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My Hero Parody: Tier 1

Chapter 13  https://www.patreon.com/posts/wolf-deku-chap-23939310 

Chapter 14 Counseling and Full Moon

The police arrived to arrest and cart away the villains. The Nomu was found and seemed to be unresponsive. Statements were collected, and the students were allowed to be collected by their families. Much to Izuku’s displeasure, he was carted off for medical treatment along with All Might. He wanted to be with his pack. “Sorry Young Midoriya, I’m afraid the police chief wants to speak to you. You should rest for now.” Toshinori said.

The boy let out a dog-like whine. “I’m so stupid, I forgot about my limit and if not for the other teachers showing up, they would have nabbed me.” he glared at his own body. “I’m still weak.”

“Rome wasn’t built in a day Young Midoriya. With your quirk and mine, you will get stronger.” Izuku smiled.

“Thanks, All Might!” Izuku replied, just before the two got smacked by Recovery Girl, causing them both to groan.

“Oww!” the two groaned.

“You need to take better care of yourself, and you don’t go encouraging his recklessness.” Recovery Girl knew all about One for All and that Izuku was the successor. Izuku gave them a report on how he used One for All, using it with his quirk. The backlash was still intense but his regeneration was helping with that. “Don’t get too reckless with that either, you don’t know the limits of your regeneration, the last thing you need is to break something that your quirk can’t just fix.”

“Yes, sensei,” she patted his head.

“Here dear, have some gummies.” she handed him some vitamin gummy bears and even gave a couple to All Might.


It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows after the incident. It seems someone overheard that Tomura was wanting Izuku, so the police were suggesting having some protection. His mother was called in, and she was very worried. “Is my son in serious danger?”

“We aren’t sure Ma’am.” they were talking to an officer with a cat head. “Statements confirm that one of the villains expressed interest in your son.”

“Oh god, Izuku!” she cried and hugged her son. “Maybe we should call your father?”

“Mom, I’ll be fine, I have a pack now. Kacchan wouldn’t let them take me away from him.” He gripped his arm. “Besides I’m getting stronger I’ll be able to take care of myself.”

“Be that as it may, we will be putting some police detail on your house, and will be having an escort for you when you go to and from school.”

“What?!” Izuku gasped.

“Oh, that puts me at ease.” His mother said.

“We’ve assessed the current threat level is yellow warranting a police detail. Should the danger increase to red we’ll have to assign a bodyguard to your son. If the danger goes to black, we’ll have to take you and your son into protective custody.”

“I-I see,” she said. “Thank you, officer.”

Izuku didn’t like this, the full moon was just around the corner. ‘How am I gonna mate Kirishima properly with a police detail?’

The only good thing about the police detail was that he wasn’t getting swarmed by reporters. The story was apparently big news, Villains Attacking the USJ.

What’s more, as per the rules of Yuuei, all students had to report to the Counselor to go over what happened and to make sure the students were okay. Katsuki was just as annoyed with the police detail, it meant having all these extras in their private affairs. To him, it was also a blow to his pride.

“Tch, as if we need protection; if those bastards show up again we’ll blow ‘em away!” Bakugo punched his palm causing a small explosion. “I should be enough, damn it!”

“Kacchan, I know you are strong, but the biggest concern is that warp guy. If we are caught off guard it could be real trouble.” Izuku tried to calm Bakugo down, but the blonde was pissed. He had heard what Tomura wanted and if not for help, his Deku was gonna get taken away.

“Don’t think I’m not pissed at you too Deku, you were far too reckless!” Izuku sweat dropped and Bakugo hugged him, burying his face in the boy’s neck. “I’m not gonna let anyone take you away.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he hugged the blonde and rubbed his back. Kirishima was watching the two, shedding manly tears.

“So manly!” he said.

Katsuki growled. “Just get over here hair for brains.” Kirishima smiled and came over and joined the embrace. The door to the counselor’s office opened and out came Hound Dog. “Grr, you lot cool it, grr I can smell your pheromones through the door.”

The trio parted blushing. “Sorry sir!” they say in unison.

Izuku started fanboying over Hound Dog aka Ryo Inui. He began muttering about his past battles, special skills. Katsuki looked irritated as the boys mumbles pelted him in the head. Hound Dog blushed, he wasn’t used to people singing his praises.

“Alright, Bakugo Katsuki, my office!” Bakugo got up, sticking his hands in his pockets as he went into the dog quirked male’s room.

“So cool, I wonder if I could get his autograph?” he was radiating happiness.

