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One piece parody: tier 1: born on phone

Chapter 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/29343049

Snake Hunt

Chapter 3

Luffy was ecstatic about his bounty, he wasn't worried about the little details like he was gonna be hunted by marines and bounty hunters, or the implications of only alive. For a pirate a high bounty was an honor of sorts.

To Lucci's surprise they didn't receive the full onslaught of legend. No doubt the Celestial Dragon didn't want the chance that in the attack Luffy might die. It was more terrifying than a relief because it showed just how much the noble wanted Luffy. He still thought an Admiral showing up was a possibility so the escape plan was still on the table. What he wasn't expecting was for Vice Admiral Garp to show up.

The older man was a marine hero, he trained many marine soldiers. Lucci had seen one of his training sessions it was brutal. He found them and yelled. "Luffy! Ace!" The two tensed up.

"Grandpa!" They gasped and Lucci's eyes widened. Garp was their grandfather! They tried to run, but Garp was fast, he caught up and blocked their way.

"What have you two been doing!?" Garp began to manhandle them, flipping them and throwing them into the air. "I was training you lot to become fine marines, imagine my shock and horror to find Luffy with a wanted poster!"

"Isn't it cool?!" Luffy said with a smile. Ace groaned, the boy really had no filter.

"Luffy….all my training is going to waste!" The boy screamed as he was launched into the air.

"Sir, it isn't Luffy's fault." Lucci stepped up.

"Rob Lucci?" Garp was a high level marine so he had knowledge of things. Rob Lucci was a rising star in the world government, a talent, adaptable, six powers master. His bounty came as a surprise, but what was he doing here?

"Ahhh someone catch me!" Luffy came down. Lucci transformed and caught him. "Thanks Lucci!" The snake boy hugged him.

"Alright talk!" Garp cracked his knuckles. Lucci gave him the whole story of what happened with the Celestial Dragon, Ace filled him in on what happened to Sabo, and Luffy told him what happened between him and Lucci. In the end Garp had to sit down.

"Hehe he's like Ace!" Luffy laughed.

Garp knew things, he knew of the Celestial Dragons and what they did. He didn't like it but he wanted to live by a sense of justice. The only reason he didn't raise through the higher ranks was because being a Vice Admiral gave him the most freedom. He did his best working within the system, but knew if a Dragon got a hold of Luffy there would be nothing he could do.

His son saw the horrors of the world government and chose to stand against them. Garp believed in justice, and he wanted to believe in the World Government. To think one was greedy enough to try and collar Lucci, a promising world government agent. He saw the Only Alive on Luffy's wanted poster, even if Luffy became a marine that wouldn't protect him from a Celestial Dragon.

Ever wonder why fishmen, minks, and most other tribes didn't join the marines? Because there was no protection for them, if a Celestial Dragon wanted you they got to have you. Most giants were ignored because of their benefit to the marines. Strings were pulled to protect giants, but for a rare species like Luffy there wasn't anything that could be said or done. The horrors Luffy would face in the hands of a Celestial Dragon, it made Garp sick. The fact was...Luffy had to become a pirate now, it would be the only way for him to be free.

"Luffy...Ace...I'm gonna train you…" Garp said seriously. Ace was another factor, his hope of protecting Ace in the marines was a fool's dream. It would be like hanging meat in a lion's den, the question wouldn't be if the lions took the meat, but when.

"Ehh...I told you I don't wanna become a marine!" Luffy said defiantly.

"No, I'm gonna train you in the ways of haki, so you can protect yourself. So you won't end up a slave to the Celestial Dragons." Garp was serious, if Luffy wasn't properly trained he'd be caught.

"Gramps...are these guys that dangerous?" Ace asked.

"Physically no, but their money, power, and influence make them a threat. I wanted you to become a marine but I was a fool to think that being a marine meant you'd be safe from their claw." He rubbed his temples. "You said you'd be teaching them the 6 powers?" Lucci nodded. "Good once they master the 6 powers I'll teach you haki."

Lucci had heard of haki, it took years for him to master the 6 powers, (master not learn) this allowed him to be a CP Agent, but there was a stage higher, CP 0 had both 6 powers masters and haki users. Lucci helped explain it to Luffy, and the snake fang tribe boy was in.

