’s face turned beat red. “I’ll see you again!”

Kevin was frozen in shock and joy, as Ben left Earth with Grandpa Max. Ben promised he’d visit on holidays if he could, and he’d try to write and keep in touch. The transport took them away, to a new life in space.

Levin was also starting a new life on Earth, he got enrolled in school. He introduced himself before taking his seat. “Looky here JT, Tennyson is gone, but we got some fresh meat to tenderize.” He looked to his right to see Cash, Ben’s former bully.

“This year isn’t gonna be so bad after all!” to his left sat JT. Kevin would trounce these two losers, but he promised he’d be on his best behavior.

‘This year is gonna be a drag!’ he touched his cheek and thought about Ben.

To be continued...6 Years Later, Ben’s Vacation


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