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Miraculous parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/monster-chapter-30650581 

Chapter 2 First Day

Marin got up to the sound of his mother and his blasted alarm. He showered to wake himself up fully, he put on some clothes and tied his hair back into a braid before he headed downstairs. “Hey mom,” he kissed her cheek before sitting down.

“You excited for your first day of school, sweetie?”

“Not particularly, I just know Chloe is gonna be in my class again this year.” he sighed and made himself a bowl of cereal.

“Four years in a row? Is that possible?”

“Seems so, lucky me!” he started to eat.

“Come on, look on the positive side.” She got him a glass of orange juice. “Any cute boys in your class?” Marin blushed.

“Mom!” he choked.

“I’m just teasing sweetie,” she kissed his forehead. “I just want you to be happy. Keep your chin up!” Marin chuckled.

After getting everything he needed for school he headed downstairs. His dad had the bakery up running, he was always the first one up in the family. “Here you go honey!” he handed Marin over a box of macaroons.

“Thanks, dad, my class is gonna love them.” he hugged him. “You are the best!”

“Ah ah ah, we are the best!” he ruffled his hair. “Thanks to your designs!” Marin had designed wrappers, boxes, and even art designs that were big hits in the bakery.

“Have a good day at school,” his mother said.

“Thanks, I’ll try.” he gave them each a kiss on the cheek before grabbing his backpack and racing out. He headed off, and Paris was busy. Marin noticed an older man trying to cross the street with a cane, a red car was speeding down the way.

Marin acted without thinking, running out into the street and helping the man to get across, but tripped on the curb. Some of the macaroons were lost, some were a little smushed, and Marin’s bag dropped. Without realizing it, the old man slipped the Pan’ku box into his bag. “Thank you, young man.” he handed the bag back to him.

“No worries,” he chuckled. The old man saw the mess.

“Oh dear, such a waste.”

“Not to worry, we have some survivors,” he showed the man the box. “Here try one.”

The old man took one of the smushed ones. “Still delicious!” he licked his lips. “You are truly a kind young man.”

“Uhh, thanks...” Ding Ding Ding “Oh no, I’m gonna be late!” he gave a polite bow before he headed off to school.

The Pan’ku box had been passed to a new warrior, one he hoped could protect it. Not since his failure years ago the box refused to open for him again. He could still help train the young man should he answer the call.

Marin just made it to class on time. Nino saw Marin and blushed. “Nino, why don’t you sit in front this year?”

“Oh uhh sure,” he got up and walked past Marin, trying not to stare. He sat in front of Marin, just as he was about to turn around and talk to Marin. Bang!

“Marin Dupain-Cheng!” Chloe said. “Seems we are in the same class again!” she struck a pose. “Don’t you see fate is keeping us together!”

Marin shook his head and muttered. “Or bad luck.”

“That is my seat, you can have it if you go on a date with me!” she proclaimed.

“Chloe we’ve been through this, I’m gay, I like guys.” he rubbed his temples.

“If you won’t date me, move!”

“Give it a rest would you Chloe, that was Marin’s seat last year,” Alya said. She was new last year, and Marin had been very welcoming.

“Not this year!” Chloe’s toadie Sabrina said. “New year, new seating!” Marin rolled his eyes.

“Adrien will be coming this year, and he’ll be taking that seat.” She pointed at the empty seat next to Marin.

“Who’s Adrien?” He felt he heard Chloe mention that name before.

The two laughed. “You don’t know who Adrien is? He’s only a famous model.”

“You’d have met him had you taken me up on my offer for those exclusive parties.” Chloe crossed her arms. “We are like this?” she crossed her fingers.

“Wait isn’t he the boy you said you’ve grown up with, the overly shy one. Didn’t you tell me he was like a brother to you?”

“Well things change, not like I’m attached!” she glared.

“Chloe seriously...” Alya stood up.

“Get over it Chloe!” she snapped. “Marin has been nothing but nice to you, but you just won’t take the hint.”

“Clam it super newbie!” she glared, a nickname Alya’s had since last year, Chloe wasn’t very creative. “Why do you have to be such a goodie goodie!?” In truth, Alya loved heroes and comic books and believed the only way evil triumphs if good people do nothing.

“Why do you have to be such a bi...” To Alya, Chloe was high school evil, but that didn’t mean she didn’t need to be checked.

“Alya!” the teacher interrupted. “Everyone, please find some seats.” Nino frowned as Marin moved to go sit with Alya. “Marin, I see you brought something.”

“Yes!” he came forward. “My dad made some Macaroons, if it’s okay I’d like to share them with you guys...some did get a little smashed on the way here though.”

“Let’s see,” Miss Bustier took a look. “These look wonderful Marin! Go ahead and pass them out, it’ll be a nice treat to start the school year off right.” Nino and Alya got one.

Chloe turned her nose up at them, and Sabrina wanted to take one but didn’t because of Chloe. Ivan took one as did Max, Rose and Juleka took one each, Nathaniel took one but blushed when Marin got close. Kim, Alix, and Mylene took the last of the non-crushed ones. The class shared a moan of delight, Marin’s dad wasn’t the best baker in Paris for nothing!

Miss Bustier had one of the broken ones. “Remember everyone, just because something is damaged or broken doesn’t mean its bad. You can never judge a book or a cookie by its cover.” she ate one of the smashed ones and moaned at the flavor. “Mmmm!”

Class started much to Chloe’s annoyance. ‘Where is he?’


