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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Ghost Whisper

Danny learns of a new ability he can use, the ghost whisper, he can leave hypnotic suggestions on someone while in ghost form. He’d thank Ember cause fighting her helped him learn about this ability. Hypnosis Mind Control Exhibition Macro   

Chapter 1  

Danny was new to being a crime fighting ghost, he’s had to learn a lot in the field. He’s battled different ghosts and learned how to walk through walls, disappear, and fly, but that wasn’t all. He had his ghost sense, whenever ghosts were around he’d get a sudden chill and a wisp would escape his mouth. He also learned how to fire ecto energy from his hands. Possession was another weapon in his wheel house, depending on the person overshadowing them could be easy or hard.  

When things got rough Danny used the inventions his parents made. You see, Danny was the son of two Ghost Hunters, and scientists, one brilliant the other good natured but bumbling. They built tech to capture and fight ghosts, even though the world didn’t believe in them. He kept his secret from them in order to you know...stay alive.  

Yes they were his parents and they loved him, but they made him nervous when they didn’t go a day without saying they wanted to catch a ghost and dissect them molecule by molecule. It was because of them he got ghost powers in the first place, they had built a Ghost Portal, hoping to reach a world unseen. When it didn’t work, his parents gave up on it, but Danny took a look inside.  

His father Jack had plugged the portal in but had forgotten to turn on the switch inside, before doing the test. Danny found the switch and accidentally turned it on and flash, his molecules got rearranged, infused by ghost energy. Jack hadn’t unplugged it...oops…

Now he can go ghost, when he transforms he gets snow white hair and glowing green eyes. Many of their failed gadgets Danny was able to tweek and get them to work. When they worked they were quite useful in stopping ghosts.  

He’s had quite the busy time fighting different ghosts, be it the Lunchlady ghost who had an obsession with meat, a Ghost Dragon, the annoying Box Ghost, a ghost hunter named Skulker, a genie ghost named Desiree, and a lot of others. Each time he managed to best these guys either furthering his skills or figuring out technology to best them. The confidence helped Danny do better in school. Getting ghost powers truly was the best thing that ever happened to him.  

One ghost enemy had caused a quite a bit of trouble, Ember. She was a rock star ghost, who gained power by people chanting her name. Her music and voice had a hypnotic effect, and she began taking over the youth of Amity Park. Danny and his friend Sam had been immune to her spell, Danny’s powers protecting him, and Danny had given her some Fenton Phones, they filtered out Ghost Noise.  

Sam figured it out, and Danny made sure he was wearing his when he fought Ember a second time. Good thing to, as because with all the youth of this town chanting her name her power was beyond his and her music could effect him now. With Sam’s help he was able to withstand her spells. Her plan was to broadcast all over the world, she used Danny’s other friend Tucker to hack into a satellite and get her broadcast ready.  

Her concert was televised and broadcast over the world, the adults tried to stop her but, her music turned the kids savage and made them the perfect body guards. “My music has the power to effect the mind and the body, mind over matter baby!”   

With the whole world chanting her name, Ember was super charged. She tried to enslave Danny but it wasn’t working still. Danny kept goading her, and no matter what song she played Danny kept getting back up. Getting hit by them again and again did help Danny learn a new trick of his own.  

Danny didn’t know he did it, but he used this new trick to snap Tucker out of ember’s spell and convinced him to sing. Fun fact, Tucker can’t sing, not without a mountain of auto tune. His singing voice was so bad it started snapping people out of Ember’s spell, and since it was still being televised, people were no longer chanting Ember’s name. “No stop...tell me who you love...say my name!” no one said a thing.  

“Hey Ember!” she turned and Danny zapped her into the Fenton Thermos. Her back up band vanished, and everything went back to normal, well not exactly.  

Danny’s ghost powers evolved from fighting Ember, he learned a new technique called the Ghost Whisper. While in ghost form, he could use this power to hypnotize people. He figured this out thanks to Tucker. Hard to miss, when he asked his friend what’s up, and Tucker looked to the sky and began saying everything he saw. “Ha ha very funny Tucker.” He said and crossed his arms. “Tuck? Tucker? Are you okay?”

“I am fine, master.” he said, Danny could see his eyes were glazed over. Danny snapped his fingers and got the boy out of it. Tucker blinked unaware he had even been hypnotized.   

He learned to control it so not everything he said while in ghost form was hypnotic. His ghost powers could be very tricky. It was similar to his possession ability, he could completely hypnotize someone or leave hypnotic suggestions in them.  

Tucker helped with that, though while he protested at first, he often acted as target practice for Danny’s training sessions. He came to love Danny’s new power.  

