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One Piece parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/one-piece-legend-27780843 


Luffy: Shield Hero: Level 3

Special Skills

Angling Skill: Catch Rate for Fish + 1

Foraging Skill: Farming + 2

High Stamina Skill: Stamina Boost (Medium)

Food Recovery Boost: Stamina Boost when eating food

Plant Identification Skill: Able to Identify plants by touching them. (Medium)

Survival Skill: Capable of building a small campsite - recovers stamina and health at a campsite. Tool Mastery + 1

Cooking Skill 1: Capable of preparing simple meals. (Small)

Animal Charisma: Able to quickly tame animals and beasts

Rubber Body 1: Mastered Special Skill from the Rubber Shield: Allows his body to stretch, increase his attack range and bounce back physical blows.

Herb Quality: Boosts the quality of plants farmed.

Mushroom Recovery Boost: Mastered Skill from the Mushroom Shield: Boost the positive effects when eating mushrooms. (Small)


Coin Shield Copper: Coin Blessing (Low) Can store money in the shield and gain interest over time. DEF + 1

Orange Shield: DEF + 2

Green Shield: DEF + 2

Yellow Shield: DEF + 3

Blue Shield: DEF + 3

Rubber Shield 1: AGI + 3 DEF + 3, Special Skill Rubber Body

Mushroom Shield: Mushroom Recovery Boost Skill

Poison Mushroom Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Sleep Mushroom Shield: Sleep Resistance (Small)

Parasite Mushroom Shield: Body Control Resistance (Small)

Hypnosis Mushroom Shield: Mind Control Resistance (Small)

Spore Shield: Unique Skill- Spore Counter: when struck releases a status spore that can poison, stun, or sleep. Charged Attack- Parasite Spore

Petit Medicine Shield: Medicine Effect Boost

Petit Poison Shield: Antidote Effect Boost

Medicinal Mushroom Shield: Compounding Skill

Green Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 1 Healing Potion

Blue Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 2 Antidote

Red Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 3 Burn Ointment

Orange Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe 4 Smelling Salt

White Mushroom Shield: Compounding Recipe Rare: White Lead Antidote

Zoro: Level 3 Dog Demi-Human

Law: Level 2 Rabbit Demi-Human

Chapter 4 Training

Zoro was given a simple white t-shirt and black pants and some old boots to wear. He was given a plain sword to use. Law was given a black t-shirt and blue pants to wear, he was given a sword but the way he was holding it seems he wasn’t used to the sword. Luffy revealed the balloons, Franky noticed that there were some attached to his belt, they weren’t like the others that were gnawing on Luffy.

Luffy noticed Franky’s look. “I can’t explain it, over time they just stopped.” he shrugged. Franky wasn’t buying it, he had tamed the little monsters. Luffy grabbed one of the gnawing ones. “Law stab this!”

“A...a monster...” Law gasped.

“You’ll be fine, just stab it!” Law’s hands were trembling, and his hesitation causes his slave crest to activate. He cried out in pain. “Law, you’ll be fine, trust me!”

Law stood his ground, the slave crest stopping its punishment on him, he charged, but his blow was too weak, and he got bounced back. “Put your back into it more,” Zoro told him.

He tried again and this time he popped the balloon. “Good job!” Luffy praised, and then raised a brow as Zoro and he got experience too. “Eh?”

“They are a part of your party, so EXP is shared.” Franky crossed his arms. “Kid, did that mean you and that girl didn’t register as a party?”

“That woman...” Luffy growled and his hand balled into a fist. “She never intended to be nakama!” Zoro and Law were shocked at the intense anger that radiated off Luffy.

“Master...” Luffy looked towards Zoro and the two flinched. “May I try?” the shield hero physically calmed looking at the two, and he readied a balloon for Zoro to cut. The green-haired dog demi was able to kill the balloon with one strike.

“Very good,” Luffy said, and Zoro’s ears perked up and his tail wagged. “Let’s go!” Luffy led the two out.

Franky was worried, he knew Luffy was putting up a tough front. This world had changed him, but deep down he was still a good guy. ‘Don’t let this world crush your spirit!’

Law was a bit nervous, but they began to grind. Zoro was a bit more excited and was quick to cut down the balloons that approached. Luffy noticed that while Law could use a sword he didn’t have much formal training in using it, Zoro had some training. He looked at their stats and Zoro had a higher attack stat that Law, but it wasn’t a level thing as the bunny had a higher Speed stat than him.

Monsters went for Law, but Luffy shielded him, and when they were knocked back he was able to come in and cut them down. Since they were fighting the monsters they got the most exp, but Luffy was building up some thanks assist bonuses from Law and the shared exp.

With their help, Luffy was able to beat Balloons he couldn’t defeat on his own. The Red Balloons were stronger, the Purple Balloons were larger, and the Pink Balloons were faster. He had tried to fight some stronger ones with no luck, he just didn’t have the power to seal the deal. With them as his swords, he was able to cut them down. Zoro was able to cut down the Red Balloons easily enough, Law could catch the Pink Balloons, and the two worked together to take down the Purple Balloons He divided the drops, into sell and feed. The feed pile was going to his shield.

