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Overlord Parody: Tier 1

Chap 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/overlord-of-men-21433609

Chap 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/overlord-of-men-22703916

Chap 3 Carne Village

The guardians were overjoyed. It seems Momonga’s power washing over them had gotten them excited and very happy. “His power is truly amazing, I thought I might faint.” Mare says a faint blush on his cheeks.  

“His pressure was so fierce I thought he might crush us.” Aura says.  

“To think he would be this amazing.” Cocytus says.  

“When he shows his true power and glory, he’s even more glorious than I imagined.” Albedo says.  

Demiurge agreed, feeling his manhood throb at the powerful aura that had washed over him. In the face of his mighty aura he might as well have been standing naked in a blizzard. He adjusted his glasses. “Indeed.”  

“He seemed pleased with out vow of fidelity.” Cocytus states. “I hope that is the case.”  

“He acted completely different when he was alone with us.” Aura points out.  

“He was super kind and gentle, he gave us water when he thought we looked thirsty.” Mare says. “It proves he’s a true ruler, his power and mercy make him even more amazing.”  

“It’s just as you say Mare, he sensed our feelings and acted on them accordingly.”  

‘Our feelings,’ Demiurge adjusted his glasses again, feeling his manhood press against the confines of his pants. Albedo went on, stating how out of the 41 supreme beings he stood at the top, and when the others left them behind he stayed with them. There was probably not a guardian in Nazarick that didn’t feel the same.  

Sebas left them to return to his duties, it was his job to be the aid to Lord Momonga. He left at a good time, as Shalltear and Albedo got into an argument. The vampire was proud of how excited Momonga made her and promptly shared it with the others, which pissed Albedo off and thus the fight began. “Right...Aura I’ll leave the cat fight to you.” Demiurge says.  

“What?!” Aura gasped. “You can’t dump them on me!”  

“If it gets too bloody I’ll intervene.” Shalltear wasn’t exactly wrong, the power Momonga shared with them had made him excited to, judging from the blush and shifting Mare was the same, and even Cocytus seemed to be excited. The boys moved away as to not get caught in the crossfire of the fight between the succubus and vampire.  

“Is this really something worth fighting over?” Cocytus asked.

“I wonder, its quite possible that our lord Momonga might not ever prefer female company.”  

“Huh?” Mare asked.  

“I had a meeting with Lord Momonga before coming here, he was quite wonderful, it was sad to cut things short.” he adjusts his glasses. “He may prefer the company of men in his bed chambers than women.”  

“Oh my!” Mare blushes.  

“Should we tell the other two, and stop their squabbles?” Cocytus asked.

“No, if this is how they act towards each other I don’t think it will benefit if they see everyone as a rival for lord Momonga.”  

“Hmm, you are right.” Cocytus ponders. “I wonder, if Lord Momonga likes men, does that mean any one of us has a chance to be by his side.”  

“Indeed, and for a man as great as Momonga, a harem would not be to far out of the realm of possibility.” Demiurge points out. He wanted to be with Momonga, sharing him was a more practical method than fighting each other over him.  

“What about an heir?” Mare points out. “Its scary to think about, but what if Lord Momonga leaves us, or something bad happens.” Demiurge pats his back.  

“An heir would be beneficial to our forces, and pave the way for Nazarick’s future. Every great ruler needs an heir, don’t they?” It was a good point. “He stayed with us, however, one day, he may leave leave to join the other supreme beings wherever they went, it would be nice to have an heir to pledge our loyalty to.” He didn’t like the thought of Momonga leaving, was like acid on his tongue and a knife through his heart.  

“So do you think one of us could, bare Lord Momonga’s heir?” Mare thought.   

“Impossible, besides if we do our job right there will be no reason for him to leave, and we will crush anyone who wants to harm our Lord Momonga!” Cocytus bellows.  

“Hmm, I wonder, it is worth looking into, their may be a way one of us could carry his heir. I’ll do some experimenting, and if possible imagine the possibilities. We could each carry our Lord’s child, and instead of serving just one Lord, we can serve his entire line.”  

Cocytus got excited. “Oh? That would be kind of nice!” Both Cocytus and Mare pictured themselves carrying Momonga’s child. “It would be wonderful, I can see it so clearly!”  

“By the way Mare, is there a particular reason you’re wearing female garments?” Demiurge asked.  

He blushed. “Actually, this is something that Bukubuku Chagama chose for me. She said I was a “cross dresser,” or something like that.”  

“Hm, interesting. Perhaps it would be fruitful to try having the males dress in female garments at some point.” he says. ‘Perhaps it would excite Lord Momonga.’ he thinks. Cocytus came back from La La Land.  

