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Ranma 1/2 parody: patreon reward: hentai

Amazon Ranma

Nodoka comes from a branch of the Amazon tribe, Genma didn’t know this, just that her family was wealthy, ran a ramen shop, and that she was beautiful. After she had Ranma, she took her daughter back to China to raise her in the amazon ways, and get her away from Genma.

Chapter 1 A Good Person

Nodoka Saotome was the wife of Genma Saotome, together they had a beautiful baby girl named Ranma. Genma’s reaction soured their relationship. He wanted a boy so he could marry one of Soun Tendo’s daughters, and join their two schools. Their daughter was barely a day old and he was already seeking to use her in some way. As she put it if Genma wanted a dojo so bad, he should start one himself, but he was too lazy and his teaching methods were poor.

She worried about what kind of influence he would have on Ranma. She gave him time, 5 years, but he continued his bad behavior. The straw that broke her back, was when Genma tried to take Ranma away from her. She beat his ass with a table and took Ranma back. “Please Nodoka, I promise I’ll raise Ranma up right, she needs to walk the path of the martial artist.”

He gave her a string of promises, but Nodoka wasn’t having it. She’s heard his lies before, a long time of broken promises would sour anyone’s opinion. “No Genma...I’m sorry, I don’t think you can raise our Ranma to be a martial artist, I’m not even sure you can teach her to be a good person.”

“You...what are you saying?”

“I’m leaving you Genma, and I’m taking our daughter.”

“You...you can’t!” he moved for her but she brought her sword out and kept him away. “Where are you gonna go?”

“You didn’t care about my family at all, you have no idea, where I come from, or the history I carry.” He looked surprised, he thought her family just owned a fancy noodle shop. “We are leaving, I’m going back to China.”

She left with her daughter, and Genma couldn’t stop her. Nodoka came from a tribe of Amazons in China. Her sword skills came from 3000 years of amazon history and training. Her family went off to make money and possibly increase the numbers. She wasn’t an outsider or from a banished clan, so when she returned she was met with open arms. She got to share stories as the other amazons gushed over the baby girl.

Cologne was happy to see another grandchild, she could tell just by looking at Ranma that she would grow up strong. She was raised among the amazons, taught how to use weapons and martial arts techniques, Cologne taught her history, match, and other needed skills, while Nodoka worked with her on language and how to be a good person.

Ranma did grow up beautiful and strong, the amazons were like family to her. Cologne was tough, and hard on her at times, but she actually explained and demonstrated things, helping Ranma understand them. She learned to cook, to fight, to survive, to hunt, and more.

She had a kind heart, a warrior’s spirit, and the pride of an Amazon. Cologne was so proud, as was her mother. Ranma took to martial arts like a fish to water, she didn’t just work to learn new techniques she enjoyed it. Even when things were tough or challenging, she’d smile through it and climb up those hurdles.

Cologne worried Ranma might be too kind, there were those people in the world who could take advantage of such kindness. Nodoka understood that she had fallen for Genma after all. “I hope she doesn’t make the same mistakes I did.”

“Mom, Great-Grandmother,” Ranma approached them, she gave a bow. “I was hoping to go do some sword training in the forest.” she showed them a wooden sword she used for practice.

“Go ahead child,” Cologne said. “Try not to gone too long, lunch will be served on time.”

“I’ll be back by then,” she said with a smile.

“Ranma wait,” Nodoka stood up. She went and got their family sword. “Use this to train...”

“Our family’s sword?!” Ranma gasped.

“That is quite the honor.”

“I think you are ready.” She smiled at her daughter.

“Thank you mom!” she traded her wood sword for their family one. She blushed and hugged it. “I’ll be back later!” she ran off to go train in the woods.

“She is such a wild spirit, I’m truly impressed at her growth over these many years. If she keeps up like this I might be able to retire my seat on the council.”

“Don’t say things like that.” Cologne simply laughed.

“Ranma could lead the amazons into the future, too many of us are stuck in the old ways. We don’t have to abandon our history to take steps into the future.” She smoked a bit. “I don’t intend to give up my seat just yet, the others are far too closed-minded.”

