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Bleach Parody: Tier 1: PDF Copy Chap 1-5 

Chapter 5 Babysitting Grimmjow

Ichigo couldn’t focus at all while at school, he was completely worried about Grimmjow. He knew Urahara wouldn’t kill him, and Grimmjow was strong enough to handle any danger, but Urahara tended to go too far with his jokes.  

Little did Ichigo know while he was flipping focus, a cautious eye was focused on him. ‘I sense traces of a hollow on him. What are you up to Ichigo Kurosaki!?’  


Once school was out Ichigo went straight to Urahara’s shop. “Kisuke, I’m here to pick up Grimmjow.” he opened the door and entered the shop. There was a loud crash from deeper inside.  

“Get the hell away from me!”  

“Now Grimmjow-kun, running only prolongs the inevitable.”  

“Go to hell!” Grimmjow shouted before crashing through the screen door. Ichigo blushed. ‘He’s naked!’ Grimmjow was running around buck naked, with Urahara chasing him around. “Ichigo!”  

The blue haired man embraced the orange haired male. “Keep this weirdo away from me,” he hissed. He pointed an accusing finger at Kisuke.  

“What have you been up to?” Kisuke put on an innocent look.

“Me? Nothing! I was just measuring him for his gigai.”  

“Its been hours Kisuke, why is he still naked?”  

“He’s been difficult.” Kisuke shrugs.  

“Bullshit! He wants to dissect me!”  

“I’d never do that, I would like to study you, you are a prime specimen.” Grimmjow hissed at him.  

“Kisuke, did you get what you needed to make Grimmjow’s gigai?”  

“Oh yes, it’ll be ready as you requested.”  

“Good, I’ll be taking Grimmjow home with me. I’ll have my spirits watch him until its ready.”

“Very well, it was nice meeting you Grimmjow.”  

Grimmjow growled but Ichigo patted his back. “Get dressed, we are leaving.” He did so gladly.  

“Grimmjow, you may not want to talk about it, especially not with Ichigo, for you might put him in danger. I however will need to know.” He whispered to the male.  

“Fine, I can tell you what I can, but I doubt it’ll help.”  the two leave with Urahara waving him off.  

“Kisuke, if Aizen has been able to make arrancar of Grimmjow’s strength already.” Tessai points out.

“Right, which is why we can’t let him near that item, or Ichigo! Tessai nods.  


On the way home the two walked side by side. “I’m sorry about today, I promise I’ll make it up to you.”  

“Don’t worry about you, I can deal with a little crazy, being with you makes it worth it.” he says, making Ichigo blush and smile.  

Ichigo put up his barrier after returning home. “Ichigo who are these spirits you keep talking about?”  

“Oh right, I haven’t introduced them to you yet, they are embodiment of my power.” Ichigo focused. “Stand with me Six Guardian Towers!” From Ichigo’s body came six spheres of light. “Please introduce yourself.” Tsubaki, Shuno, Ayame, Muramasa, Zangetsu, and Shiro appeared. They each gave their names.  

Grimmjow’s eyes widened, he felt different powers from each of them. The ones that surprised him were the shinigami, quincy, and hollow spirits. “I wanted you guys to meet, I’ll need you to look after Grimmjow tomorrow.”  

“What?!” Tsubaki snapped. “We aren’t babysitters! Have your sisters watch him!”

“They have school, and I need someone here to keep up the proper barrier.”  

“Oi!” Tsubaki was about to snap when Shiro caught him and whispered something to him. “Fine we’ll watch him, but you keep Old Man Zangetsu with you in case there’s trouble.”  

“That’s fair.” His spirits returned to him.  

“You have an interesting ability Ichi.” in truth he’s never seen anything like it, but then again he’s never met anyone like Ichigo before. “Are you going out on patrol tonight?”  

“Don’t have to with a soul reaper in town, if they run into trouble I’ll help if needed.” he gives a kiss to Grimmjow’s cheek. “I’m gonna have dinner with me family, but I’ll be back. Once you get a gigai you can join us!” he says happily.  

More waiting, but he was in a better place to wait. Ichigo’s room hadn’t changed much since they parted. There were some new pictures, some certificates of achievement. ‘I should have been there for him.’  

He felt Ichigo approach, and he got ready for bed. Grimmjow decided to do the same, taking off his clothes and got into bed. Ichigo came in and saw him, he took off his clothes and joined Grimmjow. The bluenette pulled him close, spooning against him. ‘He smells so good!’ he couldn’t help himself, taking in the boy’s scent.  

His cock stirred and pressed against Ichigo’s butt. He thought the boy might retreat, but instead he cuddled back into him. He loved his wall of muscle. A little shifting occurred and Grimmjow blushed as his manhood slid between the boy’s cheeks.        

