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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 9  https://www.patreon.com/posts/centaur-jaden-9-25905745 

Chapter 10 Bastion Joins the Fold

The smell of sex weighed heavily in the air, Jaden’s own musk having been increased due to his arousal. Even as Bastion clutched the door handle, he didn’t feel like he was in Duel Academy anymore, it was like he was standing on the edge of a large forest.

It called to him as much as the sexy sight on the bed called to him. Seeing each other naked in the shower was one thing, but seeing each other naked and aroused was an entirely different experience. Bastion was certainly not one for self-pleasure it was why the incident in the locker room was all the more perplexing, he’d never succumbed to such desires before. As for right now, all he wanted to do was get naked and fap to the erotic sight before him.

Jaden invited him in, and he walked inside without a second thought. The door seemed to vanish around him, he barely remembered shutting it. “He’s doing great isn’t he?” Bastion looked and watched as Syrus bobbed his head back and forth.

He could hardly believe it, Jaden was so big and yet… Syrus was sucking 12-inches of his massive 16-inch man meat. ‘How is he taking all that into his mouth?’ What he couldn’t fit in his mouth he caressed with his hand. Bastion couldn’t tell which was louder, the buzz of the vibe inside him or his loud lustful sucks.

Syrus looked so damn pleased with himself, slurping and hollowing his cheeks as he worked every inch that he could. Jaden’s dick made his throat bulge. The boy was breathing through his nose, taking in Jaden’s rich arousal-spiked musk with each breath. Bastion felt it too, the brunette’s musk was spiced with something raw, manly, hot!

His cock was so hard it hurt, bulging against his boxers and tight pants. He was weeping like a flood, making his underwear so wet it clung to his crotch, some of his pre-cum having started running down his legs. Bastion licked his lips, feeling his hole throb.

He came to his senses and looked away from Syrus going to town on Jaden’s cock to the man himself. “Why don’t you get comfortable?”

“I uh...um...okay...” he gulped. He undid his jacket and stashed away his deck holsters. ‘Is this really happening?’ his heart was racing. He pulled off his shirt exposing his toned upper body, for a math nerd Bastion was ripped. He started lowering his zipper when he hears a muffled moan behind him.

Syrus...had cum from sucking Jaden’s dick. The boy was trembling as his cock spat spurt after spurt of cum. ‘Does sucking his dick feel that good?’ Bastion thought it didn’t seem to bother Jaden, the brunette was smiling lovingly at Syrus.

After a moment of basking in the glow of his climax, Syrus got back to work sucking Jaden’s dick, and Bastion got back to work stripping. The Ra Yellow student's crotch was positively soaked in his pre-cum as he tugged both pants and underwear down and stepped out of them. He removed his shoes and socks and stood in all his naked glory.

Bastion felt a sudden surge of embarrassment, his cock and balls were drenched. He turned around shielding his crotch. “Ah ah, none of that, no need to be shy.” Bastion was hesitant but he drops his hands and showed his stiff dick and soaked crotch. “See, you look great. Come here,” he motioned him forward.

He obeyed, Jaden’s musk beckoning him. Without thinking, he got into the bed and buried his face in Jaden’s pit, and took a whiff. “Ohhh,” He blushed and began to shamelessly sniff the boy’s pit. “Mmm!”

Bastion smiled as the smell filled him with joy. He hummed happily, and without thinking, he started jerking off to Jaden’s musk. ‘Why does this feel so right, so good?’ he pumped himself faster, his pre-cum allowing him to move swiftly, making his balls bounce from the strong strokes. The smell and fapping caused Bastion to lose control and he came, blowing his load all over Jaden’s sheets and his pumping hand.

For a moment, Bastion’s life became sudden sunshine and rainbows, he felt like he was basking in the sun buck naked, a gentle breeze caressing every inch of him carrying the scent of the grass. It didn’t smell like normal grass, it smelled like Jaden, the grass caressed his skin. The orgasm pulled Bastion to his senses, his whole face went red. “I’m so sorry!” he began to babble, he spoke so fast it was hard to understand, so Jaden silenced him with a kiss. He licked the boy’s lips, and Bastion parted them in response, allowing Jaden’s tongue to slip inside. His tongue played with Misawa’s teasing it and coaxing it to dance.

Jaden grabbed his still hard cock and started pumping him as he made out with him. He swallowed Bastion’s moans, teasing his hard length, fast strokes, slow strokes, rubbing the tip with his thumb, teasing his length with a firm grip, soft grip with gentle caresses. He felt his release build up again, and Jaden pushed him over the edge.

He pulled his hand back and caught the release as Bastion exploded, coating Jaden’s hand in his thick cum. “Do you want to play with us, Bastion?”

‘Us?’ he blushed as he realized he forgot Syrus was even there. The boy was in his own world, sucking Jaden’s cock like he was born for it. “Is this okay, I don’t know, I...”

“Bastion, you don’t have to overthink this. Syrus is okay with you here, I want you here, you can stay or go, with no hard feelings.” Jaden informed him.

The Ra Yellow duelist twiddled his fingers. This was a bona fide offer, and Jaden was handsome, sexy, and hung. This was a no brainer. “I’ll stay!” he said.

