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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/pocket-01-chap-2-21166139 

Ash 7 inches soft 10 inches hard ( 10+ Pokeballs, 1 Premier Ball, 3 Great Balls)

Brock 8 inches (Pokeballs, 3 Great Balls)

James 6 inches

Chapter 3 Oak’s Call Ash’s Status

Ash was on the phone with Professor Oak, Misty was lazing about, and Brock was making lunch for everyone. “Hey Professor, check this out.” Ash showed his badges.

“Four badges ehh, that’s not too bad.” Oak chuckled. “It’s good you are doing the gym circuit, Gary’s already got 5 badges.” Ash hung his head. “Now Ash, I wanted to talk to you.”

“About what?”

“Well, it’s been a while since you’ve sent me any new pokemon. Have you been having trouble catching Pokemon?” He mentioned Gary had caught over 40 different pokemon, this was a blow to Ash who had caught less than 10 different ones.

“Well...I tried to catch a Haunter recently, oh...and I won a Lapras.” he called out the Water and Ice type.

“Oh my, that’s quite the prize, be sure to raise him well.”

“I also got some new balls from the Sylph Co Expo.” Ash showed him the new Great Balls.

“Well, I hope you use those to catch some new pokemon. Remember Ash, there are all kinds of Pokemon, and training different types of Pokemon will prepare you for the league.”

“Yeah...” he knew he was right. Bill had shown him there were so many pokemon, it was a bit intimidating. He had to try.

He was in luck as a Mankey came around to pilfer some of their lunch. Ash tried to catch him with one of his Pokeballs, much to the annoyance of the Fighting type. He attacked Ash and stole his hat, and not even Brock’s rice balls could quell his rage.

Ash tried to get his hat back and wasn’t doing well. Things only got worse as Team Rocket showed up to steal Pikachu. Mankey beat up Meowth and got kicked by James. Fueled by his rage Mankey evolved into Primeape.

He kicked around Team Rocket and put them down for the count. Pikachu tried to fight it only for the now stronger Fighting type to knock him out. Ash gave him to Brock to look after and lured Primeape away from the others.

The chase got them close to Celadon. Ash battled Primeape with Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and even Pidgeotto. Even fighting with a type advantage, Ash tossed a Pokeball, and Primeape still broke out. “Ash, why are you still trying to catch it?” Misty complained. “It's just a stupid hat, that pokemon is too dangerous.”

“Be quiet, it’s not just about the hat.” His hand gripped Charmander’s Pokeball tight. “If I run away from Primeape now, I’ll always be running!”

Primeape took Pidgeotto down with a well-timed Counter attack, using its weakness against him. The flying type was returned and Ash called upon his Charmander. The fire type was brave, going into a Rage of his own, clashing with Primeape before unleashing a suped-up Flamethrower.

Mysteriously Ash’s hat was saved as it floated off Primeape’s head and was placed back on Ash’s. Primeape was weakened, burned, and worn out, but Ash was going all out using one of his new Great Balls.

It sucked up the fighting type, and after three jiggles he was caught. Ash cheered before his Pokemon was sent to Oak. “I wonder how I got my hat back?” Ash said, adjusting it to just the way he liked it.

“I think you got some ghostly assistance,” Brock suggested. He had a feeling Haunter was following them.

“Haha, thank you Haunter!” Ash called out, pleasing the Ghost type.

Primeape’s rampage got them to the next city where Ash’s Fifth gym badge awaited. Brock treated Ash’s pokemon as they headed towards the city.

As for Team Rocket, they were in the midst of some trouble, Ash’s Primeape had sent them flying into a nest of other Primeape. The gang jumped the thieves and did some pilfering of their own. James was stripped bare ass naked, the Pokemon putting on his clothes, though his pants and boxers were worn as hats. Jessie got stripped down to her underwear before they managed to escape. “Team Rocket is streaking off again!”


Brock was having a bit of a crisis since Saffron he’s been having naughty thoughts about his companion Ash. It was confusing, he always liked girls. So he tried to keep his distance with Ash, and when he spotted girls in Celadon he went full gaga mode.

