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One Piece parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/26163766 

Chapter 2 Sex and Rewards

'Luffy-ya,' Law blushed his tail wagging. His legs spread as Luffy approached, crawling for him, his monkey tail swaying behind him. Luffy took a whiff of Law's crotch, the dog hybrid blushing deeper, his whole face and his ears going red.

“Mmm Traffy!” Luffy descended on his cock, licking the male's hard 8 incher. Each lick had Law's penis pulsing and twitching, he really was pent up. It was hard not to be, he's been stuck in a jail cell naked with Monkey D. Luffy. He's had a bad case of blue balls for a while.

Luffy licked back and forth, going from the base to the tip, then lapping down to lick his heavy balls. “Traffy, are you really like this because of me?” Luffy asked, peeking up at him. Law couldn't say it, so he nodded. “You should have told me, I'd have helped you,” he said before consuming both of his balls and sucking on them.

“Ohhh!” pre-cum started pouring from the tip. His toes flexed and his tail wagged faster. The doctor was becoming a panting mess. Luffy's hands traveled up his legs, caressing the fur and the smoothness of his legs. He moved back up to Law's cock and in one motion he swallowed Law's dick down to the root in one go. “Luffy!”

Luffy hummed as he took a big whiff of Law's musk, his nose nuzzling his thick nest of manly hair. His new animal instincts were intensifying this experience for the rubber man. The taste of his cock and his balls, the rich manly musk, the spice of his arousal, the flavor of his pre-cum, the heat and weight of his dick.

The rubber boy's cock began to stir, his soft 13-inch dick began to swell and grow, reaching 17 inches in length. All it took was a few sucks and Law was bucking into Luffy's mouth cumming hard. Monkey didn't stop sucking him either, his hand coming up to play with his balls.

Not only did he milk a few extra spurts from Law's dick, but his non-stop suction and ball teasing also caused him to cum again! “Luffy-ya stop...ahh fuck...I'm cumming again!” his back arched and he came again, the dog boy was drooling as his seed flooded the monkey boy's mouth. His tail stopped wagging, his body going slack as pleasure overwhelmed the surgeon.

The moment was perfect, he completely forgot he was in a cell or the fact they had an audience. Sadly it all came back as he heard Breed clapping. Luffy was busy cleaning Law's still semi-hard dick, it seems his new transformation had given him a boost of endurance. “Wonderful wonderful, you two put on quite the show. Well Law, did Luffy make you feel good?” When Law didn't answer Breed glared. “Answer me!”

His collar glowed. “Yes!” he moaned.

“Good boy,” he chuckled. “But now it's Luffy who needs to get off, I think he deserves more than a blow job after that performance. Luffy go ahead and mate with Law.”

Law gasped, he saw Luffy's collar glow. He looked down and saw Luffy's long hard cock, he gulped. His hole twitched, and his insides tingled, he didn't know Luffy was a grower. This wasn't how he wanted his first time, but he felt Luffy push his legs up, causing his ass cheeks to spread and expose his tight hole.

Luffy, however, seemed to stop, his body was shaking and he was growling. 'Does he not want to fuck me that badly?' he thinks, his ears flattening. He couldn't help but be negative, not believing Luffy would want him that way, despite the blow job. Luffy's cock was lined up with his hole, the tip rubbing against his pucker.

“Traffy...do you want this?” he asked. He was starting to sweat in his struggle against the control. His eyes widened. “I...I'd rather bite my own dick off than rape someone!”

Law wrapped his arms around Luffy's neck, mildly annoyed the collar was in the way. “Luffy-ya, fuck me, mate me, I want you inside me. Claim me!” Luffy pushed forward and kissed Traffy. He licked his lips and Law parted his lips.

His tongue slipped in and the surgeon kissed back. They made out for a bit, Law growing hard again. Luffy's hands teased Law's perky nipples, devouring the moan he caused. 'Luffy-ya I didn't want to feel this way about you, I plan to take down Doflamingo even if it means my death. So I hardened my heart and tried to ignore the way you make me feel. Now...I just want to feel you, I need you!'

The kiss broke for air, and Luffy kissed down his body. He reached Law's twitching hole and put his kissing skills to other uses. He kissed the dog boy's ass, licking the tight pucker, using his tongue to work his hole open. “Ah ahh Luffy-ya!” his legs slipped over his shoulders.

Luffy kissed his ass deeper, his tongue penetrating his virgin hole. His rubber abilities came into play, stretching as it wiggled deeper and deeper, reaching areas no tongue had ever explored before. “Oh God!” Law's body shuddered.

This rim job took on a whole other level, Luffy's tongue curled and wiggled opening his ass up. Law was in heaven, he felt like he was gonna cum just from Luffy's deep anal kiss. His insides were wet with saliva, and the icing on the cake was his prostate got licked. “Luffy...I'm gonna cum!”

