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Reincarnated As Slime parody: patreon reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/that-time-i-was-23930314 

Chapter 2 Meeting Veldora

Veldora’s Pov

I had sensed a powerful entity in the cave, whoever it was was growing stronger by the day as they explored my cave. My aura had enriched the cave, and my presence had scared away most monsters, nothing ever comes close to me. I was so bored, so lonely, not that I would ever admit it out loud. Whoever was exploring my cave was getting closer, I could feel excitement welling up inside me.

Whoever it was, had their monster aura leaking of them in waves. Well aren’t they bold, they must not have any Magic Sense. They got closer and they were traveling by Glow Ball, illuminating their path. My jaw dropped at the sight of my guest. An Incubus! By the gods, a live incubus was in my cave!

Incubi were masters of pleasure, truly a rare opportunity. I took in the sight of the incubus and I could already feel my dragon dick entering the first stage of arousal. My blood was rushing south and I could feel my penis stiffening. As they got closer I got a closer look at him and he was lovely, the glow of his skill cast enticing shadows over his body, allowing me to drink in the sight of his sexy form.

He was gorgeous! I felt a cupid’s arrow pierce my heart as it skipped a beat. I went into the second stage of arousal as my cock slipped out of my sheath. It was hard for a dragon of my size, to give an accurate size of my penis, but I’m proud to say as one of the True Dragons I am mightily endowed. I wasn’t scared of showing it off, nudity was common among incubi.

I didn’t know what I was gonna say, it had been so long since I spoke to anyone. I wonder if I can talk at all, it's been forever. I cleared my throat. Okay first impression, I have to be strong but not scary, firm but welcoming, manly but not aggressive.

“Greetings bold one!” I proclaimed and the incubus tensed.

End Pov

‘That wasn’t Great Sage...’ Satoru froze as a strong voice called out to him, he sent the Glow Ball out and gasped as a dragon was revealed from the darkness. “D...D...Dragon!” he screamed and his eyes bulged. His gaze traveled from the dragon head, the wings, the claws, the pecs, the abs, and… “Whoa!” Satoru blushed, seeing the dragon’s giant dick.

The dragon began to sweat. “Wait...don’t be afraid...I’m not gonna hurt you!”

“I wasn’t afraid, just surprised.” he calms down a bit. “This is my first time meeting a dragon before, I apologize for shouting.”

“Really? Even if you haven’t met a true dragon like me, you should have met some form of a dragon coming all this way from the incubus village.” The dragon examined him.

“Incubus village?” Satoru sweatdropped. “You might not believe me, but I’m actually a human. I died and suddenly woke up here, as this.”

“Ohhh!” he roared shocking Satoru. “So you are a unique.”

“Unique?” The dragon nodded.

“You are a human who was reincarnated into this world, unlike summons who are brought from the other world.” Satoru had so many questions. “You really don’t know anything about this world do you?”

“Nope but it sounds cool, in my world, there are tons of games about fantasy stuff.” he was getting pumped, the urge to explore this world growing. “My skill Great Sage has been helping me though.”

“First thing’s first, do you know how to use Magic Sense?” Satoru shook his head. “Check with your skill...Great Sage was it?” He did, and the skill was unlocked.

Attention: Magic Sense skill unlocked, would you like to activate it?

“Yes!” the skill was activated and Satoru could see the magicules in the air, the air was thick with them. This explained why there were such potent herbs and minerals. He looked at the dragon and could now see a barrier around him, what’s more, the dragon’s arousal was giving off a lot of magicules. “You seem to be stuck in a prison of some kind.”

Attention: Upon unlocking Magic Sense as an incubus you’ve gained the skill Pleasure Force, you can manipulate magicules to give pleasure.

“Yes I… ahhh!” Satoru had accidentally used Pleasure Force, turning the magicules around the dragon’s penis into pleasurable energy.

“Eh?!” Satoru gasped and in his frantic action shook his hand. “I’m sorry I...”

“Ohhhh!” The dragon moaned the pink energy was slithering around his cock, caressing his ridges and teasing his glans, for reference the base of each ridge was like the glans on a man’s penis. “It feels so good!”

‘Oh damn, I thought I hurt him. If he’s enjoying this then...’ he made a pumping motion with his hand and the dragon moaned as his penis was stimulated.

“So this is the Incubus Pleasure Force...amazing!” The dragon was panting and drooling, pre-cum was oozing out and coating his shaft, drifting off his ridges.

‘This is thanks to you, teaching me Magic Sense.’ he squeezed his hand and the energy squeezed his dick. He was enjoying all of Veldora’s moans and whimpers, his noises echoed through the cave around them. Music to the incubus’ ears, his soft dick rising to its full mast of 17 inches. “This is my way of saying thanks.” With his free hand, he lifted up two fingers, pink energy forming at the fingertips. This sent the pleasure force up the dragon’s ass and channeling it right into his prostate.