So when Misty brought up visiting the Celadon Perfume Parlor, Brock was gung-ho going to prove his manhood and flirt with the ladies. Ash was against it wanting to get to the gym but he was overruled. Misty was getting taken in by the samples, while Brock was getting taken in by the pretty girls.

Things only got worse when Ash saw the prices for the perfume, just one tiny bottle was more than their supplies money, for the month! “Guys this stuff is a rip-off, let’s go!”

Misty rejected outright wanting to buy one of the expensive bottles. Brock was gonna agree with Ash, but then one of the sales girls pressed him against her chest. “You don’t think our perfume is a rip-off, right?”

Brock blushed, and his brain fizzled out. Then some other perfume girls ganged up on Ash even getting the manager involved. She chastised Ash and kicked him out of their store, insulting him on the way out. Ash didn’t like this, he felt something was seriously wrong with Brock, he was acting like a total zombie. He asked Pikachu to look after Brock, the Electric Mouse agreed.

Ash went to the Pokemon Center to make sure his Pokemon were battle-ready. Nurse Joy noticed he was a bit annoyed. “Something wrong?” he told her what happened and she sighed. “Erika is obsessed with perfume, she feels its the superior item. She has even demanded top-selling spots in the Celadon Department store, but her quantity and pricing don’t match the store’s aesthetic, plus her attitude tends to rub people the wrong way.” In her youth she loved the Pokemon move Sweet Scent, and often had her pokemon use it in training not realizing it would attract pokemon, she got attacked by a Grimer, it had just wanted to play, but she screamed at the sight of it making it angry and release its foul odor.

Celadon locals were quite wealthy and did purchase her wares, but when travelers came to town who didn’t nearly have enough money she tended to not care and show her arrogance. The town’s main store thrives on travelers and trainers and Erika’s attitude is scolding and kick out first, listen never.

Ash had no interest in dealing with her again...boy was he surprised when he went to the Gym. Girls refused to allow Ash inside, stamping his face with a big red x. “Get lost loser!”

“Hey!” Ash was pissed. How could he get his gym badge if he couldn’t even get inside? He would need a disguise, which Team Rocket agrees to help with. The two had their own issues with them, surprisingly similar issues with Ash. Jessie had come across the store but laughed at the prices and she got thrown out. James didn’t scoff at the price, coming from his background his mother had tons of the stuff, but he didn’t care for the quantity, his father had actually put money into a perfume business which is why James had a Grass type pokemon of his own, but their quantity was higher and priced way better, quality was about the same. He let it slip though and was seen as a rival competitor and also got thrown out.

So just this once, they agreed to help Ash, so long as he trounced those jerks. Ash was a bit dubious but agreed.

Ash was dressed as a girl, wearing a black wig, a form-fitting dress, and had makeup to hide his cheek markings. James handled everything from the wig, the makeup, and even adjustments to Ash’s outfit, while Jessie supplies the clothes and shoes. “Do I really have to wear this stuff?”

“Man up kid, do you want that badge or not?”

“Besides you actually look pretty good, if I do say so myself,” James said, making Ash blush.

“Yeah but...” he lifts up the skirt to reveal rather provocative panties, his cock and balls bulging the garment out. “Do I really gotta wear this underwear!?” James got a nosebleed at the sight, and Jessie bopped him on the head.

Brock and Misty had been invited to the gym for a tour, it seems they also manufacture the perfume in the gym using their grass pokemon. “I wonder where Ash is, he should be here for his gym match?”

“Who cares, he probably already lost and is crying back at the Pokemon Center,” Misty said with a laugh. Brock didn’t like the sound of that.

After the tour, they got to have a picnic in the duel arena. “Erika, have you defeated any trainers today?” Brock asked.

“Not today,” she said. “Of course anyone who challenges my gym has to prove themselves.” Hearing this Brock asked around.

“You mean that rude little boy, we rejected him and didn’t let him inside.”

“You what?” Brock gasped. “You can’t do that, it's against the League Rules!” This discussion went nowhere as one of Erika’s people came in with a raven-haired beauty behind her. Brock stared in awe at the sight of her. “Wow, she’s cute!”