Nodoka sighed. Cologne had supported her family’s adventure into the world beyond their borders, the amazon council was full of tough old women. Parfume was set in the old ways, far more than any other amazon. She didn’t dare cross Cologne, she had a lot of pull with the other council members. Ranma would be good on the council sure, but it was a scary thought what Parfume would do, she would do to Ranma. If anyone was good at manipulating kindness it’d be her.


Ranma was training out in the forest, she was knowledgeable of the area thanks to her hunting trips. It took her some time to get used to holding their family’s blade, it was heavier than the wooden sword she used and different than the other amazon weapons she experimented with. She did some kata with her sword.

She would have trained in the village, but Mousse was often wandering in her path when she was training. Poor guy didn’t have the best eyesight, and often ended up crashing into things, or wandering onto the training fields. Ranma didn’t know why he did such things, Mousse is a member of the Amazon tribe. He was a skilled weapons master and had a strange ability to hide weapons on his person, even bare ass naked he’s able to do this. He’s often losing his glasses despite needing them to see. The other amazon girls are kinda mean to him, but Ranma is different.

Ranma was nice to him and actually found his tricks entertaining. She was his first friend, and he developed a crush on her as they grew up. She didn’t get mad when he had his accidents when he tripped and fell, and somehow landed on one of the amazons, and got sent flying. Then there was the time when in the hot spring he had taken off his glasses to go bathe and he ended up on the girl's side, and the girls beat him up all to hell. He didn’t even see anything, literally…

He fell on Ranma once, and he gasped, quickly jumping away from her as if she was gonna burn him. To his shock Ranma didn’t hit him or get mad, accidents happen, she put his glasses back on him and went on her way. Mousse was touched by this, and his feelings grew more, as she often treated him when he had his accidents.

She liked Mousse, but she didn’t want to hurt him. She often liked to train alone...but little did she know...she wasn’t alone…

A boy wearing a bandanna and a boy’s school uniform came out of the bushes. He looked exhausted, and his uniform was dirty and wrecked, he had some scratches here and there. This was Ryoga Hibiki, and he was terribly lost. ‘Where is that blasted school, did it move?’ Ryoga had taken it upon himself to leave for school a few hours early to try and make it on time.

He may have taken a wrong turn or two, or a hundred, as he lived in Japan and had somehow ended up in China, and his school was only six blocks away…

“Hiya...Kiyaa...Ha-hiyah!” he heard. ‘Finally a person, maybe they can give me directions, or tell me where I am?’ he followed the noise and found a girl in a Chinese dress, practicing with a sword. ‘Whoa, she’s good!’

Her moves were so fluid and graceful, it was like she was dancing with the blade, all brought together by the fierceness of her strikes. It was like a combo of beautiful and deadly in one. Ryoga blushed as he watched her move. He liked martial arts and went to an All Boy’s School, so he’s never seen a girl who liked martial arts.

He tried to get a closer look but accidentally broke a twig. The girl moved fast quickly pouncing on Ryoga and aiming her sword at his throat. She spoke in Chinese, which confused Ryoga. “Please wait, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“You’re Japanese?” Ranma spoke, and now Ryoga could understand her. “What are you doing here, who are you?”

“I’m Ryoga Hibiki, and I’m just trying to get to school!” he said quickly. Ranma sheathed her sword.

“You are lost?” Ryoga blushed and nodded. He gave her the address of the school. “Oh my, you are very lost! You are in China, not Japan.” Ryoga’s jaw dropped.

“Yeah, my family has a problem with directions,” he scratched the back of his head. It was embarrassing and problematic, luckily his dad made use of his curse and became a traveling salesman. “Can you help me?”

“Hmm, I’m sure I can find the way.” She tied the sword to her back. “Let’s go!”

“Wait, you are gonna take me there?” he asked.

“Is that a problem?” she raised a brow. “If I gave you directions, you’d end up lost, yes?” his head sunk low, and he nodded. “Then I will guide you home, just stick close to me.”

“Why would you do that, I’m a stranger, you don’t even know me?” he thought this might be a trick, and he’d end up getting led into some kind of man-eating trap.

“My mother taught me it’s best to be a good person and try to help those in need. You may not always be able to help, but doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try,” She smiled at Ryoga. The boy felt his heart flutter. “Now, let’s move,” she took his hand and pulled him up.

Ranma was so gung ho about helping Ryoga, she forgot to inform her family what she was doing...oops…

To be continued...Help and Caring


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