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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward

Chapter 16  https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-duelist-16-24345911 

Chapter 17 Maiden In Love

The Slifer dorm was enjoying their new budget, they were able to get more of a decent meal. Banner was even able to order some much-needed repairs. With their duel field, hot spring, working appliances, and now a stronger budget things were looking up for the red dorm. While the red students were quite pleased and enjoying their new perks, Jaden was a bit more reserved.

He couldn’t shake the thought of other shadow charms out of his mind. ‘The other shadow charms...the abandoned dorm...the missing students...I feel there is something connecting these things together what is it?’ he thought.

“Everything alright Jaden?” the boy jumped as Banner touched his shoulder. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Oh it’s okay, I was just lost in thought.” he chuckled. ‘Man I must have been out of it, I didn’t sense him at all.’

“Is something on your mind?” Banner sat across from him. Jaden was a bit hesitant, talking about shadow charms and magic to the wrong person might get him in a touch of trouble.

“Hmm, you could say worried about the future I guess. I feel like something is coming, do you ever have that feeling?”

“Like excitement, or anticipation. I suppose as duelists we all get that feeling.” he smiled. “But you can’t let worrying about the future distract you from the present.”

“You are right, I might be worrying for nothing.”

“A little worry can go a long way, but its best not to let yourself get consumed by it,” he stands up. “If you have any troubles, please don’t hesitate to come to me.”

“I’ll do that, thanks, Professor.” Banner smiled at him.

“You’ve certainly changed the Red Dorm around for the best, I’ve not seen the red students so happy in a long time, and their grades have greatly improved too.”

“I’m glad.”

“You have my thanks Jaden,” he walked off. “I’m expecting even more big things from you.”

“Sure thing,” Jaden waved him off. Banner’s words did make him feel a touch better, and what was the point worrying about the future. He had a harem to look after, after all. ‘If any of those Shadow Charms do surface we’ll handle them properly.’


Little did Jaden know a new shadow charm was already on its way to the island. Someone known as Blair arrived on Academy Island, they had gained access due to impressive dueling skills and was able to transfer to the academy. However, Academics was not what Blair was after.

Banner introduced Blair to the Slifer Dorm. They were a bit shy, hiding behind Banner. “Hello...” he said shyly.

“What do you think Jaden?” Syrus asked.

“About what?” It was lunchtime so Jaden was eating.

“About the new guy.” Jaden looks over, and his eyes narrow. He felt a similar pulse of energy.

‘No way could he have a shadow charm?’ The energy was faint, so maybe he was just under the effect of a shadow charm. “Hey there, welcome to the Slifer dorm.”

“But Jaden, this isn’t Blair’s dorm, all transfer students start at Slifer but with Blair’s skills he’ll be in Ra Yellow soon.”

“Oh, I see, well until then you are one of us. Welcome!” Jaden smiled. Blair blushed and hid more behind Banner.

“Would you be so kind, as to let Blair stay in your room?” Banner asked.

“Uhh sure, I suppose.” Jaden comes up to Blair. “Let me show you around.”

“We are in!” Syrus said. The group of Jaden, Syrus, and Chumley show Blair around.

“This place is nicer than I thought it’d be,” Blair said.

“We’ve has some improvements,” Jaden said showing Blair their room, there was already a bed made. It was for Bastion, Torrey, or Harrington, but it’d be good for Blair.

“How about we celebrate your arrival with some bonding in the hot spring?”

Blair blushed, “I uh don’t think so.”

“I see, well...” A knock came to the door. Jaden answered it. Bastion stood at the door carrying a towel and some bathing supplies. “Hey, Bastion!” Jaden smiled.

“Greetings chaps, who’s this?”

‘What’s a Ra Yellow duelist doing here?’ Blair thinks.

“Blair, they are the new transfer student,” Syrus explained.

“I see, will he be joining us for the bath?”

“Nah, they aren’t interested.” Jaden pulled off his jacket and shirt. Blair’s face went red. “Let’s go guys.” In an instant all the guys began to strip, Blair’s face went red, and they peeked through their fingers. They donned their towels and headed out. “See you around Blair.” They left Blair to unpack their things.