The raven-haired beauty walked in, and in a feminine voice said. “I’m here to challenge this gym.” Brock felt his heart flutter.

“Hello there, my name is Brock. What is your name?”


“Ashly! What a pretty name, do you have a boyfriend?” Brock asked making “Ashly” blush.

“Pika!” The pokemon cheered and ran to the “girl”. This caused Misty to be suspicious.

“Hold on a minute...” Misty stomped over, and Ashly backed away. “No way, your Ash!” She snatched off his wig.

Brock gasped, but to his shock, his heart raced more at the reveal. “You’re that boy!” Erika cut in.

“Erika, I had to wear this stupid disguise just to get in here. I demand a gym match!” Ash pointed at her.

“Very well, you can have a match with me, only if you defeat my girls first.”

“Fine, bring it on!” Ash was still wearing the dress, much to Brock’s delight, he couldn’t stop staring at him.

Ash battled Erika’s bitches, each of them using two grass pokemon. Through their matches, Erika was able to gauge Ash’s skill and what moves he’d use. After finishing them off, Ash’s pokemon were a tad worn out.

“Now if you wish to fight me you can, I’ll be using 6 pokemon!” Brock looked at her in shock. All gyms had 6 pokemon or more on standby, but using 6 pokemon was only meant for trainers who had 6 or more badges. Ash only had four so Erika should only be using 4 pokemon at the most.

“Go, Erika!” Misty cheered.

“Thanks a lot, Misty,” he wasn’t counting on her support. “Just a moment,” Ash gave his Pokemon some Fresh Water, Soda Pop, and Orange Berry Juice, this perked them up and they were ready to battle. “Alright, I’m ready!”

“Where did you get that stuff?” Erika was annoyed, but since she was going all out on Ash, she believed she would crush him easily.

“At the Department Store, they were a great deal.” He had also met someone who helped him prepare for this match. Little did she know Ash had a trick up his sleeve. He had called Professor Oak and switched out his Pokemon. One he was saving for her.

Erika’s first Pokemon was Tangela. “Just try not to bore me.”

“What an attitude!” Brock was pissed.

Ash battled it with Bulbasaur. The two Grass types were evenly matched in grass power, matching vine whip for vine whip, but Erika slipped up when she used Stun Spore on Bulbasaur, it didn’t affect him and one breath blew it away. With a solid Tackle attack, Tangela was brought down and Ash got his first victory.

Erika’s next pokemon was Weepinbell, they were evenly matched in Razor Leaf, but Weepinbell’s Acid attack was too much for him. “Thanks, Bulbasaur you did great.”

Next up was Pidgeotto for Ash’s team, his flying attacks and speed proved too much for Weepinbell and it was another win for Ash. Erika’s next pokemon was Gloom, who she called her favorite.

In battle, Gloom got scared and released a foul aroma which forced Pidgeotto to pull back. Erika laughed. “Pidgeotto are you okay? What kind of attack was that?”

“It's not an attack its Gloom’s natural defense mechanism, my Gloom has never been defeated, one whiff of Gloom’s perfume and it sends weaklings running.”

“That’s a dirty trick,” Ash growled.

“It’s the power of perfume!” Erika said and her girls cheered.

“Pidgeotto can you still battle?” the flying type nodded.

“What can you do if you can’t get close, Gloom use Sunny Day!” Gloom set up powerful sunlight.

“Ash be careful, that move makes moves like Solar Beam a lot easier to use.”

“Pidgeotto don’t get close, just blow her away!” Pidgeotto whipped up a powerful Gust, Gloom stood its ground long enough to fire a Solar Beam, knocking Pidgeotto out. “Thanks, buddy you did great.”

Ash stared up at the bright sunlight. “Sunny Day does more than just boost up Solar Beam, come out Charmander.” He called on his fire type.

Erika wasn’t concerned, having Gloom use Synthesis, but she underestimated Ash’s Charmander. His powerful Flamethrower was super effective and since Gloom didn’t even try to dodge it landed a critical hit. “No Gloom!” Erika gasped.

