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Ranma 1/2 parody: Tier 1


Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/26005591 

Chapter 2 Wolf Pheromone

The Tendos were shown about their curse, as to not freak them out should they turn. Ranma could talk thanks to the uniqueness of his curse, and Genma used signs to communicate.

Ranma walked to school with Akane. He wasn't really pleased, not at all. Akane was a banshee, she wouldn't stop complaining. Boys are this, boys are that boys suck I hate boys blah blah blah. 'Really if she hates boys so much I feel sorry for her dad.' he thought. Soun may not have been perfect, no parent was, but he was leagues better than his father. Soun considered him family and even gave Ranma an allowance.

Speaking of fathers his came after him, yelling at him that he should marry Akane, and officially join the Tendo and Saotome families together. Ranma kicked him into a river and the panda came out, holding up a sign. “Boy!” he growled.

“Shut it pops, I'm going to school as you said. I'm even dealing with this tomboy. So I'm not in the mood for you.” He growled back, and Genma backed down.

“Tomboy!” Akane kicked the fence Ranma was standing on and he fell into the water. Out came a black wolf.

“Bitch!” Ranma growled. He climbed out of the water and shook off his fur. “Great now I need some hot water.”

“I know a place!” She seemed really excited.

'What's got her all happy?' He followed her to a doctor's office.

'Man, what's taking her so long?' suddenly a hand went to his head and he began to get stroked. 'Whoa, what the hell?' he got stroked and scratched in the best of ways. His body relaxed in seconds, if not for his pride he'd have rolled over and shown his belly.

“Hello there,” a tall brunette wearing glasses spoke. “My you are a handsome one.” his scent was pleasing, causing Ranma's tail to wag.

“Doctor Tofu!” she smacked Ranma out of the way.

'Bitch!' he growled.

“Akane you should treat animals more kindly.” he went over and inspected Ranma for any injuries.

“He's not a real animal, he's a pervert! See!” she poured hot water on him and Ranma appeared in all his naked glory.

“I'm Ranma Saotome, sorry about this.” he gave a polite bow but didn't bother to cover up his endowments. Tofu blushed and looked down, marveling at Ranma's fit form. Broad shoulders, strong arms, fine pecs, perky nipples, rock hard abs, a nice man bush, and possibly the biggest cock he had ever seen, and he wasn't even hard yet, with a matching pair of big balls.

Tofu's glasses fogged up and he blushed. The man started dancing with his skeleton, speaking jibberish. “Uh is he okay?”

“He gets like that sometimes. He can be so silly.”

“Silly huh?” he noticed the erotic dancing, the way he moved his hips, and the musky aroma of arousal coming of Tofu in waves. It reminded some of the mating dances he'd seen some male Amazons do.

Ranma got dressed, and they headed off to school. Tofu snapped out of his daze. “Ah!” he gasped. His cock was rock hard in his pants. “Oh my, I hope that boy didn't notice. Though he's certainly an interesting one.”

Tofu put a Be Back Later Sign and locked the door. He needed some alone time. He stripped off his clothes and got out his lube. He got on his knees and he spread lube over his cock.

He shivered at the coldness, but as he stroked his dick it got warmer. His penis glistened, and he worked himself faster and faster. “Ranma Saotome,” he panted. He leaned forward as he brought slick fingers to his ass.

Spreading his cheeks, he brought his middle finger down to his manhole. He rubbed his pucker, the entrance twitching as it was smeared with the now warmed up lube. The tip of his finger pushed at his pucker and he groaned as the digit slipped in. “Ohh Ranma!” he moaned rocking the digit in and out.

His body trembled as the finger worked his hole, and his free hand stroked his dick. He added a second finger and began to work his ass open. He was skilled and found his prostate and began to massage it. He couldn't stop imagining the boy's big dick, and how big he'd be hard.

Pre-cum leaked from his tip, as he grew closer and closer to climax. His balls bounced with each stroke, his manhole pulsed around his fingers. He wiggled his fingers inside and rubbed his prostate. “Ohh yes!”

He blew his load, arching his back and moaning in pleasure. His body shook as he rode his orgasm high, his cum raining down splashing his face, glasses, pecs, and abs, the rest spilling over his hand and cock. It had been a long time since he's cum so hard, he felt hot, needy, and craving. It's been so long since he felt like this. 'I hope I can see Ranma again.' he felt his heart flutter.

Despite the powerful orgasm, he was still hard, so he took to the bed. Rolling onto his back he thrust three fingers into his ass and continued working his cock. He wished Ranma was in bed with him, but he settled for imagining Ranma was watching him.