Luffy pulled his tongue back, Law whining at the loss. The rubber man didn't stop at the rimming, he began to stretch Law's tight ass with his fingers. 'He's driving me crazy...just fuck me!' he grit his teeth, growling as his cock felt ready to explode.

He removed his fingers and lined up his cock, his dick was slicked up with pre-cum. “Law, here I come!” Luffy pushed in, the fat head of his dick breaching the boy's ass. Law moaned as his virgin ass was claimed.

Law panted and groaned, trying to relax as he was opened up. Now he was very happy Luffy prepped him so well. His fat cock stretched him wide, and he was taking inch after inch. It felt so good, Luffy was only halfway in before Law was cumming, painting their sweaty bodies in white.

Luffy took this chance, using his orgasm to slide the rest of the way in. Law was so horny he felt no pain even as Luffy's massive rubber dick rearranged his insides. “So big!”

“So tight!” Luffy stilled inside him, just letting Law's body massage his cock.

“Luffy-ya...please move!” he bucked back, grinding his ass into Luffy's pelvis. Luffy smiled and began to move, pulling back till only the tip was inside, only to thrust back in with one smooth motion. The long strong thrusts had Law moaning like a bitch in heat. His stomach bulging from the huge length. “Oh god yes fuck yes!”

Luffy's heavy balls smacked Law's ass with such force it made his cheeks jiggle. His prostate was hit with each pass of Monkey's massive dick. The friction was glorious, the void in Law was getting filled again and again making him smile. If he knew sex with Luffy was this good, he'd have jumped him back at Sabaody.

His strength and stamina seemed to be amplified since his change, and Law was getting the full benefit for it. Luffy also seemed to know the way around a man's body, playing Law like a fiddle to draw out the most pleasure. So it was no surprise that Law came again, his insides tightening around Luffy's thrusting dick.

Luffy growled as his own climax hit, his dick expanding and his balls lurching and a powerful surge of cum flooded Law's insides. Law gasped as his belly expanded from the overflow of cum. He rubbed his swelling belly, feeling a surge of joy.

“Well done, well done, you two can carry on and fall deeper into beasts.” Breed left laughing. It wasn't an exact order, so the two were able to relax a bit. Luffy pulled out, leaving Law's ass gaping and cum slipping out to fill the void.

Law laid across Luffy's lap, face in his crotch, licking and kissing the monkey boy's dick. “I feel so full!” Luffy's cum was leaking out of his ass, but his stomach was still ballooned.

Luffy chuckled. “Yeah, I cum a lot.”

“I don't hate it,” Law panted, his tail wagging. He took in deep whiffs of Luffy's crotch, loving the manly musk. “Can we do it again, once I get feeling in my arms and legs?”

Luffy chuckled again, petting the dog boy. “Yeah, we definitely can.” As soon as Law recovered, he got into the doggy style position, on his hands and knees. Luffy mounted him again, stuffing his already cum filled hole. Law smiled, bucking back against him.

Monkey began to move, this time only pulling back 8 inches and thrusting back in. Doing this kept them connected allowing Luffy to fuck Law faster. He used his tail this time, testing his control over it. The tail reached around and coiled around Law's weeping dick. Luffy's thrusts made the cum in Law's belly slosh inside him.

Law moaned, the fur of Luffy's tail tickling his sensitive dick, plus the tail was able to grip him firmly. “Luffy-ya!”

“Traffy!” his hands came around and toyed with Law's perky nipples, sending the surgeon over the edge and cumming all over the floor. Luffy eventually came, sending Law into a pleasure induce sleep.

Chopper would return later to clean them up. “Luffy...I'm sorry...I...”

Luffy pet his head. “It's okay Chopper, this will all work out.”

Chopper hugged him.


The next two days were intense, Luffy was learning a lot about Law, and he was learning a lot about himself. Breed made them “perform” for food. Luffy wanted the food yes but he also wanted Law to feel good.

Traffy was learning he was quite the kinky fucker. He got so excited licking Luffy's pits and feet and enjoyed having it done to him in kind. He loved getting stuffed with cum, and there were many naps where he stayed connected with Luffy. What's more, Breed seemed to enjoy them giving tongue baths to each other. He thought he was breaking them, but he was wrong.

With three days passing Luffy knew back up was gonna be on the way. Zoro and Sanji decided to head over, leaving Franky and Brook in charge of the ship. They promised to be back with Luffy.

They snuck onto Breed's ship, but it didn't take long before the two started bickering. Which led to Breed knowing they were there. While they bickered over who would rescue Luffy, Breed got the jump on them and collared them both. “You two must be Straw Hat's crewmates, won't he be surprised. Strip and follow me, it's time for you to take your medicine.”

To be continued



Looking good so far. Pretty hot. :3