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Ben 10 parody: tier 1

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/23179845 

Chapter 3 Partners

Max and Gwen were getting the other campers evacuated as Ben faced the stronger robot. Ben’s body was much larger now thanks to the muscle growth that Ten provided. He was stronger and faster now, and Ben could freely control the suit. So when the robot hit him and sent him flying, he was able to materialize tentacles to grab hold of some trees to halt his fallback and used it to launch him forward like a rocket.

He slammed into the robot and sent it skidding back. Ben used his new claws to tear into the robot’s armor. “Hiyahh, Hiyahh, Smash!” He brought his hands together and slammed them down into the robot, forcing it to hit the ground. The robot was stronger than the others, Ben Ten kept swinging and it kept coming back. “Man this guy is tough, but so are we!”

They traded blows back and forth, the woods were getting trashed, the ground was getting torn up, trees were getting smashed and uprooted. The robot was ripping trees out of the ground and throwing them at Ben. “Slice them up!” Ten shouted, and Ben’s hand morphed into a solid blade. He cut the tree down and sliced up anything he threw at him.

“This is so cool!” He thought about some weapons he read in Medieval Hero’s comic book and turned his hand into a mace. “Try this on for size.” he tore a hole right into the bot. The boy switched tactics and tried to play the long-range game, firing lasers at Ben. His hand morphed into a shield, and he blocked shot after shot. “Is that all you got?”

The robot charged up another attack, this one was a lot stronger. “Uh oh!” BOOM!

“Waaaahhhh!” Ben went flying before slamming into the ground. “Okay, Round 2!” His arms morphed into blades and he charged at the robot, this time he deflected any shots fired at him, he figured in order to launch a powerful shot it needed time, Ben wasn’t giving him any time. He began taking out the probe’s legs, it tried to charge an attack but Ben smashed its head down, causing it to release its own laser inside and blew itself apart. “Oh yeah, we did it! Uggghhhh!” Ben reverted back to normal, and his body felt like jelly.

“Oh man, I can’t move.” He was naked, Ten to worn out to even form clothes for him. “But we won!”

“Sorry, using that form took a lot out of us.” Ten groaned.

“We’ll call it our power form, we’ll use it only in extreme conditions.” He chuckled.

“When you get older you’ll be able to use the power more freely.” Ten was sure. He pulled back on some of Ben’s limiters in that form, it was no wonder they were exhausted. “But yeah we won!” The passing breeze made them shiver, it actually started to feel nice after awhile.

“Ben...are you okay?” Thankfully Grandpa Max showed up and was able to rescue Ben.

“Hey Grandpa,” He scooped the boy up and carried him back into the RV. He was bundled up in a blanket.

“Alright Ben, I want answers.” he gave the boy a stern look. He wasn’t mad he was just concerned. In his mind, there was no way Ben could have taken down that robot, in fact, that robot shouldn’t have even been on Earth at all.

“Sure Grandpa, but could it be after I get the feeling back in my arms and legs?” He sighed.

“Ben, how did you do that? What was that robot? What…?” Gwen was going on a tangent.

“Gwen let him breathe, Ben can’t move right now, and we need to get out of here.” he got in the driver’s seat while Gwen looked at Ben.

“Can’t move huh?” she got a wicked look on her face, she found a permanent marker.

“Gwen...” Ben warned, but she tried to draw on his face. Ten showed himself and snapped at her.

“Wahhh!” she fell back. “A monster!” Ben laughed.

“Nice one!”

“You are a freak!” Gwen screamed and Ten hissed at her. Max saw Ten and his eyes widened slightly.

Once they were a safe distance away, Max pulled over and went to Ben. “You okay son?”

“Yeah, my arms and legs are a little numb, but I’m sure I’ll be able to move in a bit.”

“So this must be your new friend.” Max was able to pet Ten, and the little guy purred.

“His name is Ten and he’s some kind of symbiote. He’s the last of his kind and he has nowhere to go.” Ben said and pet him too. “We kinda bonded!”

“You were always good at picking up strays. Welcome to the family Ten.” Max laughed.

“Are you kidding me?!” Gwen gasped. “That thing isn’t natural...it’s like some kind of parasite...”

Ten blew her a raspberry. “We are partners!” Ben said. “Please Grandpa, I wanna be a hero!”

“A hero? Oh please!” Gwen snapped. “That thing is freaky, and you are already a freak before.”

“Ben, if you and Ten want to help people, I think that’s very honorable. I will do all I can to help you.” Max patted his shoulder. Gwen huffed, crossing her arms.

“This summer is gonna be awesome!” Ben cheered.


With Ten’s help, Ben was able to unpack the RV and pack it up in record time. He breezed through his chores like they were nothing. Gwen kept saying he was cheating but Ben said it was for training. Max sided with Ben since he wasn’t making Ten do everything, they were doing it together.

Ben while doing chores kept thinking of how to be a hero, to use Ten so he didn’t have to go full power. They worked on it together and with a little focus and control, Ten could make an enhancer suit. It was skin-tight, green and black, it covered him from the neck down, complete with a cape! Ten could even make a nice mask for him when worn it even warped Ben’s eye color changing the whites of his eyes pitch black and making his green eyes glow.

He worked on controlling his abilities, he worked on his speed, his flexibility, his strength, Ten allowed him to tap into his body’s limits. Plus there was using Ten himself, in his basic bodysuit he couldn’t morph his arms, but the suit he wore wasn’t just for show. His suit was alive, so he could use it to fight. Ten was in his head, could see what he saw. He was creative Ten found himself able to match Ben’s creativity but even he had limits.

Ben also pulled out some of his comic books, he figured studying heroes would be good for the future. He couldn’t breathe fire or shoot eye beams, and the like but it was fun research none the less. Gwen didn’t believe he was actually studying, just being lazy. She didn’t get it but that’s okay, she didn’t need to, Ten understood. Ben loved heroes, he wanted to be like them, and there were different kinds, different styles, different abilities. Ten couldn’t recreate every power, but if they were explained enough and plausible enough, Ten might be able to make it happen.

He often pondered what he would do in the situations the heroes found them in, a lot of them were full-grown adults and had to face difficult decisions. Not every story had a happy ending, but Ben knew if he was gonna do this he’d have to give it his all. Ten respected that, Ben still wanted to have fun and be a kid too, but when it was Hero Time it was a serious time.

On their various stops, Max set up a training course for Ben to use. It was exciting, Ben was able to focus, and learn from Max. He was hands-on and able to put things into perspective for Ben. Max had a feeling Ben was smarter than he let on, when he gave the boy drills to run, he was able to do them. His creativity and ability to adapt was quite impressive.

Gwen didn’t like it...she was smarter than Ben, she was more talented than him, and yet he got to do the cool hero stuff. She also started to notice bad habits forming with Ben, like the boy walking around, or sunbathing naked if it became an issue Ten would make clothes for him. He didn’t need to waste time changing in and out of clothes. She also noticed he wasn’t going to the bathroom like normal, he was also staying up all night and after about 4 hours of sleep, he was good as new. He could even breath underwater now, Ten would create a guard over his nose and mouth, it shifted its form creating gills or some form of filter system allowing him to take in the water and give Ben fresh air.

The family was heading to Washington D.C. for sightseeing and historical immersion. Max was put in charge to help these two grow, Ben, to find fun ways to learn, and Gwen to lighten up a bit and learn to do more than just stay in her room and study. He hoped this trip would go well but with Ten in the mix, he had a feeling he had to work twice as hard to look after his grandkids. ‘I pray its just a coincidence, and that HE isn’t involved in all of this.’ his grip tightened on the steering wheel.

To be continued


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