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Reincarnated As Slime parody: patreon reward

Chapter 6  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-chap-26368451 

Chapter 7 Elves and Trials

The club Butterflies of the Night was a nice spot in town. It was a place people could come to party, drink, and be entertained; generally, unwind with breathtaking beauties at your side.

Kaijin turned in the swords and they headed to a party. “Lord Rimuru, are you sure we should be going to party like this?”

“Believe it or not, making connections is a part of doing business,” in his previous life he knew all about it, he served drinks, fetched food, and knew how to form bonds. Be it bosses or coworkers, or even his juniors, he made connections that had several of his projects get off the ground. They were good projects but no one would have taken him seriously, with proper support things got done. “Besides if you don’t learn when to work and when to play, you can get too wound up or too lax, finding balance is key.”

“You are so wise!”

“Besides, you should try never to turn down an invite, can seem rude. We helped Kaijin out and he intends to help us find some artisans.” He’d like Kaijin to come to the village himself, but he could tell he had a deep loyalty to the King. They reached the club, and the place was just as Rimuru expected.

Girl elves, boy elves, dressed in silky, practically see-through outfits. The guys and girls showing equal amounts of skin. Their hair and eye color were catching. Elven beauty was one to be considered flawless. There were different kind of elves to boot. The place smelled of fine wine, honey, and cream, the male elves smelling like honey and the girls smelling like cream.

It seems Rimuru was a hit cause no sooner did her enter the club did the elves flock to him. He started getting passed around, from a girl to a guy, to a girl, to another guy, round and round. Their outfits were so thin and yet so durable. When the light caressed them you could see their bodies silhouetted through the clothing. This was more prominent with the boys as you could see their manly bits! The place was like an erotic host club!!!

Each of the dwarves sat down with their type of elf, Kaijin had his hands around two male elves who were fawning over his muscles. Riguru was a bit nervous but was slowly having fun, he did get jealous as some male elves poured him a drink. “You like Mr. Slime, don’t you?” he blushed and nearly choked on his drink. “I knew it, come with me!”

“Wha...hey!” he was pulled off and taken into the back.

“Rigur?” he didn’t sense any danger, so he let him go.

The elves were taking turns, serving him drinks and being his seat. Some found him so cute, they couldn’t help but wanna hold him. They had drinks, and everyone was having a good time. “Tastes great!” Rimuru cheered, and the dwarves grinned at him giving him a thumbs up.

“Can you even taste anything, Mr. Slime?” a male elf asked.

“Any drink tastes great when poured by someone so lovely and charming,” he said, making the elves blush.

“Such a smooth talker!” they hugged and nuzzled him.

“We got a surprise for you!” the back room had curtains, and they were pulled closed. “We present to you, a new butterfly!” the curtains were pulled open and Rimuru’s slime eyes bugged.

“Rigur!” the hobgoblin stepped out, wearing a purple veil, a vest with tassels, and purple see-through pants. The purple complimented his green skin, the outfit complimented his assets, showing off his strong arms, sexy pecs and rock hard abs. Just as the other male elves his manly bits could be seen through the pants.

“How do I look Lord Rimuru?” he asked, looking damn near the perfect balance of cute and sexy.

“Excellent, you are absolutely lovely!” the hobgoblin smiled and bound over. He got his turn pouring Rimuru a drink and even getting to be his seat.

“Hey hey, Mister Slime, want to play this?” A dark elf came up to him with a crystal ball. “I’m really good at fortune telling, shall we take a look at your future.”

“Hm, sure why not.” he was new to this world, so getting a peek at the future couldn’t hurt. “You can’t see something creepy like if I’m gonna die or anything right, cause I kinda don’t wanna know that.”

The dark elf giggled. “Do not worry, the future has many paths, I can pinpoint your fated person, someone who you are destined to meet and will guide you further on your path.”

“Yes, that sounds great,” the dark elf began to chant. A fated person could have meant a wife, but it didn’t have to be, Rimuru believed him meeting Veldora was also fate.

The crystal ball began to glow, and an image began to form. It was a small group, children and a taller figure. The children seemed upset, the taller figure was a woman, and she put on a mask. She gave them each a hug, and the image ended on the woman’s mask.

“Interesting seems to be an adventurer.” Kaijin points out.

“You think?” Rigur hugs Rimuru a tinge of jealousy in him. The slime could even feel Ranga whine. ‘Relax you two, we are a pack, no one will break that.’

Sadly the good time, wasn’t to last as Minister Vesta entered the club. “Not good, it’s Minister Vesta,” Kaijin warns.

“Oh if it isn’t Kaijin, slacking off as usual,” the older dwarf glared at him. “Don’t you have a big order to fill.” he chuckled, smirking down at him.

“I already filled it.” Vesta stopped chuckling.

“What? That’s not possible...” he began to sweat.

“Want to see the invoice? I’m here celebrating with friends,” he said. The look on Vesta’s face made Rimuru believe he purposely gave Kaijin an impossible task to fail.

