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Bleach/Shield Hero PArody : Tier 1

Chapter 6  https://www.patreon.com/posts/26848137  

Chapter 7 Rewards

The heroes and their parties were called before the king to receive their rewards. Most of the other party members were off to the side, but Ichigo's party members stood behind him, side by side. “We have the rewards for the heroes, given based on their efforts in the wave.” The King said. Yhwach dished out 6000 silvers to Askin, while Cang Du, Uryu, and Bazz-B got 4000 silvers. Ichigo was to receive 800 silver, however… “Since the Shield Hero lost the duel and his slaves had their curse removed, we'll be taking the cost of the Holy Water out of his funds.”

Ichigo glared. 'Damn him!' before he had the chance to speak up.

“I'm afraid that's not going to fly,” Ichigo turned and was surprised to see Uryu stepping up. “The royal family interfered in the match, and forcibly removed the slave crest from them.”

“He's right, not that I like Ichigo, but I can't accept such acts in an honorable duel. Bambietta interfered in the match. You lost Askin!” Cang Du said.

“What I didn't lose!” Askin snapped.

“More to the point, Ichigo's portions seem far less than the rest of us when he and his party is what helped protect the village of Lute and kept casualties down as much as possible.” Bambietta glared at him, but it wasn't like she could say anything now. She gambled and lost this time.

“Very well, give the Shield Hero 1000 silver, and get him out of my sight.” Ichigo was about to say something only to be stopped by Renji.

“Isn't that great Ichigo-sama, now we don't have to stay in this horrible place?” Renji said with a smile, earning a glare from the King and Bambietta.

Grimmjow collected the silver for Ichigo, and the trio left. They made a pit stop at the Dragon Hour Glass, to find out when the next wave will be. “Ehh 45 Days!” It was a whole month and a half. Ichigo knew one thing, they'd need to prepare a lot, this wave they got lucky. He had a feeling the next one was gonna be worse.

Bazz-B found Ichigo at the church. “Ichigo, I'm glad I caught you.” Ichigo blushed as the male took hold of his hand. Renji and Grimmjow tensed up thinking this guy was like the others.

“Renji, Grimmjow, could you give us a minute.” the two shared a look but agreed, stepping away but kept a firm look at Bazz-B. “Bazz-B listen I'm sorry if I've been...” Bazz-B cut him off by placing a small stack of gold coins in his hand. “Twenty gold, what is this for, I can't accept this!”

“Yes you can,” he covered Ichigo's hand. “Listen, I honestly wish I could do more for you. Frankly, despite not being able to hunt together I feel we heroes should be strategizing and combining our efforts to get stronger,” he said.

“Let me guess they aren't for it?”

“Uryu agreed, but Cang Du is resistant. Askin is...”

“A moron?” Bazz-B snorted.

“So to speak,” Bazz-B noticed that Ichigo was looking better.

“Look, I can't take this.” he tried to give the gold back.

“Yes you can, this is your reward for protecting the village, the lives of the people are worth it. To be honest I'm ashamed, I should have been there and helped, I didn't know about the village and while that isn't an excuse, I do believe you have more than earned this.” he tried not to frown, he wanted to do so much more, but he also had to support his party.

“Thank you...” he blushed, realizing what he said.

“Ichigo, I know you are innocent, it won't be easy, but I know one day your name will be cleared.” Ichigo found himself believing Bazz-B's words, truly hearing it from him. Ichigo hugged Bazz-B, much to Renji, Grimmjow, and even Bazz-B's shock.

The hug was returned and after a bit, the two parted. Renji and Grimmjow's fur was puffed up in jealousy, the two were pouting. Bazz-B left, giving a little nod to the two demi-humans. He didn't look at them with disrespect or anything, he didn't see them as inferior or slaves, he saw them as people.

They came over and Ichigo showed them the gold, the two were surprised and thought about getting Ichigo some new armor. Ichigo wanted to get them better equipment.

First thing was first, they stopped by the slave merchant. Mayuri smiled. “Welcome back!” he saw Renji and Grimmjow, his grin growing wider. “Amazing, to think you took that sick little thing, and that scrawny kitten and turned them into fine strapping young men. What is your secret?”

“None of your business and they are not for sale.” Mayuri faked hurt but he didn't care too much. Ichigo explained what happened and Mayuri had just the thing, he had a stronger curse seal that even stronger holy water wouldn't be able to easily remove. “Are you sure you two want to do this?”

“Yes, we do, as a sign of our faith in you,” Renji said, and Mayuri put the mark on him, over his chest, fitting it perfectly with his tattoos. He returned to Ichigo's screen.

