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Reincarnated as Slime parody: Patreon Reward

 Chapter 12  https://archiveofourown.org/works/17444786/chapters/52023400 


Rimuru Tempest

Passive Skills: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Electricity Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Magic Sense, Water Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Heat Perception, Auditory Perception, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Pack Bond Skill, Stamina Boost Skill, Endurance Boost Skill, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill

Offensive Skills: Water Blade, Dragon Breath, Heat Touch, Lightning Roar, Black Lightning, Wind Magic, Gust Force, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Poison Mist Breath, Body Armour, Paralysis Breath, Stick Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Wind Blade, Menace, Knock Back,

Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator,

Slime Skills: Absorb, Dissolve, Self Regenerate, Mimicry

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, Ranga, Kaijin

Riguru: 12 inches

Offensive Skills: Boro Breath, Firebolt

Ranga: 12 inches + 3-inch knot 15 inches total

Passive Skill: Size Manipulation; allows him to shrink down from his actual size making it easier to move around. Werewolf Transformation.

Offensive Skills: Fang Over Fang, Menace,

Rigurd: 13 + Thick

Kaijin: 11 inches + Thick




Chapter 13 New Form! Rimuru Tests His Skills and Abilities!

Rimuru asked to be alone for a bit, absorbing both Shizu and Ifrit had overwhelmed him a bit, he had new skills to be sorting out and mimicry unlocked. Rigurd promised to keep everyone away from his hut for a bit. Rimuru transformed taking human form once again. “Mn...” It felt different having arms and legs again. He flexed his fingers and wiggled his toes. “It is fortunate to have limbs again.”

He looked around, it was nice to be able to see and hear again without having to rely on Magic Sense. Though Magic Sense was a tad superior, he’d activate it again after doing some training. Since he gained a human body it was like a key opening up allowing him access to skills he didn’t have before. Bat Wing Mimicry, he could materialize Bat Wings and was able to fly, after using them to fly and float, he was granted an evolved form. Dragon Wing Mimicry: His wings were bigger and stronger than the Bat Wings, and could probably be used for battle or defense.

Without a Mirror Rimuru had to get creative, thankfully he had a new skill thanks to Ifrit. “Body Double!” Rimuru created a clone of himself. “Oh ho, not bad, not too shabby,” he stroked his chin as he eyed his naked self, only to sulk as his little soldier didn’t make it. “Is there really no way for me to have sex like a normal guy?”

Answer: You can materialize a penis and testicles for yourself, upgrading your mimicry. 

“Really!” he said excitedly. With a body and a dick, Rimuru felt he could properly lose his virginity. He had his clone work its magic, starting with the most humanoid some Dwarf cock and he gained some big dwarf balls in kind. “Hmm,” he twirled his fingers, and the clone’s penis shifted turning into a hobgoblin model, turning green and growing longer, his balls shifted growing thicker. “Hmm,” he twirled his finger again and he gained a beastly dick, a red shaft with a huge red knot, jutting from a sheath and in this form he had huge furry balls. “Whoa, when did I get this?”

Answer: This is the cock of the leader of the Direwolf tribe, you gained it after eating him. 

Rimuru blushed and twirled his finger. The beastly cock shifted to the werewolf cock of Ranga, it was bigger as was the knot. “Ohhh!” Rimuru was impressed, seeing things with eyes gave it a radical view. “One more,” he twirled his finger and his clone’s cock shifted into the dragon cock of Veldora. It was impressive, even adjusted for a humanoid size it was the biggest cock in his arsenal, the ridges were highly erotic.

He folded his arms. “Hmm, I got an idea.” he decided to do a mix, taking the dwarf cock as the template, he gained a soft 11-inch dick. He pumped his cock causing it to grow, by applying elements of the hobgoblin cock his cock became a grower reaching 16 inches in length. “Ohh yeah this is nice!” he pumped his cock a touch faster, his pre-cum spilling out on mass. The combo gave him huge balls, the mix of hobgoblin and dwarf putting some oomf oomf into his pecker.

His free hand fondled the base and he applied some of Ranga’s genes to it, as his release built up higher, he entered the third stage of arousal and the base of his penis swelled, making his cock even larger, reaching 19 inches with his knot. He had a penis again, it felt like forever since he jerked off, he teased his glans, caressing his shaft, spending time teasing the tip. He felt his lust building up higher and higher.

Rimuru began jerking his cock with both hands making his heavy balls bounce. “Oh ohhhhh!” His released tipped and he came, his cum erupting like a pent up volcano. It was quite the mess, his heavy seed spilling over the floor, hitting the roof and showering his clone and himself in cum. ‘I’ll need to regulate the cum output a bit.’ He decided to keep the dragon dick as a special treat as its size was greater than even his knot size. His cock deflated to its 11-inch soft state. ‘This is a lot more manageable.’