“What a wonderful scene, truly a future to wish for! You can count me in. I’ll help in any way I can.”

“Me to!” Mare says.  

“I’m happy to have your support.”  

It seems the female guardians came to a similar conclusion with the whole harem thing, and stopped their fighting. A harem wasn’t strange at all, especially of someone of Momonga’s status and power. It was back to work, they all had jobs to do after all.        


Momonga was in the armory with one of the battle maids, Narberal Gamma. ‘I only took on the class of magician, but, I should have enough strength to swing a sword.’ He tried to use a sword, only to have the weapon fall from his hands. Narberal picked it up for him. ‘I was level 100 back in YGGDRASIL, but it seems I can’t use gear outside of my class. Unless...’ he smirks. “Create Greater Item!” He created a fine suit of black armor with a red scarf. He takes up the sword and he was able to swing it with great force. ‘While wearing this armor, I can’t use my magic but I’m able to use weapons outside my in-game class.’ he thinks. ‘So items that allow you to bypass class restriction still work.’  

“I’ll be going out for a bit.”  

Narberal bowed. “Yes lord, I’ll prepare a guard to accompany you.”  

“No, that won’t be necessary. I’ll be going alone.” he says.  

“Lord Momonga, if anything happens while you are alone, we will be unable to protect you!” she says. “Its our duty to act as your shields and perish!”     

“I won’t allow it!” Momonga fought back a frustrated sigh. He just wanted to get some fresh air and be alone for a few minutes. “There is something I want to do discreetly.”  

“As you wish, my lord.” he used the ring to teleport out of the room. Momonga gasped as he headed out and was met with three powerful creatures.  

‘Envy, Greed, and Wrath? Why are the three demon generals under Demiurge here on the first floor?’ Envy was a female demon lord that wears a tight-fitting bondage outfit, and has the head of a crow. Greed is a tall male demon wearing full plate armor that is open at the chest, proudly showing off his abdominal muscles. He has black bat wings and two horns coming from his temples. He is quite handsome, his eyes of desire focus on Momonga. The last of the demon guards looked more like a fearsome demon than the others, with powerful fangs protuding from his mouth and his muscled body covered in scales, he has stout arms and sharp claws, flaming wings and a snake-like tail with a fire tip. ‘It should be Shalltear’s guards on this floor. Why are his personal guards here?!’  

Speak of the devil, Demiurge came out and saw him. ‘Busted!’ He and the generals quickly bowed.  

“What are you doing here Lord, and without your guard, and in such strange armor?” he asked. Demiurge was smart, he figured it out easily who he was as only someone with a guild ring could freely teleport.  

“The armor I made myself, I’m testing it out.”  

“I see, how brilliant of you.” he adjusts his glasses. “However, I can’t let you leave here without an escort. If something happened to you, I could never forgive myself.”  

“Hm, very well, I will allow you and one of your guards to accompany me.” Greed stood up.  

“Please allow me the honor, it would give me no greater pleasure than to perish protecting Lord Momonga and Lord Demiurge.” Demiurge smiled.

 “Fine, but know this you are not to act as my shields and perish, you are precious to me, the thought of you dying pains me so, so do not be so quick to throw your lives away.” that made the demons blush. Such strong words, such words of love.

“Thank you for indulging us lord, we will not fail you.” Momonga walked off, followed by Demiurge and Greed. They reached the outside of the tomb, and Momonga was amazed.  

‘I’ve never seen a night as clear as this before. The artificial sky Blue Planet made on the sixth floor was impressive, but it did not hold a candle to this.’ Using an item Momonga was able to cast Fly, allowing him to take off into the night. Demiurge transformed into his half demon form, and sprouted wings to fly. Greed released his bat wings and followed.  

Once he reached a certain altitude he removed his mask/helmet. He gazed out upon this strange new world. ‘I can see everything with just the moon’s light. I wish Blue Planet were here to see this world’s unbelievable beauty.’  

“The stars in the sky glitter like jewels in a treasure box.”

“I believe this world exists, so that you may adorn yourself with its infinite riches, and we guardians exist to help you do so.”  

“There is no treasure that would be unworthy of you, Lord Momonga.” Greed chimes in.  

“Hm, you could be right about that.” he looks at the both of them. “Perhaps I was sent to this land to obtain those jewels for myself, along with every treasure that shines beneath them.” he turns the face the two. “But to horde it all would be the height of selfishness. Instead, I could use them to adorn the Great Tomb, it’s residents, and my friends of Ains Ooal Gown.”

