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Fairy Tail parody: tier 1

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragon-blood-1-24990625 

Chapter 2 Date

Natsu was dreading coming back to the guild. He had promised Drago he would ask Gray Fullbuster out, on an actual date. ‘This is gonna be so bad...’

‘You are worrying too much, this is gonna be great.’

‘Why would you ask me to do this? What if he says no, what if he hates me, what if he thinks I’m some kind of freak?’

‘What if the sky turns to fire and your nose falls off?’ Natsu groaned at Drago’s words. ‘What if he says yes?”

The pinkette froze and squatted down, fisting his locks. ‘WHAT IF HE SAYS YES?!’ he didn’t even think of that. Drago sighed.

Drago slapped him to snap him out of it. “Master, you need to hold your head up high and do this. You trust me don’t you?”

“Yeah...” Drago knew he was pushing, but he wanted Natsu to be happy. He put on a smile and seemed happy enough, but he was lonely. Drago could feel it...

The guildhall of Fairy Tail was a sight to behold, two stories tall and acted as the main base for the wizards. They may have been a rambunctious guild but they were the favorite. Fairy Tail held big events that brought a lot of joy to the town of Magnolia.

Natsu entered the hall and was greeted with the usual rambunctious nature. Some wizards were arm wrestling, others were playing cards, a few were even practicing their magic and there was drinking and merriment abound. “Welcome back Natsu and Drago!” Mirajane called.

“Hey Mira!” the two said in unison.

“Natsu’s back!”

“Hey, Natsu!”

“Heard about your mission, nice job!” they raised their glasses to Natsu. “Cheers!”

“Natsu’s back about time,” Gray left his seat at the bar. “Let’s settle things Natsu!” he cracked his knuckles.

“Gray your clothes.” Cana who had been drinking next to him pointed out, his near-nudity didn’t even raise a red flag for her and she started chugging a barrel of booze.

“Damn it!” Gray looked down at his dark boxer clad body. He looked around but his clothes were nowhere to be found. “To hell with it, bring it on Natsu!”

“Oh yeah, its time to settle things like men!” Elfman shouted.

“Here we go again,” Alzack said, and folded his hand to watch the show.

Natsu and Gray’s bouts were famous around here and often turned into a full out brawl. Natsu was calm, quiet, it wasn’t like him. He approached Gray oddly tense. “You better get ready fire breath because today is the day I beat you!”

“Gray...” he looked at Drago, who was resting on his shoulder. He gave him a nudge. “Listen we need to talk about something,” he rubbed the back of his head.

“There is no talking your way out of this!” He took his fighting stance, a weak stance was a sign of weak magic. His ice magic began to build.


“Ice Make...”

“Will you go out with me?” his voice came out louder than he anticipated and Gray froze, like a deer caught in the headlights. His body tensed up like a magical engine, and his face heated up. His magic seal broke and he stood there like he was the one covered in ice.

The whole guild was dead silent. Mira’s hands slowly rose to cover her mouth as her eyes sparkled.

“What did you just say to me?” his voice didn’t sound angry, it was almost a reflex-like he was trying to process what Natsu just said but couldn’t.

“Do you wanna go out...on a date...with me…?” he twiddled his fingers. This was already killing him, his heart felt like it was racing a mile a minute.

“I um..uhh...I..umm..” the words began to catch in his throat. “Yes...” It was Natsu’s turn to blush.

“Oh good, um I was thinking tomorrow, but if that’s not good for you...we can work something else out.”

“No, tomorrow is good.”

“Great...I mean...good...so I’ll see you tomorrow.” He felt hot, so he ran off.

“Yeah...see you tomorrow...” he stumbled back to the bar and sat down. “I have a date...with Natsu...” his heart fluttered a bit. Everyone was quiet, jaws hit the floor, eyes were wide.

Mirajane put her hand on his shoulder. “You two are gonna make a lovely couple.” She gave him a thumbs-up.

“What are you gonna wear?” Cana points out.

Gray facepalms.

Natsu was just as nervous as Gray was. “I can’t believe I did that!” His face felt like he was burning.

“He said yes though. Isn’t that great?”

“No, yes, I don’t know...” Drago nudged him.

“You happy?”

“Maybe...” Drago smiled at him.


The guild couldn’t stop talking about Natsu’s date with Gray. He wasn’t that open, he’s never shown such interest in people, and Gray of all people. The fact he accepted was a big deal too. It felt like a door had been opened, and no one knew what was on the other side.

Gray had no idea what Natsu was planning, but when Makarov showed up at his place with a tux. “I think this will be needed for your date.”

“A tux!?” he gasped.

“Natsu came and asked me for one, figured you’d need it for whatever he’s planning.”

“Master...is this a good idea?” he took the box and sat down.

“Do you want to date Natsu?”

“Yes, but don’t you think it’s weird?”

“What I think doesn’t matter, what everyone in the guild thinks doesn’t matter, you want to date him and if that makes you happy then do it.”

“I don’t want to hurt him, I’ve never dated anyone...I don’t know how to do this!” he fisted his hair. “And it’s Natsu...”

“You two have quite the history. You were the first to engage him, he wanted to be alone, and you wouldn’t let him.”

“I was just a stupid kid, this is different.”

“Is it, I wonder...” he turned to leave. “I would stop worrying and see how the night takes you.” Natsu was indeed special, he had a dragon heart and was raised as a dragon.“When it comes to love, there’s no easy answer. Love is always a Hurricane!” He spun around the door closing behind him.

