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One Piece Parody: 

Chap 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/21005562

Chapter 2 The Journey Begins

Time passed and Luffy had grown into a fine young man, and he believed to be a fine pirate. He was tall and lean, wearing a straw hat, a red vest, with small knives hidden underneath it. He often kept his vest open, exposing his fine pecs and rock hard abs. Luffy wore shorts without underwear, so his cock and balls made a prominent bulge in the front of his shorts. He wore a belt, with four dagger holders, and two storage pouches. He wears sandals.

His training had made him deceptively strong, his knife skills were excellent, and he was a Six Powers master. He was quite skilled with his devil fruit power as well. Everything he learned Luffy considered it another tool in becoming a pirate. His knife skills, he considered his First Blade, what he would use to test his opponents. His devil fruit he considered his second blade, he would use against worthy opponents. The Six Powers is what he considered his third blade, and what he would use against much stronger opponents.  

No point using a battle axe against a mouse after all. This didn’t mean he would not use his powers, but he’d use the proper tool for the job.  


It was Luffy’s sailing day, Garp was gonna be coming to collect Luffy in a few days so it was time for him to get out now while he still had a chance. A ship was prepared nothing grand but the same starter boat Ace had. The locals gave Luffy some supplies and Luffy put his portion of the treasure on it.  

The bandits wanted to go see Luffy off but Dadan said no. “If we roll into town it will just scare everyone. This is Luffy’s day lets not ruin it.” Speak of the devil.  

Luffy appeared in the door way. “Hey, Dadan!” he says. “I still hate mountain bandits!” he says, causing Dadan to get mad. “But I like you guys. See you later!” Dadan cried, touched by Luffy’s words and smile.  

Luffy had everything he needed he just needed to set sail, a few good byes with a scolding from the mayor and Luffy set off. “Thanks everyone, I’m off to become King of the Pirates!”  

“Good luck Luffy!” everyone cheered.  

“Disgraceful, cheering a pirate!” the mayor scolded.  

Luffy was greeted by another old friend, the Lord of the Coast, looking as vicious as always. “I remember you, I’m not the same as I was back then!” the beast roared at him and Luffy pulled back a punch. “Chop Chop Rocket!”  

He launched from the boat, and punched the beast hard, shattering his teeth. He floated back down to his feet and reattached.  


Luffy was enjoying the nice breeze and the sun shine, even though just nearby a wild whirlpool was raging. “Well this isn’t good.” As luck would have it a party liner was nearby. He grabbed some stuff and used Moon Walk before his ship was swallowed up.  

He snuck on the ship and into the galley, thankfully the lookouts were more focused on the whirlpool and the approaching pirate ship. The ship belonged to Alvida. She was a small fish but she had a bounty, she was known for attacking pleasure ships and cargo. “Who’s the most beautiful in all the seas?”  

“You are Lady Alvida!” her men said.  

“That’s right! Get moving boys, rob them blind!” she ordered. Among her men was a small boy named Coby. He was the crews chore boy/punching bag, he wasn’t there of his own free will, he didn’t want to be a pirate. “Coby!”  

“Yes ma’am.” he said nervously.  

“You better be pulling your weight this time, or you get the club!”  

“Not the club!” he cried. Her pirates charged jumping the ship, though Coby took some convincing literally getting her foot to his ass.  

While her men collected loot from the passengers Coby went down to the galley and found Luffy. “Hmm?”  

“Quick you have to hide!” Coby says.  


“This ship is being raided by pirates.”  

“Pirates huh?” Luffy bit into an apple. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.” he tossed Coby an apple. “Aren’t you one of the pirates?”  

“I don’t want to be, I actually want to be a marine.” he felt oddly calm around Luffy.  

“Then how’d you end up with pirates?”  

Coby blushed. “You see...” It happened about 2 years ago, Coby had gone to go fishing one day, but instead of getting on his fishing boat he got on a pirate boat by accident. Alvida decided to keep him instead of killing him, and he’s been their slave ever since. “It’s been horrible, I don’t even have the courage to escape.”

“Wow you are dumb and a coward.” Luffy’s words hit the nail on the head.

“Its okay my shipmates say a whole lot worse.”  he looks at the boy in a straw hat. “What about you?”

“Me, I’m a pirate, I’m Luffy nice to meet ya.” he says with a grin.  

“You are a pirate!” Coby shouts.  

“That you Coby?” Three of Alvida’s men came down to the galley. “You better not be slacking off.”

“Who the hell is this guy?”  

“He’s no one, he doesn’t have anything! We can go!” One of the men punched Coby and knocked him to the ground.  

“Shut up, you don’t tell us what to do.” they drew their swords.  

