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Yugioh GX parody : patreon reward


Chapter 7 https://www.patreon.com/posts/centaur-jaden-7-24385289

Chapter 8 Friends and Foes

“Great game Chazz, it was a fun duel.” he offered his hand to Chazz, who slapped it away.

“Fun? Maybe for you, you may have one this battle but not the war. This isn't over.” he walked off.

The red dorm cheered as victory was decided for them. Chancellor Shepard came out. “As part of the Test War rules, a party has been prepared for the victors. Red Dorm and their guests may head to the cafeteria and enjoy your victory.” The dorm cheered and began to head out. Shepard came over to Jaden. “Stirring things up a bit early are we?”

“I don't mean to cause trouble, I just think the dorms should be balanced.” Shepard nods.

“Balance is good, in life and in dueling. Many of the school's principles were set in place by Seto Kaiba, and he had very strong beliefs. In some way, it benefits, but in others, it can breed arrogance and contempt.” he gives Jaden a serious look. “Competition and fun can be part of any game, one will always be trying to one-up the other.”

“I understand sir, but I won't be backing down, I at least have to try.” Shepard chuckles.

“Good, good, I look forward to seeing what you do, I wish you luck Jaden,” he says. As Shepard leaves, Syrus and Bastion race over to him.

“Well, that was quite the impressive show.” Bastion says.

“You did it!” Syrus hugged Jaden.

“It was a fun duel, but Chazz is right, this is just the first battle the war is just beginning.” he smiled. “But for now let's just enjoy the now. What do you say Bastion wanna come to a party?”

“I don't see why not.” Syrus messaged Chumley about the party and the three headed off. As they went Jaden didn't notice the few Obelisk Blue students giving him a dark look, revenge and rage brewing in their hearts.

The party was going well, the Red students were getting the food they could only dream of. Not only was it freshly cooked, but it tasted amazing, the icing on the cake was that it was all you can eat. The red dorm was stuffing themselves on the delicious food.

Chumley arrived and drooled at the sight of the food. He hadn't seen such a collection of deliciousness, he was in awe. He began to pile on some food and dug in. “Glad to see you could make it Chumley,” Syrus says.

“I'm only here for the food, I don't wanna celebrate winning the war.” he'd seen it before, this was his second year, he'd seen some brave fools try and change things and get knocked down in more ways than one.

“It may just be one battle, but I'm not turning my back on you guys,” Jaden tells him.

“I've heard that before, sorry if I don't believe you.” he looked from Jaden to Bastion.

“Chum...” Syrus whimpered. Chumley sat down and began to eat.

“He'll come around.” Jaden rubs his back. They each got a plate and sat down to their meal. He was concerned as to why Chumley was so down, he thought he understood the issue, but perhaps it was more personal.

Even Bastion was impressed with the spread, though he was more used to it, with the quality of the food in the yellow dorm. “Certainly a step up. I must admit I am impressed, both in your skill and...” he stopped talking, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

“That time in the locker room?” Jaden asked with a smirk, making Bastion choke, and his whole face going red.

“Of course not, I'm just impressed with your dueling skills,” he says, wiping his mouth.

Jaden and Syrus share a look. “Then you wouldn't be interested in joining us for an after party?” Bastion raised a brow.

'After the party?' he was legit confused, and it showed on his face

“Yeah, I’d like to invite you to my room, after the victory party, for some fun.” Jaden winks. Bastion’s jaw drops.

“To your room?” he stutters, he felt his heart race. He’d be lying if he hadn’t thought about what he saw in the locker room, or of Jaden’s offer.

Again Jaden and Syrus share a look, then a smile. Jaden cups his cheek and the two kiss right in front of Bastion. The male blushes, feeling his blood rush south. “Are you mocking me?” he asked.

“Not at all it’s a bonafide offer, I do want to celebrate, and my people have a special way of celebrating.” Bastion could only imagine, while Syrus had a more clear idea, knowing Jaden’s true form.

There was nothing more glorious than the victory parties centaurs throw, food, drink, and of course sex. Jaden had been too young to celebrate beyond food and drink in the past but now he was old enough. He had fond memories falling asleep to the sounds of passion. Centaurs might seem stiff but they knew how to party.

Jaden looked over his shoulder. “The offer goes to you too,” he looked at Chumley. The hefty male blushed and shielded his crotch.

“What...who...me…?” he blushed and stuttered.

“Sure it’ll be a great bonding experience.” For Jaden much like washing each other’s back sex was a great bonding experience, men tended to open up more when pleasure broke down the walls. “Do you wanna come?”

“Uh...sure...when I’m done eating...” he began stuffing his face.

“How about you?” Jaden asked Bastion.

“Ahem, I don’t see why not,” he says.

They all ate and drank some school-sanctioned beverages. As the other red students took turns thanking Jaden as they headed back to their dorm. The four headed towards Jaden’s room.

“Sy we shouldn’t be here this is the Blue Dorm.”

“Relax Chum, we are Jaden’s guests.”

“Right, you guys can even spend the night if you like.” They reached Jaden’s door, and before he could unlock the door it opened slightly. ‘Unlocked, I’m sure I locked it...oh no...’ The door opened with a heavy creak as if to warn for the horror that was inside.

“Jaden...” Syrus gasped.

“My word...” Bastion gasped.

Jaden’s tv was busted, his bed and pillow ripped to shreds, the floor was littered with trash, his window was shattered, and on his walls covered in insults and over his bed in big letters was spray painted the word TRAITOR!