“What is with them, honestly...” Blair reached into their pocket and pulled out a ring. ‘With this, my deepest wish will come true.’ The ring was a shadow charm, but its signature was weak unless worn.


After some manly bonding in the baths, the boys got dressed and gathered for an assembly. Sheppard appeared on the big screen. “Greetings students, as some of you may know, our duel with North Academy is coming up.” They were the biggest rival of Duel Academy. There was North, South, East, and West Academy, with Duel Academy Island smack dab in the center. “Last year, Zane, our student rep, beat them good!” he smiled. “And this year I want to beat them again.”

Blair looked over and saw Zane standing among the Obelisk Blue students. “Hey, Blair! Didja know Zane’s my big brother?”


“Yeah, he’s pretty cool, but mom says I got the looks,” Syrus said, and Jaden ruffled his hair.

“We haven’t decided on who will be representing us this year, but focus on your school work and train hard and it just might be you,” Sheppard said. “It is a high honor! Don’t let us down.” He signed off.

Jaden was excited. He’d love for the chance to be the rep for the school duel. The chance to duel new students, he was getting fired up.

“It could be any of us, but it’ll probably be my brother. He’s the strongest duelist in the third year class.”

“Yeah, a man like that his skills are truly amazing. I took him on head on and I was lucky it ended in a draw.”

“You dueled Zane!” Blair gasped.

“Sure did, I’ll admit he was super cool, if he gets picked as the rep it’ll be a fun duel to see.” While the boy’s walked off, Blair slipped away.

They followed Zane and waited for him to be alone. Once he was, they slipped on the ring. It’s magic reacted and pulsed.

Jaden’s eyes flashed gold, sensing shadow magic. ‘Oh no!’ he looked around. “Guys, where is Blair?”

“Dunno looks like he left us.”

“I think we need to find them,” Jaden said. He used his shadow charm and scattered some invisible energy snakes to try and find them.

Back with Blair and Zane...

“Zane, I’m sure you don’t remember me, but I saw you duel back at nationals.”

“Is that so, it's nice to see you.” he gave a polite bow and went to leave.

“Wait, you don’t understand, you see I...” they smiled. “I thought you were so strong and cool when you dueled, and you are so handsome and smart too. You see Zane, I’m in love with you!” Blair’s ring glowed.

Zane took a step back caught off guard by the light. ‘This ring was made from the magic of the spell card Cupid’s Kiss, it’s activation requires the user to confess their love, now then!’ Blair aimed the ring at Zane, a pink heart appeared above it and they shot it like an arrow.

It struck Zane and spread pink energy over his body. Zane gasped and his body became flushed. His heart began to race. ‘Now then, Zane will now confess his feelings, and when they match my own, he’ll belong to me forever!’ What Blair didn’t realize is their ring draws out feelings one might be suppressing or holding back, it can’t create feelings of love. It was true if Zane did love Blair, the shadow charm would have made him her slave.

Zane had hearts in his eyes, as thoughts of his crush erupted to the surface. “My love...” Blair got all giggly.

“Now Zane, hold me in your arms and let's get married.” they jumped for him, but Zane ran right past Blair, making them fall flat on their face. “Wha...what happened?” they ran after Zane, quickly pocketing the charm.

With Jaden…

‘Now the shadow magic signal has faded, what is going on, am I being paranoid?’ he was outside in the schoolyard, he saw Syrus and Chumley asking other students if they’ve seen Blair.

Zane came running out of the building. “Jaden Yuki!” he shouted, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Zane? What’s up.” the tall male walked over to Jaden with a serious look on his face.

“Jaden, I’m in love with you!” he declared in front of everyone! Jaden blinked, Syrus and Chumley’s jaws dropped. Blair who came out right in time for the confession turned ghostly pale. Zane got down on one knee, and took Jaden’s hand and kissed it. “Please let me become your boyfriend!”

