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Bleach Parody: Tier 1

Chap 7 https://www.patreon.com/posts/20081526

Chapter 8 The Invitation

A week had passed since Grimmjow had become Ichigo’s pet, and things were pretty fucking sweet as far as Grimmjow was concerned. Ichigo was indeed a natural, and each encounter they shared only seemed to make him better.  

It seemed the boy was letting himself go bit by bit. It was cute when he got all flustered and apologized after, only for Grimmjow to show him just how not sorry he needed to be.  

Ichigo didn’t keep him caged all week, only three days, best orgasm ever though. Ichigo helped milk him, going as far as to give him a prostate massage.  

Grimmjow couldn’t get enough of Ichigo’s sexual stamina, the boy was like an energizer bunny, he kept going and going and going. He was pulling out all the stops, every skill he’s learned while being a pet and being trained he pulled out to drive Ichigo wild.  

The boy took the pleasure and dished it back ten fold. Serving Ichigo felt so damn good. Sucking his dick in the morning, in the shower, at lunch, on dates, and before bed, and that was just the treat of for the mouth. Ichigo was giving his ass a proper pounding, at least twice a day. It was good to be stuffed with cum day in and out with a toy keeping his ass stretched and his insides stuffed.  

They were getting a good rhythm in the bedroom, Ichigo was even opening up and asking for new stuff. He was so damn cute about it to. “Grimmjow, could I umm...” he couldn’t meet his gaze, a hot blush on his cheeks.   

“What is it master?” he purred, sending shivers up the orangette’s spine.  

“Could I spank you?” he asked, the look on Grimmjow’s face was priceless. His smile would make the Cheshire Cat jealous.  

“With pleasure master!” he laid across the boy’s naked lap equally naked, his plump ass for his mercy, his excitement pressed against the boy’s leg. Ichigo’s own excitement pressing against his rock hard stomach.  

“Can you keep your voice down?” he fondled Grimmjow’s ass.  

“I don’t think I can, you’ll have to gag me.” Grimmjow was possibly trembling with excitement. Ichigo got the gag, and the safety ball. The pet was gagged and he was so damn wet. The safety ball was put in his hand and he held it tight.  

A safety ball was a tool in such play, used for when verbal safe words weren’t possible due to gags and the like. All he had to do was drop the ball and that was the safety signal. Like hell he was gonna drop the ball by accident, and end this too soon.  

Smack “Aghhhgghh!” A muffled moan escaped Grimmjow as Ichigo smacked his ass. His hand came across both cheeks with such force it made his skin ripple and he felt a tremor race through his channel.

Ichigo stopped at the noise. “Should I stop, is it too much?” Grimmjow shook his head vigorously. ‘Hell no!’ he thinks.  

The master carried on, spanking Grimmjow’s ass turning the toned cheeks a lovely shade of red. ‘Fuck fuck fuck, yes spank me master, fuck my ass stings so good!’ each swat had his insides twitching and tingly. He almost wished Ichigo had put a vibe in him first.  

Every three swats across both cheeks Ichigo took a pause to give attention to each individual cheek. Caressing each cheek before giving it two swats before doing the same to the other, and then back to swatting both cheeks. Grimmjow knew several pets with a spank fetish that would have creamed themselves so hard from Ichigo’s technique.  

Not him though, he was in it for the long haul, but he was weeping up a storm. It was a good thing he was gagged there was no way he could hold back his moans from this. Once Ichigo stopped his spanking, Grimmjow was ready to blow all it took was for his master to pull his dick between his legs and give a few pumps and Grimmjow came all over Ichigo’s floor.  

The game wasn’t over yet either as Ichigo was still hard and Grimmjow needed to take care of that, so Ichigo fucked him soon after, his pelvis colliding into his sore ass creating beautiful explosions of pleasure. The bluenette pet stayed gagged through the whole thing not dropping the ball or wanting it to end.  

Seems Ichigo got frisky spanking his partner, the sex after was so hot and intense. Grinding his pelvis into his reddened cheeks, digging every inch inside him. He was getting fucked so hard, so good! If his ass could take it he’d have Ichigo spank him every day, if this was the reaction.  


Grimmjow was having a good sync not just in the bedroom with Ichigo. He joined him in family meals, and sit downs with the family. He even got his ass kicked in video games against Karin. He also helped in the kitchen with Masaki and Yuzu.  

