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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1


Cursed Rod of the Demon

Zeref wanted to be sure his brother was properly loved, so he enchanted his brother’s cock. Not only is it massive it can draw the feelings of love some would keep hidden. It beckoned them like moths to the flame. You might think this would be a gift, but Natsu sees it as a curse. Natsu likes to bottom and those he fucks with his cock tend to crave anal sex. Hyper Switcher Natsu/Harem

Chapter 1 Natsu’s Curse

Zeref stared at the pod that contained his brother. “Natsu, my dear brother, I’m happy to have you return to life, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to remain at your side. Do not worry, I have made sure you will not be without love.” A strange mark appeared over the boy’s crotch. “I don’t know why some hide their feelings of love for one another, but not for you. I bless you with the divine passion of flames, one suited to a demon of fire. Not only will those that desire you be drawn to you, but should you claim them they will be yours forever.” Zeref chuckles. “I’m such a good brother.”

Natsu was let loose into the world, going as far as to be thrown 400 years into the future. He was found and raised by a dragon Igneel and learned Dragon Slayer Magic. Igneel knew who he was and what he was, Zeref having found him 400 years later. Zeref was an immortal, he stopped aging, and bears a terrible curse of his own. The more he loved life the more his curse took life away. He didn’t stay long, just long enough to ask Igneel to look after his brother.

“I will, but I won’t do it for you, I’m doing it for him. As far as I’m concerned you're as bad as that bastard.”

“I understand, please raise him well.”

“You truly seek death that badly, if Natsu knew it would break his heart.”

“I’m not worried, Natsu will be surrounded by love, I’ve made sure of it. Even when I’m gone that love will not fade.” Zeref leaves.

Igneel does his best raising Natsu, not sure of the plans Zeref had for him. The boy learned dragon slayer magic, as well as fire magic. Then one day, the seventh day, on the seventh month of the year 777, Igneel disappeared. Leaving behind only a scarf made from his scales, and the teachings of magic.

He set off to find Igneel, but he had no leads and now way to survive. He eventually found his way to a guild, the guild known as Fairy Tail. Makarov was happy to invite him in, though h didn’t know where Igneel was, he gave Natsu a home and a place to work.

The boy was surrounded by other strange magic users. Natsu didn’t even know about his curse until years later when he grew up and started having sex, before then his cock grew up to, impossibly so. He was 12 inches soft alone when erect his cock was double that, and he found if he focused he could make his cock even larger although temporarily.

He was glad his cock didn’t remain massive all the time, as it was hard enough to wear clothes. He’s since stopped wearing underwear because the garments couldn’t contain him and magic cloth always rubbed him the wrong way.

It wasn’t long that he learned something was off about himself. While he was heavily endowed he was checking out other guys’ cocks, not to compare them, but because he wanted them. He figured out early on he liked guys, wasn’t hard considering one of their members had nudist tendencies. Seeing them naked often stirred a reaction inside Natsu.

Natsu, however, didn’t mind topping guys, but he actually preferred to bottom. He wanted to feel another man press against him, hold him close as he plunges in and out of his tight heat. He wanted to feel the strong arms of another man come around him and press him back against their chiseled form. In order of preference bottoming was number 1, then 69, then topping. He also adopted a harem mentality thanks to Igneel.

The dragon taught him that mates were like treasures, it was fine to have more than one, but you must care for them equally and be strong enough to keep them safe. Natsu took that practice to heart. He trained not only his body but his magic well. Along with Fire Dragon Slayer magic, he mastered other flame magic, a man at the guild taught him Purple Flare, it was solid flame magic, one that couldn't be extinguished by wind or water, and since it was a physical flame he could use it to grab things and capture enemies.

Since Natsu was so eager to learn about different fire magic, Makarov dug up a grimoire on the subject. Natsu had some difficulty learning from it but with some help from Gray the ice wizard, he was able to learn the Blue Fire also known as Ice Fire. He hugged the ice wizard happily in thanks.  

Makarov taught him flames often reflected one's emotions and desires, and that by channeling those desires he could learn other magic easier. He had a feeling that Natsu was able to learn ice fire because of his feelings for Gray. Since Natsu wanted to protect his friends and guild, he channeled that desire to protect he tapped into the Green Fire the healing fire.

At first, Gray saw Natsu as a rival, but Makarov could see the ice wizard really liked Natsu, possibly more than he realized. When Natsu didn't return once from a mission and Gray was the most worried about him even willing to go after him. Sure everyone cared about each other, but the look of relief and joy that came when Natsu returned was none other than love. Erza saw it too and wanted to play matchmaker in her own special way.

Gray might have been a tsundere, not wanting Natsu to see how much he liked him. Though of all the times Gray ended up butt naked, was usually when Natsu was around. Makarov asked him once if he had feelings for Natsu, the boy blushed and quickly denied it.

