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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1

Chapter 5  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-chap-25680345 

Rimuru Tempest

Passive Skills: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Electricity Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Magic Sense, Water Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Heat Perception, Auditory Perception, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Pack Bond Skill, Stamina Boost Skill,

Offensive Skills: Water Blade, Dragon Breath, Heat Touch, Lightning Roar, Black Lightning, Wind Magic, Gust Force, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Poison Mist Breath, Body Armour, Paralysis Breath, Stick Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Wind Blade

Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator

Slime Skills: Absorb, Dissolve, Self Regenerate, Mimicry

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, and Ranga

Chapter 6 The Dwarven Kingdom

Gobta had gone to the Dwarven Kingdom before, he managed to do some mild trading with them, but it took a long time to get to Dwargon, two months there and back which made trade difficult but not impossible. With the Tempest Wolves, the time would be greatly cut in half.

Since they were leaving the village, the Hobgoblin’s coming dawned some loin clothes. “Rigurd, I trust you will watch over the village while I’m gone.” He was taking Ranga and Riguru with him, along with Gobta and two other goblins.

Rigurd smirked and flexed his muscles. “Leave it to me and my mighty muscles.”

“Right, I’ll be counting on you.” Ranga led the charge. The Hobgoblins had to hang on, not used to the high speed.

“Is everyone okay?” he spoke through thought transmission.

“We are fine Lord Rimuru since we evolved we don’t get as fatigued with activity as we did before.” Riguru sent back.

“Ah, good then.”They traveled along the river towards Dwargon, taking breaks for the wolves and goblins to rest.

“Say Riguru, who was it that named your brother? Did he evolve too?”

“Yes, he did, but not to the level we are,” Riguru explained. “Years ago, he was named by Lord Gelmud, an officer of the demon lord’s army, when they stopped by the village. He said he saw something special in my brother,” he blushed. “I’m happy to be chosen by such a strong one myself.”

‘So naming causes evolution, but depending on who does the naming the amount of growth differs.’ he thought. The news of a demon lord army brought some concerns, he wondered what kind of person the demon lord was. Are they at war with the humans, seeking world domination? He pondered what side he’d have to fall on.

As they got closer to the kingdom, they set up camp for the night. “Gobta you’ve been to the dwarven kingdom before yes?”

“Yes sir!” he saluted. “Um, well the official name is The Armed Nation of Dwargon. The capital’s a beautiful city built into an enormous natural cave. It’s not just a place for dwarves, there were plenty of elves and humans.”

“That’d be nice to see, could give me some ideas for our village, but I’m guessing it won’t be easy for us monsters to travel.”

“Not at all, Dwargon is a neutral bastion of free trade. By the king’s order, all fighting is forbidden within the borders of the nation.” Riguru chimed in.”From what the tales say...the armies of the Dwarven King have remained undefeated for a millennium.”

“Wow!” Rimuru was impressed, so only a fool would provoke the mighty dwarf king’s wrath. “So as long as we don’t cause any trouble we should be fine.”

“We should be careful, monsters often get jumped outside the...” Gobta was cut off.

“We won’t get in any trouble,” Riguru said confidently, Rimuru, however, felt a mental flag pop up.

The two-month walk to Dwargon was cut down to only 3 days. The place was amazing, and there was a long line of humans seeking to get in. “Hmm, if we show up with a huge party of wolves and goblins it might cause a problem.”

Ranga gave him a sad look, not wanting to be left behind. Riguru shared a similar look. “Look. Ranga you can come if you hide in my shadow.” the wolf wagged his tail. “Rigur, you can come with Gobta and me, you’ll leave your wolves with our party.”

“Yes, thank you, Lord!”

Ranga entered Rimuru’s shadow, and the trio made their way to the gate standing in line. “This place sure is lively. Is it always this busy?”

“Yes, it was like this the last time I was here,” Gobta said.

“This is my first time here, my brother used to have me guard the village when he traveled.”

“I see, do you like to travel?”

“I don’t know, I have never gotten the opportunity.” he bushed. “But, I’d like to follow you, my lord.”

“That could be arranged.”

“With some training, you could certainly surpass your brother, he’d be very proud of you.” Rigur smiled.

“What are monsters doing here?” The trio turned. A bald guy with a screw in his head and a plump man with yellow hair stepped up to them, holding weapons.

‘The flag has been pulled.’ Rimuru thought.

“This happened the last time, some humans jumped me outside,” Gobta said.

