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Killing Bites Parody: Tier 1

Nomoto aka Octo 12 inches in human form, 14 inches roughly in therianthrope form.

Yugo Tani aka Leo

Chapter 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/19870303

Chapter 3 Moving In and Assassins

Nomoto was shocked at the reward he was given almost 100k, he wasn’t a hermit but he lived a simple life. Yugo moved into Nomoto’s apartment, it was small, so he had to put some things in storage. He focused on bringing over the necessities he needs like a bed, toiletries, that sort of thing. “I’ve made room for you in my closet for your clothes,” Nomoto says to him.

“That won’t be necessary.” Yugo only brought three outfits with him.

“Ehh?” Yugo stripped off his clothing revealing his soft 10-inch dick. Nomoto blushed and turned away, as Yugo put his clothes away, and continued unpacking while butt naked.

“I’m pretty low maintenance, a few good outfits is all I need.” he stretched not showing an ounce of shyness at his naked state. Nomoto was surprised, with the level of this guys pride, he was sure he was gonna waltz in and throw out his stuff to make room for his. “We seem to be about the same size anyway, I can make do with your stuff, you don’t mind if I borrow do you?”

“No sure, I’m good.” he was blushing. Even though they had sex, Nomoto wasn’t used to having a guy just walk around him butt naked. He was flaunting it to, this guy knew he was sexy and hung, so why be shy about it. “Do you always walk around naked?”

“In my home, yes, and this is my home now.” he looked at Nomoto. “Why does it bother you?”

“N-No...” he stuttered.

“You might call me weird, but since becoming a brute I feel that clothing is so restrictive, I feel the best when I wear nothing at all.” he put his arms behind his head and shook his hips, letting his heavy cock sway back and forth. “Besides most clothes are inferior to me, I’m much better in my purest state.”

“No, I get it.” Nomoto was hard. This lion brute was parading around, showing off his pride. It almost sounded like an old fairy tale he heard about a con man and a king, and the king was told he got the best clothes in the world, but there was nothing there, the con man tricked the king and the king ended up walking about buck naked. While some took the story to have certain meanings, some say a part of the story was removed, that after the king discovered he had been had he discovered something about himself, he enjoyed being naked and continued to parade around in his nudity, he was the king so he was great, so why should he have to pretend he was special with fancy clothes when his kingly body is all he needed. ‘This guy fits it to a T.’

Leo could smell Nomoto’s arousal and it was stirring his own as well. It was weird for him, normally if he wanted sex he’d just take it, but with Nomoto, he was stronger he couldn’t just take him he had to change his tactics. Not to say he wasn’t a nudist behind closed doors, the man had a full-length mirror, that if it could talk could tell some stories of how its owner would jerk off to himself.

‘Come on take the bait.’ Nomoto got up. ‘I know your hard, now get your ass over here and fuck me!’ He was getting closer. ‘Yes!’

Nomoto patted his shoulder and smiled. “I’m gonna go get us some dinner. I’ll be back, you can take care of things here.” he quickly left.

“What the fuck!?” Yugo growled. “Does he not want to fuck me, he’s hard I could smell it, why didn’t he mount me!?” he got in Nomoto’s bed and inhaled his scent. “Doesn’t he want to fuck me anymore?” he took another whiff of his pillow. “Wait, he said take care of things here, does he want me to touch myself?”

His cock twitched. Spreading his legs, he took hold of his cock with one hand and played with his balls with the other. “That sexy fuck, he’s gonna make me work for it, I’ll show you I’ll have your cock. No one denies the king!”

He pumped himself faster and faster, coaxing pre-cum from his dick. Fondling his heavy nuts, releasing them only to play with one of his perky nipples. ‘It’s not the same as when he touched me, but it feels good.’ He pumped himself faster, making his balls bounce. ‘Nomoto!’


Nomoto had picked up some food at the store and was heading back. ‘Man what have I gotten myself into. I can’t say no to the killing bites, but now I got Yugo living with me too.’ His little soldier was still throbbing, having only reduced to a semi-hard state. ‘How am I gonna live with the guy? He’s a walking temptation.’

He’d fucked Yugo and the hybrid had even sucked his dick of his own accord. He just couldn’t get a read on the guy, he had eyes he could see the lion’s hard dick, so he left to give the guy some privacy. “I’m totally living with a hot guy, he’s so sexy and cool, I’ve never lived with anyone like that.” Yugo was like a model, his body was flawless, if he came to his school he’d have all the girls and even a few guys falling at his feet. To think he was living and slept with a guy like him. He blushes and smiles. “It’s pretty damn amazing.”

“Um,” he turned and saw a girl wearing a trench coat. “Excuse me, could you spare me some of your time?”

“What can I help you with?” he asked.

“There is something I’d like you to see...” She opened her trench coat and flashed her 98% naked body. She had heart shape nipple pasties over her breasts and was wearing panties. Little did Nomoto know this girl was a hybrid, and an assassin, this was her patented technique. ‘No one can resist my body, even women have fallen prey to my surprise attack.’

She’s not wrong getting flashed especially by a woman was a surprise, no one expects the nearly naked person to be a threat. No weapons, or articles of clothing, it was easy for one to drop their guard.

Nomoto was shocked, to say the least. The hybrid assassin smirked and was ready to attack when Nomoto suddenly forced her trench coat closed. “What are you thinking?!” he snapped.

“Eh?” she blinked.