Then one day after a certain incident all that changed…


Erza had decided to drag Natsu and Gray on a mission together, and after the mission, they got to relax at a hot spring. Gray had been relaxing first, letting the warm waters sooth his muscles. Then Natsu came in, naked with a towel over his shoulder.

Gray gulped as his eyes roamed over the boy's muscles, before landing on his dick. The spark that was his feelings for Natsu was fanned into a flame. His cock stirred to life rising to its full 8-inch size. He followed the bounce of Natsu's cock as he walked, with his eyes, licking his lips. 'So big!' his body heated up more than the spring, his nipples hardened, and his insides became hot and twitchy. “Natsu!” Gray moaned.

Natsu's eyes widened as he saw Gray. The male had hearts in his eyes, his skin was flushed, and his cock hard. Natsu blushed and licked his lips. Gray had a nice cock, the pinkette had seen it on more than enough of occasions but never hard. He'd be a liar if he denied seeing Gray as a potential mate, but the wizard was often cold to him, so he didn't think they'd be a match. His cock pulsed to life and rose to its massive 24-inch size. “Gray sorry, I'll leave you alone.” he tried to hold his monster down but it refused to go.

“Don't!” Gray moaned and he got up and moved over to Natsu, he was about waist deep in the water, his balls submerged but his cock stood out and proud. “Don't go, please!”

“You want me to stay?” he felt so hot, and Gray looked so sexy.

“Natsu, I'm sorry I've been an ass to you.” His heart was pounding, he felt hot almost dizzy and it wasn't from the hot spring. “I know I can be a jerk, and I tease you, but its because I want your attention. It's stupid, but I'm stupid!”

“Gray...you're not stupid.”

“Yes I am because I want you and if I'm not stupid I'm a coward!”

'He wants me?!' Natsu felt his own heart pounding in his chest. “Gray, you are one of the toughest guys I know, and you're brave enough to stand naked in front of others, and even fight naked. I can be dumb too but I know what my heart says, what does your heart say?”

“I love you, Natsu Dragneel!”

“I love you too, Gray Fullbuster!” He pulls Gray into a kiss, the kiss was hot, Natsu's lips were warm and tasted like something he assumed what fire tasted like. His lips parted with a moan and Natsu deepened the kiss. Their hearts began to beat as one, as their tongues danced together before Natsu pulled back.

“Hot damn!” he licked his lips still tasting Natsu on them. Natsu sits on the edge of the hot spring and Gray marvels at his massive size. “How have you been hiding this?” he caressed the massive dick, he felt the heat radiating off it, it licked his skin and made him tingle.

“It helps that I'm a grower,” he chuckles rubbing the back of his head.

“May I?” Natsu gives him a nod, and he proceeds to taste Natsu’s heated flesh. The heat danced along his tongue, and he tasted as good as he smelled. His crotch had a rich manly scent that made Gray’s mouth water. He lapped at Natsu’s massive dick, caressing and licking as much of his cock as he could reach.

Natsu shivered as Gray moved down his cock, licking a delicious trail down to his heavy balls. Gray took a whiff where his cock and balls met before licking his heavy orbs, before moving back up his dick, kissing and licking.

Once he reached the tip he wrapped his lips around the head and began to suck, his tongue doing circles around the fat head. “Gray...” Natsu panted, the ice wizard began to take him into his mouth.

He relaxed his throat, and even doing his best he was only able to take 12 inches of his man meat. What he couldn’t fit he caressed with his right hand. He bobbed back and forth, caressing the underside with his tongue. Natsu’s cock was so large it stuffed his throat full, he had to breath through his nose, taking on the man musk with each breath. His heart beat faster, as each stroke caused the manly musk to increase.

His mouth was enjoying such a tasty treat, his ass grew more and more jealous. It twitched and grew hotter, an ache burning deep inside. Gray used his own pre-cum to coat his fingers and brought his free hand back to play with his ass. “Gray?” His whole face went red.

His friend/rival and soon to be lover, had his mouth halfway down his dick while fingering himself. One finger wasn’t enough, a second joined and a third shortly after. The digits turned up his insides and worked him in time of his bobs. His cock pulsed at the sight. His moans sent pleasing vibrations through his rod, hastening Natsu to his climax.

“Gray, I’m close!” he warns thinking the ice wizard will pull off, but instead Gray doubles his efforts, hallowing his cheeks and sucking as hard as he can. He pulls back to the head and gives the tip a thorough tongue lashing. Natsu lost all control and he came, his dick expanding and pumping thick bursts of cum into Gray’s mouth.

The flavor was explosive, and his cum was so thick, it flooded his mouth in seconds, each gulp had him swallowing mouthfuls of cum and he was filled to the brim just a few seconds later. ‘So much cum!’ his eyes rolled up, and his balls lurched, his cock erupting just outside of the hot spring.

