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Total Drama parody: Hentai 

Total Drama Lost Island

How could Chris top all his previous exploits, he finds an island in the Bermuda Triangle. Nothing like cannibals, dinosaurs, strange plants, and drama makes you wish you were back at camp.

Chap 1 The mysterious island

Chris had found this strange little island smack dab right in the Bermuda Triangle. So of course he called the producers and got approved for a brand new season. This season Couples Drama, was sure to be the most dramatic yet. So the players invited back were all the best couples new and old. The couples: Gwen and Trent, Heather and Alejandro, Geoff and Bridgette, Courtney and Duncan, Leshawna and Harold, Owen and Izzy, and last but not least Cody and Sierra. (Heaven help the poor kid)

There were some teams who weren’t so pleased to be coming back together. Gwen and Trent of course broke up but Trent still has deep feelings for her. He wanted to try and make things work, Gwen was looking to just win the competition.   

Heather and Alejandro had hooked up, and were still going strong, however, she was very cruel when it came to the man’s wants, it was her way or no way in the bedroom, Alejandro didn’t know if she loved him or just his body. Girls often fell for him at first sight, if they fell for just his looks he had no problem playing that, but he thought Heather was different.  

Courtney and Duncan had broken up, gotten back together, broken up, and were now back together again. Courtney was trying to change him, like that works. Duncan didn’t know what he saw in Courtney, she ran so hot and cold, he loved her passion, but when she ran cold he HATED being around her. He had a shot with Gwen and he had fucked that up.

Leshawna and Harold were actually a strong couple, the romance between them was strong. The other power couple was Bridgette and Geoff, Bridgette wanted redemption after what happened between her and Alejandro.  

Owen and Izzy were together mainly cause Own was scared of her, too scared to break up. Izzy was quite nuts. Same for Cody, all his potential girlfriends were scared off by his stalker Sierra.

“I do not believe I’m doing this.” Gwen was sitting next to her former boyfriend.  

“Come on Gwen this is a chance for us, we get to spend time together, and a chance for a million dollars.” Trent says and he tries to hold her hand. She just crosses her arms.

“Trent this, me and you, I don’t know if this can work. We want different things.” She had been through a lot both on and off the show. She wasn’t looking for a normal romance, she had done some soul searching, and she didn’t like normal.

“I want to be with you, don’t you want to be with me?” he looked at her, his eyes open and honest.  

“What if being with me, meant conditions, what if it meant our relationship wouldn’t be normal?”

“Gwen, I’m willing to try anything, I love you.” She had heard that before, but she had nothing else to do, might as well give it a shot.  

She wasn’t the only one miserable, Alejandro was listening to Heather nagging over and over, she wanted to win. So she told him to go all out, flirt and use his charm and allure to mess with the other girl’s heads. “Won’t you get jealous?”

“Please, it’s a game, and we are gonna win. No mistakes this time, I WANT TO WIN!”  

“Yes, Heather,” worst part of it was, when she wasn’t nagging it was complaining.  

“Listen, the last time we fooled around you were focused too much on the foreplay.” she said casually filing her nails.  


“You heard me, you need to prioritize!” she said.  

“Is it so wrong I seek to please you, with my natural talents?” He smiled and winked at her.  

“If you want to please me, use your special stick between your legs.” She grabbed his crotch and gave him a squeeze, not a friendly squeeze either. Alejandro gasped and winced.

She released him before grabbing a magazine, she let out a mumble. “That’s all you’re good for...” Alejandro slumped in his seat, hands moving defensively over his crotch. He hated this, he did everything to please her and all he got was anger and insults. He really thought Heather was different, that she didn’t just want him for his looks or body, but instead she seemed to love him only for his macho grande between his legs. “Go get me a soda.”  

“Sure...” he got up and sauntered back, to the back of the plane, where a cart had refreshments. He passed by Gwen and Trent as he went.  

To be fair he wasn’t the only one getting an earful. Courtney was nitpicking everything Duncan was doing, how he sat, how he had his leg crossed, how he was breathing, no seriously how he was breathing listen. “Look breathe through your mouth but only a little so you won’t be loud.”

“Seriously, I’m just trying to relax!” he snapped. He slumped forward to bury his face in his hands.

“Sit up straight,” she grabbed him by the ear and pulled him back.  

“Oww!” he rubbed his ear. “You nearly ripped one of my piercings out.

“Good, you need to lose them!”  

“Why am I even with you?” he hissed.  

“Please, who else would have you? Gwen dumped you, I’m at least willing to take you back.” Gwen was a sore subject between them. Courtney and Gwen had bonded kinda, but Duncan started falling for Gwen. Duncan broke up with Courtney, or she broke up with him, it was hard to keep track. He tried to start a relationship with Gwen, but fucked it up trying to play mind games and win the game. It blew up in his face, he lost his girl and the money.   