“You can’t be running around half naked like this, it's late, you’ll catch a cold.” The assassin was caught off guard.


“Are you homeless? Here,” he took off his shirt and gave it to her. “Put that on, I think there is a shelter nearby, if not you should talk to a policeman and find some clothes.”

“Wait,” she says. ‘What is happening?’

“Oh you must be hungry too, to think a young girl like you is on the streets like this.” he gave her a sandwich from the bag. “There, now run along and don’t catch a cold.”

‘What is this guy a saint?’ The assassin couldn’t believe this. He gave her the shirt off his back and some food. She’d be touched if she didn’t have a job to do and kill him.


Yugo was panting, he was having trouble getting off even as his cock started to weep pre-cum. His dick was coated in the stuff but he couldn’t get off. So he went looking for aid, he had found some of Nomoto’s used underwear and was smelling it. The male was practically purring, that big dick was rubbing against the inside of his underwear all day, it helped cement the musk into the fibers.

Smelling his boxers helped him a lot, his climax built higher and higher, until he soared off the edge. His balls lurching and his thick cum erupting from his dick. Despite his powerful orgasm, he was still hard. He groaned, his insides were throbbing. For a moment he considered playing with his ass, but before he could entertain such an act his phone went off.

“Moshi Moshi,” he answered, lazily stroking himself and sniffing Nomoto’s boxers. “Huh?!” he released his cock and grabbed his phone. “What do you mean someone put a hit out on Nomoto, damn it!”


Nomoro dodged a large needle, the girl didn’t need weapons as she could produce her own. Once her target dropped their guard she pierced them to death with her quills. “Nomoto Yuuya, your death has been ordered, Leo’s contract will be released with your death.” Giant quills began to extend from her arm. She was Ryoko Araka aka Brute Raudi.

“You are a porcupine hybrid.” Nomoto figured out.

“Oh aren’t you clever, but that won’t save you.” she charged at Nomoto launching quills at him. These were not defensive quills like a hedgehog, the quills of the porcupine were weapons for attacking. They look similar to hedgehogs and echidna, but they are an entirely different breed, so is the way they use their quills. Without regard to their front or rear, they will make a ferocious and violent attack.

Even the mighty lion has trouble dealing with this creature, should they have thoughtlessly bit down on the porcupine, they would take a number of needles to the face, many lions who experience this, live the rest of their lives with quills buried into the skin.

As a hybrid this trait is ramped up to 10, her quills could piece through a human body, pierce bone. Porcupine liked to torture her victims, seeing how many quills someone could take before death. “Hahaha, you can see why I was chosen to kill you, you might be strong in a grapple but my quills will run your tentacles through.”

She had fully transformed, her quills ripping through her trench coat, she had what looked like an armor of quills over her body. No clothing was needed for her as she could transform and have armor and weapons in seconds.

Nomoto was dodging and moving fast to avoid both her close rand and long-range attacks. “Tell me why do you want Leo’s contract?”

The hybrid laughed. “He’s an important pawn in the upcoming Killing Bites games, he can’t be wasted on a nobody like you.” she launched a barrage of quills at him.

Nomoto transformed and caught the quills with his tentacles. “What?!”

“He’s not a pawn, he’s a person! He deserves better than to be used as such!” he snaps. Yugo had found them and had heard Nomoto’s words, he was touched.

“What a fool, we all answer to someone, my bosses have paid me to kill you and that’s what I’m gonna do! Porcupine Machine Gun!” she launched a barrage of quills at him, but to her shock, Nomoto used her own quills to deflect the onslaught. “Grr...” she charged but Nomoto didn’t retreat.

“Thank you, you’ve made me realize I can’t die, I’m keeping Leo, so none of you bastards can use him!” he clashed with her using her own quills as weapons against her. She became overwhelmed as Nomoto’s eight legs and two arms all wielding quills was not something she was ready for.

His tentacles were so flexible, and wielding her quills like blades. Her whole body was like a sword and shield at once, she’d never had her quills turned against her before. “This is impossible!”

“You really shouldn’t be throwing such dangerous weapons around.” Nomoto points off. He was able to strike her with the side of her quills and knocked her around.

“I will not stand for this!” she jumped into the air. “Killing Blow: Storm of Raudi!”

“Ink Spray!” Nomoto sprayed ink all over her, blinding her making her killing blow useless. She screamed in pain but still tried to attack, Nomoto was able to dodge it. Ryoko landed hard, coughing.

“Damn you that was a dirty trick, where are you?” She thrashed around wildly, launching her attack in all directions. Nomoto had enough and used her quills to get close, and then struck her in the back of her neck knocking her out.

She reverted back to human form. “Man, that was dangerous.”

“Nomoto,” Yugo came out of hiding. “I see you took care of things.”

“Yugo how long have you been there?”

“Long enough,” he approached the octopus hybrid. “I came here to save you but it seems you don’t need me to protect you.”

“Yugo...” he was cut off as Yugo captured his lips.

“But I’m gonna do what I want, you are stuck with me.” Nomoto blushed, returning to human form, his pants were destroyed so he was completely naked. His hard cock standing at attention. “Now let's go home, I want to have sex.”

“With me?!” Nomoto couldn’t believe it.

“Yes with you!” Yugo pulled him along. “Now come along, I want that big dick of yours!” Seeing Nomoto fight, and fight for him had gotten him excited.

To be continued Chap 4 What Leo Wants and Going to School


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