-x-Meanwhile at Furinkan High-x-

Akane was gushing over Tofu, talking about how great and amazing he was. 'Yet he's a man, you are such a hypocrite.' She wasn't wrong though, despite his non-threatening appearance Tofu had sneaked up on him and he never sensed him. The guy was a martial artist, he was strong and quite handsome. Akane said she hoped to marry Doctor Tofu one day. 'Jokes on you, from the way he smelled I'm pretty sure he likes guys.' Ranma's instincts were never wrong.

As they hit the school gate she started chanting about how she hated boys. Ranma was surprised to see a swarm of males rush out of the school. Each of them was a part of a sports team. It seems they all wanted to date Akane, attacking her talking about dating and love. Why Ranma couldn't understand it, but ehh to each their own. If they wanted to chase a brat like her let 'em.

She was the type to kill you than kiss you. He asked one of the losers what was going on. It seems that some guy named Kuno made a point to say if anyone wanted to date Akane they had to beat her in combat. “So we've been trying to defeat her every day.” he groaned.

“Wow really, you haven't given up. Do you really want to date her so badly?” What did they see in her?

“To tell the truth no, a lot of the guys are just stubborn and using the chance to get stronger.” The guy had hearts in his eyes as he looked at Ranma. “Wow, you are so handsome.”

'Oh, crap here we go again.' Wolves had this unique way about them since he's been cursed he's had this way with beta males. They instinctively are drawn to him, his pheromones pretty much saying for a good time call me? In not so many words, his pheromones helped awaken feelings that were buried down. It didn't create them, just help stroke what was already there. Guys just responded to Ranma's natural charisma, charm, and good looks, the fact he was strong on top of all that was just the icing on the cake. They weren't crazy obsessed or anything either...well some were but that was just their personality.

Most respected an alpha's decision if Ranma rejected them they usually didn't respond to him again, usually... The defeated men turned to Ranma sensing his strength. Not all were beta males, there were some alphas, to which his pheromones encouraged friendship.

Akane glared. “Why is he so popular?” The guys started ignoring her and swarming Ranma.

Someone threw a rose at her. She grimaced and faced Tatewaki Kuno. “I Kuno age 17 the blue thunder of Furinkan High challenge you Akane!”

“Kuno!” She screamed and the two began to fight.

“So that's Kuno huh?” he kept his gaze on the male's moves. Their fight was predictable, Kuno was leaving openings for Akane to take, but she was either to blind or unskilled to see them. It was already sad to see someone strong, weaken themselves like this. “Wow, pathetic.”

“What was that?” Kuno stopped. “Just who are you?”

“Stay out of this Ranma!” Akane shouts.

“Ranma?” he looked between the two.

“Ranma Saotome, of the Saotome school of anything goes martial arts.”

“And what is your relationship to Akane?” He pointed his wooden sword at Ranma.

“Relationship? Not a damn thing, I took over the dojo, it's now the Saotome Dojo!”

“What?” his eyes widened in surprise. “Welp how dare you!”

“Welp huh?” Ranma cracked his knuckles. “Look it's really sad to see a beta male act all tough, looks like you need to learn your place.”

“I shall fight thee for Akane Tendo's honor.” He attacked Ranma swinging his sword about.

“Akane's honor? Really, if you fought at full strength you'd do better.”

“What you say?!” Ranma dodged every swing.

“You've been holding back when fighting Akane, going strong enough to try and prove your metal but not trying to actually beat her.” He'd seen it before, in China.

Kuno was increasing his skill, but Ranma was still dodging. “How?” Ranma punched him and sent him flying backward.

“You weaken yourself for a faulty alpha.” Ranma snapped and let Kuno have it. A barrage of punches Kuno was struggling to defend.

“You insult Akane again, I'll make you pay.” he let loose a barrage of sword thrusts which Ranma dodged.

Ranma was growing bored, he did a backflip away from Kuno. “Let's finish this!” he took a fighting stance. “Wolf Claw!” the attack happened so fast, most couldn't even follow it with the naked eye.

He ripped apart his sword and Kuno's clothes. Kuno was knocked on his back bare ass and crotch exposed for all to see. In one second the two were facing off, blink and Kuno was stripped and his sword broken.

You would think the humiliation would be enough to put Kuno in his place, but nope. The swordsman stood up and ran off shielding his crotch.

Kuno kept attacking and challenging Ranma again and again. First Period, “Ranma Saotome prepare yourself!” Kuno's school uniform and wooden sword were shredded and he had to run through the halls naked.

“Ranma Saotome I challenge you!” Third Period, his gym clothes were shredded and he had to run through the yard shielding his crotch.