“You are surprising good cook Grimmjow-kun.” Masaki says.  

“Thanks, I’ve had to pick up a thing or two.”  

“Wow you are almost as good a Ichi-ni!” Yuzu says.  

“Really, berry can cook?” he smirked.  

“You bet, Ichi learned to help out, to give mama a break. He made our lunches for us and made us breakfast to.”  

“That so, and I bet you learned to give your big brother a break.” Yuzu blushed. “I wonder though, what do I have to do to have the great Kurosaki cook something for me?” he asked as Ichigo sat down at the dinner table.  

“Shut it!” he grumbles, earning chuckles from the girls in the kitchen. Grimmjow was sure he could persuade his master took cook him something special.  

Grimmjow was enjoying this time with the orangette, and he didn’t want to ruin it with anything. “Oi Grimmjow, you got a letter.” Karin says, bringing in the mail. It was a red letter with a strange seal on it.  

‘A letter?’ Ichigo raised a brow. “You had your mail forwarded here?” A mild worry of Grimmjow ordering sex toys and having them delivered to the house crossed his mind.  

“No, I had my mail sent to a box that I can pick up at my leisure, barely get mail anyway. The only ones who know I’m here are...” Grimmjow stopped himself. “It’s nothing to worry about.”

Ichigo knew better, he had to register where he’d be staying at in the contract so the ones who knew he was here are the pet club. Grimmjow went to their room, and Ichigo followed after.  

The bluenette opened the letter and quickly threw it away. “What’s up?”  

“It’s nothing, honest its just some dumb invitation.” Grimmjow got on his bed.  

“An invitation to what?” Ichigo fished the letter out. “This is from the pet group right?”  

“Yeah, there’s clubs all over town but my main stomping grounds is near here.” he says. “They send those out to every new pet contract, a sort of meet and greets between masters and their pets, and often serves as a way to help contractless pets to perform and try to find new masters.”  

“So you haven’t been in awhile, huh?” he looked over the letter.   

“Ichi...its fine I know the deal this is private just between us and I like this what we have going. Its going good, yeah?” he gets out of bed and goes over hugging him.  

“Yeah, its been amazing, actually.” Grimmjow kissed his neck liking the sound of that. “I uh...I wanna go...”

“Really?” he asked, trying not to sound too excited. His end goal was to hopefully be Ichigo’s full time pet, which meant doing this eventually.  

“Yeah, Grimmjow you’ve been right I have been holding myself back, and trying things with you has been great.” Grimmjow was happy to hear that. “I haven’t exactly wanted to try and put myself out there.” He read over the letter. “It seems to be something like a party, right?”  

“Yeah a party for the local masters and pets, but are you sure you wanna go?” It would be a big deal, while there were strict confidentiality agreements, Ichigo might be in for some surprises if he went.  

“Yeah, it sounds interesting, even a little exciting. Do you wanna go?”  

“I’ll go anywhere with you master,” he says. “It would be an honor to be with you at a party.”  

“I don’t have to share you or anything right?” Ichigo asked.  

“Aww feeling possessive of me master!” he licked Ichigo’s neck.  

“Aaand you ruined it, perverted cat.”  

“Meow,” he says before nibbling his neck. “To answer your question, some masters like to share, and even show off the skills of their pet. It’s all consent based, and rarely anything goes beyond blow jobs.” he explained. He explained the difference between a party and a show. A party existed as a meet and greet compared to a show where pets would perform together or solo or with their masters for money. ‘A party would be a great foot in the door.’

“And you said pets are gonna perform?”  

“Ohh yes, partially to excite the masters, to give the pets a chance to service them, but pets perform in hopes of getting a master’s eye and landing a contract. There’s usually a few headliners, and a toy demonstration, then masters and pets get to leave with a few samples, you can get more if you agree to your pet performing.”  

“Sounds like a really perverted convention.”  

“Oh it is, still wanna go?”

“Yeah, lets give this a try and if I don’t like it we don’t have to go again right?”  

“Right,” he says but he was hoping beyond hope Ichigo would like it. If he liked shows and the parties it’d be a large boost to his chances of keeping Ichigo as his master.  

To be continued...Chap 9 Party Surprises


Damion Andrew

Oh Boy its getting good. You teased Kenpachi before, I bet he's going to be at the party. *gasp* I wonder what he'll do to Ichigo XD