Duncan looked back and saw Gwen with Trent. He didn’t know what she saw in that guy, sure he was nice, had decent looks, could sing, play the guitar...yeah never mind. He still didn’t like it...

Cody was in a pile of blankets, a cocoon to shield him from his kinda sorta girlfriend. Sierra was a stalker through and through, she was a Total Drama super fan, who clung to Cody like a leach. He had agreed to date her, and they didn’t have much in common. Cody saw it, but Sierra believed they were the perfect couple, just because she knew everything about Cody. “Oh Cody, we are gonna win this competition with our love!” she squeezed his cocoon.

‘Help me!’ She never gave him privacy, he couldn’t have any female friends without her getting up on them. He thought maybe she cared and loved him, but he’s her obsession. Even when she got him it didn’t tone down.  

“We got this baby, the two of us, Vanilla and Chocolate, no one will beat us!” Leshawna and Harold were making out in their seats. Bridgette and Geoff were doing the same. This was a come back for Bridgette, they were gonna prove their love on this Couple’s Drama!  

As for Owen and Izzy they were snacking and feeding each other. Gwen got up and went back to the cart with Alejandro. “Everything okay?”  

“Si senorita,” he said, before smirking and raising a brow. “You worried about me?”  

“Well you are dating Heather.” he chuckled.  

“She uh, can be quite intense.” he rubbed the back of his head.  

“You don’t have to tell me, I’ve dealt with her on camera and off, I had to live with her.”  

“You aren’t trying to save me, are you senorita?” he leaned on her, turning on the charm.  

“You are a big boy, I’m sure you can save yourself.” she patted his cheek, and returned to her seat with two drinks. Alejandro couldn’t help but watch her go.  

Chris appeared on a descending screen. “Welcome back love birds, this is Total Drama Lost Island, Couples Drama addition, we are going full on couple drama!”

“Yeah yeah, this is for a million dollars right?” Gwen said.

“Actually this is for two million, one for each of our winning couples.” This spurred up cheers from the contestants. “Now now there are some rules and bonuses this time.” An image of a fabulous looking hotel appeared on the screen. “Couples will be sharing a room, in this fabulous hotel, the winners get to spend time in the amazing honeymoon suite, and free room service.” The honey moon suite was tricked out with a huge bed, a Jacuzzi, a chocolate fountain, and a beautiful bathroom.

“Couples in second third and fourth place will live in these suites.” Pretty basic but nice, then came a room with only a couch. “This is for fifth place, and lastly the last place. Get this horrible basement, we call...the Punishment Dungeon!” It was stone walls, bars, chains on the wall, there was even a cage in the corner, the only bedding appeared to be a thin tattered sheet. “Now here is some fun rules, should a couple end up in last place two challenges in a row they are eliminated. Now should a couple end up in first place two weeks in a row, depending on the circumstances can actually dismiss their boyfriend or girlfriend and choose one of the others to take into the honeymoon suite.” This news brought some gasps. “I wonder just which couple will end up at the end with the cash.” he laughed.

“After each challenge the couples will get 3 days to spend with each other all alone.” Chris hugged himself and made kissing noises.

“Sounds simple enough.” The group decides.

“Ohh there will be all kinds of surprises and twists, so look forward to that.” Chris laughed as thunder rumbled outside, rather sinister.  

“By the way, where is this new island anyway?” Cody asked, poking his head out of the cocoon.

“Oh nowhere special, just a nice little spot in the Bermuda Triangle.” He says with a smirk, more thunder and flashes of lightning.

“What?!” they gasped and tried to escape. It was too late as the plane they were on suddenly acted funny, lights flickered, the doors wouldn’t open, and the plane took a nose dive. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the screaming was loud as the plane plummeted.  

Couples began holding each other, screaming as they thought they were gonna crash, then the plane came to a stop. “Yay! We aren’t dead!” Izzy cheered.  

“Chris is insane!” the goth girl says and everyone agreed. The plane doors opened.  

“Alright everyone, we’ll start with the first challenge, a race to the hotel, once there find the honeymoon suite key and earn first place.” Chris wasn’t there, he was talking to them via video screen.

“Chris you coward!” Gwen accused, pointing at him.

“You’ll be hearing from my attorney!” Heather snapped.

“Not cool!” Bridgette snapped.   

“What I’m not going to the triangle that place is dangerous.” He took a sip of some kind of drink, and laughed. A robot of Chris showed up and would be his proxy on the island. “Now Go!” he blew an air horn, and the couples raced towards the hotel, it was a little strange the hotel was surrounded by trees like the hotel appeared out of nowhere a midst the forest.

To be continued

Chap 2 Preview

The honeymoon suite is up for grabs and who knows who’ll claim the swanky room for themselves. If that’s not fun enough the second challenge is a scavenger hunt through the jungle.

End preview


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