“Oh whoa,” Jaden facepalmed. ‘This has the smell of shadow magic written all over it.’ It hurt but he had to say no, he liked Zane and even wanted him to be in the harem, but he had no idea what kind of spell he was under. ‘On the other hand.’ he looked around and saw a lot of Obelisk blue students glaring daggers at Jaden. ‘I can’t turn him down in front of everyone either.’

He wondered what his sisters would do. ‘If he’s under a spell, I can’t hurt him, I must take responsibility.’ Jaden took a deep breath and sighed. “I’d love to be your boyfriend Zane.” the look on the boy’s face was priceless, he smiled. He was so happy!

Zane stood up and smiled. “Yes!” he cheered, he pulled Jaden into a hug and gave him a kiss.

“I haven’t seen my brother that happy since he first started playing duel monsters. He got so serious when he got older, saying he didn’t have time for distractions if he was gonna be the best.” He wanted Zane to be happy, and he also wanted to see Jaden fuck his brother silly.

The rest of the day was an interesting one. Zane would walk Jaden to class, holding his hand, stunning everyone they passed in shock. No one had seen Zane show any affection for anyone male or female. So to see him holding hands with a guy, wasn’t as much of a shock as seeing him hold hands with a Slifer red. They didn’t share classes so Zane would give Jaden a kiss before heading to his class.

In study hall, Zane found Jaden and helped him actually study. Crowler was losing his shit, which was kind of entertaining. ‘What is Zane doing with that slacker?’ he was in tears, ripping his handkerchief.

“Jaden, are you gonna take my brother into the harem?” Syrus asked.

“It’s hard to explain Sy, let’s just say your brother isn’t himself right now. I’m looking after him until I can find who dosed him.”

“Really? He looks really happy. I trust you though, I know you’ll take care of my brother too.” Jaden smiled and kissed Syrus.

Zane walked in and saw them. Syrus gasped, feeling a strange surge of emotion as Zane approached them. “Jaden, I uh...is it weird that I like seeing you and Syrus together?”

“What?” Syrus gasped.

“It’s weird, right? I actually get excited thinking about you two together, and Syrus watching us together. No matter how much I push these thoughts down, they keep coming back up.” Jaden hugged him.

“It’s not weird, you are a good guy Zane,” he rubbed his back. “Come on, let’s have some bonding at the bathhouse.”

Zane smiled. “I’d like that.”


The boys hit the red bathhouse. Zane took off his clothes gaining some Wows, he was jacked, and his cock was a solid 10 inches, bigger than Syrus thought he’d be. Zane was also amazed at Jaden’s double d’s, feeling his own manhood pulse to life. They got in position...

Syrus was washing Chumley’s back, Jaden was washing Syrus’ back, and Zane was washing Jaden’s back. This was something Zane had not experienced in a long time. Syrus and he had visited bathhouses as kids, and they were nice, but since coming to Duel Academy he visited the Obelisk Bath House but he was alone. He eventually switched to using his own private shower.

He smiled as he washed Jaden’s back, he could feel Jaden’s muscles, he caressed his shoulders, across his blades, down his spine and felt up his lower back. ‘He’s so sexy.’

“Okay switch!” the boys turned around, and Zane got face to face with Jaden’s dicks for a moment. The manly musk hit him and sent a shiver down his spine, and a jolt down to his penis.

He turned around and began washing his front, ignoring the pulse in his cock. Jaden started washing his back, massaging his tense muscles. ‘Zane, I’m sure you are under a spell of a shadow charm, I want you to become one of my mates, but if I break this spell I don’t want you to regret this. So I will not claim you now, but I want to make you feel good.’

Jaden began to massage Zane, loosening him up, the older boy leaned back against him. The lamia’s hands came around, one hand going to Zane’s hard on, and the other fondles his balls. “Ahhh!”

A blush spread across his cheeks. “J-Jaden!” his head rolled back and rested on Jaden’s shoulder.

“So sensitive, poor guy do you not touch yourself?” he pumped him, causing his foreskin to slide back and forth against the sensitive tip.

“I...I don’t...” he confessed.

“Do you want to be taken Zane?” he stroked him faster.