Lord Rimuru...’ someone sent him a message through Thought Communication. ‘That was intense!’ It was Riguru, and Rimuru sweatdropped. He had forgotten to turn off the link, so his solo experimentation his mates felt it.

Oh sorry,’ he sent back, blushing slightly. No apologies were necessary, his mates enjoyed it, just came as a shock. Rimuru had to remember to adjust that as well.

This was certainly a good test of his body, but he wondered if he was gonna be stuck looking like this or if he’d actually age. 

Answer: Through manipulating your magicules you can manipulate your current form. Any form that is larger than your original form the excess mass would be filled in with the black mist. 

“Oh?” before dismissing his body double he had them change their form, the dark mist was added and they physically aged, growing taller and his hair growing longer. “Interesting, can he be more manly?” he waved his hand and his lithe form changed becoming more muscled and his facial features became more masculine. “Ohh I’m a stud!” he chuckled.

He didn’t try turning into a girl, as he didn’t want to disrespect Shizu that way. He absorbed his clone and decided to save his male form for later. Adjusting his form would drain his magicules, but if he could manipulate his body like this he wondered what he could do in the bedroom. The thought of making his cock grow massive was oddly arousing. He used his slime to clean up the mess sucking up all his semen. “This is pretty cool!”

With this body, he felt he could properly lose his virginity. He got dressed and left the hut and met Rigurd who was grinning. “Thank you Lord Rimuru!” he had made a bit of a mess, but he kept to his post. Rimuru used his slime to clean him up. The crotch of his pants was soaked, his dick and balls were drenched in his hobgoblin semen and it ran down his legs. Rimuru didn’t waste a drop.

He received clothes from the dwarves and the goblinas who fitted him. It certainly gave the dwarf brothers a shock, they were rather jealous that Kaijin was mated to him. Kaijin was grinning the whole time. He stayed in human form to get used to it but made sure to turn on Magic Sense. It was nice that everyone could recognize him even if he wasn’t in slime form.

After the fitting, he called Ranga out, and the werewolf took his beast form to be his steed once more. He enjoyed it. He took a spin around the village to see how the repairs were going. Rigurd and Riguru were doing an outstanding job leading the goblins. “How're things progressing?”

“Excellent my lord,” Rigurd gave a bow. Since the other goblin villages joined up Rigurd was named the Goblin King, this new title seems to have done wonders, Rigurd is even more charming lately. “Are you heading out today?”

“Yes, I have some more practicing I need to do and its best done away from the village.” He was gonna go to the sealed cave where it was safe. “How are the other Goblin leaders doing?”

“Excellent sir!” he grinned.

With so many new goblins Rigurd couldn’t control them all so Rimuru gave special names to the former Goblin leaders and put them under Rigurd. Rugurdo, Regurdo, and Rogurdo, who Rimuru put under a department of justice, legislation and administrative leaders, then there was the goblina Ririna and is acting minister of production of goods and materials. Along with these tasks they oversee the various goblins. Riguru was the Goblin Prince, and he had his hands in each element and was a solid go-between everyone.

“There was something I was hoping to ask you, I’ve been working rather closely with them, and I’ve been having these feelings. I was hoping for your blessing to court them!” Rimuru was surprised, but he smiled.

“You don’t need my blessing, as your mate I want you to be happy.” Rigurd cried.

“Thank you, Lord!” This didn’t mean he was out of Rimuru’s harem it just meant he was sharing his love with others. “Ah yes, Lord Rimuru, will you be skipping today’s meal as well?”

Rimuru chuckled. “Of course, as a slime, I don’t have taste buds and...” his eyes widened, the realization settled in. “RIGURD!”

“Y-yes sir!” he was taken aback by the sudden shout. Rimuru was trembling with excitement, not just sight, hearing, smell, and touch, had been granted to him, it was possible, truly possible he could taste as well. He wanted to taste this world’s delicacies.

“From today onwards I’m going to eat with all of you!” Rigurd was surprised but overjoyed.

“Truly? Then let’s open a banquet tonight. I’ll ask Ririna to prepare a banquet right away.” He ran off to get things prepared.

Rimuru was overjoyed and Ranga was happy seeing his master in such a joyous mood. They left the village and headed towards Veldora’s cave but stopped when he came across Riguru and the hunting party.

“Hey, guys.”

“Lord Rimuru!” Rigur rushed to him and received a kiss. “It is good to see you!”