“You really do like heroes don’t ya?” Kirishima said, Izuku tensed and chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

“Yeah, I’m a bit of a fanboy. I really do admire heroes, they are each special in their own way.” he smiled. “It inspired me to do my best to become a hero.”

“I can understand that.” Kirishima smiled thinking about the heroes that inspired him, though their manliness and spirit.

“You are a good guy Kirishima, I’m glad you joined my pack.” the red-head blushed.

“I’m glad you picked me.” Izuku leaned forward and licked his cheek. The two talked for a bit, Izuku talking about his time limit, and how he tried to work around it through training. Kirishima shared his own experiences, he thought his quirk was weak and trained every day to make it stronger. They gushed about the heroes they liked and generally got to know each other better. Bakugo came out a little bit later, but he couldn’t hang around, it was back to class.

“Don’t dawdle, nerd,” he said, the two share a kiss and the blonde leaves. Kirishima was next and Izuku gives him a kiss before he goes in. He was alone now, it sucked to be alone. He decided to think and ponder.

‘Maybe I could ask All Might for his help, no he’s super busy as is.’ he reached into his pocket and pulled out his second fang necklace. This was for Kirishima.

The red-head left Hound Dog’s office. Izuku stepped up to him and handed him the necklace. “For me?” the red-head touched by the gesture. He had read about it in the pamphlet. “Thank you!”

“I don’t know how, but we’ll find a way to complete the mating during the full moon.” Izuku’s tail was wagging.

“I don’t care how long it takes, I will become your mate!” the two share a kiss, breaking it as Hound Dog growls.

“Back to class Red, Izuku Midoriya, my office.” They obeyed.


Izuku sat across from Hound Dog, a bit nervous, and star struck. Hound Dog asked him a series of questions, ones he had asked everyone else. Izuku answered honestly. “You might be wondering why I saved you for last?”

“Is there a reason sir?”

“Grr, afraid so. The higher-ups are worried about you. The situation was bad, and mistakes were made.” Izuku hung his head. Hound Dog growled a bit, trying to not get too flustered. “You managed to help All Might, but you went over your limit, and nearly got your hands in the clutches of a villain. Grrr grrr!”

“I’m sorry!” Izuku flinched, his ears and tails coming out.

“You aren’t here for apologies, this is standard procedure. The experience must have been scary.”

“It was, but I wasn’t thinking about it, I acted on instinct,” he said. “After the fight, I felt so pathetic. I looked at my pack and felt like I had failed them.”

“You are mated to Bakugo Katsuki, and you have Kirishima Eijirou in your pack as a potential mate.”

“Y-Yes sir,” he said, blushing slightly.

“I trust you won’t be doing anything foolish like grr grr sneaking away from your security detail just to mate during the full moon?”

“No!” Izuku gasped.

“I’m just checking, I saw how close you three were, and you haven’t even mated the red-head. Grr grr grr!” he had to admit he was a tad jealous, such a strong bond they had. He had a feeling it was gonna get even stronger.

“I do want to mate Kirishima, the full moon is so close, I can feel it in my bones,” he fisted his pant leg. “It’s my fault, I was careless, I’m still weak...even with my partial transformation it wasn’t enough.”

He morphed his right arm for emphasis, flexing his paw. “Looking back on it, what could you have done differently?”

“I keep thinking about it, but I don’t know.” he looked at his paw. “I needed my full form to fight, but my time limit became a hindrance, just like I always feared.”

“So what are you gonna do?” he narrowed his eyes. When young heroes face terror it can shake their spirits make it harder for them to walk forward.

“Try to get stronger, I don’t wanna chase the moon as my father did. I want to find my own way, time limit or no time limit...” Izuku paused.

“Something wrong?”

“No...it’s just...I’ve been having weird dreams. I have dreamed of the moon before I thought it was just excitement for the mating rituals, then I started thinking it was mocking me like I was nothing without it...” Hound Dog jotted down what he was saying. “Then recently I saw something behind the moon, it looked like me but different...”

He blushed. “I’m sorry, I must not be making any sense.”

“I think...I think you will figure it out. If you have any issues don’t hesitate to come to talk to me.” He stood up.

“Actually...” he stared at Hound Dog, his eyes burning with passion. Being looked at with such an intense gaze made his fur puff up. “There is something!”

Hound Dog gulped, he felt his heart pound in his chest.

Izuku brought out one of his notebooks. “Can I please have your autograph?” he asked while bowing. Hound Dog blushed and began to have a fit, grunting and growling and tugging at his fur.

“Grrr grr grrr ggrrrr!” he said and signed Izuku’s book.