Adrien was running late, he had a hard time sneaking out of his house, getting past his bodyguard and Natalie. He barely got to the steps when they pulled up. “Adrien stop, this isn’t what your father wants.”

“This is what I want!” he tried to head in only for the bodyguard to block his way. He frowned, as he was taken back to the car. “I just want to go to school like anyone else, what’s so wrong with that?”


Class ended with Adrien being a no show. Kim passed Ivan a note. “Kim!” Ivan shouted and looked ready to hit him, Kim was smirking the whole time.

“Ivan what is going on?” the teacher asked.

“It’s Kim...he...I’m gonna...” he raised his fist.

“Ivan, enough, go to the principal’s office!” the boy was furious, he crumpled the note in his hand. He growled as Chloe laughed at him. The students went off some going to the gym while others went to the library.


Hawkmoth stepped into the light. “I feel them, negative emotions the right emotions for my powers to take hold.” a butterfly came to his hand and he filled it with dark light. “Anger, sadness, burn a hole into heart my little Akuma!” the once white butterfly turned black. “Fly away my little Akuma and evilize him!”

Ivan went to the principal’s office and was further humiliated being sent back out just because he didn’t knock. The Akuma fluttered in and touched the crumpled ball of paper. His dark emotions swelled and a mark appeared on his face. “Stoneheart, I am Hawkmoth, I give you the power to seek revenge on those who have wronged you.”

“Yes Hawkmoth!” a dark power spread over Ivan’s form.


Marin was in the library and discovered the Pan’ku box. “What’s this doing in here? What on earth?” The box was dazzling with strange symbols on it. “Wait...is this some kind of puzzle.” He gave it a turn and the box moved. “Hmm,” he continued to move the box around, seemingly at random, but the more he turned it, the more something was coming together. “I think I...”


Ivan had turned into a giant rock monster and had burst down the principal’s door. Boom Boom Boom

“KIM!” he roared and began stomping around.

“That’s Ivan’s voice!” some students ran off screaming but Alya was ecstatic.

“Amazing it’s like he’s been turned into a real-life super villain!” Alya ran off with her phone.

“Where are you going?”

“Where there is a supervillain, there is a superhero! I can’t miss this!” Ivan destroyed some of the security cameras.

Marin flinched. The mysterious box is forgotten, when it was just one turn away from unlocking.


Natalie was homeschooling Adrien, and the boy was bored, smart but bored. His father came into the room. “A moment with my son, Natalie.”

“Yes sir,” she stepped off to the side.

“Hello father,” Adrien said.

He held up a hand. “You won’t be going to public school.”

“Wha...” he looked to Natalie, he asked her not to say anything to him. She looked away from him.

“You have everything you need here, and I can keep an eye on you. I will not have you outside in that dangerous world.

“It’s not dangerous father, I’m always stuck in here by myself, I just want to have a normal friend like anyone else.”

“You aren’t like everyone else, you are my son!”

“I barely even see you...”

“Enough!” the boy flinched and sat down. “I have important work to do.” he turned on his heel and left the extravagant room. “Continue.”

Natalie barely got a few words in when Adrien ran to his room. He wasn’t there long when he heard the commotion. “What on earth?!” not every day you see a giant stone man walking the streets of Paris. The police tried to stop him but nothing they tried worked, bullets just bounced off him, and the high tech energy rifles seemed to only make him angrier, which made him grow larger.

Stoneheart picked up a police van and tossed it. The news was covering it, the mayor trying to keep everyone calm, while the police did their best to keep the monster contained. “Is this the danger my father is talking about?” Adrien got an idea, an incredibly stupid but brave idea.


Marin watched the news feed from home, funny how fast school gets canceled when a supervillain tears through the school. “What’s happening...this is crazy...this is...” the box glowed catching Marin’s attention. He made the final turn and one of the symbols on the box lit up. “Whoa!”

The box surged with energy, flying out of Marin’s hands, the box shifted before opening and a tiny creature flew out of it. “Whoa you did it, you solved the puzzle, and not just any puzzle my puzzle, you did it, you did it!” the little creature cheered.

“What are you?” Marin asked.

“I am one of the kwami, my name is Tentou-mushi, but one of my former masters gave me the nickname Tikki.”

“Kwami?” Marin sat down. “First a giant rock monster and now I’m talking to a little fairy!” he rubbed his eyes. “Am I going crazy.”

“Oh dear!” Tikki flew over to the television. “That monster is not a true monster, he is a poor akumatized soul.” the kwami flew back over to Marin. “You aren’t going crazy. This box is the Pan’ku box, it houses other kwami; keepers of monstrous powers. I fear your friend was turned by the keeper of Papillion, a fellow kwami, but this...whoever is doing this is using the power for evil.”

Marin looked from the television to Tikki. “Listen, Tikki?” the kwami nodded. “I’m Marin. Do you know a way I can help him?”

“You are very brave Marin. Yes, if you invoke my powers and transform, you will inherit the powers of Red Beetle monster, and be granted with the unique power of creation.”

Marin took a deep breath. “I’m not sure if I get it, but if my friend is in trouble, I can’t sit by and do nothing.”

“There is something you must know.” Tikki filled him in on his basic powers and abilities, aka the Lucky Charm. “If you run into trouble, you may need to solve the puzzle box again to free another kwami, but know this taking on multiple monster powers at once can be very dangerous, even the strongest of souls can perish.”

“I think we got this.” He reached into the box and was granted Tikki’s charm, a pair of earrings. “Tikki, Transform Me!”

Tikki was sucked into the charm and Marin transformed!

To be continued...First Day Hero!


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