Chumley saw the damage and looked to Jaden. “You see, this is what you will face if you help us.”

“Jaden, you should tell Doctor Crowler, or go to Chancellor Shepard!” Bastion says.

“He’s right Jaden, this dorm has security cameras, you can catch the ones who...”

“Oh man, looks like there were some guys with too much time on their hands,” he was smiling. “Looks like I’ll need a rain check on the after party.” He sighed, and rolled up his sleeves and started picking up the trash. “You guys should head home I’ll be up all night cleaning up.”

Bastion couldn’t believe it, maybe the school system was wrong if the Blue Students would lash out like this. ‘To think joining Obelisk Blue was my goal.’

“I’m staying, I wanna help,” Syrus says and goes to help pick up some of the trash.

“I’ll go get some paint, I’ll help to with the three of us, it should go by faster.” Bastion says.

“Well I’m out of here, I warned you this would happen, and it’ll keep happening if you keep trying to help us Red’s.”

“And I will keep cleaning up the mess. No matter how many times it takes until things are put right.”

“You are crazy...” he turns to leave.

“Chumley, it might seem odd to you, but from where I am from we fight for what we want, if you give up before you even try, you don’t have any chance of victory. I want to help the Red Dorm that won’t change over one little mess.” Chumley ran off.

‘He used to say things like that too.’ Chumley got teary eyed.

Jaden, Syrus, and Bastion worked through the night and got the room cleaned up, to the best of their abilities. Jaden got the think blanket stitched up and laid it out onto the now clean floor. They couldn’t fix the TV or the window, but the glass got picked up.

The trio crashed on the blanket, taking off their uniforms, to bathe in the warmth of each other, and Jaden was so warm and smelled so good. The two had the best sleep of their lives.


Jaden knew this was just the beginning. Jaden found tacks in his shoes after gym class, someone smeared glue on his seat before class, tear his clothing during gym, even after he got a stronger lock on his door there were those who would vandalize his door. Some would throw things at him from the shadows, like erasers, pencils, spit wads, others were even throwing water on him at times. Some fools were bold enough to challenge him in a group, attacking him four on one.

He got out his duel disk. “Bring it on!” the group was wiped out.

“He’s a monster!”

“He’s so strong!”

“Come and challenge me any time, I will take you on!” Jaden says as they run off. He was taking everything with a centaur stride. Even in class when people would fire things at him, he’d use a pencil and deflect them. When his clothes were ruined he’d walk around shirtless, and shoeless. Taking the high road didn’t cover it.


Crowler wasn’t stupid, he knew and even saw some of his precious Obelisk Blues take action against Jaden, but he did nothing to stop it, which only allowed it to further continue. ‘Hopefully, a little hazing will help him come to his senses.’ He was surprised he expected Jaden to complain, but he never said a word to him or Shepard. ‘What could he be up to.’

“Doctor Crowler, would you please come to Chancellor Shepard’s office.” he heard over the intercom.

He did so quickly. “Sit down Crowler.” again he did so. “Crowler, you are aware of the school’s rules correct?”

“But of course, the rules are very important.”

“For everyone?” he asked, not even looking at him.

“Eh...of course...” he began to sweat.

“You are aware that after the Test War there is a rule against an immediate challenge.”

“Of course it gives the winners time to bask in the rewards, and the losers time to prepare.”

“Then you must be aware, that any retaliation against the winners in a test war is grounds for EXPULSION!” he banged his fist on his desk.

“Did Jaden Yuki say there was a problem?” Crowler flinched and began sweating.

“No he hasn’t funny how you assume he did.” he glared at Crowler.

“We do have security cameras Crowler, not many to protect student’s privacy, they are activated mostly at night, and during class to make sure there’s no funny business and to help aid security. By chance the security cameras were turned on during the Red Dorm’s party, and caught several students breaking into the Jaden’s room!” he laced his fingers looking serious. “And there were other strange accounts Jaden walking around school shirtless, or without shoes, or soaking wet from head to toe!”

“Well, I um...” he was sweating heavily.

“Surely as one of your students, you noticed, and would ask if something was wrong? Banner noticed, but Jaden said nothing that he was fine.”

“Me well I...Of course, the student’s safety is my concern as a teacher and Dorm Adviser.”

“Then I trust you will make it clear, that any more retaliation will not only lead to expulsion, complaint or no complaint, and the dorm responsible will face consequences.”

“Yes!” Crowler stood straight as a board.

“And Crowler, the items damaged that belonged to Jaden, as dorm adviser will be coming out of your paycheck.”

“Of course sir...” he left visibly deflated.


Shepard wasn’t the only one who noticed the odd goings-on. “Oi Jaden!” the brunette was approached.

“Chazz? What’s up?” the raven-haired student met him outside. 

“I just want you to know, I didn’t tell anyone to mess with you like this. I thought some of the guys were acting strange but I had no idea they were...anyway I had nothing to do with it.”

“I know.”


“You aren’t that kind of person Chazz, and you can’t control what some people with too much time on their hands do.”

“Hey what do you mean I’m not that kind of person what do you know about me?” he grabbed Jaden by the jacket and glared at him.

“If you were gonna get payback, you’d do it in a duel, once the rest period is over, am I right?” he smiled, making Chazz blush. “I can tell, deep down you have the pride of a warrior.”

Jaden left and went to class leaving Chazz stunned.

To be continued


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