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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward


Jaden x 2: 11 inches soft: 12 Hard

Syrus 5 inches uncut

Chumley 4 inches soft: 6 inches hard: 4 fingers thick

Bastion 8 inches

Torrey 4 inches

Harrington 7.5 inches

Zane 10 inches

Brier 10 inches

Beauregard 5 inches Thick

Damon 3 inches 9 inches in bara form

 Chapter 19  https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-duelist-19-28602549 

Chapter 20 Exhibition Match

The school duel was around the corner, it was a big event between Duel Academy and North Academy. The two had a rivalry with each other, unlike East, West, and South Academy. So a meeting was being had to discuss who would be Duel Academy’s representative.

“No no no, this can’t be happening.” Crowler was wigging out. Fontaine and Sartyr, just listened to him rant and rave, while Banner and Sheppard sweatdropped. “Zane is our top student, why wouldn’t we be entering him in the School Duel!?”

Sheppard sighed. “Because North Academy has decided to use a first-year student.” Crowler continued to rant and rave, claiming it sounded like a trick or had to be a trap of some kind. “In the spirit of competition, we decided to do the same.” Zane was waiting in the wings, he had won the School Duel last year. “Now Crowler, I’m sure we have plenty of talented First Year students that can bring us to victory.”

“I’d like to nominate Jaden Yuki,” Zane said, much to Crowler’s horror.

‘Not that slacker!’ Crowler began to sweat. Jaden was getting more and more respect despite being a Slifer, this was making it harder for Crowler who wanted the Red Dorm gone. Never mind Jaden saved his ass just a few days ago from being fired and arrested for the theft of Yugi’s deck.

“Yes, Jaden would do our school proud,” Banner added.

Crowler’s eyes shifted before landing on Sartyr. “Wait, Bastion Misawa, he’s a straight-A student and a fine duelist!”

“I agree, Bastion is the best student in Ra Yellow, he would bring glory to our school,” Sartyr added.

“Hmm, well then it seems we have two fine candidates, so there is only one way to settle this, an exhibition duel!” Sheppard was pleased with the idea, wanting to see a duel between the two himself. “The winner shall become our representative!”

Crowler agreed, believing Bastion had the skills of an Obelisk Blue student and had the desire to take on Jaden and defeat him to prove he was the best of the first years. “Where is young Bastion today?” Crowler asked Sartyr.

“Oh, you know him, he’s probably deep into some equations.”


“Ohhh fuck, Jaden!” Bastion moaned, he was bare-ass naked, his hard cock down Jaden’s throat. His ass was being groped and fondled, while Jaden’s massaged his penis with his mouth and throat, gulping and swallowing around his hard manhood. Jaden’s tongue slipped out and caressed his balls. Bastion’s toes curled as he received the best damn blow job of his life, the brunette just seemed to keep outdoing himself.

His toes curled and his cock swelled, as he came down Jaden’s throat. Yuki continued to suck him through his release, milking him of a couple more spurts. The orgasm made his head spin, and the milking made his legs feel like jelly. Bastion was moved back to the bed, so he could sit and rest.

Bastion whined at the loss, he wanted the boy to keep going, to keep touching him. His head was still swimming, he always felt so refreshed after cumming, and he found any mental blocks he was having cleansed. He used to think pleasure was just a distraction, but he was wrong.

“Our turn!” Syrus and Chumley had been waiting patiently, fingering themselves to prepare. Bastion watched as Jaden took his twin dicks and fucked them both at the same time, their asses rubbing together, as they danced a lustful dance of pleasure. Bastion watched this, feeling his loins stir again and his ass hole twitch.

Watching the pleasure Syrus and Chumley had was having him crave it too. It was only his damn pride that kept him for begging Jaden to touch his ass hole. Jaden was offering him a world of pleasure by becoming his mate, even if he submitted he wouldn’t have to give up his dominant desires as he could satisfy those urges with Jaden’s pets. Perhaps he was being greedy, but a part of him wanted to top Jaden.

