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Reincarnated As Slime parody: patreon reward

Chapter 8  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-chap-29071371 

Rimuru Tempest

Passive Skills: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Electricity Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Magic Sense, Water Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Heat Perception, Auditory Perception, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Pack Bond Skill, Stamina Boost Skill, Endurance Boost Skill, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill

Offensive Skills: Water Blade, Dragon Breath, Heat Touch, Lightning Roar, Black Lightning, Wind Magic, Gust Force, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Poison Mist Breath, Body Armour, Paralysis Breath, Stick Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Wind Blade, Knock Back,

Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator,

Slime Skills: Absorb, Dissolve, Self Regenerate, Mimicry

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, Ranga, Kaijin

Chapter 9 Fated Meeting

As their village was in the works Rimuru was doing more than just having sex and overseeing construction. He was also practicing his skills. He went out in a small party of just him, Ranga, and Rigur. Today’s training was practicing Rimuru’s Dragon Breath.

He took the boys to Veldora’s cave, where he felt it would be safe to try out some skills. He used Dragon Breath on a rock, he took a deep breath and the magicules inside his body turned the air into flames. He let loose and the powerful surge of flames not only destroyed the rock but set the walls on fire. ‘I think I overdid it...’ he sweatdropped.

“Amazing master!” Ranga said.

“Bravo!” Riguru applauded.

Rimuru put out the flames. “It might take a bit of getting used to, but it might be useful in battle,” he said. ‘Probably shouldn’t use it in the forest though.’

Attention: Riguru has learned the Offensive Skill: Boro Breath.

“Riguru?” the hobgoblin blushed.

“Forgive me, my lord, I’ve been practicing to harness my magicules May I...” he looked so nervous and cute.

“Go for it!” he gave him a slime thumbs up.

Rigur stepped up. “Boro Breath!” he used his new skill and unlike Rimuru’s who was a steady stream of flames, Rigur’s flame was a solid sphere. “Ha!” He breathed out launching the fireball.

When it struck stone it exploded. “Oh wow!” Rimuru gasped at the explosive power of it. ‘How was he able to learn this?’

Answer: Those that share a special bond with you, like Ranga and Riguru, you named them and mated with them. So you share magicules with them when you mate them, the stronger you become the more they will grow as well.

‘Wow, that’s kinda cool!’ When he named a monster, he passed on some of his power, and Ranga being in his shadow allowed him to absorb his magicules. Riguru received it through touch and close contact, his feelings for Rimuru let the connection flow. He was training and trying to get stronger that desire helped. “You are awesome Riguru.” the hobgoblin blushed.

-x-Kingdom of Blumund-x-

At the Guild Hall, Freedom Association, the guild master Fuze was meeting with three adventurers. They were not strangers, Rimuru had seen them before. Kabal, Eren, and Gido, this trio of B ranked adventurers had just returned from a difficult mission.

They had come to the cave of Veldora to confirm his disappearance. They had explored the cave and were attacked by a few of the remaining monsters that didn’t dare to attack Rimuru and get eaten. Their report was conclusive the Storm Dragon Veldora was gone.

This was rather troubling but explained the sudden activity in the Forest of Jura. Veldora was quite the terror, but he kept the other monsters in line, now there was a struggle for power. Monsters would seek to gain strength and one way of doing so was killing and eating humans.

This would make trade far more difficult and travel far more dangerous. It explained why the Eastern Kingdom was staying put. The trio was exhausted, they barely managed to come back at all with their lives.

Kabal was the Fighter class of the group, Eren was the Sorcerer class of the group, and Gido was the Thief class of the group. Their gear wasn’t exceptional, but their teamwork had gotten them through a lot of hard times. “Good work, counting today I’ll give you 3 days off.” the trio tensed, looking horrified. “After that I want you to scout the areas around the forest.”

“What!?” the trio gasped.

“Keep an eye out for monsters, they’ll be more active with Veldora gone.” the trio was known for monster subjugation. “Be thorough, check every nook and cranny, I want a full report.” the trio began to sweat, they were exhausted, they needed more than 3 days to relax. “You are dismissed.”


“He is such an ass!” Kabal shouted.

“Excused my ass, he acts like we should be grateful for three lousy days!” Eren shouted.

Gido sighed. “I wish you two could say this to his face.” the two continued to vent in frustration.

“Do we really have to go back there?” she asked.

“I guess...if Fuze gives an order we gotta carry it out.”

“I just want a break, just a soak in a nice hot bath, is that too much to ask?” the trio walked around town for a bit.

“Might as well enjoy this now, in two days we are back in the Great Forest of Jura.” they groaned.

“Excuse me,” they turned and saw a masked woman. Her mask was fancy, her gear was high class, and her sword was expertly crafted.

“Huh, do you need something from us?”

“Did you say you were going to the Great Forest of Jura?” she approached them.

“So what if we did?” the guys were on edge. This person was clearly stronger than them.

“I’d like to accompany you on your journey.” Kabal had his reservations, but Eren just stepped forward and invited her.

“Hey, I’m the leader, don’t I have a say in this?”

“Oh come on, it’ll be a lot more fun with a fourth.” she introduced everyone.

“I’m Shizu,” the masked woman said. The mission was set and they would leave in a couple of days.


Rimuru was showing off his Black Lightning skill to Ranga. Riguru was taking some lessons in the village. He turned into a Tempest Star Wolf tripling the size of Ranga and blasted a rock.