‘What a jerk!’ he thought, and Vesta glanced at Rimuru and Rigur.

“Oi, hostess! This shop actually allows demons to be brought in?” pointing at them.

“Eh?” The owner of the club was a high elf woman, who everyone called Mama. “No, um even though he is a monster, he is a very nice slime...”

“What?” Vesta glared at Rimuru. “Are you saying slimes aren’t demons?” there were some who saw monsters like demons, it was more of a slur to call them that.

The high elf tries to offer Vesta a free drink. He takes it and dumps it on Rimuru and Rigur.

“Hmph, this is how demons should be treated.” he looked down on both of them.

“This is bad,” Rigur said, the elves came over and tried to wipe them both off. “Sorry about the outfit.” he looked at Rimuru. “Are you alright, Lord Rimuru?”

“I’m fine...” it was a lie, he was pissed. Many of the elves shared this sentiment, glaring at Vesta. “...Nothing to worry about.” He’d love to teach this guy a lesson, but being this country’s minister, taking action could bring trouble to Kaijin and Mama.

Kaijin doesn’t hesitate, and punches Vesta and sends him flying. The elves gasped, while the Dwarf brothers give Kaijin a thumbs up. “You actually dare to bother my benefactor, huh?!” Kaijin was pissed.

“Y-Y-You! Who do you think you are talking to...” he froze in terror, as Kaijin cracked his knuckles.

“Go for the torso!” Rimuru couldn’t help it. Vesta got his ass whooped and ran off.

“Really sorry, Mama-san I’ll take the blame for all this.” he bowed in apology.

Rigur also apologized. “Not to worry, Rigur-kun, consider yourself an honorary butterfly.” Rigur smiled.

The guards arrived. “Bro, Mister Rimuru, what were you thinking?”

“Hmph, was just disciplining the fool a little.” the group is thrown in jail.

Rimuru’s Pov

“I gotta ask, why is there bad blood between you and this Vesta guy?” Kaijin sighed.

“He was born of noble birth, and like myself loved the king and wished to serve him.” So its a dash of jealousy. “The king favored me, someone of lower birth, placing me in charge of several projects, Vesta becoming my subordinate.” A dash of envy. “Our relationship was pretty strained we butted heads a lot, but he was brilliant and hard working, always trying to meet the King’s expectations.” A dash of pride and pressure. “Then came a devastating incident, one of his projects ended in disaster. He craved achievement to try and best me, he acted on his own... The Magi Soldier was a failure and we suffered losses, it was Vesta’s project but I took the fall.” A dash of guilt at his own failure I bet, perhaps even anger. “He used his money and influence to avoid taking responsibility.”

This reminded me of a co-worker I had, he was wealthy and didn’t take life seriously. He often paid people off and used people as it suited him. He got too far in his own hype and presented a project, but when asked questions he didn’t have the knowledge to support it.

Kaijin pointed to the three dwarf brothers. “This lot stood up for me, but I ended up having to resign from military service.”

“So we all got cast out!” they laughed. Was that supposed to be funny, oh well.

“But, despite it all, I don’t think he’s a bad person. We may not get along, and competing with each other may have brought out the worst in each other. In the early days, he seemed so much happier just trying to experiment, he had joy in what he did.”

I wonder about that, we were brought to trial, and the nobles were allowed to speak freely, if they spoke up, without the permission of the king, they’d be found guilty on the spot...super scary. We were given a representative, but it wasn’t long before it was clear he was bought out. Vesta was playing up his injuries, looking way more injured.

Our rep sold us out quickly, as much as Kaijin believed he was a good guy, I was having a hard time seeing it. We are facing severe punishment, because of this guy’s ego! The King himself was intimidating as all hell, this was the first time since meeting Veldora did I feel legit terror. There was talk of sending us to the mines for hard labor, but everything went quiet when the King spoke.


“Yes!” he bowed quickly.

“Long time no see, have you been well?”

“Yes!” he remained bowed. “Even if I am not by your Majesty's side, seeing you in good health, I am extremely overjoyed!”

“Very good, do you have any plans of coming back?”

Back in the jail cell, Kaijin offered his service, and I gladly accepted. He thought I was settling, but having a man of his talent in our village would be glorious! The dwarf brothers wanted to come along as well, they each had their own unique talents and specialties. I promised to take them in and work them hard.

I could see the love Kaijin had for the king if he wanted to stay and that’d make him happy he should do it. “I’m sorry my king, I have already found a master. Even if it’s the king’s orders I cannot turn my back on him.”

The king sighed, and he truly looked sad. Was that okay? The King passed his judgment sentencing them to exile. The dwarves bowed and Vesta looked shocked. “Judgment has been passed disappear from my sight.” We were allowed to leave, but I felt bad for Kaijin. We met up with our party outside and I felt like I was forgetting something…

Gobta came out of the kingdom riding his wolf...oh right Gobta...oops!

To be continued...


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