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Ranma 1/2 parody: Tier 1

Updated Version


Cursed Beast Ranma

Ranma, in fact, did not fall into the spring of drowned girl instead he fell into the spring of drowned wolf. After dealing with this unique curse a group known as the high breed, come for Ranma claiming he’s one of them. Ranma refuses to go but the high breed, aren’t going to give up so easily.

Chap 1 Cursed

Ranma Saotome was a young man taken away from his mother by his father Genma to train and become a martial artist, they traveled a lot and the raven haired boy found himself at an all-boys school. There he met Ryoga Hibiki a boy with no sense of direction, poor kid often got lost in his own house, the two met fighting over the last piece of the good bread at the shop. At first, their relationship started off as rivals, Ryoga was the strongest kid in school until Ranma showed up, so he often challenged Ranma, and lost. This embarrassed Ryoga, so he kept training to beat Ranma.

Genma approved believing a rivalry would push Ranma to get stronger. A boys school tended to be a war zone, it was dog eat dog in those halls. Their rivalry was going strong, that is until Ranma started helping Ryoga get bread of his own. Ranma made sure to get an extra order of bread for Ryoga every time. In truth, the reason Ryoga never got bread was cause he always got lost on the way to the store, so he was always last.

Ryoga was surprised Ranma even bothered to get him bread, but what’s more, they ate together. It was nice, Ryoga didn't have a lot of friends. Their bond changed and they even trained together. Both got really strong and very close, they became the badasses of their school no one messed with them and they even got the first pick of the bread. Ryoga was so happy and things in his life was finally getting better, Ranma walked him to and from school so he didn't get lost, he made sure he got to his classes on time, they studied together, Ryoga even helped Ranma with his calligraphy. They were both so happy, doing well in school and in training, and then things started getting difficult...

The lost boy started to develop feelings for Ranma, and what’s more, Ranma returned those feelings. The two started a very heavy relationship, mostly petting but they talked of their future. Sounds perfect right? Ranma wanted him, and Ryoga wanted Ranma, no downside... Sadly Genma caught wind of their growing relationship and was not happy. He didn't want Ranma to grow soft, and in his stupid mind he thought Ranma getting together with Ryoga would ruin him. Not that he truly cared about Ranma, he just thought how this would effect him, and the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. He took Ranma away and headed to China, for secret training. He snatched him away in the middle of the night when Ranma didn't get a chance to say goodbye or anything.  

Ryoga thought Ranma abandoned him, but he held onto the hope it was all a misunderstanding. He followed Ranma…well tried to follow Ranma he made quite a few wrong turns, all the way to China. Ranma had mentioned his old man wanted to go to some special training ground known as Jusenkyo...


While in China they went to the strange training ground called Jusenkyo, the warnings were on the wall but Genma didn't speak a word of Chinese. Genma promised “lied” and said if Ranma completed his training in Jusenkyo he could go back to Ryoga. They started training and when Genma fell into a spring and came out a panda! Ranma was shocked so shocked he couldn’t block when Genma came out and hit him into another spring.  

Ranma came out as a large black furred wolf. “What the hell?!” Ranma shouted, surprised he could still speak human.   

“Oh sirs, you fell into cursed springs now when you splashed with cold water you turn into a panda and a wolf. You’re still able to talk, because legend says the wolf that drowned in spring was an ancient wolf that was able to talk human, but I’d warn you not to talk because normal people might freak out, and try to kill you!” The guide said and Ranma howled out his frustration. Genma wasn't able to talk, and that was sometimes the only peace and quiet Ranma got.  


The guide informed them that their curses may affect their normal forms as well. In fact, they did Ranma even more so, his senses greatly increased. He could see in the dark, and his sense of smell and hearing was stronger, Ranma was faster and stronger than before. His nails grew sharper and faster, Ranma was able to create a few techniques using them but his father scolded him saying those claws were like relying on weapons.

Ranma knew it was bologna his father just didn’t like his son having a bigger and bigger edge on him. However Ranma didn’t mind he already realized his father was weaker than him, so to keep the man thinking he was the alpha he filed his nails down. Another change he learned he could produce powerful pheromones like a wolf as well as an animal’s intimidation technique, but it also had...other uses...

There was a slight issue when they came upon an Amazon village, and accidentally ate food that was a prize in a tournament. So he had to fight with the Amazon warrior, a purple haired girl named Shampoo.  

Ranma beat Shampoo and she swore to marry him, as were their laws. She chased Ranma all over despite him telling her he wasn’t interested in women. Genma didn't stop this either, thinking of only how Ranma marrying Shampoo would benefit him.

He did his best to ditch her, and Shampoo ended up running into Ryoga in her search. Ryoga had made it to Jusnekyo and she knocked the lost boy into the spring of drowned pig. Ryoga crawled out as a little black piglet, he found he couldn't talk only oink. When she found Ryoga as a pig, she thought cooking him would make Ranma love her more. However, when she dropped him in the warm water Ryoga sprang out naked, skin red and him covering his crotch. Shampoo screamed and tried to smack Ryoga saying the only naked man she wanted to see was her fiancee Ranma.  

It was then Ryoga learned of Shampoo’s engagement to Ranma, he didn't want to believe it but she went on and on about how their wedding would be wonderful, and how many children they were gonna have, and she got all giggly about the wedding night. It rightfully angered Ryoga, and all his dreams of their future together were suddenly dashed. ‘I’ll find you Ranma, you will pay for messing with me and my mind.’ he was pissed, but he needed to find Ranma to give him a piece of his mind.


Ranma did notice a few things about himself thanks to his curse, some nights especially during the clear nights when the moon was visible he liked to douse himself in cold water and run. Nowhere in particular just run it was oddly freeing. The wind in his fur, the freedom, the rush! It was weird some days he thought he smelled Ryoga, but never found him. He guessed he just missed the lost boy so much.  

Then on the nights of the full moon Ranma really liked to go wild he stayed in his human form, stripped off his clothes and ran naked through the woods. His blood rushed, he got so turned on, and bathed in moonlight he took care of his manly need.  

He didn’t care about reversing the curse he kinda liked it.


Genma got sick of traveling and decided to set down some roots and use Ranma in the process. He remembered his old pal Soun Tendo, the two trained together back in the day. He took Ranma to the Tendo dojo, with the intention of combining the two schools, and get free room and board in the process. There Ranma met the Tendo sisters; Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane. Ranma said flat out he wasn’t interested in marrying but he would take over the dojo. Akane was outraged as she was the head of the dojo right now, and she wasn't gonna hand it over to a boy. She challenged Ranma for the right of the dojo. Ranma beat her of course, rather easily, he didn't even use 5% of his skills and the dojo became his. Soun was understanding, Kasumi was nice, he was wary of Nabiki, and he didn't like Akane.  


“Ranma as of tomorrow you are going back to school,” Genma announced, and Ranma groaned.

“How boring.” he sighed.  

To be continued


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