“We will bare it as a symbol that we will always be together!” Grimmjow said, and he got the mark over his navel, right above his treasure trail. A certain slave was watching them, not many slaves ever came back of their own will after being freed. It made them curious about Ichigo.

“How does it look, master?” Grimmjow posed all sexy, but Ichigo didn't notice he was pouring the ink into the shield unlocking the Slave Trainer Shield: Slave Growth + Small.

Renji smacked Grimmjow upside the head. “Quit that.”

Ichigo took the brush and fed it to his shield and gained the Slave Trainer Shield 2: Slave Condition + Small. It's been a while since he looked at his shield tree, and it seemed since regaining his taste three new shields unlocked. Mortar Shield: Novice Compounding. Novice Mixing Shield: Liquid Solution Bonus. Beaker Shield: Gather Skill + 2. Medical Research Shield: Gather Skill + 2

A lot of these would really be helpful when he made medicines and gaining drops and farming. Ichigo paid for the new slave marks, wiping out the silver he got from the king. He still had his funds from the farming to fall back on, plus the Gold from Bazz-B. “Is there anything else, I can help with?” Mayuri asked.

“I'd like to get another slave. We did well the last time, but the next wave will be even stronger.” he looked at the others. “We need experience, it'll help us grow stronger.” The two couldn't deny it, they got lucky, next time they might not be so. “Hey, I'm not losing you two okay, we get stronger together, promise?”


“If it's experience you want, we just got a slave in.” he leads them to a cage of a large furry male. “This is Sajin Komamura, a returnee. His first master died during the wave, his second master abandoned him.”

Ichigo was able to scan him in a way with his Icon. He could see Sajin's level was 75. “You are the Shield Hero?”

“I am, how do you know me?”

“My first master, he spoke well of you, the past Shield Hero I mean. My second master, however, he spoke ill of you.”

“Oh, and what do you think?” Ichigo asked crossing his arms.

Komamura sniffed him. “I think you are very kind but have been hurt. So you try to act tough, but deep down you are a good man.” Ichigo blushed.

“Is that some beastman sixth sense, or something?”

“No, but a man who's companions love him enough to bear the mark for him, is a man worthy of respect.” Grimmjow and Renji blushed.

“You seem to be high leveled but can you fight?”

“Yes, my first master taught me, he once fought alongside one of the previous Shield Hero. He trained me and made me strong, but my second master he didn't want a fighter, he wanted a servant, but I somehow always managed to displease him.” Sajin said.

Ichigo eyed him, he was only wearing a loincloth. “Do you need armor and a weapon?”

“I know how to use a sword and heavier weapons, but I prefer not to wear armor, with my fur I get overheated and it can make me uncomfortable,” he admitted. His second master made him wear clothes, no matter how much he disliked it, thick heavy clothing with a helmet. He was ashamed of him, and as much as he wished he hoped this man wouldn't be like that.

“I see, well would you like to serve me, it would mean becoming my slave,” Ichigo asked.

“If you would have me, I will give you my life and my fang.”

“Well Mayuri, what will you give me for a repeat runaway.”

“Quite the shrewd man, Ichigo Kurosaki!” he chuckled. “A beastman is quite different than a demi-human and he is a strong one, I think 15 gold will do, plus my commission and the price of the seal. I think 17 gold in all.”

“Deal,” he put down the gold. Mayuri put the slave crest on him over his heart. He painted the air, and the mark cleaved through his fur and landed over his heart. Sajin's stats appeared fully in his Icon. His attack and defense were very high, his speed was decent and his stamina was strong. “Welcome to the family Sajin.”

Ichigo noticed a strange batch of eggs on the counter. “What is this?”

“Ah, you truly have quite the eye. This, you could say is my “honest business” these are monster eggs.” Mayuri explained it that people spent 150 silvers on an egg, and if they were lucky they could get a dragon or some other low-level beast, but the dragon was the big winner.

“Sounds like a scam to me.” Grimmjow crossed his arms.

“I'm hurt.” Mayuri mocked.

“Sounds like a Gacha Game.” The others looked confused at his words. Ichigo thought about it, but in the end, he bought an egg.

“I don't know why you bought this thing, seems like a waste of money.”

“Even if we don't win the dragon, we could raise the creature and sell it. If possible we could always train it for battle.” Ichigo felt excited, it was like having a pet. He had a dog named Zangetsu but he stayed with his parents, his apartment wasn't the type to allow pets.

Ichigo took his party out to eat since he could taste again he decided to splurge and get a bigger and fancier meal. Sajin was positively salivating at the food. He got to order whatever he wanted, a true treat. Ichigo was almost expecting for him to have as bad of table manners as Grimmjow and Renji had early on, but he was surprised the etiquette he showed, he cleaned his plate with finesse.