He growled softly and ground his hips, Ichigo responded by rubbing his butt against his groin. “Ichi!”  

“Grimm,” the two drifted off to sleep, fitting perfectly against each other.  


The next morning the two awoke, morning erections standing strong. Grimmjow acted first, caress the boys aching erection. The orangette returned the favor, feeling up his hard length. They pumped and stroked feeling up the other’s manhood.  

‘Grimmjow’s hands are so big!’ Ichigo blushes. ‘He’s cock is so big and thick, it feels so heavy.’  

‘Ichigo’s hand feels so good,’ Grimmjow smirks. ‘His cock is twitching like crazy, I wanna make him cum!’  

Pre-cum starts to still, and each male picks up the pace. Ichigo starts to focus on the bluenette’s tip, teasing the sensitive head, pulling his foreskin back and forth. Grimmjow pumps Ichigo harder and faster, making the boy’s balls bounce. Each stroke cause their manly musk to rise, fueling the fire of arousal for both of them.  

Their climaxes hit, and cum erupts, splashing their muscled bodies, and coating each others’ hands. To Ichigo’s surprise, Grimmjow licked his cum off his hand. Another surprise the bluenette suddenly pinned him down. “Grimm?”  

The arrancar let out a purr, and began to lick the cum off Ichigo’s body, making the boy blush like a tomato. His tongue felt so good, it lapped up his cum perfectly and stimulated the skin with each swipe. Grimmjow licked up every drop, licking his lips, and shuddering with excitement.  

Ichigo stared at him with a bewildered look on his face. “S-sorry,” Ichigo’s semen had tasted so good, and he could taste the boy’s power on his skin. It was a tad overwhelming. He went after the boy like a man from a dessert who just found water.  

“Don’t be, just surprised me is all. Let’s get a shower, I need to get ready for breakfast.” he says. “I take it you’ve had your breakfast?” he chuckles.  

It was Grimmjow’s turn to blush, but he followed him into the shower. After a wash down, scrub down, Ichigo got dressed and Grimmjow returned to the room. “Alright, I’ll be gone for a few hours again.” he summoned his spirits, everyone but Zangetsu came out. “Look after him for me.” Shuno, Ayame, and Muramasa saluted, Shiro bowed, and Tsubaki huffed.  

Grimmjow didn’t bother getting dressed, he didn’t like the outfit he had, and he wasn’t good with reishi manipulation to make a new one. The spirits were able to keep the barrier up without Ichigo. Karin and Yuzu left for school, and Isshin stayed in the clinic.  

So he was all alone with Ichigo’s spirits. Shiro floated over to him. Grimmjow wasn’t blind, he could sense that this spirit had a hollow signature. ‘He’s like a mini Ichigo.’ Just with white hair and skin, with piercing yellow eyes.  

“So you’ve finally come back Grimmjow!” To his shock Shiro knocked him back landing flat on Ichigo’s bed.  

“What the heck?!” He tried to get up only to get knocked back again by Tsubaki.  

“Stay down punk!” he looks to Muramasa. “Do it!”  

Muramasa nods. “Spirit Binding!” Grimmjow gasped as his body tensed.  

‘I can’t move!’ with a wave of his hands, Muramasa moved Grimmjow’s body around, forcing his arms above his head and his legs spread. “Oi, oi, oi, what is this?!” He tried to break free, even trying to summon his spiritual pressure, only to be overwhelmed by Tsubaki, Shuno, and Shiro. “Shit!”  

“We hate the rain.” Shiro says, he floats over and lands on Grimmjow’s chest.  

“What are you talking about?”  

“We live inside Ichigo’s soul, and when he’s sad it rains.” Muramasa explains. The pieces fell into place, they were mad at him.  

“Because of you our king was broken, he already lost his mother, its not something he will ever really shake.” Shiro says.  

“But you made him happy, then you were gone!” Tsubaki growls.    

“I’m sorry,” Grimmjow truly was, if he had the power he never would have left.  

“Ichigo may forgive you, but we aren’t so sure.” Shuno says.  

“Our King is everything to us, and we want to make sure he stays happy.” Shiro says. “We will see if you can handle him.”

“So we shall see of your intentions.” Muramasa says.  

“Consider it a punishment.” Ayame spoke for the first time. She was quite shy floating further away and blushing.  

“Heh, do your worst, I can take it.” He was sure they didn’t intend to kill him, maybe interrogate him, but he had no idea what they truly had planned. They were all so different, he almost forgot they were a part of Ichigo as well. The male spirits shared a look smirking, he was sure Tsubaki was smirking even behind a mask.   