Lunch Period, Kuno was back in a new uniform and was going after Ranma. “Ranma Saotome, I challenge you!”

“Okay, Kuno I'm trying to eat my lunch, go bother someone else.” He bit into his lunch, Kasumi's cooking was quite delicious.

“You who have humiliated me time and time again,” he growled and gripped his sword tight.

“Little beta should learn your place.” he took another bite. 'I'll admit he's persistent.'

“I am older than you welp!” he swung at Ranma.

“Age has nothing to do with it, a beta is a beta.” he dodged and ate his food. 'This guy is starting to piss me off.'

He was about to eat his last rice ball when Kuno managed to hit it out of his hand. Ranma seethed as Kuno laughed.

“Haha, now fight me Ranma Saotome I'll show you who the alpha is!” the male twitched.

“Oh, that's it!” Ranma's nails lengthened.

Wham Wham Wham Scratch Scratch Scratch Shred Wham Wham Wham Wham Wham

“Ahhhhh!” Kuno screamed. He was stripped naked yet again, he tried to run away only to get grabbed by Ranma. “Wait, no Saotome!”

“Big talking beta, needs to learn his place.” he was hauled across Ranma's lap. “You wanted to see who the alpha is?”

“Wait no you wouldn't...” Smack “Ahh!”

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Kuno cried out in mercy as Ranma's big hand smacked across both cheeks. His ass giggled, his tender flesh rippling from each swat.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

“No Ranma please have mercy!” tears began to well up in his eyes as his ass stung.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

“Ahh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah,” his ass was turning a lovely shade of red. Each new swat brought a new burst across his stinging ass.

“No mercy till you admit you are a beta.” Ranma has had to deal with arrogant betas before, betas who think they are alphas, and so on.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

“I'm ahh ah beta I'm a beta!” he cried.

“Now to make sure you are honest,” Ranma smirked

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

His ass stung, his cheeks were so hot, each new smack brought upon humiliating pain. 'This sting of humiliation, not even my father has ever spanked me...and yet...and yet…'

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Each new swat made his cock twitch and throb with new life. His rock hard 5 incher pulsed against his leg. He'd been growing hard for a while, halfway through he was hard as a rock Kuno was just too dense to notice but Ranma did.

'Yet this feels so good!' he humped shamelessly, bucking back. “I'm a beta, a beta! Please forgive me master!” he cried as one final Smack landed across his ass, and Kuno came, pelting the ground with his seed.

“Seems you enjoyed that. Very well, kicking your ass has made me all sweaty.” Ranma says with a smirk. “Lick my feet for forgiveness.” his tone was firm, and Kuno was so high off his orgasm he quickly obeyed.

“Yes, sir!” He gets down on all fours and removed Ranma's school shoes and socks, and began to lick Ranma's feet. Ranma sighed happily.

“Good boy, remember your place!” he raises his foot and Kuno starts licking the sole.

'Oh fuck this tastes good, I can't stop!' he licks the heel and laps at the pads, even going between his toes. He switched feet worshiping his master's feet with all his might.

Even after he cleaned his master's feet he kept licking, going as far as to sniff as he licked. The musk was so strong and made his mouth water. He relished in the joy of licking Ranma's feet before he knew it he was on the cusp of another orgasm.

His penis twitched and he came again blowing his load all over the roof. Kuno stopped, his body trembling as he spilled his seed. Ranma got up. “Not a bad job, remember your place, and you'll find a proper alpha.”

“Yes master Ranma!” he bowed.

“Now make sure you clean up that mess before you go back to class,” he said. He knew Kuno wasn't a bad person, he was just a beta male who thought Akane was a worthy alpha to submit to.

“Yes sir!” he got down and began licking his cum off the floor. Ranma sweatdropped.

'I meant with a towel but okay whatever works for ya.' he took one last look at Kuno, the male shaking his red ass as he lapped up his cum. 'He'll make some alpha a fine mate.'

Ranma thought the rest of the day would be peaceful. That is until the Sixth period when Kuno burst into his classroom buck naked. “Ranma Saotome I will date with you!” He was hard, carrying roses, and made Ranma facepalm.

The teacher hit Kuno in the head with an eraser. “Kuno put some pants on.” the swordsman whimpered.

“Yes sir!” he blushed and left to go get dressed. It seemed he'd have to handle Kuno personally.

To be continued

Chap 3 Tofu Makes a House Call

Akane pulls a cheap shot and hurts Ranma so Tofu is called to help. He does treat Ranma but there is a small matter of his fee.

“I can't pay with money, but I'm used to selling my body.”

“Ranma!” Tofu couldn't believe it.

End preview


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