After the main course, he got to work mixing medicine, he found it a lot easier now and he was getting better results. The others had dessert while he worked.

Their next stop was the medicine shop. “Well if it isn't the Shield Hero.” the shop keeper said. “Wait right there.” Ichigo blinked. The tall man left and came back with a book.

“What's this?”

“An Intermediate Recipe Book,” Ichigo was still confused.

“Okay, why are you giving this to me?” The man chuckled.

“Believe it or not, my family lives in Lute. My name is Tessai, and you really helped my family. Thank you!” he bowed. Ichigo blushed.

“Y-You're welcome,” he took a look at the book and was shocked that he couldn't read the language. 'The shield has been translating the language for me, but I can't read a thing.' he sweatdropped.

“It's used, but it's great for advancing your mixing skills.”

“Yeah,” he took the book. “Thank you.”

“Oh, you should know, the lady at the magic shop was looking to speak to you,” Tessai said.

“Magic shop?” he hadn't heard of such a thing. Why was he always the last to know? He sold all the medicine he made, planning to make more on the way back to Lute. They went to the Magic Shop, and Ichigo got glomped by a very busty witch.

“Well if it isn't the Shield Hero!” she hugged him to her breast. Ichigo choked finding it hard to breathe. Sajin had to hold the two demi-humans back. “I'm happy to meet you, you saved my little brother that lives in Lute.”

Ichigo felt a little guilty, he didn't know who he saved specifically. It was such a mess at the time, and he was caught in the heat of the moment. She guided them in. “I'm Yoruichi, it is an honor to meet you.” she smiled. “I didn't know the Shield Hero was such a cutie.”

“Sorry, I actually prefer men,” he admitted rubbing the back of his head. Renji, Grimmjow, and even Sajin blushed at his words.

Yoruichi pouted a bit. “Aww, I bet the men that land in your bed will be very happy.” Ichigo's blush spread. Yoruichi looked back at his party and gave them a wink.

“I'd like to give you these,” she passed over some basic magic spell books, one was a spell book for beginners, intermediate, and the other was basic spells these were spells not for combat but can be used in day to day things.

Ichigo sweatdropped. 'More books…' he tried to smile. “Thanks, but I don't think I can even use magic.”

Yoruichi chuckled. “It's rare for someone to have no affinity for magic, it can be hard to learn from grimoires, most use crystal balls.” she pointed to the one on her counter. “It's a shortcut of sorts allowing one to learn a spell inside it, but that's strange I got a large order from the palace so I thought they divvied them out to the five heroes.”

Ichigo groaned, of course, they kept him out of the loop. “Don't fret, learning from a grimoire might be tougher, but far more rewarding there's a lot more magic you can learn from the books than you can the crystal ball method.”

Yoruichi gathered them around, and she began to evaluate them. Ichigo had Healing and Support Magic Affinity, Renji had Fire Magic Affinity, Grimmjow had Wind Affinity, and Komamura had Light and Dark Affinity.

“I'd love to teach you, boys, myself, but I bet you are already gonna be heading out?”

“Yeah, back to Lute for a bit before exploring farther.” she nodded. Ichigo was appreciative of their generosity. They headed to increase their gear a bit. Kisuke was all smiles, happy that Ichigo not only survived but had a new friend.

“I think I got armor to fit this big guy.”

“No need, he'll need a new loincloth, and get him a sword, one he can carry and wield properly.” Sajin's tail wagged.

Renji was happy, Ichigo may not see it, but his actions really did help people. Their armor and weapons were upgraded based on their level. “Stay safe out their kid.”

“Thanks, we might not be back for a while, we really need to prepare for the waves.”

“I know you'll do great!” Kisuke gave him a thumbs up. Ichigo managed their funds well, keeping a small nest egg for their travels. Grimmjow got a sword for more of his speedy attacks, Renji got his weapons upgraded, and Komamura had a heavier blade.

They set off but Ichigo was concerned. “Hey Renji, I don't suppose you know how to read any of these?” He was looking through the books but wasn't getting anything.

“I know a little, what about you Grimmjow?” the bluenette blushed.

“I can't, not really, I focused more on combat growing up.”

Ichigo looked to Sajin. “I can read it, my master taught me to read and write.” he got nervous. “I can teach it if you don't mind, master?”

“Just Ichigo is fine, that's perfect, we'll add lessons to our training, so we can all learn to read it,” Ichigo said.

“Yes, Ichigo-sama!” Ichigo almost facepalmed.

To be continued...Lute Restoration


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