“Good, Syrus get in position,” Syrus pulled off his cock, licking his lips to savor the flavor. He turned around and got on his hands and knees, his cock and balls tucked back between his legs, so his stuffed ass, cock, and balls were on full display. “Now Bastion, get next to Syrus.”

Bastion obeyed and tried to take the same pose as Syrus. The bluenette was panting heatedly, the vibe still buzzing away at his ass. Misawa had a bit of trouble holding his hard cock and massive balls between his toned thighs. He shivered he was fully exposed to Jaden.

The brunette approached them, and he started with Syrus, playing with the boy’s balls, giving them a squeeze. “Ahh!” Syrus moaned, arching his back. His hole visibly tightened around the vibe. One finger dragged along Sy’s twitching cock, before riding up along his length and seem, across his taint, and circled his stuffed hole.

“You are so beautiful Syrus,” the boy shivered, despite the warmth of his words. His tone was like melted chocolate that was tenderly drizzled across his body. Bastion was next, Jaden’s cum soaked hand, caressing his slicked manhood and his heavy balls.

Bastion’s body shuddered, Jaden teased his tip and balls, before leaving a trail of his cum along his taint to his twitching hole. Slick fingers circled the tight pucker before the middle finger added pressure. “Ahhh!”

“Bastion, you are so hot,” he rubbed the boy’s hole and the raven-haired male shuddered. “I knew you were special.” he wiggled against his pucker before the slick digit pushed in.

“Jaden!” The middle finger sank deep.

“So tight,” he rocked the finger in and out, spreading Bastion’s cum inside him. Jaden lined up behind Syrus, his cock aimed at the boy’s dick and balls and pushed. Syrus moaned, the result being his cock and balls getting pushed between his thighs.

Jaden’s cock slid between his thighs, running along his taint, balls, and cock! Bastion looked and saw Jaden’s massive dick overwhelm his crotch. At this moment, the brunette slipped in a second finger into Bastion’s ass. The Ra Yellow student fisted the sheets but pushed back onto Jaden’s fingers.

His ass was scissored open, working his hole wider and wider, the digits twisted and thrust inside him. Bastion’s blush spread ear to ear, his cock weeping beneath him. He started to pant like Syrus next to him.

Syrus started to hump against Jaden’s cock, rubbing his cock and balls against his massive shaft. Jaden was keeping still as he stretched Bastion’s hole open. Once his hole was nice and stretched he added a third finger.

Bastion had three fingers in his tight ass, it stung a bit, but he was so high on pleasure, the pain melted away and Bastion pushed back onto the digits. Jaden began to move, sliding his cock between Sy’s thighs, and against his crotch. Intercrural plus frot, the combination was highly pleasurable and drove Syrus wild. The boy moaned loudly.

At the same time, he started finger fucking Bastion, essentially fucking them both at the same time just different ways. The bed creaked as he moved the boys shuddering and shaking in pleasure. Jaden’s fingers continually brushed Bastion’s sweet spot, melting his mind and making him drool.

Syrus was the first to cum, blowing his load all over Jaden’s dick. Bastion didn’t last much longer, cumming just a few seconds after him, Bastion’s erupting all over his legs and feet in kind.

Jaden let out a moan of his own and came, his cum making a huge mess. He pulled his cock back and showered Syrus in thick man milk. The boy let out a moan and came again, his seed vanishing in the sea of cum. Bastion gulped, smelling the fresh baby batter, he looked and marveled at the sheer amount of cum Syrus was drenched with.

Jaden pulled his fingers out of Bastion’s ass, the boy whining at the loss. He soon felt Jaden’s still hard dick press against his cock and balls. Yuki pushed through, forcing his cock and balls through Bastion’s thick thighs. “Ahh!” Like Syrus, Bastion soon had his cock and balls trapped against Jaden’s dick. His thighs hugged his thick manhood, and his hole twitched in want.

He began to move, showing Bastion the joys of the intercrural sex. At the same kind, Jaden grabbed the vibe inside Syrus and began to work it in and out of his tight ass. The vibe was quite long, which only added to the friction as Jaden worked it back and forth.

So began another pace, Jaden fucking them in unique ways. “Jaden, please my ass, play with my ass!” His hole was throbbing. Jaden smirked and thrust four fingers inside.

Bastion howled and came, and Syrus joined him seconds after. Jaden continued fucking Bastion’s thighs and against his taint, balls, and cock! His own release built up and he came.

Like with Syrus, Jaden bathed Bastion in his thick seed. Bastion shuddered in delight, each powerful spurt hit his skin and covered him in white. “Jaden, your stamina is amazing, how do you do this?” Bastion panted.

Jaden looked to Syrus, who was still a bit out of it, so he simply nodded. He sighed. “I wasn’t sure about revealing my secret to you, but if we gonna go forward you should know what I truly am.” Jaden got off the bed and stood before the two. He clutched his shadow charm, and in a flash, Jaden transformed into his true form. “I’m not human Bastion, I come from a world where monsters and magic are real. This is my true form.”

Bastion fainted from shock, and probably the few orgasms he had. Jaden was so focused on helping Bastion, he didn’t notice that his door hadn’t been fully shut or locked, and someone had been peeking through the door the whole time.

To be continued...Chapter 11 Jaden’s Secret


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