He licked his lips and gulped. “I...I...I do! I’ve been dreaming about it, it’s so embarrassing.”

“Not at all, if that’s how you feel there is nothing wrong with that. Wanting to be dominated isn’t embarrassing at all.” He kissed Zane’s neck.

Zane felt a huge weight lifted off his shoulders, and he bucked into Jaden’s grasp. He came hard, blowing his load all over himself, and Jaden’s hands. ‘So thick!’ he got a taste of Zane’s semen, it was so thick and rich. “Mmm,” he licked his lips.

The boys rinsed off and got in the bath. They each let out a satisfied sigh. “This is nice!” Jaden held both Syrus and Zane, the two relaxing against him.

It got late and Jaden got out of the bath first. “Sy, you found a really good man.” Syrus smiled at him.

“So did you.” Zane smiled back at him.


Jaden’s milk break was interrupted as he felt the pulse of a shadow charm. He stepped out and found Blair waiting for him, she wasn’t hiding her gender any longer, her hair was down and her shadow charm was out. “Give Zane back to me. He’s mine!” she aimed the ring at him.

“So you are the one who messed with Zane.”

“He was supposed to love me, and only me!” she fired a heart from her ring, but unlike Zane, Jaden was able to deflect it with his own shadow magic. “I will make him mine!” she launched a volley of hearts, but Jaden conjured energy snakes that either blocked them or ate them.

“What about Zane’s feelings, don’t you care how he feels?” Jaden hissed.

“Zane loves me, we’ll be perfect together, if you would just disappear we can get married.” her anger and frustration began to feed the shadows, Blair’s clothing changed into a black wedding dress. “Feel the power of my love!” she fired a burning heart at Jaden.

Jaden dodged it easily. “Enough!” he used his snakes to bind Blair. She struggled but the snakes simply tightened on her. “You can’t use dirty tricks to force love! Even a lamia all our gifts all our techniques we can plant the seed, help cultivate feelings that are there, we can even play games of lust, but love is much deeper than that.”

“What are you talking about?” she didn’t get the whole lamia thing.  

“Listen to me, I believe you like Zane, but you can’t force him to love you.” he places a hand on her shoulder and used his power to suppress hers.

“This ring gives me that power!” she snapped.

“No it doesn’t,” his eyes turned snake-like and he analyzed it. “This gives you the power of a cupid, your arrows can only draw out the love that’s there.” Jaden breathed a sigh of relief, so Zane had feelings for him.

“But he loves me, I know he does!” she snapped, her power erupted breaking the snakes. She attacked Jaden forcing him to not hold back on her, his power overwhelmed hers and her ring was destroyed.

The overflow of power knocked Blair out. Jaden sighed. “Jaden?” Zane came out, wearing nothing but a towel. He was rubbing his head.

“Hey Zane, feeling better?” he smiled at the taller bluenette.  

“Did I...did I really confess to you in the courtyard?” everything was fuzzy, things coming back to him bit by bit. His face grew red. “Oh lord, what happened?” He couldn’t believe what he had done, and yet from these memories he legit felt happy.  

“Would you believe me, if I told you were placed under a magic spell, would you believe me?” Jaden looked at him all seriousness in his eyes.

“Is this about shadow charms?” Jaden’s eyes widened.

“You know about shadow charms?” Zane nodded.

“There was a class about them and the millennium items. I thought they were only rumor and superstition spread by the King of Games having the Millennium Puzzle.” If Zane had this much knowledge, Jaden decided to talk about what he’s found. So Jaden told him what Blair did, and what her shadow charm did. Zane blushed.

“I’ve read about a few shadow charms myself, but I’ve never seen charms like these.” he told him about the shrinking incident.  

“That does explain some of the few strange going-ons.” He rubbed the back of his head. “It is hard to believe, but in my three years here, I have seen some strange things.”  

It was nice that Zane believed him, but this led to the bigger question that was hanging in the air. “So what do we do?”

“That’s up to you Zane, I like you and would love to have you in the harem, but I want that to be your choice when you’re ready.” Jaden frowned. “Or I can work a little magic, and everyone will forget even you.” Zane stared at Jaden in shock. It was clear to him that Jaden had some knowledge of this shadow magic, since he defeated Blair somehow and freed him.  