Red Shield: Defense + 5

Purple Shield: Defense + 6

Pink Shield: Defense + 4 Agility + 1 Speed + 3

Colors Shield: Attack + 1 Defense + 10 Agility + 3 Speed + 3 Health + 5 Luck + 3 Stamina + 3 SP + 3 Charisma + 3

A new shield tree was unlocked. According to his Icon, shield trees would grow as he leveled up. Rubber Shield 2: Agility + 6 Defense + 6 Jump + 2 : Boost the Special Skill Rubber Body to Rubber Body + 1: Attack Range Boost, Long Range Impact Bonus, Reach Extension.

His Rubber Abilities came as a shock to Zoro and Law, but they weren’t complaining as he used his new reach to pick fresh apples for them. The Long-Range Impact Bonus allowed him to wind up an attack and strike an enemy at a longer range, doubling its power. If his attack stat was higher it’d be more useful. ‘It looks like I’ll still need to be relying on these two.’

Their last enemy of the day, was a strange Egg Balloon and a Tomato Balloon when they killed it the boy’s got covered in smelly egg yolk and other juices. “You two wash up and clean your clothes, I’ll fish for our dinner.” he fed the shell and the goop to his shield.

The Veggie Shield boosted his Plant Identification Skill to Large, according to his Icon this was the max tier he could get at his level, but there were two higher tiers he could access once he leveled up. The Egg Shield gave him a boost to his Cooking Skill by 1, but it didn’t become medium as he expected it to. Checking his Icon it seems while he had a cooking skill he didn’t have a strong talent for it so it would take more boosts for it to upgrade. Thinking back he had more fun eating food than cooking it, he often burned food because he got distracted easily, though Garp drilled it into his head about identifying plants which ones can be dangerous, harmless, edible, etc. ‘This world is such a mystery.’ He thought.

Luffy fished, feeding some of the small fries to his shield and unlocked the Fishing Shield, which boosted his Angling Skill to + 2. With his upgraded skill, he was able to catch fish in a shorter amount of time.


Zoro and Law washed their clothes and set them aside, before washing themselves. “You aren’t gonna run away are you?” Law asked him.

After a pause, Zoro answered. “No, he’s letting me fight and get stronger, if he’s gonna fight in the waves I wanna help him.”

“He seems kind, but...” his ears flattened. Zoro understood, it was hard to trust anyone lately, he didn’t know Law’s backstory or anything but he had the same look in his eyes. Luffy’s anger spike before was scary, and he seemed to keep his distance from them, except when it came to protecting them. “He is protecting us though.”

They returned to the camp Luffy set up and hung up their clothes. He had fish cooking for them and some apples. As they ate Luffy worked on grinding and mixing medicines. He failed a few times but made some more medicine for Law. If with the boost of effectiveness to his medicine it would be a while before the disease was out of his system. He could see the white fading away from his body.

Luffy took a break to eat and replenish his own stamina. He looked over their stats, what a difference having a party made as Luffy was now at Level 8 and both Zoro and Law were Level 7. The boys turned in, but Luffy stayed up to make more medicine.

He unlocked the Special Skill Apprentice Compounding 1, this made it a little easier to make medicines.

Zoro’s Pov

The sky was twisted and distorted, thick with miasma as wave after wave of terrifying monsters descended upon our little village. Our village wasn’t weak, it was one of many Demi-Human villages in Totto Land overseen by an acting governor. We prided ourselves as warriors and would have fought alongside humans to defend our homeland.

However, the Wave’s numbers were just too great, and back up didn’t come. The adults stood their ground as our village burned, the children were told to escape, but I wanted to stay and fight. That was my first mistake...there were so many...so many monsters...the smell of blood burned my sense of smell as smoke from the fires dulled my senses.

From the darkness I saw them, ripping demi-humans apart and devouring them. They were coming...coming for me! “AAAAAAHHHHHH!”

End Pov

Zoro cried out in horror, he reached out for someone to come help…

Luffy took his hand. “Zoro, it’s okay.”

“Please Save...” he began to tear up.

Luffy hugged him and pet him. “It’s okay, everything is okay!” Zoro clung to him, shaking like a leaf.

Law wasn’t doing any better, he was trembling and twitching having nightmares of his own. “Mother...Father...Sister...no...help...someone...help...” he was crying and sniffling.

So Luffy did what his brothers did when he had a bad dream. He scooped him up and held them close, telling them it would be okay, and that he was here. His warmth and soothing touches helped the two calm down. ‘I can’t image what hell these two have been through, being my slaves probably doesn’t help, but I need them.’

When the two awoke they were shocked to find themselves pressed against Luffy, his pack of Balloons guarding the camp. Once they were awake the tamed Balloons went back to Luffy’s belt. Zoro had night terrors, he didn’t like thinking about the past but it came, he often cried out in his sleep.