Izuku blushed, his happy sparkles radiating off him. “Thank you so much Hound Dog-sensei!” He goes to leave. “If it’s okay, I would like to talk again. I feel a connection to you, perhaps its because we both have canine quirks.”

Hound Dog nods and Izuku leaves. The dog quirk hero, felt his heart pound in his chest. His instincts were going wild, he’s never met anyone that affected him so strongly. His had a stirring in his loins since getting a whiff of the pheromones between the trio. Both Bakugo and Kirishima have been scent marked by Izuku’s cum, with a nose as sensitive as his he could still smell it. He was able to keep his composure, but now he was hard as a rock, the poor guy felt like a teen again. He got the strong urge to mate, he probably understood Izuku more than the others did, he too got frisky during the full moon.


Hound Dog finished his report and went to Aizawa. “How are they doing? Did you find any issues?” he looked over the stack of reports and sighed.

“Yes, I feel there is one student who is not suited for the Hero Course!” he handed over the report.

Aizawa’s eyes widened. He looked over the report and sighed. “I was afraid of this,” he was still bound up, recovering from his injuries.

“How are you going to proceed?”


The day of the full moon came, and Izuku was feeling randy. He was being extra clingy to Bakugo and Kirishima. It wasn’t just them, Izuku pounced on Iida nuzzling him. “Mmm, Iida-kun you did such a good job protecting our friends.”

Iida blushed, his glasses fogging up. “I uh yes thank you um haha!” Bakugo didn’t think he could get tenser.

He also pounced and cuddled on Kamenari. “I heard you fought so bravely!” he nuzzled him. “I wish I could have seen it!”

The blonde blushed and felt his blood rush south. “Yeah, I was pretty cool!” Jiro snorted.

“That is until he blew a fuse, wheee!” she mimicked him in his brain fried mode. Kamenari blushed.

“Midoriya wasn’t I cool and manly!” Mineta jumped at Izuku expecting hugs and cuddles, but Bakugo grabbed and knocked him away, Kirishima pulled Izuku to him and Izuku cuddled him instead.

Izuku’s wolf ears and tail were out all day. A part of him was upset, he went to his mother and told her about Kirishima, but the police wouldn’t approve the risk. His mating instinct was so strong, the fact he hasn’t gotten to be with the two was getting to him.

Bakugo and Kirishima were trying to keep Izuku grounded, trying to have one of them with the werewolf at all times, and the other trying to keep the little pervert away from him. Mineta tried a lot…it seems Izuku was giving off pheromones. His natural charm was cranked up to 10.

In gym class, everyone was staring at him when he showered. The way his fluffy ears twitched and flicked, the way his tail wagged when he got excited, drew a shared thought of ‘Cute!’ from the guys in class.

Izuku was practically in rut already, Katsuki could feel it, the urge to mate to be dominated again. He hasn’t had Izuku’s dick in days! The last time they had fooled around until the day of the full moon, keeping the edge off, but with everything that was going on they had no time to play. It was making up fired up and pricklier than normal. He had hoped the Full Moon would be their chance to reconnect, but Izuku had given them the bad news.

“The only way we could get approval is if we had a pro-hero chaperone.” his ears flattened as the anticipated yell came.

“What?!” Bakugo roared in anger. “We’d have to let them...watch us?” Izuku nodded.

“Who could we ask?” Kirishima asked. The two looked at him in surprise. “I’m willing to wait, I want to mate with Izuku, but his safety is a concern.” he caressed his fang necklace.

“Tch, this sucks, fine! Who do we ask?” he said blushing.

Izuku thought about asking All Might or Recovery Girl, with All Might he felt conflicted and Recovery Girl was like asking his mother. Aizawa was still recovering they couldn’t ask him. Bakugo didn’t like any of the other teachers getting a front row seat to their...activities. Kirishima was just as nervous, he knew Bakugo was gonna be there, but that made him feel more comfortable ironically.

“I think I know who to ask,” he looked at the two his tail wagging. “They will understand the situation, do you guys trust me?” he asked.

“Stupid Deku, ‘course I do.”

“I trust you man!” the two fist bump.

“Alright, Kirishima, make sure you come over to my place after school we have some rites to go through.” he was smiling so bright, it made the two blush. “I’m gonna go ask before it’s too late!” he sprang off.

“Hey, Midoriya need a hu-gack!” Mineta slid out to get a hug only for Izuku to step on him as he dashed off, leaving a trail of dust behind him, and a smooshed Mineta.

To be continued...Wolf Mating: The Pack Bond!


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