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Overlord Parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 6  https://www.patreon.com/posts/26716939 

Chapter 7 Dark Knight Momon!

Ainz had a headache, he was sitting on his throne in Nazarick, and his guardians were bickering. He brought an idea to his guardians since Nazarick had to lay low, for now, Ainz wanted to gain information about this world. He wanted to take the lead and enter the adventuring world, using the armor he crafted as a disguise.

The second part of his plan was to send someone to the village he just saved and observe; last but not least he wanted an explorer party to go out and try to collect data on their own. While the last two parts of his plan were not disputed the first part brought the guardians into a tizzy.

“Absolutely not, we cannot send Lord Ainz out into the world without an escort.” Albedo was standing firm on this. “If my lord wishes, I could accompany him.” she pressed up against him, making Ainz sweat.

“That wouldn't do Albedo,” Demiurge said, after a quick adjusting of his glasses. She pulled away from Ainz. “You are the Chief Floor Guardian, you would be responsible for running Nazarick while our Lord is away.”

“Yes that's true, wait...you aren't planning to let Lord Ainz leave without an escort?!” she snapped.

“Certainly not, with so little information, sending our Lord out without an escort would be insanity,” Ainz could tell that Demiurge wanted to go with him, but the demon's set of skills would be questionable for an adventurer. They weren't denying his plan, but they just weren't allowing him to go alone. “I think someone like Cocytus would fit better, with his knowledge and skill with weapons, even if he hides in armor it would not limit his abilities.

Cocytus pounded his chest and bowed. “It would be an honor.”

'Not a bad idea and a surprise I would have sworn Demiurge would have wanted to tag along.' Ainz had no idea Demiurge was going gung-ho with his harem plan. Cocytus had expressed interest in being Lord Ainz's mate.

“That won't be happening.” Albedo pointed out. “Cocytus must remain to oversee Nazarick's defenses, we may be hidden but we don't know if we'll be detected. We must remain on guard, which means Cocytus, for now, must remain here.” she folded her arms. “Sending out too many floor guardians would leave Nazarick vulnerable.”

Demiurge paused. She had a point. Shalltear has already volunteered to aid Lord Ainz's plan, thinking he meant joining him, but instead she'd be joining Sebas and Solution in information gathering. It wasn't as if Nazarick was on lockdown either since assistance could be called upon.

Mare tried to volunteer but was too timid, so barely raised his hand, since his sister could still look after their floor without him.

“I think sending one of the Battle Maids would be best.” The girls blushed, all eager to volunteer. Ainz wasn't necessarily against it, but the maids would be essential to his other plans later, most of them had a human appearance so they can blend in when needed.

“Hmm,” Demiurge would prefer sending someone with Lord Ainz that understood his own plan. He did want to go himself, but he foresaw Albedo resisting, all the guardians wanted to protect Lord Ainz, volunteering one's self brought out one's jealousy and would only bring resistance. Hoping that with logic and Cocytus on his side he'd get by, but Albedo was stubborn.

“Ahem!” the guardians turned, and everyone turned to look at Greed. “Forgive me for speaking up, but I would like to be the one to travel with Lord Ainz.”

Demiurge smiled at one of his generals. Greed did look the most human out of them, he could easily mask his wings and demon horns. As a demon lord, he was proficient in both magic and hand to hand combat. “I'd gladly offer up one of my generals since he's so willing to go.”

Albedo, however, continued to argue, claiming one of the battle maids should go instead. Demiurge getting mildly insulted now began to argue back and forth with Albedo. She may have been assigned as the leader of the Floor Guardians by the Supreme Beings, but that didn't mean she was greater than him in strength, theoretically. If things kept up there may be blood.

Ainz on his part was getting annoyed. At first, he didn't want to pick someone to go with him himself or risk hurting the others feelings, but this was getting out of hand. “Lord Ainz, you did promise me a reward, I can see no greater reward than traveling at your side.” Greed said.

The overlord began to laugh. “Well said Greed, very well, you will accompany me on my travels.” he rises from his throne and everyone dropped to one knee. “We shall leave tomorrow.” With that said he teleported away, and the guardians dispersed.

Demiurge was quite proud of his demon general. He took Greed to the side and explained his plan. “Remember Greed, not only must you protect Lord Ainz, but I want you to keep an eye out for potential mates for our Lord.”

“Even if they are human?”

“Especially if they are human, humans might seem weak but they can be molded, taught, and besides they make good playmates regardless,” he explained.

“Understood, I'll find some good mates for our Lord and protect them.” Demiurge nodded. It wouldn't be good for Ainz to lose what he's gained.

“I also know your true wish, if you find a way into Lord Ainz's bed, I would not disapprove.” he chuckled as the demon lord blushed.


