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One Piece parody: Tier 6

Clow Clow Fruit

Luffy gains the mysterious power of the Clow Clow fruit. A unique paramecia fruit and a conjurer class at that. It has its limits and can take a toll on Luffy if over used, but with this fruit he goes out to sea to become a pirate.  

Chapter 1  

Devil fruits were a strange and mysterious thing, zoan type fruits gave the user the power of an animal, logia gave the user the power of an element, and paramecia are the wild card, but they could be broken down into sub categories. One of the most unique and powerful was the conjurer class, ones with the power of creation or able to summon powerful beings, like the Tool Tool fruit that can create tools, the Puff Puff fruit that was able to conjure a powerful genie.  

One conjurer devil fruit was feared as it had various uses, the Clow Clow fruit, granted the user access to 52 summons. It sounds awesome, but the user of this fruit used their own energy to summon these spirits from cards, using too many spirits or trying to conjure the more powerful summons result in the user’s death. There have also been those who have relied solely on the fruit’s power and got overwhelmed by stronger opponents.  

This fruit landed in the hands of a pirate crew in the East Blue, hoping to cultivate its powers and rule over the East Blue seen as the weakest of all the seas. What they hadn’t counted on was running into Red Hair Shanks and his crew, they got pounded and their bounty lifted including the Clow Clow fruit.  

The crew was celebrating their bounty and the courage of one young man named Luffy who stabbed his cheek to prove his bravery. Things were going swimmingly until a bunch of bandits crashed the party. They mocked Shanks, spilled food and drink on him, but he just laughed it off, much to Luffy’s shock.  

He ate the mysterious fruit in frustration, much to Shanks’ horror. “Luffy, that fruit you ate, was a devil fruit! In exchange for power it robs you of your ability to swim.”


“You dumb ass!” Shanks scolded. Luffy could conjure the cards themselves, each one was unique and had their own designs, Luffy would talk to them when he was alone. Makino thought it was a bit odd, but Luffy said the spirits of the cards could hear him, they would be friends.  

The bandits came back and caused trouble at the bar Makino worked at. Luffy tried to stop them, but was still a kid who couldn’t use his powers very well, even the weaker spirits required more than he had in the tank. If not for Shanks and his crew showing up and wiping out the bandits easily, he would have been doomed.  

Their leader tried to escape with Luffy, planning to sell him to make up for his loses. He didn’t get far as the Lord of the Coast appeared and ate the bandit leader with one bite. Luffy was thrown from the boat, and was struggling as the water sapped his strength. His thrashing turned the attention of the sea king, and it surged forth to devour him.     

Shanks stepped in yet again, saving Luffy at the cost of his arm. “Get lost!” With one glare, the sea king was sent packing. Luffy cried, as his friend lost an arm because of him. Shanks had taught him so much, how to be a pirate, how to be strong, and most importantly how to be a man.  

Luffy asked his cards if there was anything that could be done to help Shanks. One card spoke to him The Return. Its power could return something back to an original state, but it was a very powerful summon.  

Return offered to grant Luffy’s wish but warned him using her power in the future would cost him greatly, he agreed. Luffy went to Shanks. “Return I call upon your power, return Shanks’ arm to him!” The card glowed and the spirit was called out.  

Shanks’ men gasped, the spirit was quite a beauty, she wore a long flowing robe and held a clock between her hands. The clock glowed. “Luffy this seems like a powerful spirit...Luffy?” the boy’s arm turned black and he was sweating heavily.  

The numbers flew off the clock and swirled around Shanks. “Wait please, he’s just a kid, take my energy instead.” Shanks gasped as his arm came back to him.

“The boy will not die, his wish was so pure, he’ll need to rest...a lot...and he won’t be able to use his arm for some time, but he will survive.” Return didn’t mention the other cost, using her power in the future would take a terrible toll on Luffy’s body.   

Shanks sighed, but couldn’t help but smile. “That idiot!”  

Luffy passed out and the spirit vanished. “Luffy!” The crew hung around until Luffy woke up and Shanks hugged him, before bonking him on the head for being so reckless.  

“Don’t ever do something so crazy ever again!”  

“I won’t,” he grinned. Shanks could tell he totally would.  

“Listen Luffy, you are still too young to come with us.”  

“I didn’t do it for that, I wanted to repay you Shanks. You are my friend!” he smiled at him.  

“You are a great kid.” Shanks ruffled his hair.  

“I’ll become a pirate on my own, and build a crew even greater than yours.”  

“Oh? You wanna surpass us?” Shanks raised a brow at him.  

“You bet, I’ll obtain the ultimate freedom and become King of the Pirates!” he declared.  

“Then...why don’t you give this back to me when you’ve become a great pirate!” he placed his straw hat on Luffy’s head.  

“This is your treasured hat!” Luffy’s eyes sparkled.  

“Yes it is, so take good care of it. I’ll see you out at sea, go and have a grand adventure!” Luffy cried tears of joy.  


The boy spent the next 11 years training, he made friends, lived with bandits, got some brothers, got trained by his kinda psychotic marine Grandfather who wanted him to become a marine. He gained, he lost, he experienced pain, and nearly died a whole bunch of times, but he survived and became stronger for it. Luffy trained his body to become a proper vessel for his powers.  

His brother Ace had left on his pirate journey three years before him, the two had pushed each other hard. There was some talk of joining the other’s crew, but they decided to settle things once they each had a bounty. Their paths would cross again, and there would be no hard feelings.  

Now it was his turn, he said goodbye to the bandits. Dadan had raised him for 10 years and while Luffy still hated bandits, he liked them. Luffy made it to the docks and was ready to start his journey. He got some supplies from the village and was ready to make his ship.

Yes, make it. Luffy revealed a card, The Create! The card transformed into a book. Luffy pictured the ship of his dreams with his mind. “A big ship with three sails with my pirates mark, it’ll have a bunk for everyone to sleep, a big kitchen, a training room, lots of cannons, and a cool header.” The book glowed and Luffy’s ship appeared, it had the head of a big cat like a mane-less lion or a cougar. Luffy named his ship Beros.  

Makino was a bit worried such a big ship would be difficult for Luffy to use all his own. “Not to worry, I’m not alone.” Create returned to card form, and Luffy boarded his ship. He revealed his next card, The Move. With its magic Luffy’s ship was able to move on its own.  

It wasn’t long before the Lord of the Coast attacked Luffy. “I’ve been waiting for this, this is payback for Shanks.” Luffy was carrying a large staff, he did a fancy twirl before smacking the Lord of the Coast and shattering his teeth. Luffy was jacked, firm shoulders, toned pecs, and six pack abs. His arms and legs were built, he wasn’t your typical summoner, and yet he had honed his body to be a proper vessel.

With the strength of his body he was able to draw out and house more magical power. He could use the lower tier summons easily enough, even a couple at once, middle tier he could use and were able to fight beside him, but the higher tier summons were his aces in the hole. His high tier summons were quite powerful and required a lot of focus and magic to control.  

His adventure was just beginning!  

To be continued...Building His Crew


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