Gray sweatdropped.


Natsu was fiddling with his tie as he approached Gray’s place. “I’m not so sure about this...” Drago tied his tie for him.

“It’s just dinner with a little dancing, you’ll be fine.”

He knocked on the door. Gray answered in his tux...but no pants. “Damn it!” he rushed back into his room to find his trousers. Natsu watched him scramble and actually found it cute. “Okay, let’s go!”

“Uhh, Gray...” Natsu spoke making Gray look at him.

“Yeah?” he raised a brow.

“You look good?” Natsu’s cheeks were red, and Gray’s joined him.

“Oh um, thanks, you look good too.” he rubbed the back of his head.

The two walked to the restaurant. It was a big dating spot that offered dinner, dancing, and music. Gray had heard of this place but never thought he’d be coming here. There were couples all over, some eating, some already on the dance floor.

They were greeted by a tall thin man with a twirly mustache and round eyes. “Welcome sirs, a table?”

“Yes please,” the man moved with a weird twirl like his legs were spinning as a mini-tornado.

“Our chef is a wizard, he’ll have your orders ready soon!” he twirled off. No need for menus, as their wizard chef was able to prepare exactly what their patrons wanted. They still had to wait for the food, and it was a tense silence. You could cut the tension with a knife.

“I’m not really hungry yet, do you wanna dance?” Natsu asked.

“Yeah sure,” the two-headed off to the dance floor, and just their luck the music was for a slow dance. The two were so tense they didn’t even know where to put their hands. They saw other dancers and tried to mimic them, Gray took Natsu’s hand, and didn’t know where to put his other hand. It was worse for Natsu, he had no idea what he was doing.

‘I can’t watch this anymore.’ Drago spread through Natsu’s arms and connected to Gray and began to infect his clothing.

“Drago what...” suddenly the two were pressed together. Natsu’s hand coming to rest on Gray’s back, pulling him close. Gray’s hand was placed on Natsu’s hip.

“Now one two three, one two three, feel the music.” He moved the two into dancing together, it was still a tad stiff but least they were moving.

“Sorry,” Natsu said.

“It’s okay, this is nice,” the two moved around the dance floor, getting into it so much they didn’t even notice when Drago pulled back. The dance slowly became more tender and intimate. ‘He’s so warm!’

Even Drago was getting lost in the moment, it wasn’t until a gasp was heard did the moment break. “Oh my!”


Somehow Gray had lost his clothes and he was dancing with Natsu in only his boxers, and his feelings were showing. Gray blushed and covered his bulge. ‘Damn it!’ Natsu caught a whiff of it and felt his own loins heat up.

The two quickly scrambled back to their table. Their faces were as red as tomatoes. “You got hard...”

“Yeah well...so did you...” Gray couldn’t believe this.

“Does that happen a lot?”

“Do we have to talk about this?” he was so embarrassed.

“No, I was just curious.”

“Well does it happen to you a lot?” Gray countered, not expecting Natsu to answer. Gray took a drink of his water.

“Yeah, it does,” Gray spat it out, choking on it. “I often try to ignore it, but Drago usually doesn’t let me.”

“It...happens to me too,” he confessed.

“Is it because of me?”

“Yes idiot!” he snapped.

“How long?”

“Why are you asking me this stuff?” His hard-on refused to calm.

“Because I want to know, we’ve known each other for a long time. There were times I thought you didn’t like me at all, but I wanted to believe we were rivals.”

Gray sighed. “We are rivals, we are nakama, but I felt more for you. When we fought I often got excited, I thought you’d hate me if you knew.” Natsu’s eyes widened.

“I felt the same!” Natsu filled Gray in on his own issues, and how nervous he was just asking Gray out.

‘Suffice to say you are both idiots!’ Drago pointed out.

Their food arrived and it was great, but they were finally able to talk to each other. For this night, just the two of them, they let their walls down. They talked, they ate, they found Gray’s tie, and they even danced some more.

Natsu gave him his jacket for the walk home. “Tonight was nice.”

“Yeah, it was,” Gray hugged Natsu’s jacket, pulling it tighter around him.

“Do you think we can do it again?” he was blushing now.

“That and more,” he took Natsu’s hand. “Natsu lets form a combo together.” Natsu grinned.

“I’d like that,” he walked Gray to his place, and it was time for the final piece. They both knew it too, but needed a little push. Drago was happy to help. With a little shove, Natsu bumped into Gray and their lips met.

Their eyes widened, only to close as the kiss carried on. They closed their eyes and made out a bit. The sky crackled as hot and cold clashed in the sky. When the kiss broke for air, Gray was breathless, his legs feeling like jelly and his cock weeping in his boxers. “Goodnight,” he gave Gray another kiss on the cheek this time.

“Goodnight,” Natsu left and Gray entered his home for a shower and some alone time. “Natsu...” he moaned as he played with one of his nipples and his cock.

“Gray...” Natsu moaned as he was in the middle of his own alone time. He pumped himself so hard his big balls bounced. They thought about each other, their climaxes building, Gray’s getting washed away by his shower, while Natsu’s was slurped up by Drago.

“Was I right, or was I right?” Drago asked licking his lips.

“You were right, I can’t believe I didn’t notice Gray liked me.”

“To be fair he didn’t know you liked him either, I got the insider knowledge,” he chuckled. ‘This is just the beginning, my king will be surrounded by love.’

To be continued


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