“Great...” Rimuru groaned. “Hey, could you leave us alone? We don’t mean any harm.”

“How dare a lowly slime talk back to us?” they began to trash talk him, calling him weak and wimpy.

“Hold on, a talking slime is quite rare, we could make a lot of money off it.”

“Now that you mention it, that one’s a Hobgoblin, those are equally rare, if we sold him he’d make some noble a fine concubine or something.”

“Yeah, he’s got a great body, I’m sure some lord will buy him as a pet.”

Ranga growled from within Rimuru’s shadow. ‘How dare they speak like that of my harem brother?’

Rigur took a step back. There were rumors of monster trafficking, where humans would take monsters and break their spirits, and forcing them into either slave labor, those that were not so lucky were made into pets or concubines for some rich or powerful lord.

He hadn’t been a hobgoblin long, and he felt a bubble of fear rising up inside him. “Riguru, stay by my side.”

“Yes sir.” the fear evaporated in an instant. Rimuru plopped forward.

“Listen here, we have a rule in not attacking humans, but this does not include self-defense if you seek to harm us. I will fight back.” he waited for their response.

“You little slime, you think you are tough shit!” the first one said. “We outside the gate, so attacking monsters is legal why should we not attack possibly dangerous monsters.”

“You pissed us off now you are gonna pay!” They called in some backup, a knight looking dude, a spellcaster, and a cleric. “Let’s get him, guys!”

“I warned you,” Rimuru transformed using mimicry he thought he was taking the form of a Dire Wolf, but he was much larger, and he had two horns. ‘Did my mimicry evolve?’ he didn’t have a lot of time to think about it as the gang launched a variety of attacks, most that do absolutely nothing to Rimuru because they are super weak. It was clear this group made money by ganging up on weaker monsters. “Menace!” he let loose a roar.

That roar alone shattered their fragile barrier and knocked them out. Rigur and Gobta covered their ears, as his attack ripped through the area.

Report: Announcing results of intimidation, turned and fled: 16 total. Sent into panic: 68 total. Knocked unconscious: 92 total. Soiled pants:

“I don’t need the laundry list.” Rimuru stopped Great Sage. The Dwarven Security came out and quickly brought them to jail. Rimuru explained what happened, but allowed them to be captured.

Gobta was bound by ropes, Rigur was in chains, and they put Rimuru in a barrel. “Well, your testimony does match the eyewitness testimony.” The captain said. Before they had a chance to do anything another security guard burst in.

“Captain, come quick! There was a huge accident in the mine!” he continued. “Apparently an Armorsaurus showed up...”


‘Armorsaurus...I think I ate one of those.’ Rimuru thinks.

“We managed to eliminate the beast before it reached the city, but the miners who were deep in the mine to collect magic ore were terribly injured.”

“Garm’s group?!” The captain gasped. “Get them some healing potion.”

“About that, with the war preparations we are severely low on healing potion. At this rate...”

“Don’t be daft! They’re like brothers to me! They’re not gonna kick the bucket so easily.” he said but, he knew even if they managed to survive they’d be crippled. His hands balled up into fists.

“Excuse me, sir.” Rimuru came out of the barrel and out of the bars.

“Hey, who said you could leave?” he glared.

“That’s not important right now, this is.” he filled the barrel with healing potion.

“What is that?”

“Healing elixir, drink it or apply it directly, it really works!” The captain collected the barrel.

“Don’t you dare leave the cell, understand.” He snapped. “Come! We’re going!” he said to the soldier.

“Are you serious captain, that’s from a monster.”

“Stop yapping, and lead the way damn you!” Rimuru plopped back into the cell and waited.

They waited for a couple of hours. Gobta fell asleep, while Rimuru began practicing “playing” with his strings. He did some cat’s cradle stuff, making shapes, and after a few tries, he made the Tokyo Tower. Riguru clapped with each new shape.

“You are so awesome Lord Rimuru.” the slime blushed.

The dwarves returned, and they were released. “They were healed, thank you so much!” the captain bowed.

“If it wasn’t for your medicine, I’d be dead for sure, thank you!” the Dwarf known as Dord also known as Doldo said.

“I can’t believe it, this arm was nearly torn off, even if I survived I’d have been crippled for life.” Garm the dwarf said.

“Mmm, mmm,” Myrd was a dwarf of few words. The trio said they had worked to do but thanked Rimuru as they left.

“I must say, I’ve never seen such a fine potion, you really helped us out.” The captain introduced himself as Kaido. “If there is anything I can do for you please let me know.”

