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Yu Yu Hausho parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/minotaur-chap-1-23864436 

Chapter 2 First Mission

Yusuke sighed as the hot water pelted his body. This was better than the cleansing mist they pumped into the cells, plus he hadn't been naked in so long, it was great letting everything hang out. He took his time scrubbing every nook and cranny. Nothing beat a hot shower, he was using Koenma's private abode.

He came out of the shower, letting it all hang out. Koenma stood outside waiting for him, remaining in his true form as a sexy young man. Koenma blushed at the sight of the naked minotaur. From his adorable horns to his sexy fur, to his manly hair, to his long tail, and his long...big...umm big muscles yes.

Koenma turned his head as Yusuke walked around without shame, his massive dick swaying back and forth. The horned male got dressed bending over to give Koenma a good look at his ass and heavy balls. The prince blushed and felt a stirring in his loins. Yusuke didn't bother with underwear and slipped his cock down his pant leg. “Maybe I should find some baggier clothes, what do you think Koenma?”

“I think you should hurry up and track down those demons,” Koenma said, his face going red.

“Sorry, you were staring so I figured I'd give you a show.” Koenma blushed as red as a tomato.

“I...I...I was not starring!” Yusuke turned around, wearing his green jacket open, showing off his abs and pecs, and his short treasure trail.

Yusuke snorts and laughs. “No point lying,” he approached the prince and without warning cupped Koenma's crotch feeling his hard-on. “I can smell how hard you are.” he fondled the prince's crotch, making Koenma shudder and moan. His legs buckled and hips rocked against his hand.

“Y-Yusuke...” he moaned, and when the minotaur pulled his hand away, the prince whined at the loss.

“When I finish collecting those treasures for you, maybe you can reward me.” he made a lewd gesture with his hands.

“Not a chance, just do your job, or you'll go back in the cell.” It wasn't possible for Koenma to get any redder. He shielded his crotch, the soft fabric was tenting from the prince's dick.

“I'll do the job, and become your spirit detective, and I'll get to live a normal life.” Using his demon energy his body shrank slightly, and he reverted back to fully human form. They had a contract, and not even the King could sever it.


Yusuke was brought back to the human world. Botan had given him a lift, she also gave him some detective tools, she had done a base spirit scan of him and found him capable of three tools. The Spirit Concentration Ring, a gold ring with seven spokes pointing outward from its broader end, it would boost his spirit power sevenfold, but he'd be severely exhausted after. Yusuke wasn't sure about using that since he didn't quite know how powerful he was. He was using his demon power to take human form, this also masked his aura at the same time, but he couldn't use his demon power while in human form.

The next item was the Demon Compass while resembling a cheap analog watch, its face has a black ring surrounding a red circle, cut into eight triangular sections with an elongated diamond mounted on top of it. There was also a bar for measuring demon energy. It would be powered by Yusuke's own demon energy, and once he's identified a certain demonic energy he could track them with it.

Last but not least was the Psychic Spyglass, it was in the shape of a monocle, featuring a lens and a green frame and it had a blue tassel on it for aesthetic purposes. It allows the user to see through all manner of materials such as clothing and walls. Botan waved him off and wished him luck.

He first paid a visit to his mom. “Ohh Yusuke!” she hugged him. “You're back, I knew you would be back, my sweet Yusuke!” he was careful hugging her.

“I'm back mom, I'm back.” he smiled. He explained the details to her. She was ready, she had a cover story that Yusuke had really just been in a coma for two years, and the doctors basically told her he was dead. He could come back and rejoin the world of the living, now he just had to find some demons and recover a few artifacts.


Through his meditation, he gained quite a lot of control over 2 years and a lot of spirit power to boot. He cast a wide net and soon felt a strange gathering of negative energy. 'That's a good a place to start.' Koenma had given him a list of the items to retrieve. Orb of Baast; it could remove the souls from people and store them, The Shadow Sword; a sword that can turn someone into a demon if cut by it, and the Forlorn Hope; a mirror that while under the light of a full moon grants the user one wish, in exchange for their life. 'Each one of these treasures is bad on their own sure, but I'm thinking there's a bigger deal in holding all three.'

He followed the trail of negative energy and found a group of three. One was a hot young man with long red hair, dressed in purple, he looked about Yusuke's age. The other male was handsome, a bit on the shorter side, but had towering wild dark hair, dressed all in black except for a white cloth that covered his forehead, he was swinging the Shadow Sword around. The last male was tall and broad, he looked like a bruiser and he was holding the Orb of Baast. By process of elimination, Yusuke guessed that the pretty boy had the mirror.

He heard the three talking, the short one was called Hiei, the pretty boy was called Kurama and the big one was called Goki. Hiei cut a tree and created a small demon made of wood. The way they were talking they were planning to build a demon army and teach them to eat souls. 'An army huh, they seem pretty strong just the three of them.'

To Yusuke's surprise, Kurama said he was severing their partnership and taking the mirror with him. “Kurama, what is the meaning of this?”

“Heh, I knew you've gone soft, if you wanna leave go, but leave the mirror behind,” Goki added.

“I can't do that,” Kurama said, pulling out a rose.