“Oh my….aahhhhh!” the dragon came, his mountain of a cock erupting like a volcano. His seed passed through the barrier and splattered the ceiling, the walls, and even Satoru.

“Such a mess,” using the Lust Force he managed to collect ALL of the dragon semen and slurp it down. He thought it might be too much, but each gulp made him crave more. Before he knew it the large amount of semen was slurped away.

Lustful Skill Activated: Dragon Wing Skill unlocked; wings are more durable and can fly longer and higher. Dragon Roar Skill; harnesses one’s magic and releases it in a line or cone. Water Dragon Roar, Lust Dragon Roar; destroys weapons, armor, and clothing. Enhance Strength Skill, Enhance Body Skill, Enhanced Tail Skill unlocked. Dragon Drive Skill unlocked; an offensive skill using the user's claws wings and tail enhanced by magic. Magicules have increased. 

Satoru licked his lips, he was feeling warm and tingly, and supercharged. “You...” Veldora had recovered from his orgasm, his cock soft and still hanging out of his sheath. “You dare...to mess with the great Storm Dragon Veldora’s sweet spot, force me to make embarrassing noises, and cum so quickly!” he roared.

The incubus gulped. “You...you didn’t like it?

“I LOVED IT!” he roared making Satoru sweatdrop. “I haven’t cum so hard in a very long time, its been just me trapped in here.” Despite Veldora’s scary appearance, he was actually approachable and nice.

‘He’s a bit of a Tsundere isn’t he?’ Satoru thought.

Answer: Yes, yes he is.

“How long have you been sealed in there?”

“Oh about 300 years or so,” he shrugged.

“That long!” Satoru gasped, and here he thought being a middle-aged virgin was bad, he at least went out with his coworkers now and again. He felt bad for the guy.

“What got you landed here in the first place?” Veldora paused and began to twiddle his claws.

“Well...I may have sort have gotten riled up and caused a bit of trouble.” He had attacked a village. “Then this hero showed up, and I may have underestimated them a bit. I tried to go all out and I still lost!” he explained the hero was likely a summon, as their skills were very advanced.

“So you are a naughty boy?” Satoru crossed his arms and Veldora blushed.

“Maybe a little?” Satoru chuckled.

The two talked for a bit Veldora giving him insight into the world, monsters, magic, adventure, guilds, it had Satoru’s youthful heart racing. In his youth he loved a good adventure manga and video game, now he was getting his chance to actually live it. “Yes, I can’t wait to explore this world!”

“Oh, you are leaving?” he sulked.

‘Is he pouting?’ Veldora was giving him puppy dog eyes, or the dragon equivalent. “Hmm, maybe I can get you out of there.” he had skills maybe he had one that could break it.

“You’d really do that?”

“I can try, what are friends for?”

“Friends? An incubus wants to be friends with a storm dragon!” he roared. Satoru sweatdropped.

“If it’s not okay, I understand.”

“Are you an idiot! Who said it’s not okay!!” he roared again.

“So do you not want to?”

“I didn’t say that, but if you really want to. I’ll think about it.” he crossed his arms.

“Well, I’d like to be your friend no matter what, but if you don’t want to...” he turned around. “Then I’ll never come back here again!”

“Wait!” Veldora shouted and Satoru turned with a smirk, and the dragon blushed. “It can’t be helped...I’ll become your friend!”

“I’ll be in your care.” The two made a bond. ‘Though it seems a little silly to be talking about friends when I just jerked you off and drank your cum.’ he thought.

“Water Blade!” He attacked the barrier with water, no effect. “Sexy Beam!” he fired a barrage of pink energy lasers they hit the barrier with no effect. “Kiss Bomb!” Not a scratch. “Water Dragon Roar!” he did a widespread attack, but the barrier stood strong. “Lust Dragon Roar!” he released a wave of pink energy it struck the barrier.

“You have quite a lot of stamina.” Veldora pointed out.

“Man, this thing truly is a prison nothing gets out and nothing gets in.” He went to knock on the barrier only to gasp as he slipped right through it. “Wah?” he was able to pass through the barrier physically, and it wasn’t one way either.

“Great Sage is there any way to break Veldora’s Seal?”

Answer an outside force is strengthening the Infinite Prison, so it is impossible to destroy it with physical or magical attacks.

Great Sage had a plan and began to give Satoru some details. “Hey don’t just talk to your skill?”

“Don’t be jealous, I think we have an idea. We just need to analyze both sides of the infinite prison.” If they worked together, Great Sage could analyze it.

“That could take some time, my skills were sealed when I was placed inside.”

“You are my first friend since coming to this world, I can’t turn my back on a friend. What’s gonna happen to you, if I just left you here?”

“My magicules would slowly be drained away, and in about 200 years I’d expire.” Satoru had been rhetorical when he asked that, but damn.

Satoru poked the barrier. “Hmm, maybe we can do both, Veldora...how about I eat you up?” he licked his lips.

To be continued


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