Demiurge and Greed shared an image of the two of them naked, bathing in a sea of treasure. “If you wish it, we will use all the power of Nazarick to obtain it for you my lord.”  

Momonga laughs. “We don’t even know what exists in this world. It’s a little early for a quest.” he looks up at the moon. “Then again, it makes me think. The most enjoyable thing now might be taking over the world.”  

Demiurge and Greed gasp. Such a goal was truly breath taking for the demons. Their respect for Momonga grew.

Momonga wasn’t fully sure it was even possible, and he also wondered if he was the only player that came to this world. He tried to send a message but that could just mean no one was in range of it. Something he could try, is spread the name of Ains Ooal Gown throughout the world.

A shift in the earth below drew their attention. Mare was using Earth Surge, as well as one of his skills to increase his range and control. “Well done, Mare.” he says.  

“Lord Momonga, what would you like to do?”  

“I would like to thank Mare, for his hard work. What do you think I should give him as a reward?”  

“I am sure he would be happy if you just talked to him my lord.” Demiurge said with a bow. Greed nodded.

“Hm, I think we can do better than that.” he conjures back his helmet and flies down, the two demons following him.  

“Oh! Lord Momonga.” he runs over to them. “Why are you here? Oh no, did I make a mistake already?”      

“Not at all, Mare.” he says. “The work you’re doing is of the utmost importance. It will protect Nazarick from intruders, and more.”

“Right!” Mare says.

“Plus you are doing it brilliantly.” Mare blushed. “I wanted you to know just how satisfied I am.”  

“T-Thank you, Lord Momonga.” his heart was fluttering, to be praised by him was almost too much to take.  

“I would like you to have this.” he conjured a ring.

“That’s a Ring of Ains Ooal Gown!” he was amazed, only Supreme Beings were allowed to wear the ring. “I can’t possibly accept.”

“There’s no need to panic, Mare.” the boy looked up at him. “Moving between Nazarick’s floors can be difficult. This will allow you to do so freely, and easily complete your work.” he offers the ring. “Now, take this ring and serve Nazarick well.”  

He does, slipping it on his ring finger, the ring magically adjusted to fit his size. “Thank you so very much, Lord Momonga!” he was so excited. “I promise I’ll work extra, extra hard and show I’m worthy of this ring.”  

“You already are Mare.” he pets his head and the boy felt like he could melt right there. “Demiurge, Greed,” he turns to face the two demons. “I was wrong, I thought I needed to explore alone, but it was nice to have company after all.”  

They quickly bowed. “You honor us lord.”  

Momonga conjured another ring. “This one is for you Demiurge, you are truly worthy of wearing it.”  

“My lord...” he takes his ring, and feels his heart pound in his chest. “Thank you.”  

“As for you Greed, I will have to think up some other form of reward for you.”  

“Thank you Lord Momonga, it is truly an honor to serve you alongside Master Demiurge.”

“If you have a request I’m sure I can grant it for you.”

“Lord Momonga, I was curious why are you wearing such cool armor?”

“Do you like it, I made it myself.”  

“That’s amazing!”       

“Thank you again Mare, this armor may prove useful after all. I’ll be returning to the Ninth Floor, do carry on in your duties.” he teleport away.  

Albedo had been looking for Momonga, but after talking to Envy, she had taken a shower before seeing him and missed him entirely.  


Carne Village, was a peaceful and small village not too far from the Great Tomb’s location. They didn’t have to worry about monsters attacking as a powerful beast known as The Wise King of the Forest lived nearby and most creatures didn’t dare trifle with him. Though in times of peace can breed weakness, so the village had no trained fighters or protectors in case things got tough.  

A girl was collecting water when she heard a scream. She dropped her water in shock as she watched two men in armor kill a man, a man from her village. She didn’t scream, she was too scared to scream, because she knew if she screamed she’d be killed. The girl ran back to her village, as fast as her legs would carry her. “Mom, Dad!” she shouts as she rushes into her house.  

“Enri, you’re alright!” they were embracing her little sister and she ran to them for a group hug.  

“The village is under attack!”  

“We know, take your sister and run!” A knight broke down their door. Enri’s father rushed the knight, and grappled him. “Go hurry!” Their mother led them out the back. They ran hearing their father scream as he was slain. It was one of many screams as the knights were sweeping through the village killing anyone they came across.  

‘Why is this happening!?’ Enri thinks, trying to block out the screams. They were in trouble as a knight found them and found them, their mother shielded them from attack and was cut down. ‘Please someone...anyone...help us...’

To be continued...Chapter 4 Those in Need


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