Garp wasn't able to stay long, but used his influence to try and keep the marines off their backs. That didn't stop the noble from hiring bounty hunters to hunt for Luffy. Expert trackers and hunters were called in to bring Luffy down.

During the day they trained, hunted, and ate, while fending off the goons sent after them. Lucci found it good training for them, a way of testing of what they learned. At night Lucci kept watch often killing those that came for Luffy while he slept. "My captain is trying to sleep, so do try to die quietly." He broke necks and pierced hearts.

"Rob Lucci...you were a government agent...how can you betray them…?"

"Betrayal? That's funny, I served the government loyally, and upon the whim of a Celestial Dragon they would have made me a slave. They didn't dare defend me, but I found someone who is both strong and loyal." He stomped the guy into the ground. "I'll never serve those false gods again."

Other hunters tried to bribe Lucci back into the fold, bit his eyes were open. Luffy was his captain and he would help him grow stronger. The long nights were tough on Lucci, but he practiced the Life Return technique to keep his body revitalised.

-x- time skip-x-

Because of their unique training already, learning the 6 powers only took a year, but learning and mastering were two different things. Learning the techniques made one superhuman, mastering the technique allowed the user to perform variants. It was still impressive, Garp's training and their on hands survival training had toughened their bodies up. So learning the 6 powers was easy enough for them. Now it came down to mastering them.

Most 6 power holders learned the 6, and became a master of 1, that being their specialty. Lucci had mastered 3 of the powers, Finger Pistol, Iron Body, and Shave. It was said when one mastered all 6 a seventh technique would be unlocked. Lucci monitored their progress through the use of Doriki.

For Ace and Luffy it took them a year to learn the techniques, for Ace 3 years to master them, and for Luffy 6 years. So Ace got to start his haki training early while Luffy had to keep working on his other powers. Lucci finished mastering his techniques, and indeed unlocked the seventh power...Rokuogan!

He had a feeling Luffy would one day learn it to, but for now he was stronger! Lucci loved sparring with Luffy it was exhilarating. Ace was a good fight too, he didn't go down easily, it often took his devil fruit power to bring him down. Once he learned both haki and the six powers, he was a powerful opponent.

Ace was 18 now and they had made a promise to each become pirates at this age. It was hard for him to leave Luffy, but they would see each other again. The boy would be missed, parting with Luffy was the hardest part of this, but the boy was stubborn. It would not matter how far apart they were, their bond would never be broken.

Luffy was upset when Ace left, but he couldn't force Ace to stay with him. The next time they meet they would both be pirates, but they would still be brothers no matter how much their relationship changed…

He had three more years before he'd set off on his journey. In two of those years Garp trained Luffy in haki, just the basics, level one haki. It was on par with the Kuja, he could apply his haki to himself or objects, and he could predict another person's moves. He didn't have the coating ability yet and he wasn't aware of the third form of haki.

Lucci was on the same level as him haki wise, while Luffy was more balanced Lucci favored the observation haki. He kept a cool head more than Luffy so his observation was more unshakeable. With haki they could touch logia users, and turned their biggest advantage into a weakness. Garp left when he was 17, he had a feeling Luffy could reach higher levels of haki but doing more than this would be seen as treason against the World Government.

Now they were alone, and their relationship was changing. Lucci was realizing his feelings for Luffy, he enjoyed it when Luffy hypnotized him, he needed a practice partner to work on his skills, and when Ace left he was the lucky one. So...so lucky…

He didn't seem the type to enjoy submission. He followed the government's orders, they had raised him and trained him, but he saw how little his service meant. He served those weaker than him because the government said they were important. Luffy was strong, stronger now then when they first met.

When Luffy hypnotized him it felt good, it excited him, he held no resistance, he enjoyed it. It was the ultimate submission, Luffy ruled him, when Luffy found out, he simply smiled. "You're a naughty boy aren't you Lucci?" He couldn't even deny it, and Luffy accepted him.

He didn't treat it as a weakness or something disgusting, and that acceptance made him love Luffy even more.

To be continued Heavy Petting


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