He had various dreams where he dominates the brunette, pounding him into the mattress while gripping his dicks like handlebars. He also had dreams where he bottomed, taking both dicks at once. With his ideals torn, he decided to place his fate in his dueling skills. Meeting Jaden, watching him duel, the pleasure, it opened up ideas to him. His own dueling skills were improving, and his muse was being stroked.

Little did Bastion know, his time to duel Jaden was fast approaching.

The room echoed with lustful cries as Syrus and Chumley came, and Jaden came deep inside them. Bastion watched as he pulled those twin terrors out, feeling his arousal spike. “Are you up for staying the night?” Jaden asked.

“I think I can walk, should head back to my dorm.”

“I’ll walk you,” Jaden tucked Syrus and Chumley into their beds while Bastion got dressed. The lamia was dressed and ready to head out shortly after. “How’s Dimitri doing?”

“He’s getting some flack for his actions, I’ve heard he might be getting sent to Slifer Red soon.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, while his academic scores are decent, he’s racked up a long list of losses.” Jaden sighed, Dimitri joining the red dorm wasn’t an issue, but the system still bothered him. It’s like becoming a Red dorm student was a punishment and it shouldn’t be one.

“I don’t think coming to the red dorm should be a punishment.” Jaden stopped walking. “Is that why you didn’t wanna spend the night?”

“No!” Bastion whipped around.

“Then what is it, you seem to be having fun, but lately you always leave.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to stay, I feel it’s unfair. I’m not a claimed mate.”

“But you could be, you still want me?”

“Very, I can honestly say I’ve never wanted anyone more!” he blushed and Jaden kissed him.

“I want you too.”

“When we duel, I’ll come at you with all the passion I have!”

“I’ll be looking forward to it.” Sharing one more kiss they parted ways. Instead of returning to the dorm, Jaden transformed and went on his rounds. Dueling Bastion wasn’t gonna be easy, the boy was skilled, smart and calculating, now with passion behind him he was gonna be tough to beat. That just made the game more exciting.

Jaden wanted Bastion, wanted to see him come undone by anal pleasure, to reach new depths of pleasure together. Bastion was a good guy, perhaps a bit wound too tight, but the flood gates weren’t open yet. Now he just had to win, and claim the boy.

When the news came that they’d be having a duel to see who would be the representative for the school duel, they were in class. “I expect to see great dueling from both of you.” Banner said the two exchanged a look Jaden smiling while Bastion smirked.

Everyone thought their excitement was for the chance to be a part of the school duel, but they were excited for other reasons. This would be their battle, to decide who was the strongest.

Chumley pointed at if Jaden went to the School Duel, he’d be the first Slifer ever to attend.

Bastion has been preparing for this since his duel with Chazz. He was determined to win. “My duel with Bastion has been a long time coming.” They went back to the dorm so Jaden could go over his deck and do his own preparations. Lamias tested their potential mates in different ways, some through trials, others by combat, Jaden chose dueling. The Ra Yellow students were cheering for Bastion while the Slifer Red students were cheering for Jaden.

Obelisk Blue was rooting for Bastion, mostly because they didn’t want a Slifer Slacker representing them. Some of the Blue students offered Bastion their best cards, to make sure he won. He turned them down politely. “My deck is ready and perfectly balanced can’t have an errant card disrupting it.”

“Whatever, you better win!” Bastion didn’t like it, he wanted to be a good duelist, the best, but was this what the best was like, looking down on others. What happened to good sportsmanship? Honestly, if this duel didn’t have special meaning to him, he’d simply turn down the offer and let Jaden represent the school.

-x-The night before the duel off-x-

Jaden was surprised to get called out by Alexis, the duo meeting outside the abandoned dorm. “What’s wrong Alexis?” he noticed she placed a flower outside.

“Jaden, I’m grateful for you helping me find my brother, but something has been bugging me.”


“Just who are you?”

“Ehh?” the boy blinked.

“You have a shadow charm yourself, where did you get it?” she crossed her arms.