“Don’t think this is over, you still gonna defeat three more of my Pokemon.” She returned her pokemon. “Come on out Exeggutor!” She called out her powerful Grass and Psychic type pokemon.

It also had a pretty powerful Solar Beam and a devastating Psychic attack. Charmander battled hard and managed to do a lot of damage. The flame on his tail burned bright and he took out her Exeggutor with a powerful Fire Spin. He couldn’t escape the flames and fainted.

Charmander roared and began to glow shocking everyone, especially Ash, as the fire type evolved into Charmeleon! “You evolved!” Ash ran over and hugged him. “Do you still want to battle?”

Charmeleon gave him a clawed version of a thumbs up. Erika was done messing around and called out her Vileplume. It used Sweet Scent to drop Charmeleon’s guard and then used Sleep Powder, putting Charmeleon to sleep. Ash called out for him to wake up but to his surprise. “Charmeleon is unable to battle Vileplume wins!”

“What?!” Ash and Brock gasped. It was a bogus call, Sleep Powder was an official Pokemon move recognized by the league. Misty, of course, saw no problem with it. She knew Ash’s remaining Pokemon wouldn’t be effective against Grass types and Sunny Day was still going strong.

“Choose your next pokemon, or forfeit the match!” Ash returned Charmeleon but he was pissed.

“Alright, I choose you Primeape!” Misty was surprised but out came the fighting type. “Let’s do this buddy!” Primeape nodded. He respected Ash because the battle was decent and the capture was clean. He was a bit mad at first but Ash was so happy to see him again, the boy’s kind heart melted Primeape’s and the two shared some food to bury the hatchet.

Ash also helped him learn a new move. “Vileplume, use Solar Beam!” He grass type fired the powerful beam, but Primeape dodged it quickly.

“Primeape use Fire Punch!” At the department store, there was a move tutor who graciously helped teach travelers and their pokemon new moves. With one clean blow, Vileplume was sent flying back, taking damage from the burn and impact.

Erika was down to her final Pokemon and the sunlight faded. Primeape cheered pounding his chest and bouncing around excitedly. The two high fived. She called out her last Pokemon a Victreebel.

It let loose a barrage of Razor Leaf, but Primeape smacked them down. It tried to use Sleep Powder, but Primeape grabbed it by the vine and used Seismic Toss, spinning it round and round before slamming it into the ground. Primeape finished it off with a solid Fire Punch!

“The winner...is Ash Ketchum!” Ash cheered.

“We won!” Erika wasn’t pleased.

“You bore me, I’m going to rest.”

“Hold on, I still need my badge.” Ash tried to stop her.

“You are so rude, Erika needs to rest it's your own fault for boring her so...”

“That’s enough!” Brock stepped forward.

“Erika as a fellow gym leader, I am appalled at your behavior,” Brock said.

“Excuse me?” she crossed her arms.

“You have broken league rules, and despite your actions Ash still defeated you, I must insist you give him the badge that he earned.” Not only did she exceed the limit of gym assistants that can challenge a trainer, used Pokemon beyond the limit of a challenger's status, denying a challenger entry to the gym, and made faulty calls to name a few.

“He can come back tomorrow,” she faked a yawn. “I need to rest.”

“I’ve seen enough!” Nurse Joy appeared. “As an official rep of the Pokemon League,” she flashed her badge. “I am revoking your gym status!” She read them the issues, and apparently, Erika had been warned in the past how she handled her gym. She apparently stayed up all night making perfume then she slept all day, ignoring gym challengers. The deeper corruption was witnessed and Erika was officially out as gym leader.

Ash got his badge and the gym got shut down until a new trainer would take over. Erika and her cronies were thrown out, and the gym pokemon were confiscated. Jessie and James had doubled back and slipped an anonymous note to Nurse Joy, so they were pleased to see them cast out. Misty didn’t think she was so bad, and then Ash showed how much money he made from facing the cronies and Erika, it didn’t even come up to 15% of a bottle of perfume in their store. Her jaw dropped.

Needless to say, Misty was no longer allowed access to their funds. If she wanted anything she’d have to use her own allowance. Brock would dream of Ash in that dress for a long time to come.

To be continued Games Naps and Beauty


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