Ainz walked into the town of E-Rantel of the Re-Estize Kingdom, from his intel, this place was big for adventurers. He was clad in all his dark armor glory. Greed was in human form, which wasn't too different from his demon form, he wore a vest, showing off his pecs and abs, baggy pants with an enchanted belt that boosted his physical power. His earring was replaced with a powerful charm that had him in human form, so not even anti illusion, holy magic, or seer magic can see through his disguise. He had two magical cuffs, one that boosted his magic abilities the other that boosted his physical skills.

The two were catching the eyes of many, be it Ainz's fancy looking armor, or the sexy companion he had at his side. They go to the guild to register. Some of the adventurers spotted Ainz and began to mock him. Calling him a rich boy punk with some fancy tacky armor.

'Does this armor make me stand out?' he thought. Greed, however, found their taunting annoying.

“Shall I incinerate them?”

“Ignore them,” Ainz couldn't translate the writing of this world.

“Yes, Momon!” he bowed. Ainz had developed personas for them to use. He was Dark Knight Momon, and Greed was Dereg the red.

In kind, Shalltear, Sebas, and Solution had gone off for their mission, with Solution pretending to be nobility with Sebas as her butler. Shalltear was their bodyguard of sorts.

Ainz set some ground rules, for Greed not to go all out, to not attack humans unprovoked, and to keep their cover. When they registered they were stuck as a copper plate, it seems all newcomers started at the bottom.

They would have to make a name for themselves one way or another. It was a win-win, not only would he get info, he could raise his name and standing. Plus, he was excited to do missions and quests again.

Momon asked the guild rep to find him a quest, although he said anything would do, his confidence came off as arrogance. She told them it would be a while, and to go ahead and relax at the inn and they'd be called.

They got a place at a nearby inn, but the patrons were not so kind. Seeing Ainz's armor and party member they took him for a spoiled punk.

“You some rich boy playing adventurer?”

“Excuse me?” Three men approached him. Greed found them annoying but played it cool.

“You should know that new adventurers need to pay a fee for information.” they looked at Greed. “Of course you could give us your partner.”


“How much for a night with him?”

Momon laughed. “You couldn't handle him in a hundred years, my comrade is way out of your league.” he took an intimidating stance. “You lot aren't worthy enough to lick his boots.”

“What'd you say?”

Momon grabbed him and hauled him up to face him. “I won't repeat myself, get lost.” he tossed the man aside, sending him crashing into a nearby table. He accidentally destroys the potion of an iron plate adventurer sitting there.

“Hey!” the red-haired woman stepped over to them, much to Greed's annoyance. “You just ruined my potion!” Ainz glanced and saw the spilled blue potion. “Do you know how long it took me to get that!?”

“Excuse me, but these men started it, have them reimburse you.”

“You think these drunks can pay me back, but with this nice set of armor, you can surely afford a nice potion or two.” Greed had enough of this adventurer. First the drunks, now this noisy brat…

Ainz sensed his raise and quickly handed over one of his red potions. “This should cover it yes?”

“It's...red...” she'd never seen a red potion before. “Sure if this is real, we are square.” she left with Ainz's potion. The innkeeper gave them a room, the cheapest they had with no meals, the place was a bit rundown and shabby. Greed was annoyed since, Lord Ainz had to stay in a place like this, and the events of the drunks and the loud one. Ainz patted his head.

“It's fine, the potion isn't even a minor loss. This place is merely a temporary base of operations.”

“I don't like it, you are so kind, powerful, and smart. They have no idea how great you are.” he blushed.

Ainz tilted his chin up. “Well, we'll just have to show them won't we.” Greed shivered.

It was a good idea to play nice, the girl was an iron plate, so they were a higher rank than them. It was good to make such connections. The higher rank they rise the more important missions they get, and so the more information they gain.

'Lord Ainz is so amazing!' Greed was getting excited.

“I must ask, was this truly your idea for a reward?” Ainz removed his helmet and sat on the bed.

“Yes!” Greed said happily. “I wanted to join you!”

Ainz's eyes flared. “There isn't perhaps another reward you were seeking?” He gestures down and Greed blushes as his cock was tenting his pants. “Perhaps I can reward you in other ways.”

Greed shivered in delight. Ainz rose and approached him, cupping the demon's clothed cock. Greed let out a moan and bucked into his grasp. “My...Lord...” he licked his lips.

“I know this is tough for you, but if we put on a good show we can rise through the ranks. Do your best, and I will reward you.”

“Yes, sir!” Ainz gave him a pulse and sent Greed into a mind-blowing orgasm. He sunk to the floor as he made a mess of himself.

To be continued


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