“There have been a lot of strange things going on, and while I was so happy you said you’d help me find my brother. I can’t help but feel you are hiding something,” she revealed her PDA. “So I did some digging, and you don’t exist. You have no history like you suddenly appeared out of nowhere.”

Jaden balled his hand up, he ran through his options. He could tell her the truth and reveal himself, but this could lead to some very terrible outcomes. He could lie or brush it off, but he could see the determination in Alexis’ eyes. He could hypnotize her...but that didn’t feel right either. “Alexis, I have nothing to do with your brother’s disappearance.”

“I want to believe that, but you have a shadow charm, you don’t have any records over a year.”

“I will confess I am keeping something from you, but all of you. I am not ready to reveal who I am yet. Please trust me, give me time.”

“I owe you that much, but if you did have a hand in my brother’s disappearance, know that I will end you!”

Jaden sweatdropped. “I don’t doubt it.” She walked off. Jaden felt for her, his sisters would do the same if something happened to him. He thought about contacting his sisters and asking about Nightshroud, but he thought he could handle it. When he was told stories of the Lamia Queen his sisters always got weird if he asked questions.

Alexis was miffed, Jaden only confirmed to her that he wasn’t who he says he was, which made her question just who is he? This is exactly what he didn’t need when he was going in for a mating match.

Jaden also had questions, but right now he had a match to focus on.


The arena was full of students and Crowler announced the duel and duelists, giving Bastion great fan fair but not even saying Jaden’s name. Zane met up with Alexis. “This should be an exciting duel.”

“Yeah, whatever...”


“Oh sorry, I just...doesn’t it bother you Jaden has a shadow charm?”

“It's weird yes, you don’t suspect him of having something to do with your brother’s disappearance do you?”

“What if he did? What if he’s only doing this because he has a guilty conscience?” She admitted to having dug some digging into Jaden’s past, or lack there of. “I can’t stop thinking about it, he’s helping me sure and I’m grateful, but the shadow charm...”

“I don’t think Jaden is a bad person, he didn’t take advantage of me when I was under a spell. He’s allowed to have his secrets, and I think if you believe in Jaden, he will help you find your brother.”

Alexis felt bad, but she’d apologize after the duel. With everything that was going on, she hoped Jaden wouldn’t be too angry with her for being suspicious. With all the weird stuff going on, she didn’t know what to believe, and some part of her couldn’t help but be curious about Jaden.

They focused on the match.

“Good luck Bastion!” Jaden said.

“Thanks, you too, but you know what I say, luck favors the prepared!” the two loaded their decks and activated their duel disks.

“Let’s duel!” they said in unison.

Jaden/Bastion: 4000

“I’ll start things off, I set a monster face down and I’ll play a face down.” Was Bastion’s opening turn.

“Alright then,” Jaden draws. “I’ll summon Lamia Sister # 1!” the red-scaled lamia appeared on the field, her effect boosting all water monsters’ ATK/DEF on Jaden’s side of the field by 400.

Lamia sister # 1 ATK: 1900

He then tried to activate his Lamia Jungle Field Spell. “I think not Jaden because I have a trap, Inferno Pit!” He revealed his trap, it was continuous. So long as this card is face-up on the field neither player can play any field spell cards, destroy any face-up field spell active on the field. This card can only be activated when either player tries to play a field spell.

Jaden’s field spell was destroyed and sent to the graveyard. “Drat...” Bastion smirked. He had done the math, Jaden’s deck specialized in swarming and sweeping an opponent by powering up his monsters through effect. If his plan comes through he’d claim victory. “I’ll set one card face down.”

He entered his battle phase, and the lamia girl attacked, lashing at the face-down card with her tail. The monster underneath appeared. “My monster, Battle Footballer is revealed!”

DEF 2100

The lamia’s attack was bounced back and Jaden took damage.

Jaden 3800

“Guess I walked into that one.” he ended his turn.

“You are quite bold Jaden, but I’m ready to meet you with my passion!” He draws. “This fire deck I worked so hard on, prepare yourself!”

