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Reincarnated As Slime: Tier 1

Chap 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-chap-24064514

Rimuru Tempest

Passive Skills: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Electricity Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Magic Sense, Water Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Heat Perception, Auditory Perception,

Offensive Skills: Water Blade, Dragon Breath, Heat Touch, Lightning Roar, Black Lightning, Wind Magic, Gust Force, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Poison Mist Breath, Body Armour, Paralysis Breath, Stick Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Wind Blade

Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator

Slime Skills: Absorb, Dissolve, Self Regenerate, Mimicry

Chapter 3 Becoming the Goblin's Protector

Rimuru hopped around, enjoying the outdoors. Little did he know the effect Veldora's absence was having on the Great Forest of Jura and the surrounding areas. There was a conflict between the monster tribes inside and out. The weaker monsters who relied on Veldora's protection were now being killed, eaten, or enslaved.

Something else he didn't notice, his aura was leaking out with no control. Some monsters that approached him were quickly scared off.

“Hmm?” A horde of goblins appeared before him. 'Who are these guys?' he thinks. There was at least 30 of them, their weapons were worn, and their armor was poor, they barely had rags for clothes, and their bodies appeared frail.

Answer: They are goblins, and the females are goblinas.

They seemed scared and on edge. 'I should talk to them and be friendly.' he took a deep breath. “HELLO, MY NAME IS RIMURU! I AM A SLIME NICE TO MEET YOU!” he accidentally used ultrasonic sound, the sound waves knocking the goblin horde down. “Oops sorry.” he was still getting used to this.

“Please strong one, we acknowledge your greatness, please lower your voice.” the leader of the goblin horde spoke, some of them were crying others were cowering.

“My bad, I'm still not used to talking yet.”

Answer: Your excitement strengthened your thoughts, creating an increased pulse.

'Ahh…' Rimuru felt bad not the best first impression.

The goblins quickly bowed. “There is no need to apologize to us!”

“Then, do you need me for anything?” he asked.

“It's like this, our village is right ahead. We felt a strong aura and came to investigate.”

“A strong aura?” he didn't sense anything with his magic sense.

The leader of the group chuckled. “You don't need to jest with us, even though you are a slime we can feel your powerful aura.”

'My aura?!' he had Great Sage shift his view of his magic sense so he could see himself. 'Whoa!' his aura was leaking out wildly. 'So embarrassing, it feels like I've been walking down the street with my fly open.' he pulled his aura back in.

“You did well to sense my aura, I'm impressed.” He was worried about the humans though, why didn't they sense his aura? 'I hope they'll be alright?' The goblins invited him to their village, it was a simple place, though like their weapons the buildings seemed worn and tattered.

The leader was actually the son of the village chief. “Thank you for waiting strong one.” he helped the elderly goblin inside and they both sat before him. “I'm afraid we have little to offer you. I am the elder of this humble village.”

“Oh, don't worry about it,” he didn't feel hunger or tired anyway. “So is there something I can do for you?” he asked.

The elder quickly bowed as the son knelt beside him, bowing his head in respect. “My son has told me of your incredible power, please powerful one will you hear our request?”

“You can call me Rimuru, and sure,” he says.

“Lord Rimuru!” they say happily. “You see, one month ago, the dragon god that protected this land suddenly vanished.”

'Dragon God? Could he mean Veldora?' he thinks.

“Ever since the nearby monsters have begun trying to expand their territory. The ones that threaten us are the Dire Wolves. Just one of them is so strong, that even ten of us have trouble beating one of them.”

“How many are there?” he asked.

“Their pack is nearly 100 strong. As for our tribe, including the females are only 60 strong.”

“Those are not good odds.” he shifted forward. “Are you sure the wolves are 100 strong?”

“Yes...my eldest son Rigur got that information for us.”


“My big brother was the strongest of us, he was given a name by a famed demon, and using that strength he helped protect our village.” He saw them tremble.

“I take it, he's not with us anymore. I'm sorry for your loss.”

“He fought bravely and died with honor, he was the greatest warrior in our village, we are only alive thanks to him.” The many waves of attacks wore him down and he soon lost his life due to the sheer numbers.

“I see.”

“Lord Rimuru, I humbly ask for your help in protecting us from the Dire Wolves!”

'I could offer to help them on a whim, but I should preserve the natural order of things.' he thinks. “What would you be willing to offer me in return for my help?”

The two share a look. “Lord Rimuru, we would pledge our loyalty to you!” they say. Rimuru felt a bit of nostalgia, his juniors would often come to him asking him for help.

Before he could respond a howl in the distance stirred the fear in the goblins. “The dire wolves!”

“Are they close?”

“Are they gonna attack!?”

“We'll be devoured!”

“They gonna kill us all!”

“Its the end of us!” they were panicking, the elder was trying to calm them down.

“There is nothing to fear!” they quieted down upon hearing Rimuru speak. “In the stead of the Storm Dragon Veldora, I...Rimuru Tempest swear to protect your village!” The goblins dropped to their knees and bowed to him.

“Thank you for your protection, and from this day forth, we shall ever be your faithful servants!”


First things first, the Elder brought Rimuru to the wounded. There were so many, they all suffered from the Dire Wolf attacks. “I'm afraid many of these poor souls don't have much time left.”

“Let's see about that.” from his herb all you can eat buffet, he had made plenty of healing potion, and now was a good time to test it. He swallowed the wounded and doused them in healing potion. Their wounds vanished, and they were healed!

“It's a miracle!” the elder cried.