His previous owners would beat him and tell him to shut up, which only made the issue worse. Law’s village was also consumed by the first wave, his village was a mix of beast-men and demi-humans their village was bigger into trade and medicines. Without the heroes the waves caused widespread destruction, though the kingdom’s knights came they were too late and the causalities were high.

Luffy awoke sometime later, and they washed up, dressed, had some food, and did some farming on the way back to the city. Luffy sold the drops and made some pretty decent money. Law and Zoro waited for him, noticing some humans playing with a ball. “Do you want one?”

The two tensed and shook their heads, but the way Zoro’s tail was wagging he wanted it, and the way Law kept stealing glances at the kids having fun he wanted it to. Luffy found the merchant and bought them a ball. “You two can play with it after we’ve finished our work, understand?” The two smiled and agreed.

Luffy stopped at Kureha’s place. “You again, get out of here, I’m not selling you anything.”

“How about buying?” he showed her the medicine, and herb bundles. Kureha raised her glasses in surprise.

“You made these?” she had an eye for appraising medicine, and she could tell it was potent stuff. Though Luffy’s skill at medicine making wasn’t under beginner level, his medicine’s potency was increased thanks to his skills.

“I did, tell me would selling medicine be better than selling the raw herbs?”

“Well, with the waves and increased monster activity I can hardly keep the medicine on the shelves. So I suppose I can throw a few silver your way for the medicine, copper, for the herbs.”

“I see,” he sold the medicine and herbs.

“That bunny of yours looks better, you treating him?” she asked before he could leave.

“I said I would didn’t I?” he left with them. Kureha was indeed surprised but still wasn’t happy with Luffy. As Luffy finished selling off the drops, Zoro and Law played with the ball together, passing it back and forth.

Some kids saw this and confronted them. “What are you two doing?” they asked confusing the two demi-humans. “That ball is too good for demi-humans to have!” one of them snatched it away from Law and pushed him down.

“Give it back!” Law snapped while Zoro growled. The kids just laughed at them.

Luffy noticed and took the ball away from them. “What are you brats doing, trying to take something that doesn’t belong to you?”

“Stay out of this!” one snotty brat said.

“Yeah, we are teaching these Demi-Humans a lesson.”

“Oh? Well if you want a ball, I got one you can play with.” Law knew exactly what kind of “ball” Luffy had for them, Zoro did too, he tried to warn them but they didn’t listen. Luffy’s tamed Balloons attacked, biting the kids making them run away screaming.

Zoro and Law couldn’t help but laugh as those jerks got what they deserved. Luffy gave them their ball back. Luffy used some of the silver he had for the shield to unlock the Coin Shield Silver Series, which would store some of their silver and increase it.

Their stomachs growled and Luffy took them to a restaurant. On the way, Luffy noticed other Demi-human slaves and their treatment, along with signs on places refusing to serve Demi-humans. Luffy ignored the signs, much to the shock of Zoro and Law.

When Luffy walked in with two Demi-humans people recognized him, and the room got quiet and people began to whisper about him. “Shh, shut up don’t let him hear you.”

The waiter wasn’t happy to see Luffy and was going to protest serving demi-humans but one look at the gnawing balloons on him made him change his tune. “I’ll have the cheapest meal, and get them the kids meal, one each.” he had noticed them eyeing a kid with one earlier.

“Master, why do you treat us so well?” Law asked taking a seat.

“Do you want me to treat you badly?” he asked.

“No!” Law gasped.

“We...just aren’t used to it,” Zoro said.

Luffy sighed. “You two are my blades, I need you both in prime condition so its only natural I take care of you.” Their feed arrived and the two drooled over the delicious-looking food. They dug in stuffing their faces. “Is it good?”

“It’s really good!” they said in unison.

Luffy tried his food and nothing...no taste at all. After their meal Luffy had them stay at an inn, again he ran into some issues but nothing his balloons couldn’t fix. He fixed them up, cutting their hair so they didn’t look so wild, Zoro had shorter hair between the two. Law took some more medicine.

He fed the hair to his shield, and while partial shields appeared he didn’t have enough material to unlock them. He decided it wasn’t worth it. The two had trouble sleeping a bit, but Luffy looked after them. He didn’t press them about their past, it wasn’t that he didn’t care, he just didn’t want them to relive it if they didn’t have to.

While Luffy was showering the two were playing ball and accidentally broke some of Luffy’s medicine. Luffy came in and the two froze in terror. “We are sorry, we didn’t mean to.” They thought he would punish them, and waited for the hitting to start.

“Are you guys okay?” he patted their heads. “Don’t play ball inside got it,” they nodded. “I’ll clean up the mess.” Accidents happen, and they were kids. He should have put his medicine away before taking a shower. He dumped the mess into the shield.

Energy Shield: SP + 3

Potential Energy Shield: Lowers Stamina Decay

With their level upgrades, Luffy was planning to venture deeper into the forest today. This was gonna be problematic as Zoro and Law must face their trauma in the upcoming encounters.

To be continued Blood Terror and Two Swords

Luffy and his party encounter the first beast type monster, this brings up some issues for the two as their trauma from the first wave comes. Law thinks about the legend of the four heroes.


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