“Fire huh, you bested Chazz with your water deck, and prepared your fire deck for our duel, I’m impressed. I want to duel all your decks Bastion!”

“That can be arranged,” He set another card face down. “Now I summon Fencing Fire Ferret!” The beast appeared on the field in a swirl of flames. “Now attack!”

Fencing Fire Ferret ATK 1700

Jaden wasn’t surprised, he’d seen this in Bastion’s duel with Chazz, his moves were always calculated. His lamia countered the attack, their tails meeting, and while the lamia received a scratch the ferret got destroyed.

Bastion: 3800

“Now my monster’s effect activates, since he was destroyed and sent to the graveyard, I can destroy one of your monsters, and you take 500 points of damage!”

“No way!” Jaden gasped as the scratch erupted and scorched the lamia and turned her to ash.

Jaden: 3300

“Nice move Bastion.” He could see why Bastion kept his other monster was in defense mode, now he had a solid defense against his attacks. It was his turn now, and he draws a card. “Sweet!”

The monster he got was Lamia Shirohebi, now he could get some defense of his own, and bring back a lamia from his graveyard. “I summon Lamia Shirohebi in defense mode.”

Lamia Shirohebi DEF: 2500

“Now I activate her effect!”

“Not so fast Jaden, I got a face down.” his face down revealed. Second Match: When this card is activated while you control a face-up Fire monster, you can special summon a monster from your hand or deck that has the same ATK. “With this card, I special summon Barrier Statue of the Inferno from my deck!”

The pyro monster appeared on the field in defense mode it had 1000 ATK/DEF but its effect is what really locked Jaden. “Now so long as this monster is on the field neither of us can special summon monsters, except for FIRE monsters.”

“Bastion blocked Jaden again.” Syrus gasped.

“Sy...Jaden’s gonna win right? What’s gonna happen to the harem?” Syrus didn’t have an answer.

“Jaden will win.”

Since Jaden had summoned a monster in defense mode he couldn’t attack, so he set a card and ended his turn.

Bastion draws a card. “Next I summon, Solar Flare Dragon!” the blazing dragon appeared on the field. I’ll play one other card and end my turn.” With that Solar Flare Dragon’s effect activated and blasted Jaden with 500 points of damage.

Jaden: 2800

Jaden draws. “I’ll summon Lamia Little Sister # 1!” A young lamia with white hair, bowl cut style, she has black and gold eyes, appeared on the field. Her scales are a mix of white and black and a few silver scales here and there. She wears a silver snake pendant and black top.

ATK 1300 DEF 1400

“I’ll activate her effect to increase my life points.” She began to dance, conjuring energy snakes that raised Jaden’s life points by 300.

Jaden 3100

“I’ll attack your Barrier Statue!” The little sister charged and attacked with mana snakes.

“I don’t think so Jaden!” He revealed his face down, Spikeshield with Chain, it equipped to his Barrier Statue and raised its ATK by 500. Since it was attacked while in defense mode, it’s second effect activated boosting it’s DEF by its ATK.

DEF 2500

“Oh man!” Jaden gasped, the mana snakes were scorched, and he took damage.

Jaden: 1900

“I won’t let you destroy my monsters so easy Jaden.”

“So I see, I’ll end my turn.”

Bastion draws. He was a tad worried about Jaden’s three face downs. ‘Could he be bluffing or is Jaden actually preparing something?’ He cast his eyes and gasped to see the lamia girl dancing again. “Don’t tell me...”

“Yep, Little Sister’s effect works on each of our turns.”

Jaden: 2200

“Then I’ll just have to take her out then. I summon Blazing Inpachi in attack mode.” the burning being appeared on the field.

ATK 1850

“I’ll attack!” the burning monster charged at the little sister.

“I reveal my face down!” Poisonous Barbs, Bastion’s monster was destroyed before damage calculation, not only that the trap card can equip to the little sister, boosting her ATK to 2100.

Bastion ended his turn with a face down, and Solar Flare Dragon’s effect activated blasting Jaden with flames.

