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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Dragon Rangers

Natsu Gajeel Laxus Cobra Sting and Rogue are the latest dragon rangers. They are called together to battle evil and protect the city from evil wizards. The problem is this batch of dragon rangers are all perverts. Often fucking their enemies into submission than fighting them. Body Suit Swingers Kinks Tentacles Toys

Chapter 1

In ancient times the great dragons battled against the forces of evil. The dark forces teamed up to try and destroy the great dragons, their plan failed to destroy them, but they did weaken them so the great dragons infused their power to create the Dragon Force! The Dragon Force could be harnessed by humans to become Dragon Rangers.

The Dragon Rangers battled the forces of evil, the pure-hearted warriors used Dragon Force to seal those the great evils away one by one. They had to stay on guard never knowing when the seals would break, or the foolish would awaken the dark ones again.

Across the centuries there were many kinds of Dragon Rangers, from the noble to the just, from the kind to the serious, from the cool to the nerdy, from the chaste to well...the perverted...


Deep in space two astronauts were exploring the surface of the moon. There had been some strange disturbances, scans have been disrupted and probes have mysteriously shut down. So the idea was to send two astronauts to investigate. The moon had always been a strange and mysterious place, there was an atmosphere despite no plant life, it would have been colonized if not for the strange readings before. They had increased drastically.

“Recording devices are going funny.”

“We’ll leave the devices behind, we’ll do a sweep.”

“What are the higher-ups hoping to find?”

“Not sure, but the probes have mysteriously failed. We need to find the source, I’ve heard one of the bigger goals is moon colonization but until the source of the influxes is figured out it's not safe,” they looked around and they found a string of fallen probes. “Let’s move!”

At the end of the trail appeared to be a strange container. There were strange runes on it and jewels. “What on earth is this?”

“Whoa major payday!” one of the astronauts went towards it.

“Wait we should report this, let’s head back.”

“Hold on, let's bring back a souvenir.” he went for the big ruby in the center.

“Hold it!” too late, as soon as he touched the gem in the center the others lit up. It was a chain reaction, energy began to surge and the seal on the container broke. The astronaut was thrown back. The energy ripped their outer suits apart, leaving them in their long underwear.

A powerful darkness began to pour out, and the moon shook from the force of it. The men cried out in terror, even the earth shook from the force. It subsided after a few minutes. A figure clad in black robes rose out of the container, he had long dark hair, some of it was pulled back into a ponytail. “Ahh after so many years I’m free!” he rose out of the container and stretched. “I smell the stench of humans.” he looked and the two men screamed. “Such cowards!”

The two ran. “Quickly get to the ship.” the two scrambled and ran but it mattered not as the mystery man suddenly appeared before them and he was not alone. There was a strange bunny girl, another woman has an aviary appearance and a young man with animalistic features. The trio chuckled behind their leader.

“What are you gonna do with these fools?” the blonde male asked.

“They seem quite stupid, but they could be useful for experiments.”

“My lord, let me have them, I haven’t tortured anything in so long. I want to hang them on a hook and play with them.” the avian woman chuckled.

“Jackal, Lamy, Kyouka, behave yourselves, these humans set us free. We should reward them for their actions, kneel before us as your new masters and you shall receive your rewards.”

The men instead scrambled away. “Monsters!” they screamed.

“I am an emperor of evil, Mard Geer how dare you!” he snapped his fingers. Thorny vines sprang up from the ground and began to ensnare them, the vines ripped apart their clothes and left them bare ass naked. “Foolish humans, be cursed!” his eyes glowed and the men screamed in horror as they were turned to stone. “Jackal, destroy any evidence that they were here!”

“Yes sir,” Jackal cackled and with mischievous glee began to destroy all the probes. Even the ship they came on faced oblivion, Jackal blasted it into a million pieces. “Mmm yes, my powers are steadily coming back!”

“He’s such a child,” Kyoka said and Lamy laughed.

“Now now, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying one’s work.” he began to march across the moon’s surface. “Those accursed dragons, how dare they seal us away?!”

“So what’s next my lord?” Kyouka asked.

“First we need a home base. After being sealed for so long I’m feeling rusty.”

“Should we try to awaken the other lords of darkness?”

“And ruin our fun, I say we conquer the Earth on our own.”

“If that is your wish, then we shall follow!” Kyouka said. She was looking forward to spreading chaos. Though the evil factions had worked together before since their plan failed, they divided once more, and few had loyalties to the other. Their little group respected strength.

Jackal finished by destroying their former prison. “Good riddance.” he grinned while stomping on the remains.

He soon joined the others. “Are we gonna conquer the Earth next?”

“Indeed, but first, we shall claim this place as our own.” He led them to a barrier. With a single breath, he dispelled the cloaking field and revealed a grand palace. “The palace of the Moon Dragon, he built this place to harness good magic in the service of the Dragon Force.”

