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Naruto parody: Tier 6

 Chapter 3 https://www.patreon.com/posts/narutos-moon-orb-24189229

Naruto Original Size 7 inches: Moon Orb Size: 13 inches 26 inches hard

Sasuke 11 inches soft 12 inches hard

Kakashi 14 inches

Chapter 4 Surprise Transformation

Naruto took Sasuke to a secluded spot, out of the range of Kakashi’s senses. ‘This is gonna be good!’ Naruto thinks, his fox tail swishing back and forth playfully. Even Kyuubi was amused, wondering what kind of beast Sasuke would emulate, his money was on a cat. Naruto wasn’t so sure, but he couldn’t wait to see what Sasuke would become. No matter the beast Sasuke would be his, his cock was positively throbbing in excitement.

“Come on Naruto, what do you have to show me? Do you have some kind of scroll, you seem to have improved greatly, in a short time.”

“Ah that, you could say that, but we can discuss that after.”

“After what?” Sasuke raised a brow.

“You’ll see,” Naruto got the orb from its hiding place. “I found this, check it out,” he tossed the orb to Sasuke.

On reflex Sasuke caught it. He looked at the strange orb, with a crescent moon and stars inside. “Just looks like a simple knickknack orb, don’t tell me you spent money on this thing...” his body pulsed. The orb glowed and pulsed, strange energy began to invade and circulate through his body, through his chakra system. “It’s hot!”

This new chakra was lighting him up like a Christmas tree. He clawed at his clothing with his free hand, he couldn’t release the orb, it was like a raw current. Baby fat melted and his muscles became more defined, his clothing becoming tighter as a result. The change wasn’t painful but pleasurable causing a stirring in Sasuke’s loins. “Ah Naruto!” he moans and drops to his knees, his big dick pushing at the fabric of his pants. His heavy cock pushed harder and harder at the confines of his underwear and shorts, creating a tent, the increased friction driving him mad. His hips rocked as his heart race.

The Uchiha was reduced to heated pants and lustful gulps. His hard nipples peeked through the tight fabric of his shirt. If the arousal wasn’t bad enough, the tightness was growing more and more. That was because his cock and balls were growing, the weight of his balls alone caused his underwear to slide down his hips. As his balls weighed down, his growing cock pushed up, the conflicting pulls caused Sasuke’s underwear and shorts to rip apart. “Ahh!” Sasuke drooled.

His ass had grown plump, his nuts swollen with unshed seed, his cock was now 24 inches long. Naruto whistled at the sight, with a flex Sasuke’s shirt ripped off his chiseled upper body. Sasuke was now naked except for his shoes. The orb glowed a sign of the final transformation.

Sasuke’s ears changed, becoming curved and pointy, his feet grew large destroying his shoes, black fur spread over his arms and legs, his pubes grew and soon became a belt of fur over his hips to his back, where a large fluffy wolf tail came out. ‘Guess he’s a wolf.’ Naruto thinks.

Kyuubi owed him some extra lessons now. Naruto’s eyes roamed over Sasuke’s new form in all its naked glory. He wasn’t the only one, Sasuke was waking up to all new senses, he felt the earth beneath him, the breeze across his naked and now partly fuzzy form, he felt his tail shift the soft hairs caressing his backside and bare ass.

“What is this?” Sasuke gasped, his muscles had become more defined, he flexed and felt amazing power run through his veins. The new furry bits were more of a “problem” to him. “Very funny dobe, change me back or I’ll break this stupid orb.”

In a flash, Naruto snatched the orb out of his hands. “Sorry Sasuke, but there is no changing back.” he stashes the orb away and reveals his true form in all his naked foxy glory. “You wondered how I got stronger, the orb and I got some extra help to control my new form,” he says as his illusion faded and he stood proud.

Sasuke’s jaw dropped as he gazed upon Naruto, so toned, so furry, so naked...so big! Sasuke felt his manhood twitch and began to weep pre-cum at the sight of Naruto. He began to salivate as his eyes roamed over Naruto’s sexy form.

‘Be careful Naruto.’ Kyuubi warns.

‘Why it’s just Sasuke?’

‘You had me to help you work through your new instincts, he’s wild and now highly aroused, it seems his repressed feelings are coming out like a damn breaking.’

‘Repressed feelings?’ Kyuubi sweatdropped, humans could really be oblivious. Sasuke dropped onto all fours, his heavy 24 incher dripping on the ground, his tail wagging like crazy. Naruto blinked at him. ‘He wants to fuck me?’

‘Yes, and if he mounts you your inner beast will submit to him completely!’ Sasuke lunged at Naruto, but he jumped and dodged the attack.