Jaden 1700

He draws. “I summon Lamia Little Sister # 2 in defense mode.” A young lamia girl she is longer than other snake girls appeared on the field. She wears an orange button-up vest that matches her scales.

ATK 1400 DEF 1500

Little Sister #1 danced and raised Jaden’s life points again.

Jaden: 2000

“Next I’ll have my Little Sister # 1 attack your Solar Flare Dragon!” she attacked again with mana snakes.

“Can’t let you do that Jaden, I activate my Amorphous Barrier trap card.” Since he had 3 monsters his trap ended the battle phase.

“You are really prepared Bastion, I can’t help but get excited!” Jaden smirked and Bastion blushed.

“Same here!” Jaden ended his turn and Bastion draws. Jaden’s monster’s effect activated raising his life points to 2300. “I summon Darkfire Soldier # 1!” the blazing hunk of a monster appeared on the field. “But he won’t be around for long, for I activate Bonding Embers!”

His two pyro monsters glowed as did the machine football player. “To activate this effect I need two pyro monsters and one FIRE monster.” Their flames ignited and a pillar of fire formed.

A giant dragon of fire appeared on the field. “Behold my Fire Dragon!” the dragon roared. “Sorry Jaden, this duel is mine,” he said and he thought. ‘Soon you will be too!’

ATK 2800

“We’ll see about that, bring it on!”

“You see while my Fire Dragon is on the field all of your water monster’s ATK is dropped to 0.” While his other two Lamias were in defense mode since Little Sister # 1 is in attack mode if Bastion attacks Jaden will take 2800 points of damage. “Go Fire Dragon attack his Lamia Little Sister # 1!”

The dragon roared and prepared to attack. “I don’t think so, you aren’t the only one with a trap to defend his monsters!” Jaden revealed Predator Gaze, it negated Fire Dragon’s attack and ended the battle phase.

“Well played, but I’m ready for you, even if you summon Medusa, your monster’s will still only have 0 ATK, so my dragon cannot be destroyed.”

“You really have thought of a lot, I can see the preparations you’ve made, but you aren’t the only one who’s come prepared!” Jaden draws. “I’ll start by playing Pot of Greed!” he got to draw 2 more cards.

His life points got a boost as the Little Sister # 1 danced again.

Jaden: 2600

“Next I activate Snake Pit!” A continuous spell that boosted the ATK of all Lamia monsters by 200, a moot point against Fire Dragon’s effect, but it was the second effect Jaden was after. “Now when I summon a Lamia Monster I get to draw a card.”

He summoned Little Sister # 3 in defense mode, allowing him to draw another card. He switched Little Sister # 1 to defense mode and set 1 card face down.

Shirohebi DEF 2500

Little Sister 1 DEF 1400

Little Sister 2 DEF 1500

Little Sister 3 DEF 2000

Bastion draws, and Jaden’s life points gain another boost thanks to the Little Sister # 1.

Jaden 2900

‘He’s good, he’s managed to recover almost completely.’ While this was impressive Bastion hasn’t lost a single life point in quite a few turns. Bastion had also crippled Jaden’s ability to use field spells, special summon, and all his monsters’ ATKs were 0.

“I activated Eternal Embers!” This continuous spell card made it so when a pyro monster Bastion controls is destroyed by battle or card effect, he can banish another pyro monster to revive it.

“Wait that means...with three pyro monsters in his graveyard, Jaden would have to destroy his Fire Dragon three times!” Syrus gasped.

“You are making this fun Bastion! Come at me!”

“I intend to, go Fire Dragon!” Jaden countered with his trap Venom Strike, it destroyed the Fire Dragon and hit Bastion with 500 points of damage.

Bastion 3300

Bastion banished his Blazing Inpachi and Fire Dragon was back and blasted his Little Sister # 1. The turns passed, Bastion blasting his lamia, destroying them one after the other until he reached Lamia Little Sister # 3 since she couldn’t be destroyed by battle she was Jaden’s ultimate shield.

Jaden managed to deal Bastion some more battle damage with Lamia’s Tears.