He spread his arms out, the thorny vines rose up and began to spread like weeds. The dragon statues were covered and deformed, the walls were covered, carvings of terrifying demons and hellfire etched into the walls. “We shall claim this palace’s power for our own and use it to recover our strength.”

They walked through the new home, watching the pristine temple turn into a base of evil. There was a throne and Mard sat on it, warping it to suit his tastes. “It will take time to fully corrupt this place.”

“Gah, we should just go and wreck those earthlings!” Jackal groaned.

“You dumb beast, our time sealed has taken its toll on us, if we attacked now we’d only be asking for our defeat.”

“The dragon force only grows stronger, we’ll need our old strength to even compete.”

“Maybe you two, but I’m a warrior!”

“Jackal...” the blonde tensed, sweating as he turned to look at Mard. “Do you no longer desire to be in my court?” A smirk formed on their master’s lips.

“No sir, I can wait...I can wait!” Mard laughed and the matter was settled.


The disturbance was sensed. Makarov was an older man and a genius. He had spent his life gaining fame and fortune but lost his family, in his pursuits. After years of trying to find redemption, he stumbled across the Dragon Force. It showed him things, the history of the dragons, the battle against evil, and the oncoming threat.

He harnessed the force and used his money to provide training and tech. He found the bravest, the strongest, the smartest guys, he could. However, the dragon force didn’t respond to them, and if a dragon didn’t choose someone the power would not awaken. Makarov was desperate he was trying to find someone, anyone, who could harness the power, or the world would be doomed.

The sensation that was felt was a sign of evil awakening. Even the Dragon Force sensed the threat, and a voice spoke to Makarov and helped him locate 5 with attitude. He had no idea who he was going to be dealing with.


Natsu Dragneel was a young man and a new teacher. He stood out with his pink hair, it was wild and natural. He was tall, muscular, and heavily endowed. That sure wasn’t a secret, Natsu loved hard and fucked harder. His manhood was a lovely darker shade, a sign of well use.

After growing up on the streets, he grew up tough, gotten into quite a few scrapes. He met a man named Guildarts a teacher who taught him everything he knew and set him down the path of teaching. Natsu learned how to settle disputes either through his fists or through his dick, sometimes a bit of both. His strange pink hair made him the center of attention, he often stood out among others.

He took over the fitness and health classes. A lot of the students didn’t know what to think of him, but he was certainly interesting. To a certain group of teenagers, he was the best. Natsu never asked the teens to do anything he wouldn’t do, when he made them run laps he did laps, he showed them how to do the exercises. If a student wasn’t able to do it, he didn’t yell and scream at them, he had them do another exercise. He didn’t tolerate laziness, if you gave it your all Natsu worked with you.

Elfman Strauss, he wasn’t the brightest guy, but if there was a class he excelled at it was gym and sports. Most teachers wrote him off as a useless muscle head, and he’d be lucky to get into college on a football scholarship. Natsu didn’t think so, he worked with Elfman one on one, and got hands-on to help Elfman get past any studying issues.

Gray Fullbuster, the boy was dealing with quite a few issues. He was getting into fights, getting into trouble, and has been caught streaking a few times. His grades were slipping and he recently started ditching classes. Many of the teachers wrote him off as nothing but a troubled teen but Natsu had been there, and he wasn’t giving up on Gray. So when he ditched class, Natsu made him take special lessons with him.

Leo Loke, the boy was a hopeless flirt, he was responsible for several catfights. He was a known player but so handsome girls and some guys fell for it all the time. He used his charm to get everything he wanted including getting his homework done for him. The female teachers found him hot, while the male teachers minus Natsu, figured he would either peek, get a girl pregnant, or end up getting stabbed to death. Natsu, however, could see the man behind those looks, he just needed a tough work ethic.

Natsu may have been a teacher, but he was also a ranger, the Red Dragon Ranger, harnessing the power of the Fire Dragon! He was one of 5, but Makarov didn’t think they would be a good team, but they would have to do.


Lamy had built a lab. “It's not much but it would have to do.” she was molding clay.

“What are you doing?” Jackal asked.

“AHHHH!” she jumped. “Don’t do that!”

“What, I’m bored. Lord Mard has tainted this place but we haven’t recovered much energy.”

“Dragon Force is harder to corrupt than human energy. Lord Mard exhausted himself corrupting the temple, he’ll need more energy before we can launch an all-out attack.”

“So what you are saying is...our master could use some energy...”

“Jackal...” she glared at him, as he snatched away her clay.

“You’ve been making a clay soldier for us right, let me borrow it and I’ll bring back lots of energy for us.”

“Ugh, fine, do what you want but don’t come crawling back to me if you get your butt kicked.” she laughed, and Jackal glared.

“I’m gonna have some fun!”

To be continued...Extra Lesson Attack

It's after school and Natsu has some boys running laps. Jackal shows up and uses his clay beast to attack and play with them. Natsu transforms and shows off his powers.


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