“A battle of dominance is it? Good, let’s fight Sasuke!” He landed and charged at Sasuke, the two began to clash, claw versus claw, with Sasuke’s heavy 24 incher bobbing and swaying as they clashed. It was clear he wasn’t fully in his right mind, his attacks were sloppy so full of openings. Naruto moved so fast he had time to dodge Sasuke’s attacks, grope his pecs, dodge his attack play with his balls, dodge his attack stroke his tail, dodge his attack fondle his ass, and so on.

When Naruto got a hold of Sasuke’s cock in a few strokes he had the wolf boy cumming all over the ground. The orgasm shook Sasuke for a moment, his heavy balls lurching as a thick stream of cum left his cock. His lust wasn’t finished and the battle wasn’t over.

He swiped a claw at Naruto, he dodged and the wolf hybrid tried to take a new stance, only to slip in the puddle of his own cum. He fell back onto his back. “Gah!”

Naruto pinned him down with his foot, his big dick stretched across his pecs and abs, almost at his neck. Sasuke growled. “Don’t you growl at me!” Naruto growls back and begins to rub his cock with his foot.

“Ooohhh!” the Uchiha moaned, his tail wagging.

“That’s it, good boy, good boy.” His praise had Sasuke pant harder, bucking up to receive more friction, more touch just more. Naruto used his toes to tease his cock head a bit, squeezing the sensitive tip.

He had Sasuke like putty in his hands, his big toe rubbed the sensitive tip, teasing his piss slit. “Ahh ahhh!” his toes dragged down his length and he massaged his length with his pads and heel. Naruto felt him pulsing like crazy and knew he was gonna blow.

Sasuke howled as his climax hit, the blonde pulled back allowing Sasuke to erupt like a volcano, Naruto danced back and avoided the eruption as Sasuke’s semen rained down and painted himself. He pants and moans as his balls heave-ho, he was positively bathed in white. As his orgasm lasted for several minutes, his cock reduced to a semi-hard state. He regained some sense and rose out of the pool of cum of his own making. “NARUTO!” he growled.

He was torn between his sense and his instincts. Naruto could see the conflict in his eyes. “What’s wrong Sasuke, see something you like?” he asked and began stroking his cock with one hand, the massive man meat began to grow.

Sasuke’s eyes were drawn to the growing manhood. He couldn’t look away, it was so big, long and thick, he gulped as he felt an itch growing inside him. Sasuke tried to tuck his cock between his legs and lock them, but it was wanting to rise back up and say hi. ‘What is this? His cock is so big! Was he always that big?’

Naruto began stroking his length back and forth, loving the heated look Sasuke was giving him. ‘That’s it, keep your eye on the prize Sasuke-chan!’ He pumped himself faster.

Sasuke couldn’t look away, and his cock slipped from his cum soaked legs. He couldn’t look away from the massive cock, and his own hands began to work his massive shaft. “Gotcha!” He looked up and saw Naruto was doing hand signs with one hand.


“Gust Push Jutsu!” he fires a jutsu that hit Sasuke, giving him a blow dry, the cum getting blasted off Sasuke’s body. He was knocked on the ground, ass raised high into the air. Naruto was on top of him in a second.

“Get off, dobe!”

“Ohh like you did twice?” he playfully slapped his ass with his cock. Naruto leaned over him and began to nibble on his pointy ears.

“Ahh!” he blushed. “Quit that no fair!” he shivers.

“Do you really want me to stop Sasuke?” his tone of voice had Sasuke pause. “If you truly don’t want this, I’ll stop, and never touch you again. You remember me touching you before right?”

He nodded. ‘No, not that...’ he blushed, he did remember and he didn’t want Naruto not to never touch him again. Sasuke felt Naruto’s big dick slide between his cheeks. The heat lapped at his hole, making it part in want. ‘Please touch me...’ he found his mind speaking.

“If you want me, I’ll take this big cock of mine and stuff it into your hot little hole.”

‘Yes!’ his beast mind howled. ‘No, this is weird, I know I’ve dreamed stuff like this before, but nothing like this.’

Naruto’s hands dance along his sides, feeling his muscles. “Let me have you Sasuke, let me claim you and make you mine. I promise you pleasure and to show you wonderful things.”

Sasuke moaned and bucked back. “Naruto...fu...please fuck me...” Naruto grins and positions the tip of his dick at Sasuke’s twitching hole. The head rubs his entrance, making Sasuke’s tail wag. ‘It’s so big how is it gonna fit...I want it to fit...I want him inside me...’

Naruto fondles his ass a bit. “Do you want me Sasuke-chan?”

“Yes!” he moans.

“Good boy!” Naruto pushes in, and Sasuke moans. His ass is stretched wide, taking the massive head. The pressure from his inner walls helped coax out the copious amounts of pre-cum from Naruto. The liquid pours out and soaks his inner walls allowing Naruto to slip in more and more.

The beastly essence paved the way for a smooth and easy penetration, giving the no longer virgin Uchiha the time of his life. By the time Naruto was only 13 inches inside Sasuke was cumming. He howled as he exploded all over the ground.

