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Fairy Tail parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/25088750 

Chapter 2

Natsu had finished a mission hunting for Salamander, he had gotten a tip that Salamander appears in this town. He thought it might be Igneel, so he flew to the port. With Lust's help, he was able to manifest dragon wings and fly here and there. He hated transportation it made him sick. Happy wanted to be his wings, having the Aera magic from the time he was hatched.

The Dragon Slayer, however, didn't want Happy put into danger. He'd grown up some and could fight a bit, but Natsu wanted him stronger before he took any missions. Similar to how Macao treated Romeo. Happy was studying other magic, trying to see if he can learn it.

Lust didn't mind it, it was Happy decision, and Natsu got more defensive about sex and stuff when Happy was around. “So what about Elfman, he's looking pretty good yeah? He's been working out.”

“Not this again, will you stop trying to convince me to have sex with my friends?”

“I'll stop when you stop checking out Gray's naked ass when he loses his underwear,” Natsu blushed. “Or when you stop having wild sex dreams about them.”

“Stop...” Natsu groaned.

Lust chuckles. “Come on, just take a few as your mates, start building a harem. I'm sure they will be open to it.”

“Honestly stop, I'm sure it's your fault I'm having those dreams.”

“Nope, it's all you. I just sit back and enjoy the show. I'll find a way to prove it to you.” Lust says.

“Don't go messing with my friends.”

“Me?! Never!” Natsu sweatdropped.


Salamander wasn't in this town, just a guy calling himself Salamander. The guy's real name was Bora, and he was a human trafficker. He used a Charm Magic ring, to charm men and women alike drawing them to a secluded location and drugged them. His men caught them, and they were gonna sail off to sell their captives.

Natsu and Lust were immune to the charm effect thanks to their symbiotic bond. Natsu gave the slave traders a wild ride as he used his purple flames to pick up the boat and bring it back on land. Bora was a fire wizard too, but he was clearly lazy, his flames were weak and kinda gross. Natsu ate them anyway and kicked their asses.

He rescued the people and turned in the traders to the knights. He received a reward for their capture, after some interrogating their slave trading network would be taken down. While no one was looking, Lust had slipped off Bora's charm ring.

“What are you doing?” Venom was fiddling with the ring. “You know charm magic is forbidden, we should turn that in.”

Lust responded to that by eating it. Natsu sweatdropped. “Creating false love in someone is illegal, there are plenty of dating spells, red thread charms, and finding a soul mate spell,” he says between chomps before gulping it down. “This ring was poorly made but the magic in it is true, I'll trace its power back to the source and make a new item.”

Natsu paused as Lust did his thing, he bubbled and expanded, swirling about before he heard a ding. Lust chuckled, he spat out a new ring. “Ta-da!” he cheered as Natsu caught it.

“What is this?”

“I call it the Love Meter Ring, by mixing the magic in the old ring and some of your fire magic I was able to make this.” Lust stated proudly.

“This isn't gonna do anything funny is it?”

“Of course not, put it on and activate the magic, all you have to do is look the person in the eye, and the ring will start growing hot, the hotter it gets the more the person has feelings for you. If they don't have any feelings for you the ring stays cold, cool huh?”

“That's ridiculous I'm not wearing that.” he dropped it, but Lust was quick to grab it.

“Hey!” Natsu jumped planning to fly only to fall flat on his face.

“Oi!” Lust humphed.

“You want wings, then wear the ring, or you can take the train home.” Natsu viably paled.

“That's blackmail!” Natsu hissed.

“What do you have to lose? If I'm right then you'll know how those guys feel about you, and if I'm wrong then no harm no foul.”

Natsu groaned. “Fine, but I'm telling you this ring isn't gonna work.” he puts it on. Lust was concerned. Though they were connected Natsu, had ways of bottling up his feelings. Lust had a feeling it was about Igneel leaving, but to Lust that was just a wall keeping Natsu away from his happiness.

They flew back to Fairy Tail. Natsu swore he was gonna give this a shot, and he was a man of his word. He activated the ring's magic. “Love Meter Ignite!” he blushed. Lust picked the words.

He entered the hall of Fairy Tail and a tiny blue cat anthro with wings flew at him. “Natsu!” The pinkette smiled and caught the blue bundle and hugged him.

“Happy!” Natsu laughed, Lust, peeked at him over Natsu's shoulder.

“Hi Lust.” he waved.

“Sup kid!”

“How's your training going?” Natsu asked.

“Good, I can hold my form for 5 minutes now,” he said.

“That's great, if you keep working on it we can form a proper team.” Happy grinned and hugged him. While guilds had members worked together on missions from time to time, teams were deeper, teams always took missions together unless other circumstances were in effect. Lust was sure Natsu's harem would make a great team.

Mirajane was teaching Happy transformation magic, but it was a slow process. Natsu pets him. “I promise I'll get stronger!” When he pet Happy he spotted the ring and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Natsu's back!” Gray got up from the bar clad in only his boxers. “I think it's time for a duel.” He approached the three.

Natsu and Gray's eyes met. “Wow!” was heard. Gray and Natsu both blushed, the ring began to glow and heat up.

'No way!' Natsu looked from the ring back to Gray. Lust smiled, he could feel the heat radiating off the ring. Gray's feelings for Natsu were strong.