Yusuke stumbled into the clearing. “Hey, what is this a party?” he looked between the three of them. “Is this one of those kinky parties, where guys go out into the middle of the woods doing all kinds of naughty stuff?”

“What a vulgar human.” Hiei chided.

“Get lost brat, what are you even doing out here?”

“Oh, I'm just a little lost bull, that stumbled into your path.” he cracked his knuckles. “I believe you three have something that doesn't belong to you, hand it over nice and peaceful like and I'll only punish you a little.”

Kurama blushed. “Another time perhaps.” Kurama turned and walked off.

“Kurama! Wait!” Hiei gave chase, judging from their movements they got pretty far away rather quickly.

“Looks like it's just me and you.” he rolled his shoulders.

“You'll wish it wasn't soon enough stupid human, but first a little snack.” he reached into the orb and pulled out a soul. Before he could eat it Yusuke punched him and the soul floated off. “You little shit!” Goki growled.

“Says the monster who's eating souls.” Yusuke removed his jacket and took a fighting stance. “Now don't go dying on me, I wanna properly kick your ass! It'll be a nice warm up.”

“You asked for it die!” Goki charged at Yusuke who dodged him. Yusuke was quite fast on his feet, Goki couldn't even touch him. 'What the hell is this guy?'

It looked like Yusuke dropped his guard. “You are mine!” Goki through a punch only for Yusuke to block it.

“My turn!” he hit Goki hard in the gut. Goki coughed as all the air was knocked out of him. Yusuke followed up with a clock to the jaw, this sent the tall man going down, hitting the dirt. “Forgive me, I don't know how powerful this will be.”

He pointed his finger at him and began to build up his energy. The spirit gun, the first technique one can use when awakening one's spirit energy. Yusuke had 2 long years of meditation and working to control his energies. The mental workings of his energy allowed him to bulk up.

“Spirit Gun!” Boom!

His spirit energy erupts in a brilliant blue, it hits the dude and causes an explosion. The orb of baast rolls away from the crater. 'Hmm, not much of a warm up, but one down three to go.' he started to walk away when a figure rose from the smoke.

“You...aren't a normal human...are you?” the smoke cleared and there was flesh melting off his body. “It took a long time to make that meat suit, do you know how many humans I had to kill to get it just right.” He grew massive, sprouting small horns and growing huge fangs. His massive body became thicker and taller like a mountain. “Too bad for you, I'm a soul-sucking demon. Your puny spirit blasts will never pierce my tough skin.”

He charged at Yusuke, but the boy was dodging his attacks while holding the orb of baast. 'He's a lot faster.” Yusuke thought. There was the next lesson for new spirit detectives, the multi-layer barrier technique, most detectives could at least put up one, Yusuke was able to put up two. What Goki didn't realize, Yusuke was releasing his spirit energy slowing down his punches so he could deflect his attacks one after another. 'This guy is good practice, I was able to test out the Spirit Gun and the Multi-Layer Barrier.' He smirked.

Yusuke dodged his punch doing a one-handed backflip. “Thank you,” he says cracking his shoulder.

“What for?”

“You see I've been locked up for two long years and sealed far longer. I've never gotten to go all out and really test my limits.”

“Two years…? Wait, you couldn't be that monster Koenma locked up?”

Yusuke smirked, and dropped his disguise, releasing his cover allowed his demon energy to pour off him in waves as he took back his minotaur form. “Goki was it, please continue to entertain me, I've been itching to have a good fight.”

Goki roared and punched him, but Yusuke didn't even flinch. With one hand he flipped Goki and before he hit the ground Yusuke kicked him, sending him flying, he slammed into several trees.

'No way, they released that monster into the world. Hiei...Hiei can kill this freak.' he gets up and tries to run but Yusuke had his eye on him.

He bounced a bit. “After two long years of mental and spiritual training, it's nice to get a good work out.” He charged his demon energy. “Bull Rush.” with one step he charged like a freight train. Goki barely had a second to dodge, but it cost him an arm.

“Now now, don't run Goki. We aren't done yet.” he stomped over to Goki and began to knock him around, all one-handed.

“No, stay away.” Goki spotted the orb of baast in Yusuke's hand. 'If I can just take it, I can extract his soul and eat it.'

“So who was the brains behind this, I doubt it was you. These treasures seem far too dangerous on their own, but together...”

“I don't know...it was Hiei's idea, he learned about the treasures, and he brought me and Kurama in on it.”

“That so, then it's Hiei I need to talk to.” he held up the orb. “Thanks for the orb, I'll contact spirit world to come to collect you.”

Goki surged forth and snatched the orb. “AHAHAHAHAHA FOOL NOW I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL.”

Yusuke didn't even hesitate as Goki laughed his mouth was wide open. “Eat this!” he fired a Demon Gun, which was a modified form of the spirit gun but with demon energy. Goki dropped like a sack of potatoes. All the souls he'd swiped flew off to their owners. Seems Goki was busy. Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief. “I better be careful, next time I'll be ready.'

His body was shaking off the rust, allowing him to circulate his energies properly. 'Now just two treasures to go.' he took the orb back and headed home.

To be continued… Chap 3 Kurama


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