“Lord Rimuru!” he was called outside. “We have created the “fence” as you ordered...is it satisfactory.” Rimuru had done work in a lot of building projects.

“It seems a little flimsy but it will serve our purposes.” he focused. “Sticky Thread!” he weaved the threads through the opening of the fences.


“Its one of my skills, I gained it from defeating spiders in the cave,” he explained. “Now, we must finish preparations.”


Hours passed and the day turned to night, the Dire Wolves were gathered around their leader and his son. “It is a good moon tonight, the perfect night to finish off those goblins, and take our first steps toward conquering the Forest of Jura!” the wolves howled in agreement.

They charged towards the village. “Onward, they no longer have the protection of that accursed dragon! Let the slaughter begin!”

Some of the goblins were watching from high trees. “Oh! They're coming!”

“Alright, get ready!” he hopped outside of the fence. He recognized one of the wolves he met earlier with a star on his head.

“That's him, dad! He's the one...the monster who was producing such terrifying aura!”

“Nonsense, it is just a simple slime!” he growls.

“Listen up, I'm only going to say this once. If you turn back now you will not be harmed. Be smart and leave this place in peace.”

“Father!” the star wolf pleads, he sensed danger. His father simply laughed.

“Hmph! A fence like those at human villages. This little slime fancies himself important! Get him!” Some wolves charged in.

“I warned you, archers!” Arrows fired and struck the wolves before they got too far. The wolf leader gasped, he was so focused on the fence he didn't see the goblins with bows in the village. Some of his wolves were hit and brought down from the surprise attack.

“Goblins fighting as humans, but you will fall just as they do,” he ordered the next wave and they fell for Rimuru's other trap. Running at full speed and slamming into steel thread cut them deep. “What?!”

“Steel thread! I set up a trap for extra insurance.” He couldn't cover the whole field, of course, those that got past his traps and reached the fence found themselves stuck, from his sticky thread. The Goblins swooped in and dealt a killing blow.

Some of the dire wolves backed up making the leader angry. “Impossible! The proud Dire Wolves can never be bested by inferior creatures like Goblins and Slimes!!” his rage was blinding him. “I cannot accept this!”

He charged forward. “Father!” the young wolf cried out.

“Mere tricks, the blood of my fellow wolves allows me to see the strings, and my claws and fangs are more than enough to sever them!” he cut through Rimuru's traps. “Don't get cocky, measly slime!! I will crush you flat!” he jumped into the air and lunged at Rimuru.

“Lord Rimuru!” the goblins called out in worry.

The wolf leader froze in the air. “Why?! I can't move!”

“My last trap I set for any direct attack towards me, a combination of sticky and steel thread. It's over!”

“Damn you!”

“Water Blade!” he cut off the wolf leader's head, and his body dropped.

“Dad...” his son was in shock.

“Listen up, Dire Wolves! Your boss is now dead, your choice is now simple fealty or death!” he might have gotten carried away trying to sound badass. He completely forgot the run away option. The wolves didn't make a move. 'Maybe with their leader gone they don't know what to do, or can't make a choice. I'll give them a little push.'

He used Predator on the Dire Wolf leader.

Gain: Analysis of Dire Wolf Complete, (Super Olfaction) Heightened Sense of Smell, Intimidation Skill, Thought Transmission.

He uses mimicry to turn into the Direwolf. “We shall overlook your actions this one time!” He infused his words with a bit of his new Intimidation Skill called Menace. “If you will not obey my commands...then I allow you to leave without quarrel!!” He thought they'd go running for the hills.

Instead in a rather adorable move, the wolves all bowed to him. “We will follow you to the ends of the earth Master!”


And just like that, the war between the goblins and the dire wolves ended. The two tribes became one, now Rimuru had the job of getting them to work together to strengthen their village. The numbers were a bit mismatched but one thing was clear, they were gonna need, food, clothing, and shelter. For now, he needed to give orders. “Hey elder, what's your name?”

“We don't have them, most monsters don't since we don't require them to communicate or make ourselves understood.”

“I see, it does make it a little hard for me to call on you.” a little slime exclamation point appeared over his head. “That's it! I'll just give all of you names. How about that?” The goblins and the wolves looked excited.

“A-Are you certain?”

“Uh, yeah. So get into a single file line.” they cheered and celebrated, making Rimuru sweatdropped. He didn't know the significance of a monster gaining a name.

The elder and his son were first. “In honor of your son Rigur, the greatest warrior of the village, I name you Rigurd.”

“Oh thank you Lord!” he cheered.

“Rigur's younger brother, in honor of your brother I ask you carry on the name Rigur, and I shall call you Riguru.”

“Yes, sir!” He named each of the Goblins, though he felt bad as he wasn't very creative with the names, they were all so happy with them.

“Are you sure you wish to do this Lord Rimuru?”


“I am aware you have great magical power but to give each and every person here a name...”

“Then what? It's no big deal.” they were all so happy he couldn't just stop half way. He finished the Goblins and now it was time for the wolves. 'I wonder if they are still mad at me for killing their boss?' They sat patiently wagging their tails in excitement. 'Well, they don't look angry…' He noticed the one with the star on his head. 'He's the leader's son.'

“Alright, I give you the name Ranga, the perfect name by combining storm and fang.” He says. Ranga glowed, and a bond formed between the two. Then everything went dark. 'What's happening...I feel so drained...what is this…?' he faintly heard the others calling for him but his senses faded one by one.

To be continued...Chapter 4 Evolution!


Damion Andrew

So good! I feel like the impatient kid telling their dad they want more candy. Because I want another chapter asap.