“You don’t mind this new form of mine do you?” he asked both Ranga and Riguru.

“No master,” Ranga said.

“You are still you, no matter what form you take.” Rimuru was touched.

“I do have plans for us to reconnect, I promise.” he got off Ranga and petted him, the wolf’s tail wagging in delight. “With this new body there is so much more I can do now!” Ranga’s fur was so soft, and Rigur was so warm, he wanted to feel up his muscles properly. “Before I forget, I’ll be eating with you guys from now on, your father is preparing a banquet as we speak.”

“That’s wonderful, I’ll be sure to capture some special prey for you to enjoy.” Rimuru drooled at the thought. Gobta approached Rimuru.

“Since you’ll be eating with us, do you think having food will make your boobs grow?” Rimuru gave him a solid kick that sent Gobta flying.

“I’ll see to it that he’s properly punished,” Riguru said. Their food stores were doing well. Apparently more beasts have been coming deep in the forest so there was a surplus in prey.

“Did something happen?” Rimuru raised a brow at him.

“I am not sure, monsters will migrate based on their environment all the time, so I don’t think its anything serious.” Riguru thought about it. “I’ll increase the security level just in case.”

“Can’t be too cautious I suppose.” he looked to Ranga. “Ranga I want you to go with Riguru for a bit, look after them.”

“Lord Rimuru I can handle things, besides aren’t you going out?”

“I am, but this isn’t about being able to handle it. You and Ranga are both my precious mates.” he hugged them both. “Watch each other’s backs and keep everyone safe, okay?” Riguru blushed as Ranga’s tail wagged.

“Leave it to us!” they said in unison.

‘Ohh they are both so handsome!’ he thought with a smile. Riguru revealed he had Shizu’s mask, and handed it over to him. “Thank you!” Though he had inherited her will this was the only physical element he had.

He made it to Veldora’s cave. “This place should be good.” He gained skills from both Ifrit and Shizu, everything was happening so fast he hadn’t had time to process. “Great Sage, can you remind me what skills I received from Ifrit?”

Answer: Body Double, Fire Manipulation, Ranged Barrier, Flare Circle, Black Flames, Flame Attack Nullification. 

“I see!” So he now had both Water and Fire Manipulation.

Attention: Since Gaining Water and Fire Manipulation, along with having Wind Skills, Wind Manipulation unlocked. 


Attention: Since gaining new body, you have access to your more of your skills, Body Armor, Keen Smell, Sense Heat Source, Steel Strength, Strengthen Body, Cast Iron Stomach, High Potency Skill, and Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Stamina Boost, and Endurance Boost skill have been linked to your human mimicry. 

Rimuru was amazed, Great Sage reminded him of his resistances, and explained how the Voice of the World heard him when he was dying and granted him these things. Most of what he asked was such small tier stuff he had acquired a lot.

The skill Rimuru inherited from Shizu was Degenerate or Deviant, it had two effects Synthesis: the ability to transform two different targets into a single one; and Separation: releasing the properties inherent to the target and make it into a separate object. Rimuru knew he had to master these skills properly or they’d be a waste. Great Sage also agreed to improve to better help Rimuru.

Rimuru created a slime clone. “Link all resistances and Ranged Barrier!”

The clone slime obeyed. Attention: Multi-Layer Barrier unlocked. 

Each layer of his barrier had one of the resistances. “Okay then time to try out some skills, I admit I’ve been wanting to try this one!” he took a deep breath. “Dragon Breath!” Rimuru breathed fire, the powerful flames of the dragon it dissolved the tiny lake nearby and was able to even melt the rocks and nearby magi-steel cluster. His slime clone was fine, so he decided to kick it up a notch. “Black Flame!”


The black flames licked across the walls and spread out. It scorched the walls. “Whoa, that’s scary!” His slime was still okay, not even singed. “Impressive!”

His rise in magicules also unlocked some new slime skills. Rot Resistance that protects him from rot and corrosive attacks. His Self Regeneration evolved into Extra Skill Ultra Speed Regeneration. His last new skill as a slime was Camouflage, a skill he can use in his slime body to blend in with his surroundings.

Next came the big deal, using Degenerate. With the help of Great Sage, he began to use the skill to Synthesis his skills.

Attention: Combining Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, and Wind Manipulation can be combined producing a new skill do you wish to proceed, the skills will disappear after this?

“Yes!” The skills were combined.

Attention: Molecule Manipulation has been created, this skill can be linked to Black Flame and Black Lightning Skill do you wish to proceed?

“Yes!” he was amazed by Great Sage.