Bastion: 2500

Then Bastion tried to increase his hand with Pot of Greed, but Jaden’s final face down was revealed to be Snake in a Jar forcing him to lose a ritual monster and a spell card.

Things got worse for Jaden when Bastion got the equip spell Fairy Meteor Crush. With the equipped to Fire Dragon even though he couldn’t destroy Jaden’s last little sister, he was able to inflict piercing damage.

Jaden 1600


An attack on his next turn brought Jaden down to only 300 life points.

“You are good Bastion, very good, I want you even more now!” Jaden stood tall and dispelled the flames. “But you aren’t the only one who came prepared.”

“Yes, you’ve dueled very well, we’ve gone blow for blow, but it seems you are out of moves.”

“Perhaps, but when preparing to challenge you I noticed a weakness in my deck, my path, and tactics in the past were missing something if I needed to fight an overly defensive battle I wouldn’t last. However, you’ll find that Lamia are nothing if not versatile.” Jaden placed a hand over his graveyard. “In battle sometimes the battle needs to be held off for preparations to be made. Thanks to them, I am not ready to end this!”

“Go ahead I’d like to see you pull your way out of this one.” Bastion sweats. ‘Is it possible?’

“You’ve made me a better duelist Bastion, which was I updated my deck. There had been some support cards I’d been lacking.” Jaden’s hand was full, it made Bastion on uneasy.

“First I summon, Lamia Basilisk in defense mode.” A shy lamia girl with barbs on the tail appeared on the field. She has dark purple scales and black barbs. She has claws of a similar design. She wears a visor over her eyes. “Next I activate the Equip Spell Armor of the Naga!” This Equip Spell was a support card for the lamia deck, but it had its drawbacks, but it had perfect synergy with Lamia Basilisk.

Armor of the Naga Equip Spell: The monster equipped with this card cannot change its battle position even by a card effect. The monster equipped with this card gains 700 DEF. Any monster with less ATK that attacks the monster equipped with this card equipped to it is destroyed at the end of the damage step.

‘This armor was forged for big sis Basilisk, she was always so shy, but when she wore this armor, she showed no fear!’ he equipped it to Basilisk, armor encased her claws and even he barbs.

DEF: 3100

“Lamia Basilisk, reveal your eyes and activate your power!”Thanks to her power, all monsters Bastion controls are forced into attack mode.

Fire Dragon attacked, only to get smacked down by Basilik’s tail.

Bastion 2200

“Don’t think this is the end, I banish Solar Flare Dragon to bring my dragon back in defense mode.” The dragon reappeared, but once it met Basilisk’s eyes it changed into attack mode and charged. “No stop Fire Dragon!”


Bastion 1900

He had to use the card’s effect again, re-summoning his Fire Dragon, only for it to be forced to attack again. Boom!

Bastion 1600

With no pyro monsters in his graveyard, the spell card was destroyed. “Not bad so you managed to destroy my Fire Dragon after all, but I have ways of turning this around!”

“Did you forget Bastion, you had another monster on the field.” Bastion’s eyes widened as his Statue was switched into attack mode. It only had 1500 ATK and against Basilisk’s 3100 DEF...it was over.

“No stop, don’t attack...” the statue charged at Basilisk, and she smacked him down, Bastion was blown back. He had lost but he was filled with a rush of excitement. He couldn’t help but laugh as the crowd cheered. “Amazing...simply amazing...Jaden...I think...no...I know I love you!”

Jaden walked over to him and helped him up. “I love you too.” He kissed Bastion, earning shocked gasps and cheers from Syrus and Chumley.

The duel off ended, Jaden Yuki was going to be the lucky first year to represent Duel Academy in the school duel, and Bastion was lucky to become a part of Jaden’s growing harem.

To be continued...Chazz Changes

Things are changing for Chazz, who instead of making it home ended up stranded. He’s found by a mysterious stranger and goes through new trials to change his views and how he duels.



Got to say this a fantastic chapter and I'm glad you decided to push through the bad luck you had