“But you’ll still remember?” Jaden nodded.  

“Afraid so, but I’ll keep it a secret and I won’t bother you.” Zane shook his head.

“No, you took good care of me when I was under the spell, you are a good guy Jaden. In another time and place, I’d join your harem, but I keep thinking about the future right now. I’m just so close...after this year, I’m going to be going pro.” he balled his hands into fists, this was a hard decision, his head wanted to focus on going pro, but his heart wanted to be with Jaden.  

“I know, and that’s okay.” Zane put his hands on his shoulder.

“Jaden, I want you to know, I do love you.” Jaden smiled and pulled him in close.  

“I love you too.” the two kissed.

Blair came to, groaning as her head began to clear. “What...  where am I?” she looked around and spotted Zane and Jaden, naked except for towels, and kissing! She got a nosebleed and passed out. ‘Too hot!’ her head was spinning.


The next day, Blair was sent home, Syrus was shocked to find out she was a girl. Jaden knew since he could tell by her scent. She bore no more hard feelings and didn’t even miss her shadow charm, but it seems she hadn’t given up on Zane. Now she loved both Zane and Jaden, much to their dismay. Jaden did ask her where she got the charm, she claimed it was sent to her but she didn’t know who it was.  

Zane held an announcement, he had come up with a plan as to keep the door open for their relationship and not half to erase any memories. “Yesterday, some of you may have seen Jaden and I starting a relationship. We have decided to end things for now, so I can focus on my future. My first love is dueling!” The blue dorm cheered. No one even cared Zane mentioned for now.

Jaden gave a soft smile, he wanted Zane to be happy, and the guy wanted to focus on building up his pro career. Syrus took his hand and held, and Chumley took the other. He smiled, it wasn’t as if this was the end.

Jaden and Zane made a promise, that at the end of the year the two would duel. Should Jaden win, Zane would join the harem, if he didn’t Zane would carry on to the pro circuit without distraction.

Zane looked at the trio and felt a pang of want in his chest. He wanted to be with Jaden, right now, but he picked his path and he was gonna stick with it. That didn’t mean he didn’t change from this, in his alone time after studying Zane took a break and touched himself. His memories of Jaden and him together, the bond they shared even among the other guys in the harem.

He made sure his doors were locked, and balcony closed before he stripped naked. Just thinking about what Jaden did to him in the Slifer bathhouse had him hard and wanting. He got in bed, and began pumping his hard cock with one hand, and playing with his nipple with the other.

Zane had seen it in an adult book when he was a tad younger than he was now. At first the nipple play just lightly tickled, but as he slowly worked himself over, his body got hotter, and surges of pleasure was racing to his cock.  

His heart began to race, a strong excitement spreading through him. ‘Jaden...ohh Jaden!’ he went slow at first, growing faster as more pre-cum spilled out. He didn’t expect his cock to make such sinful noises as the foreskin danced back and forth around the sensitive cock head. When he was close to erupting he was pumping his cock so fast his balls were bouncing. “Ah ahhh!”  

Zane’s hand left his nipple, and he pulled the foreskin back, allowing his now free hand began rubbing the sensitive tip, teasing him a way that tipped him over the edge.   

“Jaden!” he howled as he came. It wasn’t as powerful as in the bathhouse but it felt so good. Zane’s face, neck, pecs, and abs were covered in his cum. He lay there, panting, covered in cum, as he rode out the last of his orgasm. His cock softened into a semi erect state. He knew about Jaden’s double dicks but he didn’t play with his ass, that was something he wanted to save special for Jaden.  

He got up to shower alone and crawl into bed naked, not bothering to slip under the covers. A pair of golden eyes would watch him, his balcony would unlock and a snake tail would slither into his room and tuck Zane in. The moves were so swift and light the male didn’t even stir, simply cuddled into the blankets. “Good night Zane,” Jaden whispered before heading back to the red dorm.

To be continued...Copy Cat


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