“Well, actually we came here looking for skilled artisans. If you could introduce us to any.” Kaido smirked.

“I happen to know the best, let me show you around.”

The kingdom was truly a great place. Rigur and Rimuru explored the city, while Gobta was left sleeping in a cell. ‘This place is so advanced compared to the goblin village, and their selection of armor and weapons was second-to-none.’ Some appeared to be actually glowing.

“My brother made those, he’s the craftsman we are about to meet.” They entered his shop and found Kaijin working on a sword. The man was shirtless, his body glistening with sweat, his mighty muscles flexing as he worked the sword over.

“Oh my!” Rimuru was impressed, the man was not only strong but skilled. Rimuru gained another surprise as he met Garm Dord and Myrd again, they worked for Kaijin as well and were each craftsman in their own right.

It seemed Kaijin was very busy. “We don’t mean to intrude.” Rigur bowed at Rimuru’s words.

“This is the one, Kaijin! This slime is the one who saved our lives.” Dord said.

“That right,” he put his hammer down. He certainly was a fine spectacle of a man. He was plump as a few other dwarves but from his thick arms, strong pecs and his iron gut he was a sexy beast if Rimuru’s ever seen one. “You have my thanks.” He bowed. “I’d like to treat you, but I can’t leave work at this time.”

Kaido sighed. “You never should have taken this job, you know Vesta gave it to you to mess with you.”

“My pride was on the line, I couldn’t turn it down.” he sat down in a huff. “Vesta goated me right in front of the king, that brat. If I had the chance I’d put him over my knee!”

“This Vesta guy sounds like a jerk,” Rimuru spoke up.

“He’s a minister, truth is he has it out for me. That’s a story for another time, I’m afraid.” he sighed.

“What about putting in a request at the guild, maybe we can get the materials we need,” Garm said.

“There is no time, and with the armorsaurus attack, we nearly lost so many able body dwarves.”

“It wasn’t like there was that much material down there, to begin with, the war efforts have kept a steady demand for highly powerful weapons, our usual mining spots have run dry and the deeper we go the more powerful monsters we’ll find.”

“And only 5 days left.” he groaned. He wasn’t the only craftsman tasked with the job, he couldn’t back out.

“And these swords won’t do?” Rigur asked, pointing to a pile of swords.

“Oh no, those are just steel swords,” Kaijin explained. “The long swords I need to make are ones forged with magisteel.”

“What makes that different from a normal sword?” Rimuru asked. Kaijin smirked.

“Allow me to show you, I have one made already.” He showed Rimuru and Rigur and the two gasped, the blade was glowing. “The core is made with magisteel, which attracts and stores magic power. It’s a kind of sword that grows and evolves with the user’s desires.

“Wow, that’s so cool, I’d love one of those,” Rimuru said.

“That’s amazing!” Rigur said.

‘Hmm, could what I ate in Veldora’s cave be of use?’

Answer: That was magic ore of the highest quality, it can be rendered into a proper magisteel cluster easily.

‘Yes, make it so.’ he chuckled. “Is this what you need?” he spat out a magisteel cluster.

“Ohhhh!” the dwarves gasped. They couldn’t believe their eyes, such pure clusters of magisteel were rare.

“You are giving this to me?”

“Yes, for one favor.”


Rimuru plopped onto the magisteel cluster. “Do you know any artisans that could come to our village and help teach their skills there.”

“That...That’s it…?” Kaijin asked surprised.

“Yes, I’d like it if you could come, but you are busy, so anyone you can spare. We are trying to fill three necessities, food, clothing, and shelter.”

“You can count on me. With this quality cluster, I’ll make some fine swords.”

“But do you have time...” Kaijin sulked. “Guess not.” Rimuru pondered a bit then he got an idea. “Let me borrow this.” He swallowed the Magisword.


“Just trust me!” he swallowed some of the steel swords too. ‘Alright Great Sage, analyze!”


Great Sage analyzed the magic sword and was able to clone it using the swords and the magic ore in Rimuru’s stomach. Rimuru spat out 20 perfect magic swords. “Tah-Dah!”

Kaijin was grateful for the help this time but wasn’t sure how he felt about his work being cloned so easily. Rimuru apologized and promised not to do it again. Kaijin laughed. “No need to fret, I’ll just make a sword so great not even you can copy it.”

“Sounds good.”

With his order filled Kaijin had, even more, to thank Rimuru for, so he decided to take him to the special club Butterflies of the Night!

To be continued Elves and Trials


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