“That’s good, halfway there,” he says rubbing Sasuke’s back.

‘Only half!’ he was so full already. He looked back and Naruto still had 13 inches to feed his hungry hole.

Naruto kept pushing forward, giving little rocks here and there so Sasuke could feel every inch he’s taken so far. Sasuke felt his stomach bulge from the massive cock. “So big...so full...I’m cumming!” When Naruto sank balls deep inside him, Sasuke’s ass pressed into Naruto’s pelvis, his ass hole stretched wide, and his stomach bulged with cock.

“You take my cock so good Sasuke-chan, you fit me like a glove, so perfect for me Sasuke-chan.” Sasuke moaned, tingling as he blows his fourth load of the evening.

‘He’s attacking with words!’ his insides were soaked with pre-cum, stretched by cock, and it was intensified by words.

“Your ass is hugging me so tight, it doesn’t want to let go, would you like that Sasuke-chan for me to stay inside your tight little ass forever?” he asked and Sasuke’s tail wagged, slapping Naruto’s abs and pecs. He ground his hips letting his fur tickle Sasuke’s ass.

“Please...please move...fuck me...”

“Who do you belong to?” Naruto asked, not moving and holding Sasuke’s hips still. Sasuke whimpered wanting the blonde to move to fuck him hard and fast. “Tell me Sasuke-chan, who’s cock has made you cum twice?”

“Yours!” he moans.

“Who’s buried deep inside you?”


“Who do you belong to?”

“You Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki please ahh fuck me and make me yours!” he howls.

“Mine!” Naruto began to move, pulling out halfway before snapping his hips forward. Keeping Sasuke stuffed with some cock helped solidify their bond together, keeping them connected with every thrust. The speed and power shook Sasuke to the core. “My Sasuke, my Sasuke, mine, mine, mine, MINE!”

Sasuke howled, his heavy cock slapping his abs and pecs with every thrust. His ass getting flushed with red the smacks from Naruto’s pelvis. “Yours!” he howls as he cums again.

Naruto growls as his own climax builds. He bites Sasuke’s neck and pours his chakra in creating a mark, as his dick swells buried balls deep inside the wolf boy. He cums hard, flooding Sasuke’s insides with seed, and making the Uchiha cum again.

Sasuke was left panting and drooling, as his insides were marked by Naruto’s overflowing seed. He blissed out and drifted into subspace, his orgasm lasting longer than ever before. He felt Naruto growl in approval, his fangs released him and he licked the wound the mark seared closed with chakra.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he pulled back till only the tip was inside. He spun Sasuke round, so now he was on his back, legs up over Naruto’s shoulder, so now he had to look him in the eye as he fucked him. “I’m gonna fuck you my Sasuke till you completely fall in love with me.”

‘Baka!’ he felt Naruto’s still hard cock slam back into him, his heavy balls smacking his ass cheeks. Sasuke howls in pleasure as he’s fucked even faster, and now he had Naruto’s eyes on him seeing him come undone, seeing how his dick bulged his abs, seeing his own massive dick dance to his rhythm. Naruto licks one of his feet, as he strokes Sasuke’s weeping cock. “I’m cumming!”


Sasuke shifted in and out of consciousness, awakening to a new position and his insides stuffed with more cum, the area they were drenched in his seed, and they both were drenched in his semen. He could hear Naruto’s words of praise, each orgasm he was told he was a good boy, he loved being a good boy. Naruto told him how beautiful and sexy he was and it turned him on.

They shared kisses and licks, Naruto going as far as to bend Sasuke so he could suck his own dick as Naruto fucked him. He drank so much cum.

When it was all said and done, Naruto used his wind style to clean them off and clean the area. The two had been at it for hours. Naruto was leaning against a tree, Sasuke between his legs worshiping his cock with loving licks. His stomach looked 8 months pregnant with how much cum was inside him, his ass was gaping and the void was full of cum. Sasuke’s spent cock was between his own legs, releasing a stream of his own cum, his body having orgasms even though his cock was spent. Naruto had one foot on Sasuke’s ass cheek, the other spread to the side so Sasuke could play with his dick and balls.

The Uchiha was in hog heaven. Loving the taste and smell of the blonde’s the crotch. The manly musk, making him salivate. “You look so hot Sasuke, you love my dick that much.”

“I’ve dreamed of this, I didn’t think it would happen,” he says, before giving a long lick across his manhood. “Mmm!” he moans. “I love you so much Naruto!”

“I love you to my Sasuke.” The Uchiha moaned cumming again.

“I have to ask, why me, why did you pick me?”

“Because I wanted you, we both have been alone for too long, now we will have a family, a pack that will never be broken.” That sounded nice. Sasuke hugged Naruto’s dick and cuddled into his crotch using his lap as a pillow. “Rest well my Sasuke, we’ll go hunting for pack members soon.”

To be continued


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