Attention: Black Thunder and Black Blaze Skills have been evolved. Fusing Flame Attack Nullification with Thermal Fluctuation Resistance to create higher skill proceed? 


Attention: Thermal Fluctuation Nullification Acquired.

Great Sage was on a roll, breaking down the ice magic he learned by eating Icicle lance, was able to acquire Water Resistance, Ice Resistance, and Wind Resistance, which she then combined with Electricity Resistance to create Storm Attack Resistance. Rimuru was still able to use water, ice, lightning, wind, and fire magic.

Acquired By combining Water Blade and Wind Blade, learned the new skill Rain Slash. Black Flame Blade Skill Acquired. Linking Heat Touch with Magic, Thunder Touch, Frost Touch Skills acquired, combining Heat Touch and Frost Touch, Thermal Touch Skill created. Linking Dragon Breath Skill with Magic: Fire Dragon Breath Skill Acquired, Frost Dragon Breath Acquired, Storm Dragon Breath Acquired. Gust Force, Icicle Lance, and Frost Dragon Breath have unlocked the skill Frozen Wind. 

Rimuru sweatdropped. “You are taking this very seriously Great Sage...”

Answer: Not at all. Linking Resistances and Ranged Barrier, able to become a Multi-Layer Barrier that covers the whole body, activate this skill? 


Rimuru’s Pov

Great Sage then fused my slime skills with Predator, this allowed me to use my slime skills even if I’m in another form. This allowed the Slime Skill Fluid Body to be unlocked. This would allow me more use of my human body, for example, while in human form I could expand my slime to form a shield, which also improved Slime Tentacles into a solid skill. I’m grateful to have a partner like Great Sage that can help me out in this world.

There were some suggestions I turned down like combining Poison Breath with Dragon Breath, to create Poison Dragon Breath, I still remember what it did to that monster I ate it was super gross. So Great Sage suggested that we break the skill up and use the materials to make other skills. “Make it so!”

By doing so I was able to gain a Poison Resistance, which was added to the Multi-Layer Barrier. With it broken Great Sage was able to do some maneuvering and unlock the slime skill Dissolve Touch, which I liked since it didn’t destroy living things but could be used to destroy weapons and armor. With the last bits of the skill, Great Sage unlocked Pheromone Breath, an offensive skill that can put an opponent in a heavily aroused state. I was thinking it could be used outside of battle as well.

It was time to head out, I had meat waiting for me and I was dying to try it. Despite the new skills, I was still a bit worried. Maybe it was best if I kept my cards close to my chest. Shizu’s mask was able to mask magic power. “How do I look?” I asked Great Sage after putting the mask on.

Answer: The leaking monster aura is completely gone. Under this condition, you’d be recognized as Human. 

“Sweet, now to just get back to the others and...” I had just left the cave when I got cut off.

LORD RIMURU!”  I felt a voice ring out in my head.

Attention: An emergency message from mate Ranga has been received.

My eyes widened, there was trouble. I raced as fast as I could and found most of the hunting party unconscious. Gobta had been cut down, Riguru was facing off against one of the mystery enemies a busty girl with a big weapon, Ranga was facing off against two a hulking brute of a man and a blue-haired guy. There were three others a red-haired monster, a pink-haired girl, and an older swordsman looking monster, they all had horns and monstrous features. “Who the hell are you guys?”

To be continued...Rimuru vs Ogres

Rimuru Tempest 11 inches soft 16 inches hard 19 inches with a knot, Dragon Size 25 inches

Passive Skills: Magic Sense, Molecule Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Pack Bond Skill, Body Double, Ultra Speed Regeneration,

Multi-Layer Barrier: Thermal Fluctuation Nullification, Storm Attack Resistance, Rot Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Poison Resistance,

Offensive Skills: Rain Slash, Black Flame Blade, Gust Force, Icicle Lance, Flare Circle, Black Blaze, Black Thunder, Dragon Breath, Fire Dragon Breath, Frost Dragon Breath, Storm Dragon Breath, Lightning Roar, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Pheromone Breath, Paralysis Breath, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Thermal Touch, Thunder Touch, Menace, Knock Back,

Magic: Wind Fire Water Lightning Ice

Unique Skills: Predator, Great Sage, Degenerate

Slime Skills: Mimicry, Fluid Body, Slime Tentacle, Camouflage, Dissolve Touch

Human Form: Bat Wing Mimicry, Dragon Wing Mimicry, Steel Strength, Strengthen Body, Keen Smell, Sense Heat Source, Auditory Perception, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill, Body Armor, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Stamina Boost Skill, Endurance Boost Skill,

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, Ranga, Kaijin



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