“This guy is strange, lets bring him to the captain.” they noticed Luffy’s knives.  

“No please!” Coby tried to stop them.  

“You little brat!” the big guy tried to swing his sword and slash Coby, but he didn’t get the chance as Luffy cut in and knocked him flat with a single punch.

“Why you?!” the other two charged, and Luffy blocked them with his knives. In an instant he could read their strength, and he quickly disarmed them, knocking their blades into the ceiling. “You...you’ll pay for that.” they grabbed their unconscious friend and ran for it.     

“Quickly Luffy, you gotta run, they are gonna get Alvida and she’s gonna come after you.”  

“Coby, you said you wanted to be a marine right?”  

“Uh yeah?”  

“Then you should join them, and become the best marine you can be.” he says and gives the boy a smile. “I think you are braver than you know.” Coby blushed. It was his dream to be a marine.  

“Hey Luffy what’s your dream?”  

“Me? I’m gonna become King of the Pirates!” he says.  

“What?!” the boy cried out. “That means you are going after the great treasure, the legendary One Piece, and are gonna be going to sail in the most dangerous sea the Grand Line!”  

“Yep, I’m just starting out, but I want a big ship, and an awesome crew!”  

“That’s crazy, that sea has claimed so many lives, its suicide to go there.”  

“It doesn’t matter, I made a promise on this hat to chase my dream no matter what, and if I die, then I die.” Luffy says. Coby was amazed at his words. The conviction, the determination, he knew the danger and wasn’t gonna let it stop him. He thought about the past two years, how he was too scared to run away out of fear of Alvida finding him.  

They left the galley and snuck back over to Alvida’s ship. Luffy was planning on stealing a boat. “I really want to become a marine, and catch pirates like Alvida.” he says.  

“Who are you gonna catch Coby?” Alvida and her men came out and surrounded the two. Her men had informed her of a strange strong guy wielding blades. “You aren’t pirate hunter Zoro. Who are you?”  

“Zoro?” Luffy blinked. “I’m Luffy, I’m a pirate.”

“A pirate huh? Is it just you?”

“It’s just me for now, but soon I’ll have a ship and a crew. I think ten guys might be a good start.”  

“Well if you’re a pirate, and we are not under the same flag, that would make us enemies.”  

“Hey Coby, who’s this fat old lady?”  

“YOU BRAT! KILL HIM!” Alvida roared.  

Her men charged but Luffy had a pretty good gauge of their strength, even though he was out numbered Luffy was handling Alvida’s men with ease. Coby was amazed.  

“Who the hell is this guy!?” Alvida shrieked.  

‘Luffy is so strong.’ Coby thought amazed.  

“I’m Luffy nice to meet you.”     

“I got you!” One of Alvida’s men charged Luffy from the back with a sword.  

“Luffy no!” the sword pierced him, but no blood.  

“I’m fine, swords don’t hurt me. I ate the Chop Chop fruit!” His parts separated and he punched the guy who stabbed him. “I’m a Chop Man blades don’t work on me.”  

“A devil fruit power? So they aren’t just legend after all.” Alvida says.  

“Wow!” Coby said amazed.  

“Coby, tell this runt who I am!” he’s heard that line before, Alvida was full of herself thinking she was the most beautiful woman on the sea. So when she asked, “Who am I?” and “Who’s the most beautiful woman on the sea?” depending on the question you gave specific answers or wham hit with the bat.  

“You are...you are...” he looked at Luffy. “YOU ARE THE BIGGEST COW IN ALL THE SEAS!” he shouts and Luffy laughed. Alvida saw red. “I’m not a member of your crew, I’m gonna become a marine and I’m gonna capture you!”  

“Not if your dead!” She wound up her club, and swung it down.  

“Well said Coby!” Luffy blocked her way, and used Iron Body to take the hit. He knocked her attack back and wound up a punch. “Chop Chop Pistol!” He hit her and his fist launched from his arm, sending her flying.  

His arm reconnected. “Give Coby a ship he’s gonna be joining the marines.”  

Speaking of marines, it seems the cruise ship someone sent a distress call, and the marines arrived, their guns/cannons blazing. They attacked Alvida’s ship just as Luffy and Coby were about to leave.  

“There’s some marines now you can join up. I’m a pirate so I gotta go!”  

“You are crazy, if I meet them like this they’ll arrest me like any other pirate.”  

“Then lets go,” Coby joined him in the boat and off they went. Luffy was curious about this Zoro person, so Coby gave him the info he had.  

Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro, three sword-style user, said to be a demon, he was last seen locked up at a nearby marine base. To Luffy that sounded interesting, and it was a win win, Coby needed a marine base and Luffy needed new crew members.   

To be continued...Chap 3 Habits and Swordsmen


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