The rock was obliterated, and the water it was in shot up into the air, and a mini whirlpool formed before it collapsed in on itself. “Whoa!” he really had to be careful, his offensive skills were scary.

“Black Lightning, amazing master!” Ranga’s tail wagged.

“Aww, thanks Ranga!” Things were peaceful, the hobgoblins were learning new skills from the dwarves, as well as challenging themselves to find their own skills and abilities. Riguru was a fine example of it. They now had a security team, keeping posts around the village to make sure they weren’t invaded, the goblin riders were assisting the hunting teams. Ranga and Riguru were even sneaking off for training sessions, Rimuru was fine with that it was okay to go a little wild now and then, if these got out of hand he’d step in and use his healing potion.

The two-headed back and Rigurd rushed to them. “What’s up my guy?”

“The security team has reported of a disturbance.”


“No, humans, a group of humans disturbed a Giant Ant nest, and they are rampaging.”



Kabal’s party was running like mad, the giant ant monsters were rampaging behind them. “UOOOOOO!!!” they screamed as they ran.

“This is all your fault, what idiot suddenly starts poking a giant ant’s nest with a sword!?” Eren screamed.

“Be quiet, I’m the leader here! Fuze told us to be thorough damn it!”

“So careless even though you’re the leader!” Gido groaned.


“If I die, I swear I’m gonna come back as a ghost that haunts you!”

“Hahahahaha, you won’t be able to do that!!” the ants were getting closer. “Because I’m also about to die together with you!” The lead ants were on top of them.

Normal ants multiplied quite rapidly in the human world, but Giant Ants reproduce slowly, but if left unchecked they could be dangerous. Their large size, their tough armored body, and their strength make them pretty scary opponents. Normal adventurer parties couldn’t handle three, and they had six on their ass!

“NOOO!!” the sorcerer screamed.

Shizu stopped and turned, drawing her sword. “I’ll stop them.”


“Oi don’t do it!!”

“No need to worry, if it’s only to give you lot a chance to escape, the current me can still do it.” flames began to erupt from her sword. “I will use the power of flame!”

The giant ants let out a battle cry and two charged at her. With her sword endowed with fire magic, she was able to pierce their armor and cut the two down. ‘If I don’t defeat them quickly...I won’t last much longer...’ She dodged one, jumping in the air and doing a summer-salt, before diving down and skewering one, lighting it up with her flames on the inside. ‘Now for the others!’

Before she could go after another, she felt a pulse. A surge of heat welled up inside her, and her eyes flashed a strange color. ‘No not now...’ Her body froze and she clutched her chest. Something was trying to escape her.

The giant ant charged at her. She couldn’t move, one step and the thing inside her would escape. She was going to die…

“Black Lightning!” black lightning struck the ant, roasting it to a crisp.

Shizu was knocked back, her mask falling off.

The other two ants charged. “Fang Over Fang!” a mini twister surged forward and ripped the ant apart. Ranga appeared from the twister and landed like a badass. He was wearing a vest, with embroidered slimes on it, he was wearing a tribal loincloth that worked like a fundoshi but had an extra cloth covering his front and ass. He had elbow guards and knee guards with spikes on them.

“Firebolt!” a surge of fire magic pieced the Giant Ant, killing it from the inside and bringing it down. Riguru was wearing his bandanna, he was wearing a jacket with a fur trim, with a matching pelt, his underwear was a fundoshi, his clothing showed off his amazing body and legs, he had bindings on his arms and legs that were weighted for training and could be used as guards.

Kabal’s team gathered around Shizu to make sure she was okay. “Who on earth are these guys?”

“Amazing!” Eren said the magic and skills performed here was astonishing. The smoke cleared and Rimuru stood in the wreckage, Shizu’s mask on his head. Their eyes widened.

“A slime?”

“You got a problem with slimes?”


“Here, this mask belongs to you, right?” he offered the mask to Shizu. “I hope I didn’t hurt you, that skill isn’t something I’m used to.”

“No...I’m fine.” she smiled. “I’m saved, thank you very much, Mr. Slime!”

Riguru gasped at the sight of her, and Rimuru tensed up. The elves had predicted this, Rimuru just didn’t think it would happen so soon. They weren’t the only ones, the trio he had rescued he had met them before.

“You guys!” he gasped.

The trio was too busy moaning and groaning over the experience. Their supplies had been trashed, their gear was worn, they were exhausted and hungry, and it seems they had been getting chased by those ants for days, they’d still be getting chased had they not gotten close to the village and Rimuru was alerted. “Well if you need food and rest, follow me, you can crash at my place.”

He was used to that, since he lived close to work, when he’d be working late with others he let them crash at his place since it was closer. He was always very hospitable. “Eh?”

“Do you live near here?”

“I just moved here recently, and I’m currently building a small town over here.”

“Monsters building a town?!” Eren gasped.

“Suspicious...” Kabal said rubbing his chin.

“But he doesn’t seem like a bad slime to me,” Gido said.

“They don’t seem to trust us, Lord Rimuru...” Rigur said.

“Some thanks for saving their lives...” Ranga said.

“Hmm...” he hopped over to them. “My name is Rimuru, I’m not a bad slime, slurp!” the trio seemed confused, but Shizu laughed. ‘Did she...did she get my reference? Just who is this girl?’

To be continued...



I was going to stop being a patron but this series helped me remember why I like your stuff. I hope to see more from this series eventually or find one I like even more.