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Dragon Ball Z parody: Tier 1

Saiyan Kai

Before the Planet Vegeta was destroyed Gine prayed for her son to be saved. Her prayer was spoken from a pure heart so it reached the Kai world. Shin appears and rescues Kakarot, planning to raise him and teach him the ways of the kai. Kakarot learns many things, but Kibito is still worried since in ancient times a powerful Saiyan had been chosen by the Kais and his dark heart corrupted his ki, and he became such a terror he had to be sealed away. Kakarot/Cumber/Harem

Chapter 1

The Saiyans were a proud warrior race, it was divided into a class system the royal family and the elites, the second class; those that developed techniques and technology that benefited the Saiyan race, and the third class that featured warriors of lower power.

It was believed the Saiyans had a god at one point, but legends say they were consumed by the evils of the Saiyan race. Over time they fell into the employ of the Cold family and served the God of Destruction Beerus. Beerus while a powerful god of destruction was lazy and often had others do his work so he could sleep. His counterpart Shin was a kai and after a series of events now watched over the universe as the Supreme Kai.

Most Saiyans had grown arrogant by their own power since even in defeat they can grow stronger, their bodies were designed for combat. They broke down all food and converted it into energy allowing them to stay awake longer, to fully draw out the benefits of their training. They also had a legend of a Super Saiyan, a Saiyan of great power, this legend had the heir of the Cold family Frieza very nervous.

He thought the Saiyans were growing too numerous, and gaining more and more strength. He’d never say it out loud but the legendary Super Saiyan would be a threat even to him. He was an entitled prince, and without speaking to Beerus he decided to wipe out a large number of Saiyans and their world.

Frieza called back many Saiyans back to the planet. Bardock found it very suspicious, but he couldn’t share his thoughts with too many people as, the scouters they wore acted as communication, but also acted as bugs, any words against Frieza or the Cold Empire would be picked up and the ones involved would be executed.

Bardock went to his family, his son Raditz was off-world with Prince Vegeta. His wife Gine was looking after their second son, Kakarot. He turned his scouter in and shared his thoughts with her. “Bardock, do you hear yourself?”

“I know it sounds crazy, but I think Frieza plans to eradicate us, the sudden callback, his ship is monitoring the planet.”

“What are we gonna do?” she asked, looking between her son and her husband.

“We can try to fight but I don’t think we will win,” Bardock tells her, her eyes growing wet with tears. “Raditz is off-world with the oldest prince, prince Tarble was banished off-world, and when I was coming in I saw two pods leave the planet. The Saiyan race may still survive.”

“What about Lord Beerus?” Gine asked. “Our people serve him loyally, maybe he can...”

“Gine...Beerus has gone into his hibernation, its why I believe Frieza is acting now.” he sits down and looks at his son. “Even if we steal a pod there is no guarantee that Frieza won’t shoot it down now.”

Gine dropped to her knees. “I don’t care what happens to me, but I want our son to survive.” She cried and took a praying stance. “Please, someone, anyone help us.”

Bardock didn’t believe in the gods, in his mind even if Beerus was awake he probably wouldn’t care if they were destroyed. He hoped to rally the Saiyans in hopes of stopping Frieza. Gine continued to pray, hoping her prayers would be heard. “Please, hear my prayer, please save my son.”


On the Sacred World of the Kai, the Supreme Kai Shin felt a pulse through the universe. Kibito his attendant looked at him. “What is it, Kaio-sama?”

“I sense a pure heart calling out. Very interesting.” he rises from the flower field. “It is coming from the planet of the Saiyans.”

“The Saiyans!” Kibito gasped. “And you are sure it is a pure heart you sense?”

“Indeed, very interesting,” He stands up and brushes himself off. “I would like to investigate this.”

“Shall I accompany you?”

“No need, I’ll be fine.” He used Kai Kai, a technique similar to the Instant Transmission but far more powerful. He didn’t need to lock on to a ki signal, he could target a planet, a person, and teleport with ease. So in seconds, he appeared in the home of Bardock and Gine.

The female Saiyan gasped. “I have heard your prayer,” he said smiling at her.

“You are…?” she couldn’t believe it.

“The Supreme Kai, if I may?” he used his powers and scanned the woman’s mind. “Do you wish me to help save your son?”

“Yes please, our people are gonna be wiped out, I want to know my son will be safe.”

“You have a very pure heart.” he walked over to her son’s pod. “Let’s see...” he began to scan the young Saiyan. “This one’s future is interesting, in the right hands he will grow to become a strong and noble fighter.” The boy was an innocent, though seen as weak by other Saiyans the boy could grow up into a champion and protector. If possible he could have led the Saiyans into a new era. “A dark shadow lies over his future.”

“Does that mean, Frieza truly intends to destroy us?” Before Shin could answer.

“Gine! Kakarot!” Bardock had felt a strange presence and rushed back home, to find the strange man in his home. When he saw him near Kakarot his parental instincts turned feral. “Get away from my son!”

“Bardock wait!” too late, he surged at Shin, ki flaring.

Shin didn’t even move, he stopped Bardock with powerful Telekinesis. The man was frozen in his tracks. “You are quite wild, but you wish to protect your family, you too have a noble heart. Fear not I do not intend to harm your family.”

Shin kept a hold on him just in case. “I fear your worries are correct, Frieza intends to kill the Saiyans.” Bardock’s eyes widened. “You should take this time to try and escape.”

“Not a chance, the Saiyans will not turn and run with their tails between your legs.”

“No, you won’t will you, if you fight you will die. The Saiyans cannot stand against Frieza unless fully united. I take it many do not even believe your story.”

“You are strong why don’t you help us!” Bardock hissed.

“I deal with things on a universal scale. You do not even know the terrors I have witnessed. The universe has been unbalanced for many years, the other supreme Kais have fallen, I am all that is left. I am only here because I heard the cry of a pure soul reaching out not out of fear, but with hope. Hope that something could be done to save her son.” Gine blushed. “It can be done, I can save your son from this planet’s destruction. In exchange, I would like to train him and teach him the way of the Kai.”

It was quite an honor, to say the least. “Please if you can help my son, save him!”


“Bardock, Frieza is coming, this is a chance to save our son.”

Bardock looked at his boy and sighed. The fight left him and Shin released him. Bardock bowed his head before the Kai. “Please...please look after my son.”

“I shall,” they got him out of the pod and Shin bundled him up.

“Kakarot, know that we will always love you.”

“My son, grow up strong, and live your life!” the baby cooed and reached out for them. They had to say their goodbyes, Shin used Kai Kai and left with Kakarot.

Gine and Bardock resigned their fate, they would fight and try to survive, in the hope of seeing their sons again one day. They rallied as many Saiyans they could, but things were in chaos. King Vegeta had disappeared. The arrogant king had already been killed by Frieza.

The Saiyans put up a good fight, taking on the Frieza Forces until the tyrant himself came out. His power dwarfed theirs and the nonbelievers were blown up along with their planet. Bardock and Gine perished, but in their last moments as their life passed before their eyes they also saw glimpses of the future. They saw their son growing up into a fine young man, dressed in the clothing of the kai, he would face many challenges and even fix the mistakes of the past. Their son would face Frieza, not for revenge but for justice! They died with a smile on their faces.

To be continued… Training the Saiyan


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