As he spilled his seed, he chugged Natsu’s, the fresh baby batter rushed down his throat and filled his belly. His body absorbing some of the magic-infused seed and strengthening his body.

After several minutes Natsu’s orgasm calmed down. Both males were still hard. “Amazing!” Gray licked his lips.

“So Gray, do you wanna go to the next level?” He wanted to try Gray’s dick.

“Yes!” Gray whipped around and bent forward, looking so sexy as he stuck his ass up in the air. “Please, Natsu fuck me!”

“Ehh” Gray spread his cheeks, exposing his twitching hole. It was pure and pink, slightly parted and begging to be taken. “Gray, are you sure? I don’t think I will fit.”

“It’ll fit, please Natsu, I need you inside me.” he shook his ass. Natsu hummed, rubbing the back of his head.

“Alright, if you are sure, if it gets too much tell me and I’ll stop.” Natsu collected his pre-cum and used it to coat his length. Gray nodded, the hearts in his eyes were super cute. Natsu got in the hot spring and lined up behind Gray, the tip caressing his asshole.

Gray shuddered at the warmth, that kissed his hole, relaxing his muscles. Natsu pushed in slowly, the head of his cock breached him. At that moment Gray lost his cherry and Natsu lost his cock virginity. Natsu pushed in slowly, easing his massive rod in inch by glorious inch.

Little did Natsu know the cum Gray drank had already been absorbed enough to strengthen the boy’s body so every inch could fit inside. An added bonus, was as Gray’s inner walls hugged his cock, it coaxed his pre-cum out. His manly essences painted his inner walls, it seeped deep inside him. It was like warm water trickling into his ass, his pre-cum felt hotter than the hot spring, and he loved it. The special mix from Natsu’s demon seed made his pre-cum a natural lubricant with the lightest touch of an aphrodisiac, just enough to make sure his partners never felt any pain. Natsu could have buried his dick in full and Gray wouldn’t have felt an ounce of pain. Natsu didn’t do that, he was taking things slow, feeling up gray as he worked him deeper.

At 12 inches Natsu stopped. “More!” Gray moaned and wiggled his butt, his inner walls tightening around the pinkette’s dick.

“Okay,” he pushes more in and Gray moans for more. Natsu was surprised, but if Gray was enjoying it he pushed forward. Gray’s stomach began to bulge from taking his dick.

“Yes, yes, Natsu!” he moans. “So full, so good!” his cock was weeping like crazy. Soon Natsu buried his full length inside and his crotch met Gray’s plump ass. His arms came around Gray who was panting heavily.

“You are so tight Gray!” he pants and kisses his neck. His hands feel up Gray’s front, feeling Gray’s pecs and perky nipples, as his other hand caresses his abs, feeling the bulge in his belly. “Are you okay Gray?”

“I fucking love you!” he moans and bucks back, grinding his ass against Natsu’s pelvis, the big dick grinding his insides in the process.

Natsu chuckles. “I love you too.” He kisses the ice wizard and the two have a lopsided kiss. When the kiss broke Natsu began to move, pulling back 12 inches and thrusting back in, the short thrusts made Gray feel every inch, and keep them connected.

The steady clap of skin striking skin was accompanied by the two’s moans. Gray’s hard dick bounced from the powerful thrusts. He was hot inside and out. ‘This is sex! Amazing!’ his insides were loving every thrust.

Natsu hugged him Natsu to him like he wished he’d do to him, hands coming up to toy with the boy’s nipples.

“Ahh Natsu,” he moans in delight. “I’m gonna cum!”

“Gray, cum for me!” he reached down and grabbed the ice wizard’s dick. A few firm strokes have him blowing his load. His cum erupts and Natsu aims so it splashes Gray’s chest and abs, and all over Natsu’s hand. His clenching heat pulls Natsu over the edge.

He cums flooding Gray’s insides, his belly extending a bit. Gray cums again loving as he’s packed full of the hot seed, his belly being ballooned like an overstuffed condom. Natsu pulls his now softening cock out of Gray’s body, leaving his hole gaping, and his insides soaked. “Gray are you okay?” The male was drooling. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Natsu takes him out of the hot spring to the showers, he supports the ice wizard as he uses his fingers to get his cum out of him. He sees that Gray’s dick is still hard, a side effect from a large amount of demon cum in his body. He takes advantage and wraps his lips around the ice wizard's cock, slurping and sucking as his fingers stirred his insides.

Gray had moments of clarity, moaning as his cock was consumed by the warm wet heat of Natsu's mouth. He came two times and passed out into pleasure fueled slumber. 'I hope Gray lets me have a turn on his dick.' he takes Gray to his room and cuddles with him.

Little did Natsu know of the curse he bore.

To be continued


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