Gray stopped dead in his tracks feeling his heart race. He paused feeling his manhood stir in his boxers. Fullbuster clutched his crotch trying to hold back his arousal. Natsu saw and quickly looked away.

Dragneel put the cat down and quickly looked around. He met Macao's gaze and there was no noise and the ring cooled. 'Oh no no no no no.' Lust grinned.

'It works!' Lust sent mentally to Natsu.

“Oi Natsu, you better not be trying to run away from a fight. A man never backs down from a challenge.” Elfman stomped over to him.

Natsu turned and their eyes met. “Wow!” the two blushed, their hearts skipping a beat. The ring began to glow and heat up again.

Elfman gasped as his heart raced, his cock bulging his pants with arousal. He quickly tried to cover his aroused manhood. Elfman's cheeks burned in a blush. 'Oh no not him to, this can't be real.'

Natsu tried to get away from the two, bumping into some of the other guys and much to his relief the ring didn't respond to any of them, that is… “Sup Natsu, you seem upset, did your mission go badly?” Loke was sitting with two girls.

Their eyes met. “Wow!” Loke gasped. His glasses fogged up as his cock hardened, he got a tad overexcited and had a nosebleed. The girls gasped and tried to console him.

'Well, I knew he was a pervert, so I'm not surprised.' Lust sent him mentally.

“What's going on, I thought you said this thing just detected feelings of love what's going on with these guys,” he whispered.

'Well...in order to detect it, it has to draw it out. Hard-ons may or may not be a side effect of this.' he tried to look innocent.

“I got to get out of here.” Natsu headed for the door and bumped into Alzack.

“Oh Natsu, hi!” their eyes met and a blush spread across his cheeks.

The ring glowed. “Wow!” Alzack tensed and was brought to his knees, his legs feeling like jelly.

'Alzack?! But...but I thought he liked Bisca?' he facepalmed.

'You really should pay attention, he tried asking her out and they dated a bit but Bisca broke up with him don't know why.” Lust shrugged. From the rings reaction, it seems the magic gunner had a crush on Natsu. That was good enough for Lust many times a small spark could become a mighty flame.

Lust thought Natsu would be happy, cause now he had an answer, there were a lot of guys not interested in him. Now he had proof, there were some guild members missing but so long as they had the ring they'd get answers.

Natsu rushed over to Mirajane. “I need to talk to Master Makarov.”

“I'm sorry Natsu, he's been called to the magic council for a bit.”

“You don't need that old man,” Laxus spoke. The tall blonde jumped from the second floor and landed like a badass. “I'll be the master here one day after all. I'm sure I can...” Natsu looked to Laxus and their eyes met.

“Wow!” Laxus doubled over, his cock hardened so hard and fast, he was brought to his knees, head hitting the ground. The ring burned hot. Natsu looked to Lust, who shrugged.

'Hey, I'm just as shocked as you are. I mean he was always starring at you growing up, but he never said a word. Maybe he's tsundere.' Natsu facepalmed.

“Mira, I'm leaving!” he bowed. “Sorry 'bout this!” Natsu ran off, as fast as he could Lust crying out.


“Natsu!” some of the guys called out to him. They could see Natsu was upset, and something was going on. He made it to their tiny little shack of a house, but Natsu built it himself. The pinkette removed the ring and stuffed it in a drawer.

He buried his face in his hands. “Well, now you know, some surprising results but you have a good collection of options.”

“I didn't wanna know,” he said, hands balling up into a fist. "I didn't want to know they had feelings for me. I wanted to hope you were just teasing." he groaned.

“What happens now, I ask one of them out we date or mate, or whatever!” he blushed, but quickly shook his head. “What happens when they disappear like Igneel? Am I just supposed to get up and move on like before.”

Lust was stunned. Natsu didn't like talking about this specific topic. Thinking about Igneel always saddened him, and the scar it left on him was showing, a scar Lust hoped to mend.

“First my parents left me, then Igneel raised me but then he left to. I'm scared of losing Happy, and even you.” Lust was actually touched. “Though you drive me crazy.”

He nuzzled Natsu. “I just want us to be happy, and you haven't been... you smile sure, but I can feel it you're not truly happy. Need I remind you used to go on long missions alone, not counting me, until Happy came along. We were so lonely when Igneel left, and even with a guild full of people you still feel it, you accept them as friends but you were very stubborn. You opened up to Happy but everyone else you keep in the friend zone.” Natsu sat on the bed.

"Was that so wrong?"

"It is when you reject your own feelings. It's fine to be dense, but running away?"

Natsu hung his head. “I don't want to hurt anyone, and I don't want to lose anyone again.” Natsu was going with can't lose anyone if you don't have them to begin with.

“You don't have to, remember what Igneel wanted us to be happy. We've gotten so strong, and they aren't weaklings either, you can stand together.” he really didn't know why or how Igneel vanished but continued. “You only hurting yourself by keeping them away. You like them, they like you, why not try to make it work and give it a shot?”

Natsu sighed. “I'm not gonna promise anything, but I'll try.” Lust cheered in joy. Happy overheard their conversation and giggled. He wanted Natsu to be happy too.

To be continued… Chapter 3 Perverted Parasites and Snow Mission


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