Because of Ember’s interference the school postponed their big exam, hard not to when a world wide madness cause all the youth to go nuts. Danny was actually bringing his grades up, feeling a touch more confident.  

While Danny’s grades were going up Dash Baxter’s grades were hanging low. Dash Baxter was the jock among jocks, and one of the popular kids. He was also a jerk picking on those who weren’t popular, the “freaks” “geeks” and “losers” and for Dash Danny fell into all three.  

He was often the butt of Dash’s pranks and bullying, and their teacher Mr. Lancer always looked the other way when it comes to Dash. Most teachers thought he was the All Star and let him get away with a lot, because sports victories got the school a lot of funding.  

So imagine Danny’s joy when Mr. Lancer was putting people into study buddy pairs. “Tucker you’ll be partnered up with Kwan, Sam Manson you’ll be partnered up with Paulina, and Danny you’ll be partnered up with Dash.”  

“What?!” the two gasped and glared at each other.  

“Mr. Lancer why are you sticking me with him?” Dash asked.  

“Because in the last few months, Mr. Fenton’s grades have improved, while yours have continued to plummet. You have only a few weeks to the big test Mr. Baxter, if you do not bring your grades up in time not only is it likely you’ll fail that exam, but I can assure you your standing in athletics will crumble.” Dash’s hand balled up into a fist.  

After Class

Danny was annoyed, he didn’t want to help Dash. “I’m gonna go ghost and make Lancer change partners.” he told Tucker and Sam.  

“Come on Danny it won’t be that bad.” Sam said. “Maybe you can use this time to get to know each other, you guys might have a lot in common.” Danny frowned.  

Truth is they knew each other as kids and were friends, but Dash’s dad sent him to Young Athlete’s Camp, Dash bulked up, made new friends, and became the school’s all star. He forgot all about Danny, didn’t talk to him, acknowledge their history together. They were in high school now, he was popular and Danny wasn’t. They drifted apart, and with how Dash treated Danny nowadays he wasn’t sure he wanted to be friends.  

“You might have a good idea, but instead of ghosting Lancer, why don’t you put some mojo on Dash?” he winked at him.

“Not a bad idea.” Dash found him later.  

“Hey Fen-turd, I got practice after school, so I’ll come over to your place tomorrow to study.”  

“You actually want to come over to my house?” He was sure Dash would be all, my place seven o clock, be there or be dead.  

“I don’t want to, but I don’t want you getting your weirdo-ness all over my stuff. You better let me in, if you screw this up for me, I’ll make you regret it.” he gave Danny a shove and walked off.  

“Ohh yeah, its on!” his eyes glowed green.  

Later That Night

Dash was sleeping in his bed, when a green-eyed ghost slipped into his room. The jock was sleeping in nothing, sure it was a warm night but damn, Danny blushed as he eyed Dash’s naked form. ‘Watch out, I got an idea.’   

“Hello Dash,” he whispered. Dash’s eyes opened and they were glazed over. “Listen up, when you are alone with Danny Fenton you will strip, being naked when you two are alone is the most natural thing in the world.”  

“When I’m alone with Danny Fenton, I will strip, being naked when we are alone is natural.” he repeated the words and Danny knew that his words were taken in.  

“When you see Danny Fenton’s dick, you will have a strong desire to suck it. You’ll drink his piss and swallow his cum, and thank him for the opportunity.”  

“When I see Danny Fenton’s dick, I want to suck it. If he lets me drink his piss or swallow his cum, I’ll thank him for the opportunity.” To Danny’s surprise, Dash had gotten hard.  

‘You like that Dash, well you are gonna love this.’  

“When Danny Fenton praises you, you are gonna feel pleasure. When you feel so good to the point you get hard you will jerk off. If you make a mess you’ll be a good boy and clean up the mess with your tongue.”  

“When Danny Fenton praises me, I’m gonna feel pleasure, and when I feel so good the point I’m hard as a rock, I will jerk off. If I make a mess, I’ll be a good boy and clean up the mess with my tongue.”  

“Good boy,” Dash moaned, his cock twitching and began to weep pre-cum. ‘I guess Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom count as one and the same good to know.’  

“Now close your eyes and go back to sleep, and have a nice wet dream about Danny.” he snapped his fingers and Dash was out like a light. He started to snore softly, and his hard dick began to twitch.  

He was actually looking forward to his study date tomorrow, then blushed when he called it a date.  

To be continued Study Date?  



Hoh, similar past history to Ash and Gary? 😮 Why not. Adds a dash of melancholy, and possible compassion later on down the line. 👍 …'course, I know quite a bit of humble pie comes first. 😈