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Adventure Time parody: Tier 1


Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/27621369 

Chap 2

The next day Gumball was excited. He went to the kitchen and began preparing breakfast for Finn and Jake. 'This should get me closer to Finn.' he thought. He went around the kitchen studying it, learning where everything was so he could cook a nice breakfast. It started with some pancakes and he slathered them with jam. 'A way to a man's heart is through his stomach.' he thought happily.

“Hmm something smells good,” Gumball turned to see Finn clad in his pajamas. The pink prince's eyes were drawn to the nice bulge in his pants. Finn doesn't wear underwear to bed it seems, the boy's dick was quite large if the dent in the clothes was any sign. “You made us breakfast, that's cool man.” He took a seat at the table.

“Well you did save me, and gave me a place to sleep.” he brought the plate over.

“Sure dude, you can stay as long as you want.” Finn took a bite of pancakes and his eyes sparkled. “Scratch that you can live here for good.” he began scarfing them down. Gumball smiled.

“Well I do have a talent in the kitchen.” he smiled, seeing Finn enjoy his food made him happy. He watched him eat, getting syrup and jam all over his mouth. Gumball wanted to lick it, to kiss his now even sweeter lips. “Finn...I...” he reached out to him.

“Sup bros,” Jake came in, and Gumball pulled his hand back, almost like he had almost touched fire. “You made pancakes, I make pancakes!” he snapped feeling oddly jealous.

“Chill Jake just try them,” Finn took another bite and moaned at the fluffy buttery jelly flavors doing a chacha over his tongue. Gumball set him a plate.

“Okay, but if they suck I want my kitchen back.” He took a bite and he began to cry. A beam of light came from the sky shining sparkles over his face. “These are awesome!”

Gumball made a plate for himself and the trio sat down for the meal. “Oh man, that was delicious.” Finn licked his lips and even sucked on his fingers. Gumball gulped feeling his manhood stir.

He couldn't tell if Finn was teasing him or if he was naturally this erotic, or unintentionally this way, perhaps he was the perverted one and Finn was totally innocent. Seeing Finn suck his thumb made his dick ache with want.

“I'll be happy to cook for you...uh us...since you are letting me stay here.” he smiled.

“Thanks, dude, you know Finn we should get him some new clothes.” Jake pointed out, seeing as how Finn's clothes didn't really fit Gumball's royal physique.

“You are right you can't just wear my stuff, most of it won't fit you.” Finn pondered.

“That would help.” Not that he minded wearing Finn's clothing.

“You two should just get naked, I find it very comfortable,” Jake said with a laugh, he stretched himself out. He was naked all the time.

Gumball was about to object but… “Maybe around the house is fine, but he'll need clothes for when we leave.” Gumball blushed. “That cool with you?”

“Oh uh...yes I'm not shy, nothing wrong with hanging out in the buff right, right?” he chuckled nervously. His hard cock pushing at the fabric of his tight shorts.

“Right!” Jake said proudly.

“Well, I'm gonna grab a shower.” Finn got up, and Gumball blushed as images of the boy in the shower assaulted his mind. His cock twitched and pushed at the confines of the pants, the manhood pushed and pushed, the friction adding stimulus to his already hard cock. Finn headed towards the bathroom stripping off his clothes as he went.

Gumball's eyes widened, and his cock throbbed as each inch of skin was revealed not to mention Finn's beautiful hair. Before he got to see Finn's manly bits the door closed. He looked disappointed, he turned and saw Jake staring at him with a knowing look.

“You liiiiike Finn.” he almost singsonged it.

“I uh um uhh.” he blushed and stammered.

“Don't try to deny it, I got instincts, I know!” Gumball blushed and looked down at his hands. “If you want a peek I can help.”

“Really?” he gasped, sounding way more interested. “Why would you do something like that?”

“Yep, you see I want Finn to be happy, and if you make him happy then we are in business.” Gumball nodded. “And if you make my pal unhappy, I'll be burying your dead body so deep no one will ever find you, understood!”

Gumball nodded faster. Jake laughed. “Good!” He led him down a hall and he shifted a board to reveal a back room. Gumball followed him in and there was a cork embedded in the wall. Jake removed the cork and stepped aside.

The prince was confused but took a peek, what he saw would forever be burned into his brain. Finn, a very naked, a very wet Finn showering up. Water poured down the boy's chest cascading down his body and dripping down on the floor. His eyes roamed up and down. 'He's beautiful!' he licked his lips.

Oh if he could lick the water off Finn's heroic form. The strong arms and legs, the big feet, the abs and pecs, his firm neck. Despite being a prince he'd gladly worship at the sexy alter of manhood that was Finn. He palmed himself through his shorts.

He took a look at Finn's manly bits and his jaw dropped. Finn's man bush was thick and gorgeous, crowning his crotch with golden curls that formed perfectly. Further down was his incredible manhood, Finn was thick and long long LONG, he saw the water running over his length to the tip and dripped down onto the floor, not that it hard far to drop.

Oh, he wanted to lick that manly rod, to take it in his mouth, maybe even his ass. It would certainly stretch him nicely. He imagined swallowing his penis down to the root, breathing through his nose so he could swallow every inch. He gulped and salivated.

'1...2...3……..8….9….10!' he counted the inches finally reaching the fat head. His gaze moved to the boy's balls, nice and fat full of potent seed. “Wow!” he whispered, keeping one hand over his mouth as the other palmed himself.

“I know right? Finn's great and he needs someone who'll be there for him.” he's tried to have luck with the ladies and it always ended badly. Jake had a feeling a girl isn't what Finn needed, he needed a guy.

“I...I...shouldn't look it isn't right,” A moment of royal pride bubbled up inside him. Finn saved him, his hand moved up to cover his eyes, but he still peeked through his fingers.

“Aww come on Finn saw you naked, this is just evening the score.” Jake nudged him. He was happy that Gumball had the hots for Finn, but it was clearly more than just lust.

“You are right, I suppose and he did say he didn't mind walking around naked at home.” he kept looking, his hand slipped in and fondled his confined cock. He kept thinking about being with Finn, and his body got hotter and hotter until finally, he came, squirting his load into his shorts. “I think I have the hots for Finn.” he blushed as he made quite the mess of himself.

Jake patted his shoulder. “Just listen to me, and you'll have Finn as your BF in no time.” they plugged up the hole and left the space. Finn none the wiser.

To be continued


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