Shiro’s hands sparked with red energy, he then fired what Grimmjow would call a Bala, at his left nipple. “Ahhh!” it wasn’t enough to hurt, but the energy stimulated his nipple, causing it to harden. Shiro did the same to the right nipple. “Ahhh!” Grimmjow bucked off the bed and moaned.

His cock stirred from the sudden pleasure and stimulus to his nipples. Tsubaki and Shuno floated down and began to pump Grimmjow’s length, coaxing it to full arousal. “Don’t get cocky just because you have you a big cock!” Tsubaki used his arms, legs, hands, and feet to stroke Grimmjow’s manhood.

“Ohh fuck!” Grimmjow moaned and panted.  

“I see the way you look at him, you wanna bury this deep into him don’t you?” Grimmjow blushed, he couldn’t deny that. Ichigo was beautiful and sexy, any man with eyes and a functioning dick would want him.  

“Answer!” Shiro zaps his nipples again.

“Ahh yes, I do!” he moans. “But I don’t want him for just sex.”  

“That’s sweet...we’ll see about that!” Tsubaki pulsed and doubled his efforts on Grimmjow’s dick making the bluenette howl and moan. He came and shot his load all over himself, Shiro dodging the spurts as they erupted.

Tsubaki left his dick but it was Shuno’s turn now. He stood on Grimmjow’s balls and used his hands to pump his shaft. “You’ve got some stamina lets test it.” Shuno pumped him fast. Grimmjow was sensitive from his orgasm so it didn’t take him long before he came again.  

Even after two orgasms he was still hard and wanting. “You are a bit of a pervert, have you been holding back?” Shiro asked. Grimmjow blushed and looked away. He had stamina to burn, if he got wild he and Ichigo could be in bed for hours and hours.  

Tsubaki and Shuno double teamed his cock, Tsubaki laid in his nest of pubes and used his feet to stimulate Grimmjow while Shuno floated up and began making out with Grimmjow’s cock. “Ahh fuck, fuck, damn it!” he moans his toes flexing and curling, and body trembling.  

He saw stars and came again. His cock finally softened up, Grimmjow was left panting and shaking a little. “Ayame, you know what to do.”  

“Right!” Ayame erected a barrier over Grimmjow’s crotch, and he gasped as his cock swelled back to full arousal.  

“No way!”  

“Prepare yourself, we are gonna be having fun with you Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez!” Shiro smirked at him. Grimmjow sweat dropped. ‘These guys are crazy!’  

The spirits took turns playing with Grimmjow, except for Ayame who watched. Shiro and Muramasa tag teamed his crotch, Muramasa playing with his heavy balls while Shiro enjoyed himself with Grimmjow’s dick. They each milked him of two more orgasms before Muramasa bound his cock with his power.  

Their game shifted, becoming a tickle attack. Tsubaki going after his left foot, Shuno his right, Muramasa his left pit, and Shiro his right. Grimmjow didn’t think he was ticklish but as the spirits attacked his sensitive areas he soon learned he was.  

He laughed and thrashed against his bonds, what only made this worse was it was kinda arousing which made his bound dick pulse. They also feasted on Grimmjow’s cum, licking his body clean, which turned into a full on tongue bath. They licked him here, there, everywhere!  

This went on for hours and hours until Grimmjow finally snapped. “That’s enough, don’t think I’m gonna let you just have your way! Ichigo forgave me, so you should to. I swear to you I’m not gonna hurt him.”  

The spirits share a look. “We know...” they say in unison.  

“Eh?” they started laughing.  

“He’s kinda dumb, cute but dumb.”


Shuno floated over to him. “We are Ichigo’s spirits, we are different parts of his power yes, but we are a part of him. We like what he likes, and hate what he hates. Ichigo loves you very much so we do to.”


“You may want to take it slow with Ichigo, but you’ve been a part for some time, things have changed. You saw that earlier today, you got just a taste of Ichigo’s cum and you pounced on him in a second.” Grimmjow felt guilty about that he thought he had more control.  

“We aren’t mad, since you’ve been back its been sunshine and rainbows inside him. He likes you, he wants you, but he’s holding himself back to. He’s scared the moment he lets you back in you’ll disappear again, and if that happens we won’t be able to pick up the pieces of his heart.”

“So consider us your outlet, we a part of Ichigo and we can help you puff up until its time for you two to be together.” Grimmjow’s jaw dropped, they played him, they totally got him. They did make some good points though, though they were each different and unique he could feel Ichigo in each of them.           

With that in mind their games continued, Grimmjow considered it training. With Ayame and Muramasa he could build up his stamina and work on his control. He was gonna make Ichigo’s first time one to remember.  

To be continued...Chapter 6 Shiro’s Tips

Ichigo is having a hard time thinking up something to do for Grimmjow. That is until Shiro gives him a few tips.  


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